Results for 'Islamic renewal '

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    Preaching Islamic Renewal: Religious Authority and Media in Contemporary Egypt.Joel Gordon - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):191-193.
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    Charismatic Political Leadership and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Malaysia: Power, Control, Stability and Defence.Suleyman Temiz & Arshad Islam - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):475-505.
    Prior to his renewed incumbency, as the fourth Prime Minister ofMalaysia, Mahathir Mohamad was able to remain in power for amore prolonged period compared to his predecessors. He was actively involvedin galvanizing political action immediately after the independence of Malaysiaand did not abandon active politics until his 2003 resignation. Under Mahathir’sleadership and guidance, Malaysia made remarkable economic and politicalprogress. He oversaw many innovations in the fledgling democracy and wasable to develop the country due to his exceptional leadership qualities. His styleand (...)
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    Islamic thought and movement in the subcontinent: a study of Sayyid Abu A'la Mawdudi and Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi.Sheikh Jameil Ali - 2010 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Syed Abul Aʻla Maudoodi, 1903-1979, founder of Jamaat-e Islami, religio-political party of Pakistan and Abulḥasan 'Alī, Nadvī, b. 1913-1999, Islamic scholar.
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  4. Ahmed El Khamlichi's views for Islamic juridical renewal.Ibrahim Bouhaouliane - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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    L'autre islam: lumières, liberté et critique.Abdessamad Belhaj - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'islam des Lumières a-t-il un avenir? Peut-on parier sur un autre islam structuré par une pensée libérale, rationnelle et critique? Cet ouvrage s'interroge sur les ressources et les limites de la pensée éclairée en islam, aussi bien en Occident que dans le monde majoritairement musulman. Malgré des difficultés majeures au niveau de la pensée religieuse et de l'action, l'islam des Lumières pose des défis sérieux à l'islam traditionniste et politique dominant dans les sociétés musulmanes aujourd'hui.
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    Manābiʻ al-tajdīd fī al-fikr al-Islāmī =.Muḥammad Sharīf Aḥmad - 2021 - Irbīl: Maktab al-Tafsīr lil-Ṭabʻ wa-al-Nashr.
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  7. Islamic medical ethics: A Primer.Aasim I. Padela - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (3):169–178.
    ABSTRACTModern medical practice is becoming increasingly pluralistic and diverse. Hence, cultural competency and awareness are given more focus in physician training seminars and within medical school curricula. A renewed interest in describing the varied ethical constructs of specific populations has taken place within medical literature. This paper aims to provide an overview of Islamic Medical Ethics. Beginning with a definition of Islamic Medical Ethics, the reader will be introduced to the scope of Islamic Medical Ethics literature, from (...)
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    Renewal of ‘Ilm Al-Kalām in the Contemporary Era.Wilda Rochman Hakim & Shofiyullah Muzammil - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):353-370.
    Many assumptions believe that classical Islamic theology is no longer relevant in the contemporary era, either because its discussion tends to be theocentric and far from the progress of humanism or because it is considered no longer relevant to answer contemporary issues such as secularism, pluralism, globalization, or neo-atheism. Departing from these problems, efforts have emerged for new readings of classical theology by paying more attention to the context and needs of the times. Among these efforts is the (...) of theology by highlighting its methodological aspects, as was done by a contemporary Moroccan theologian and philosopher, Ṭahā ‘Abdurraḥmān. This study attempts to describe and analyze the style of renewal of theology from the perspective of Ṭahā ‘Abdurraḥmān. This research is a character study using qualitative methods, in which the existing data is analyzed critically. This article shows that Ṭahā ‘Abdurraḥmān’s style of renewal of ‘ilm al-kalām focuses on efforts to reform the methodology of classical kalam by reforming the method of dialogue science (munaẓarah) through contemporary linguistic and logical tools, rearranging analogy patterns (qiyas), and building a logic of kalam based on the principle’s logic and morality as well as the amalgamation of theoretical aspect and practical aspect. The significance of Ṭahā ‘Abdurraḥmān’s renewal in contemporary Islamic theology lies in the theorizing of concepts in classical theology with a contemporary approach as well as the construction of the methodology of contemporary Islamic theology to answer ever-evolving theological issues. (shrink)
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  9. Islamic Thought: An Introduction.Abdullah Saeed - 2006 - Routledge.
    _Islamic Thought_ is a fresh and contemporary introduction to the philosophies and doctrines of Islam. Abdullah Saeed, a distinguished Muslim scholar, traces the development of religious knowledge in Islam, from the pre-modern to the modern period. The book focuses on Muslim thought, as well as the development, production and transmission of religious knowledge, and the trends, schools and movements that have contributed to the production of this knowledge. Key topics in Islamic culture are explored, including the development of the (...)
