Results for 'Irene Leser'

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  1.  27
    Das Bild: Theorie - Geschichte - Praxis.Matthias Bruhn - 2009 - Akademie Verlag.
    Wissen erzeugen, reflektieren und Verstehen fördern – Bilder haben vielfältige Funktionen. Ihr informativer Wert ist stark gewachsen, bildliche Kommunikation ist in Kunst, Unterhaltung oder Werbung ebenso relevant wie in den Naturwissenschaften oder der Philosophie. Das Studienbuch „Das Bild“ diskutiert die Fragen, was ein Bild ist, wie es verstanden, betrachtet oder erforscht werden kann, aber auch, welche politischen und ökonomischen Implikationen mit ihm verbunden sein können. Begrifflichkeiten und Betrachtungsweisen – Themen und Perspektiven Geschichte der Bildmedien und Bildfunktionen Bildforschung zwischen Hochkunst und (...)
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    Concept determination of human dignity.Margareta Edlund, Lillemor Lindwall, Iréne von Post & Unni Lindström - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):851-860.
    This study presents findings from an ontological and contextual determination of the concept of dignity. The study had a caritative and caring science perspective and a hermeneutical design. The aim of this study was to increase caring science knowledge of dignity and to gain a determination of dignity as a concept. Eriksson’s model for conceptual determination is made up of five part-studies. The ontological and contextual determination indicates that dignity can be understood as absolute dignity, the spiritual dimension characterized by (...)
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    Concept determination of human dignity.Margareta Edlund, Lillemor Lindwall, Iréne von Post & Unni Å Lindström - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):851-860.
    This study presents findings from an ontological and contextual determination of the concept of dignity. The study had a caritative and caring science perspective and a hermeneutical design. The aim of this study was to increase caring science knowledge of dignity and to gain a determination of dignity as a concept. Eriksson’s model for conceptual determination is made up of five part-studies. The ontological and contextual determination indicates that dignity can be understood as absolute dignity, the spiritual dimension characterized by (...)
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    Concept determination of human dignity.Margareta Edlund, Lillemor Lindwall, Iréne von Post & Unni Å Lindström - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):851-860.
    This study presents findings from an ontological and contextual determination of the concept of dignity. The study had a caritative and caring science perspective and a hermeneutical design. The aim of this study was to increase caring science knowledge of dignity and to gain a determination of dignity as a concept. Eriksson’s model for conceptual determination is made up of five part-studies. The ontological and contextual determination indicates that dignity can be understood as absolute dignity, the spiritual dimension characterized by (...)
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    Toward Collaborative Cross-Sector Business Models for Sustainability.Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen, Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Irene Henriques & M. May Seitanidi - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (5):1039-1058.
    Sustainability challenges typically occur across sectoral boundaries, calling the state, market, and civil society to action. Although consensus exists on the merits of cross-sector collaboration, our understanding of whether and how it can create value for various, collaborating stakeholders is still limited. This special issue focuses on how new combined knowledge on cross-sector collaboration and business models for sustainability can inform the academic and practitioner debates about sustainability challenges and solutions. We discuss how cross-sector collaboration can play an important role (...)
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    Examining Love as a Central Ethic of Leadership: a Kierkegaardian and Feminist Reading.Edward Wray-Bliss & Irene E. de Pater - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-12.
    This paper examines love as a concept for advancing our understanding of the ethics of leadership. We draw upon writings that consider love to be at the heart of modern subjects’ search for meaning and affective attachment to organisation – necessitating, we argue, an exploration of leadership too in these terms. Existing works on leaders’ supposed love for those they lead are considered. These serve as a springboard from which to undertake a philosophical examination of two dominant formulations of an (...)
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    Application of Supervised Machine Learning for Behavioral Biomarkers of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Electrodermal Activity and Virtual Reality.Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Javier Marín-Morales, Juan L. Higuera-Trujillo, Elena Olmos, Maria E. Minissi, Gonzalo Teruel Garcia, Marian Sirera & Luis Abad - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  8.  26
    Beauty and Uncertainty as Transformative Factors: A Free Energy Principle Account of Aesthetic Diagnosis and Intervention in Gestalt Psychotherapy.Pietro Sarasso, Gianni Francesetti, Jan Roubal, Michela Gecele, Irene Ronga, Marco Neppi-Modona & Katiuscia Sacco - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:906188.
    Drawing from field theory, Gestalt therapy conceives psychological suffering and psychotherapy as two intentional field phenomena, where unprocessed and chaotic experiences seek the opportunity to emerge and be assimilated through the contact between the patient and the therapist (i.e., the intentionality of contacting). This therapeutic approach is based on the therapist’s aesthetic experience of his/her embodied presence in the flow of the healing process because (1) the perception of beauty can provide the therapist with feedback on the assimilation of unprocessed (...)
