  1. Just Ecological Integrity: The Ethics of Maintaining Planetary Life.Steven C. Rockefeller, Ana Isla, Terisa E. Turner, Paul T. Durbin, Eunice Blavascumas, Sonia Ftacnikova, Luis Alberto Camargo, Vicky Castillo, Garrick E. Louiis, Luna M. Magpili, Janos I. Toth, William E. Rees, Don Brown, Patricia H. Werhane, Mary A. Hamilton & Imre Lazar - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Just Ecological Integrity presents a collection of revised and expanded essays originating from the international conference "Connecting Environmental Ethics, Ecological Integrity, and Health in the New Millennium" held in San Jose, Costa Rica in June 2000. It is a cooperative venture of the Global Ecological Integrity Project and the Earth Charter Initiative.
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    Gene Manipulation: Market and Expert Failures.János I. Tóth - 2000 - Global Bioethics 13 (3-4):79-86.
    Gene-technology was developed in the eighties and stimulated an overmuch heated social debate. Let's think such problems as cloning, transgenic organisms, Human Genom Project, DNA diagnostics and therapy, the geneticalisation of society etc. While the gene manipulation develops rapidly the necessary social control is missing. Regarding the social co-ordination of gene technology, the decision-makers still excessively trust in the institution of market and in the experts' competence.
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    Natural resources, sustaining capacity and technologic development.Janos I. Töth - 1999 - Global Bioethics 12 (1-4):99-105.
    Modem economics relied on the false presupposition that natural resources are free goods. It gave rise to exaggerated expectations on the side of economists concerning the possibilities of economic growth. I try to interpret the terms of natural resources, sustaining capacity, production from a human-ecological platform. The quantity of natural resources may vary within a large spectrum between absolute abundance and total exhaustion. The support capacity can be raised in different ways. Extensive growth is wrong while technological development is a (...)
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