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    Postcolonialism and Islam: theory, literature, culture, society and film.Geoffrey Nash, Kathleen Kerr-Koch & Sarah E. Hackett (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    With a focus on the areas of theory, literature, culture, society and film, this collection of essays examines, questions and broadens the applicability of Postcolonialism and Islam from a multifaceted and cross-disciplinary perspective.Topics covered include the relationship between Postcolonialism and Orientalism, theoretical perspectives on Postcolonialism and Islam, the position of Islam within postcolonial literature, Muslim identity in British and European contexts, and the role of Islam in colonial and postcolonial cinema in Egypt and India. At a time at which Islam (...)
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    Quand l'islam s'éveillera.Mohammed Arkoun - 2018 - [Paris]: Albin Michel.
    Savant à la pensée profonde, Mohammed Arkoun (1928-2010) était également un intellectuel engagé. Son analyse serrée des processus à l'oeuvre dans l'islam d'hier était indissociable de ses appels répétés à une réforme des sociétés islamiques contemporaines. Il n'a cessé de porter ce message dans les divers colloques où il était convié, y compris là où l'on ne s'attendrait guère à croiser un islamologue : à un congrès de psychanalystes lacaniens, dans des conférences sur la condition féminine... Il avait choisi de (...)
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    Reform of Islam: forty theses for an Islamic ethics in the 21st century.Abdel-Hakim Ourghi - 2019 - Berlin: Gerlach Press. Edited by George Stergios.
    Abdel-Hakim Ourghi's Reform of Islam is an open indictment of prevailing conservative Islam which insists on the absolute subjugation of the body and mind of all Muslims. The author seeks a humanist understanding of Islam and aims to interpret Islam in today's terms. He argues against the historical alienation and transfiguration that still shape the collective consciousness of Muslims in the 21st Century. Using critical analysis and logic, the author aims to reveal the true core of Islam. His 40 Theses (...)
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    Islam and the Spirits of Capitalism: Competing Articulations of the Islamic Economy.Aisalkyn Botoeva - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (2):235-264.
    Why has the Islamic economy, as a model of socioeconomic development, gained traction as a viable option? The existing literature suggests that the Islamic economy has been popularized by a combination of factors, including anticolonial movements, a global renewal of religiosity, and the activities of new social strata who merge piety with capitalist orientations. These approaches, however, tend to homogenize social actors, subsuming them under the overarching label of Islamism. In contrast, this article employs the lens of (...)
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    Islamic Ethics As Alternative Epistemology In Intercultural Education: Educators’ Situated Knowledges.Hamza R’Boul, Osman Z. Barnawi & Benachour Saidi - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (2):199-217.
    This paper explores the epistemological affordances of Islamic ethics as alternative knowledge within intercultural education. Despite the calls for epistemological plurality in intercultural education that centre epistemologies of the South, educators may find it hard to reaffirm their situated knowledges and practices because they may have been overwhelmed by the wide endorsements of the mainstream literature. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 25 EFL teachers, this study aims to (a) unpack educators’ perspectives around the adoption of alternative knowledges anchored in (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy.Khaled El-Rouayheb & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    The study of Islamic philosophy has entered a new and exciting phase in the last few years. Both the received canon of Islamic philosophers and the narrative of the course of Islamic philosophy are in the process of being radically questioned and revised. Most twentieth-century Western scholarship on Arabic or Islamic philosophy has focused on the period from the ninth century to the twelfth. It is a measure of the transformation that is currently underway in the (...)
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    Reform and modernity in Islam: the philosophical, cultural and political discourses among Muslim reformers.Safdar Ahmed - 2013 - New York: distributed in the United States and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan.
    Ahmed uncovers new historiographical perspectives by critically examining the work of prominent intellectuals, such as Muhammad Abduh, Qasim Amin and Abdul A'la Maududi.
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    Muhammadiyah’s Manhaj Tarjih: An evolution of a modernist approach to Islamic jurisprudence in Indonesia.Ahwan Fanani, Achmad I. Hamzani, Nur Khasanah & Aji Sofanudin - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This study uses a literature study of examining the Tarjih Council of Muhammadiyah, the second largest Islamic organisation in Indonesia. Criticism is directed towards manhaj’s principle which states that any classical Islamic school of law should not be embraced and, thus, breaks up from the chain of Islamic intellectuality. The critics, however, fail to cover the very idea of Muhammadiyah as an embodiment of the Islamic renewal vision. The article aims to reveal the evolution of (...)
