John Haldon [14]J. F. Haldon [1]J. Haldon [1]
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    Theories of Practice: Marxist History-Writing and Complexity.John Haldon - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (4):36-70.
    Jairus Banaji’s collection of essays is a stimulating and provocative assessment of recent Marxist history-writing on issues of social theory and historical development in both ancient as well as modern societies. It challenges the overly simplistic application of Marx’s categories of analysis, arguing for both complexity and a clearer theorisation of fundamental terminology and analytical tropes, including labour-process and mode of production. This review article suggests that, while the basic arguments represent a welcome corrective to some Marxist historical work, and (...)
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    Framing transformation, transforming the framework.John Haldon - 2008 - Millennium 5 (1):327-352.
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    A New Edition of the De cerimoniis: No Longer a ‘geteiltes Dossier’?John Haldon - 2021 - Millennium 18 (1):389-404.
    This review article presents a brief survey of the new critical edition, translation and commentary of the important tenth-century Byzantine imperial treatise known as the De cerimoniis aulae byzantinae, a title ascribed to the text only in the 16th century. The edition offers an upto- date and highly accurate edition of the tenth century manuscripts through which the text has been transmitted and the detailed and rigorous commentary includes a complete historical and structural analysis of the two books into which (...)
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    Framing the Early Middle Ages.John Haldon - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):47-72.
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    Problems with periodisation?John Haldon - 2016 - Millennium 13 (1):37-40.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Millennium Jahrgang: 13 Heft: 1 Seiten: 37-40.
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    Three Byzantine Military Treatises. Text, Translation and Notes by G. T. Dennis.J. F. Haldon - 1988 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 81 (2).
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    The Paths of History, Igor M. Diakonoff.John Haldon - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (2):169-201.
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    Demystifying Collapse: Climate, environment, and social agency in pre-modern societies.B. L. Turner, Jason Nesbitt, Lee Mordechai, Guy Middleton, Francis Ludlow, Adam Izdebski, Martin Medina-Elizalde, Warren Eastwood, Arlen F. Chase & John Haldon - 2020 - Millennium 17 (1):1-33.
    Collapse is a term that has attracted much attention in social science literature in recent years, but there remain substantial areas of disagreement about how it should be understood in historical contexts. More specifically, the use of the term collapse often merely serves to dramatize long-past events, to push human actors into the background, and to mystify the past intellectually. At the same time, since human societies are complex systems, the alternative involves grasping the challenges that a holistic analysis presents, (...)
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    Judith Herrin, Margins and Metropolis: Authority across the Byzantine Empire. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. Pp. xxiv, 365; black-and-white figures and 1 table. $39.50. ISBN: 9780691153018. [REVIEW]John Haldon - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):204-205.
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    Jonathan Shea, Politics and Government in Byzantium: The Rise and Fall of the Bureaucrats. (New Directions in Byzantine Studies.) London: I. B. Tauris, 2020. Pp. xiii, 258; color and black-and-white figures. $115. ISBN: 978-0-7556-0193-6. [REVIEW]John Haldon - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):568-570.
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    Medieval civilization 400–1500 Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow , xx + 393 pp., £19.95. [REVIEW]John Haldon - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (2):286-287.
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    Wolfram Brandes, Finanzverwaltung in Krisenzeiten. Untersuchungen zur byzantinischen Administration im 6.-9. Jahrhundert. [Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte, 25.]. [REVIEW]John Haldon - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):717-728.
    The history of the transformation of late Roman fiscal administrative structures into those of the middle Byzantine period have been at the centre of discussions of the nature of the Byzantine state for over a century, and not simply because they were fundamental to the ways in which late Roman and early Byzantine government could function. For the fiscal administration of the empire reflected both the social structure of the society in which the state was rooted as well as the (...)
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