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    Student nurses’ experiences of undignified caring in perioperative practice – Part II.Elin Willassen, Ann-Catrin Blomberg, Iréne von Post & Lillemor Lindwall - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (6):688-699.
    Background: In recent years, operating theatre nurse students’ education focused on ethics, basic values and protecting and promoting the patients' dignity in perioperative practice. Health professionals are frequently confronted with ethical issues that can impact on patient’s care during surgery. Objective: The objective of this study was to present what operating theatre nursing students perceived and interpreted as undignified caring in perioperative practice. Research design: The study has a descriptive design with a hermeneutic approach. Data were collected using Flanagan’s critical (...)
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  10.  37
    Is it a Small World After All? Investigating the Theoretical Structure of Working Memory Cross- Nationally.Tracy Packiam Alloway, Robert Moulder, John C. Horton, Aaron Leedy, Lisa M. D. Archibald, Debora Burin, Irene Injoque-Ricle, Maria Chiara Passolunghi & Flávia Heloísa Dos Santos - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (3-4):331-353.
    To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to test different theoretical models of working memory in childhood based on a computerized assessment. We tested this across several countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Italy, and UK. The present study addressed the wider macro-cultural context and how this impacts working memory. We used two economic indices to characterize the participating countries and ranked the countries based on the Global Index of Cognitive Skills and Educational Attainment. Children between 5 and 10 (...)
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    Routes to Multiple Equilibria for Mass-Action Kinetic Systems.Antonio A. Alonso, Irene Otero-Muras & Manuel Pájaro - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Remote teaching practices and learning support during COVID-19 lockdowns in Portugal: Were there changes across time?Diana Alves, Sofia Marques, Joana Cruz, Sofia Abreu Mendes & Irene Cadime - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic challenged countries, regions, schools, and individuals. School closures due to lockdowns forced changes in the teaching practices and the learning support provided to children at home. This study aimed to provide insights on the changes between the first and the second lockdowns in Portugal, concerning remote teaching practices and family support to children's education. A self-report questionnaire was filled by 144 parents of third grade students. The results show that, between the two lockdowns, there was a significant (...)
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  13.  45
    Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Santiago, Chile, 1978.Ayda I. Arruda, Rolando Chuaqui, Newton C. A. da Costa & Irene Mikenberg - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (1):180 - 190.
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    Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Santiago, Chile, 1978.Ayda I. Arruda, Rolando Chuaqui, Newto N. C. A. da Costa & Irene Mikenberg - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (1):180-190.
  15.  22
    Space of the cineclub of death to create mental health in the academic community.Janaina Luiza dos Santos, Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho, Alexandre Diniz Breder, Lilian Cláudia Ulian Junqueira, Benita Caetano Lima de Souza, Yasmin de Miranda Sant’ Ana Valle, Ana Claudia Moreira Monteiro & Irene Bulcão - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:300-312.
    La película es una expresión artística que permite a los estudiantes entrar en contacto con temas sensibles, como la muerte, el duelo y los cuidados paliativos. Este Proyecto de Extensión tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia de la comunidad académica de una Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro con el Cineclube da Morte. Su propuesta metodológica es producir procesos de aprendizaje con el propósito de difundir y dilucidar temas relacionados con la finitud humana y cualquier tema que permea la muerte (...)
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    Relato de experiência através de vivências profissionais e a inserção da espiritualidade nos cuidados paliativos.Janaina Luiza dos Santos, Alexandre Diniz Breder, Irene Bulcão, Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho, Lilian Claudia Ulian Junqueira, Ana Claudia Moreira Monteiro & Márcia Gomide da Silva Mello - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:307-319.
    A equipe da Enfermagem é privilegiada, pois, é o cuidador que permanece vinte e quatro horas na assistência direta do paciente, podendo ter uma visão ampliada da pessoa no processo do adoecimento, tendo a oportunidade de incorporar e desenvolver os princípios dos Cuidados Paliativos (CP). Na perspectiva holística da saúde a religião/religiosidade/espiritualidade é uma das possibilidades de cuidado e manejo, porém ainda muito negligenciada pelos profissionais da saúde, seja por desconhecimento ou preconceitos e tabus, mas que se torna essencial no (...)
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    Control of developmental networks by Rac/Rho small GTPases: How cytoskeletal changes during embryogenesis are orchestrated.Beatriz Sáenz-Narciso, Eva Gómez-Orte, Angelina Zheleva, Irene Gastaca & Juan Cabello - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1246-1254.