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    al-Islām: iṣlāḥ al-ḥadāthah wa-al-ḥadāthah al-buʻdīyah min al-fikr al-mādī ilá al-fikr al-tawḥīdī.Muḥammad Majdhūb Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ - 2014 - [al-Kharṭūm]: [M. M. Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ].
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    Social morality in Islam: an introductory guide for young readers.Asim Sark - 2015 - New Jersey: Tughra Books. Edited by Erhan Yükselci.
    A believer reads to retain his liveliness. The readings will be constant and regular. For those who share the same goals, coming together and discussing books will increase the benefits. Those people who renew themselves and strengthen their faith within the written word will be firmer in their resistance against withering.Reading works that will make one closer to Allah the Almighty is praiseworthy. Even more commendable is to take one s reading beyond theory by seeking ways to bring one s (...)
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    The reformers of Islam.Amna Afreen - 2013 - Karachi: Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi.
    Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan -- Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal -- Dr. Fazlur Rahman.
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  21. al-Fikr al-akhlāqī ʻinda al-Afghānī wa-Muḥammad ʻAbduh: taḥlīl wa-muwāzanah.Hanāʼ Ṣābir Muḥammad Diyāb Ḥusayn - 2013 - al-Qāhirah: al-IFrīqīyah al-Dawlīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ (Ḥusayn Majdī Ṣāliḥ). Edited by Muḥammad al-Sayyid Jalaynad.
    Islamic renewal; Ethics, Comparative; Islamic ethics.
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    The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam.Sir Muhammad Iqbal - 1989 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by M. Saeed Sheikh.
    The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (1930) is Muhammad Iqbal's major philosophic work: a series of profound reflections on the perennial conflict among science, religion, and philosophy, culminating in new visions of the unity of human knowledge, of the human spirit, and of God. Iqbal's thought contributed significantly to the establishment of Pakistan, to the religious and political ideals of the Iranian Revolution, and to the survival of Muslim identity in parts of the former USSR. It now serves as (...)
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  23. Balancing Ethical Responsibility among Multiple Organizational Stakeholders: The Islamic Perspective.Rafik I. Beekun & Jamal A. Badawi - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (2):131-145.
    In spite of a renewed interest in the relationship between spirituality and managerial thinking, the literature covering the link between Islam and management has been sparse – especially in the area of ethics. One potential reason may be the cultural diversity of nearly 1.3 billion Muslims globally. Yet, one common element binding Muslim individuals and countries is normative Islam. Using all four sources of this religion’s teachings, we outline the parameters of an Islamic model of normative business ethics. We (...)
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  24. Renewal and reformation in the mid-twentieth century : Bediuzzman said nursi and religion in the 1950's.John Obert Voll - 2005 - In Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir (eds.), Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
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    The religious vision of nature in the light of Laudato Si’: An interreligious reading between Islam and Christianity.Antonino Puglisi & Johan Buitendag - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):10.
    The environmental crisis is undoubtedly one of the most critical and urgent problems of our times. Many people are raising their voices in support of nature to build a better future for humanity and for our planet. In this article, the authors explore the specific contribution that Christianity and Islam can offer in this debate and how religions can help bring back into the ecological discourse the element of the sacred that abandoned the reflection about nature since the advent of (...)
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    Istirātījīyat al-bināʼ al-ḥaḍārī ʻinda Mālik ibn Nabī.Jīlālī Bū Bakr - 2011 - al-Muḥammadīyah, al-Jazāʼir: Dār Qurṭubah lil-Nashr al-Tawziʻ.
    Bennabi, Malek; Islamic civilization; Islamic renewal; philosophy.
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    The Creative Kingdom: Economic reform and art as a new space of Islamic critique in Saudi Arabia.Danijel Cubelic - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 27 (1):27-47.
    Whilst the field of contemporary art has been impeded until recently by Saudi Arabia’s blasphemy laws and heavy censorship, the last decade has seen a rapid growth of art networks and institutions. Incidents such as the conviction of internationally lauded artist and curator Ashraf Fayadh in 2015 on charges of apostasy show that Islamic authorities still claim to define what is acceptable and not acceptable in the field of cultural production, but several renowned Saudi artists have started to question (...)
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    Thinking with Rosa: assent in philosophy of the Islamic world.Peter Adamson - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):647-665.
    In Thinking with Assent: Renewing a Traditional Account of Knowledge and Belief, Maria Rosa Antognazza offers a historical narrative of pre-modern epistemology. She argues that until very recently, philosophers generally held that “knowing and believing are distinct in kind in the strong sense that they are mutually exclusive mental states”. This paper tests, and ultimately confirms, that account by applying it two thinkers of the Islamic world, al-Fārābī (d.950 CE) and Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna, d.1037 CE). It is shown that (...)
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    Organ Donation and Transplantation and Their Ethics in the Light of Islamic Shariah.Fazal Fazli & Toryalai Hemat - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (1):56-63.
    Purpose: Organ donation and transplantation are practices that are supported by all of the world's major religions, including Sikhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Judaism. Recent developments in the fields of organ donation and organ transplantation have sparked a renewed sense of optimism for the treatment of critical illnesses. The jurists permitted organ transplants on the basis of certain principles, including ownership and categories of property. On the other hand, moralists strive to deny the ownership of human organs by using principles such (...)
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    The Ideology of Reform and Historical Criticism Between Secular Islamic Thought and Fundamentalist Islamic Thought (Ahmad Amin, and Sayyid Qutb) Model.Mohamed Elnakep, Paolo Branca & Shalabi Elgeidi - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):89-96.
    Reform is a call for renewal and modernity, therefore. Much study and refutation were attributed to it, in comparison with others, it always needs to be set and defined, that’s not for its difficulty but it’s connected to its concept with the ideologies of its advocates and their projection of its connotations and meanings on the contents of their projects and visions. For this reason, reform advocates had a dilemma in defining this concept accurately. This dilemma has dimensions that (...)
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  31. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam.Mohammed Iqbal - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:407.
    _The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam_ is Muhammad Iqbal's major philosophic work: a series of profound reflections on the perennial conflict among science, religion, and philosophy, culminating in new visions of the unity of human knowledge, of the human spirit, and of God. Iqbal's thought contributed significantly to the establishment of Pakistan, to the religious and political ideals of the Iranian Revolution, and to the survival of Muslim identity in parts of the former USSR. It now serves as new (...)
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    Family Security is a Legitimate Purpose to Achieve Human Security Spoken Legal Texts and Witnessing Human Studies- A Legal Scientific Study in the Light of the Purposes of Islamic Law.Abdulmalek Hussein Ali Altaj - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:453-469.
    Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and companions, and after: This research tagged with: "Family security is a legitimate purpose to achieve human security" aims to show the importance of family security, and how the Sharia paid great attention to it, and stressed the need to maintain it in all psychological, health, physical, economic and moral fields as the family is the first basic social unit and nucleus, which is (...)
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  33. Rethinking contemporary schooling in Muslim contexts: An Islamic conceptual framework for reconstructing K-12 education.Farah Ahmed & Safaruk Chowdhury - 2025 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 57 (2):152-165.
    This paper presents a conceptual framework drawn from philosophies of education underpinned by an Islamic worldview. The framework offers an interconnecting network of Islamic educational concepts that can be used by contemporary educators in Muslim contexts think through how they might reconstruct preK-12 education in a more authentic and culturally coherent manner for their communities. This work of reconstruction and renewal is needed to decolonise schooling in Muslim contexts and offers scope for intercultural pedagogical discourse amongst philosophers (...)
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    The labyrinth of philosophy in Islam.Nader El-Bizri - 2010 - Comparative Philosophy 1 (2):3-23.
    This paper focuses on the methodological issues related to the obstacles and potential horizons of approaching the philosophical traditions in Islam from the standpoint of comparative studies in philosophy, while also presenting selected case-studies that may potentially illustrate some of the possibilities of renewing the impetus of a philosophical thought that is inspired by Islamic intellectual history. This line of inquiry is divided into two parts: the first deals with questions of methodology, and the second focuses on ontology and (...)
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    Jesus and jihad: reclaiming the prophetic heart of Christianity and Islam.Robert F. Shedinger - 2015 - Eugene, OR: Cascade Books.
    Few words inspire more fear in Americans these days than jihad. Its mere utterance conjures up images of car bombs exploding in crowded mrkets; Boeing 737s crashing into tall buildings; and flag-burning, gun-toting bearded Arab men shouting, "allahu akbar" and "Death to America!" But what if all our stereotypical images of jihad are wrong, and when rightly understood, jihad turns out to be the perfect lens through which to understand the life and mission of Jesus? Jesus and Jihad argues that (...)
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    God Under All: Divine Simplicity, Omni-Parthood, and the Problem of Principality in Islamic Philosophy.Joshua Kelleher - 2022 - Essays in Philosophy.