    Small GTPases in the Rho family act as major nodes with functions beyond cytoskeletal rearrangements shaping the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo during development. These small GTPases are key signal transducers that integrate diverse developmental signals to produce a coordinated response in the cell. In C. elegans, the best studied members of these highly conserved Rho family small GTPases, RHO‐1/RhoA, CED‐10/Rac, and CDC‐42, are crucial in several cellular processes dealing with cytoskeletal reorganization. In this review, we update the functions described for the (...)
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  18.  12
    Gender, Age, Hunger, and Body Mass Index as Factors Influencing Portion Size Estimation and Ideal Portion Sizes.Kalina Duszka, Markus Hechenberger, Irene Dolak, Deni Kobiljak & Jürgen König - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Portion sizes of meals have been becoming progressively larger which contributes to the onset of obesity. So far, little research has been done on the influence of body weight on portion size preferences. Therefore, we assessed whether Body Mass Index, as well as other selected factors, contribute to the estimation of food portions weight and the subjective perception of portion sizes. Through online questionnaires, the participants were asked to estimate the weight of pictured foods in the first study. In the (...)
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  19. Crítica de libros.Javier Echeverría, Belén Pérez, Irene Díaz García, Lucrecia Grundell & José Barrientos Rastrojo - 2013 - Isegoría 48:305-332.
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    CLASH's life history foundations.Willem E. Frankenhuis, Jesse Fenneman, Jean-Louis van Gelder & Irene Godoy - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Capacity of community advisory boards for effective engagement in clinical research: a mixed methods study.Joseph Ochieng, Winfred Badanga Nazziwa, Irene Seryazi Semakula, Fedress Kaliba, Collins Agaba, Mastula Nanfuka, Andrew Mijumbi & Levicatus Mugenyi - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundCommunity engagement is a key component in health research. One of the ways health researchers ensure community engagement is through Community Advisory Boards (CABs). The capacity of CABs to properly perform their role in clinical research has not been well described in many resource limited settings. In this study, we assessed the capacity of CABs for effective community engagement in Uganda.MethodsWe conducted a cross sectional study with mixed methods. We used structured questionnaires and key informant interviews (KII) to collect data (...)
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    Efficacy of Hypnosis-Based Treatment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Pilot Study.Arianna Palmieri, Johann Roland Kleinbub, Vincenzo Calvo, Gianni Sorarù, Irene Grasso, Irene Messina & Marco Sambin - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Time and the shared world: Heidegger on social relations.Irene McMullin - 2013 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: Time and the shared world -- The "subject" of inquiry -- Mineness and the practical first-person -- Being and otherness: Sartre's critique -- Heideggerian aprioricity and the categories of being -- The temporality of care -- Fursorge: acknowledging the other Dasein -- Authenticity, inauthenticity, and the extremes of Fursorge -- Conclusion.
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  24. La nature du totalitarisme, coll. « Bibliothèque philosophique ».Hannah Arendt & Michelle-irène B. de Launay - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (2):256-256.
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  25. Semantics in generative grammar.Irene Heim & Angelika Kratzer - 1998 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Angelika Kratzer.
    Written by two of the leading figures in the field, this is a lucid and systematic introduction to semantics as applied to transformational grammars of the ...
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    'Pencil,' 'Water,' 'Christianity': Digging into Externalist Semantic Theories.Irene Olivero - 2021 - In Giulia Angelini & Alessandro Esposito (eds.), Dieci anni di Universa, dieci anni di ricerca. pp. 225-272.
    ‘Pencil’, ‘Tiger’, ‘Christianity’. What kind of reference (if any) do these terms have? Do they have the same semantics? In his celebrated The Meaning of ‘Meaning’ (1975), Hilary Putnam suggests so when arguing that they have externalist semantics. However, this claim is highly controversial. A lengthy discussion has been going on the matter. So far, neither Putnam’s nor other defenses of Externalism proposed within this debate have actually succeeded in showing that the terms at stake (and their likes) are semantically (...)
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  27. Better off Without Parents? Refugee Children and Family Reunification: Norms and Ethical Concerns.Irene Olivero - 2024 - In Ellen Desmet, Milena Belloni, Dick Vanheule, Jinske Verhellen & Ayse Güdük (eds.), Family reunification in Europe: Exposing Inequalities. London: Routledge. pp. 119-135.
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  28. Some Initial Approaches to Environmental Philosophy in Argentina.Alicia Irene Bugallo & Maria Teresa La Valle - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):411-421.
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  29. Das pädagogische Problem in der Geistesgeschichte der Neuzeit.Hermann Leser - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:172-173.
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  30. Philosophical Topics.Irene McMullin & Karin Fry - 2011 - Philosophical Topics: Hannah Arendt 39 (2).
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    The Role of the Mass Media As Stakeholders In Conferring Corporate Legitimacy.Irène Perrin - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:467-469.
    This contribution provides theoretical insights into a planned dissertation project which discusses the mass media as a stakeholder of a company, suggesting that a complex understanding of the mass media, their public-sphere function and their mode of operation is crucial for analyzing the media’s role in conferring corporate legitimacy. Terms such as ‘corporate citizen’ or ‘stakeholder democracy’ or the notion of corporations as civil or political actors imply a link to the public sphere, which in modern democracies is primarily constituted (...)
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  32. Proclus, Eustrate de Nicee et leur reception aux XIIIe-XIVe siecles.Irene Zavattero - 2019 - In Dragos Calma (ed.), Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: Western scholarly networks and debates. Boston: Brill.
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  33. On the matter of the mind: the metaphysical basis of the expanded self.Irene Bloom - 1985 - In Donald J. Munro (ed.), Individualism and holism: studies in Confucian and Taoist values. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan. pp. 293--327.
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    NACHWEIS AUS RICHARD ANTHONY PROCTOR, UNSER STANDPUNKT IM WELTALL (1877): mitgeteilt von Irene Treccani.Irene Treccani - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):327-329.
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  35. Descartes eo Sonho.Irene Borges Duarte - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (2):315-337.
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    13 Noam Chomsky: the struggle continues.Irene Gendzier - 2005 - In James McGilvray (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky. Cambridge University Press. pp. 260.
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    Trends in hospital utilization in AIDS care 1987–1991: Implications for palliative care.Irene L. Goldstone - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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  38. Preface.Irene Harwood - 2012 - In Irene N. H. Harwood, Walter Stone & Malcolm Pines (eds.), Self experiences in group, revisited: affective attachments, intersubjective regulations, and human understanding. New York, NY: Routledge.
  39. The religious roots of the idea of an international federation : from Grotius to Hermann Cohen.Irene Kahon - 2019 - In Eveline Goodman-Thau & George Y. Kohler (eds.), Nationalismus und Religion: Hermann Cohen zum 100. Todestag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
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    Plato redivivus: scritti sulla relazione tra etica e metafisica.Irene Kajon (ed.) - 2017 - Roma: Lithos.
  41.  10
    Logik und Historie in Droysens Geschichtstheorie: e. Analyse von Genese u. Konstitutionsprinzipien seiner "Historik".Irene Kohlstrunk - 1980 - Wiesbaden: Steiner.
  42.  3
    Das pädagogische Problem in der Geistesgeschichte der Neuzeit: Renaissance und Aufklärung im Problem der Bildung.Hermann Leser - 1925 - R. Oldenbourg.
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  43. Authenticity as an aesthetic value: ancient and modern reflections.Irene Peirano - 2012 - In I. Sluiter & Ralph Mark Rosen (eds.), Aesthetic value in classical antiquity. Boston: Brill.
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  44. Nykyestetiikan ongelmia. Rantavaara, Irma Irene & [From Old Catalog] - 1971 - Helsinki,: Otava.
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  45. Religio today: the concept of religion in Martin Buber's thought.Irene Kajon - 2015 - In Paul R. Mendes-Flohr (ed.), Dialogue as a trans-disciplinary concept: Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and its contemporary reception. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  46. Defining 'aesthetics' for non-western studies: the case of Ancient Mesopotamia.Irene Winter - 2002 - In Michael Ann Holly & Keith P. F. Moxey (eds.), Art history, aesthetics, visual studies. Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. pp. 3--19.
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    Plato and the metaphysical feminine: one hundred and one nights.Irene Han - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Plato and the Metaphysical Feminine offers a new interpretation of the role of the female and the feminine in Plato's political dialogues--the Republic, Laws, and Timaeus--informed by Deleuze's film theory and Irigaray's psychoanalytic feminism. Irene Han reads Plato against the grain in order to close the gap between the vitalists and Plato, instead of magnifying their differences. Han explores the ambivalence that the vitalist tradition, Irigaray, and Derrida have towards Platonism. The application of Deleuzian and Irigarayan concepts to the (...)
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    Seyla Benhabib: The Rights of Others. Aliens, Residents, and Citizens, Yale University Press, Connecticut, 2004.Irene García Aguilera - 2005 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 5:141-143.
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    Estetica della cittadinanza: per una nuova educazione civica.Irene Baldriga - 2020 - Firenze: Le Monnier Università.
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    Environmental Management Systems and Practices.Irene Henriques & Perry Sadorsky - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:205-210.
    This study draws on stakeholder management theory and the resource-based view of the firm to determine the factors affecting a facility’s decision to implementenvironmental management systems and practices. Four levels of environmental commitment to the natural environment are proposed including whether a facility has an EMS, whether a facility has a person responsible for environmental issues, whether a facility is ISO 14001 certified and the comprehensiveness of a facility’s EMS as measured by the number of practices undertaken. We empirically test (...)
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