    In this paper, I defend an unconventional mereological framework involving the doctrine of divine simplicity, to surmount a significant yet neglected dilemma resulting from that long-standing view of God as absolutely, and uniquely, simple. This framework establishes God as literally a part of everything—an “omni-part.” Although consequential for the many prominent religious traditions featuring divine simplicity, my analysis focuses on potential implications for an important formative issue in medieval Islamic philosophy. This problem of principality, with regards to metaphysical primacy (...)
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  37. Ālīyāt al-istidlāl fī al-fikr al-Islāmī al-wasīṭ.Saʻīd Būsklāwī & Tawfīq Fāʼizī (eds.) - 2013 - Wajdah: Markaz al-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Insānīyah wa-al-Ijtimāʻīyah.
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  38. Qaḍīyat al-tanwīr fī al-ʻālam al-Islāmī.Muḥammad Quṭb - 1999 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Shurūq.
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    al-Imām Saʻīd al-Nūrsī wa-qaḍāyā al-tajdīd: dirāsah fī al-fikr al-Islāmī al-muʻāṣir.Muḥammad Zawī - 2021 - ʻAmmān: Rikāz lil-Nāshr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  40. Amīn al-Khūlī-- wa-al-abʻād al-falsafīyah lil-tajdīd.Yumná Ṭarīf Khūlī - 2000 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Maʻārif.
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  41. Teologii︠a︡ obnovlenii︠a︡: islamskiĭ neomodernizm i problema tradit︠s︡ii.D. V. Mukhetdinov - 2023 - Moskva: Medina.
    Obnovlenie i dinamika istoricheskoĭ tradit︠s︡ii -- Neomodernistskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ Fazlura Rakhmana -- Kritika islamskogo razuma : proekt Mukhammada Arkuna -- Teoreticheskai︠a︡ sistema Mukhammada Shakhrura -- Gumanisticheskai︠a︡ germenevtika Nasra Khamida Abu Zaĭda -- Programma obnovlenii︠a︡.
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    Rūḥ al-faylasūf al-mujaddid.Yūsuf Zāhirī - 2015 - [Rabat?]: Yūsuf al-Zāhirī.
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    Ḍawābiṭ al-tajdīd fī al-fikr al-Islāmī: bayna al-aṣālah wa-al-muʻāṣarah.Aḥmad Qandīl - 2022 - al-Manṣūrah, Miṣr: Dār al-Luʼluʼah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  44. Naḥwa fahm muʻāṣir lil-ijtihād: ḥiwārāt fī al-ijtihād wa-imkānīyāt al-tajdīd.Zaynab Ibrāhīm Shūrbā, Shams al-Dīn & Muḥammad Mahdī (eds.) - 2004 - [Baghdād]: Markaz Dirāsāt Falsafat al-Dīn fī Baghdād.
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    Fiqh al-iṣlāḥ bayna al-tarbiyah wa-al-siyāsah: Ibn al-ʻArabī wa-Ibn Tūmart namūdhajan.ʻAbd al-Majīd Najjār - 1997 - [Rabat?]: ʻʻU. al-Najjār.
    Islamic education; Islam and politics; Morocco; Ibn al-ʻArabī; Muḥammad ibn Tūmart; comparative study.
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    al-Fikr al-tanwīrī ʻinda Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd: wa-dawrihi fī tajdīd al-khiṭāb al-dīnī.Ḥaydar ʻAbd al-Sādah Jūdah - 2020 - al-Qāhirah: Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Azmat al-fikr al-Islāmī al-ḥadīth.Muḥammad ʻImārah - 1998 - Dimashq: Dār al-Fikr.
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    al-Badāhāt al-zāʼifah fī al-fikr al-Islāmī.‏شرفي، عبد المجيد - 2022 - Bayrūt: Muʼassasat al-Intishār al-ʻArabī.
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    Ruʼá fī islāmīyat al-maʻrifah.Ṭāriq Bishrī, Muḥammad ʻImārah, Saʻīd Ismāʻīl ʻAlī, Nādiyah Maḥmūd Muṣṭafá, Ibrāhīm al-Bayyūmī Ghānim, al-Sayyid ʻUmar, Rifʻat al-Sayyid ʻAwaḍī & ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Naqīb (eds.) - 2020 - Madīnat Naṣr, al-Qāhirah: Dạr al-Fikr al-ʻArabī.
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  50. Qirāʼāt fikrīyah siyāsīyah.Hāshim Niʻmah Fayyāḍ - 2022 - Baghdād: Ahwār lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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