Results for 'Interreligious Dialogue'

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  1. Science looks at spirituality.Barbara A. Strassberg, Gordon D. Kaufman, Norbert M. Samuelson, Llufs Oviedo, John F. Haught, Ursula Goodenough Reductionism, Chance Holism, James F. Moore & Mind Interreligious Dialogue as an Evolutionary - forthcoming - Zygon.
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  2. The future of interreligious dialog, threats and promises.Alphonsus Mathias - 1994 - Journal of Dharma 19 (1):10-12.
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  3. The meaning and goals of interreligious dialog.Arvind Sharma - 1983 - Journal of Dharma 8 (3):225-247.
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    Interreligious Dialogue: the grey areas.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2025 - The Herald (1):4.
    This letter to the editor deals with the challenges of interreligious dialogue and the liminal position of those who engage in dialogue within their own religious communities and of course, by the perceived 'Other'. Further, this letter looks forward to building a new community of men in decades to come through the author's study of the (Irish) Christian Brothers. It remains a misfortune that typos have been introduced in this letter and 'Lamentations and the Tears of the (...)
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    Interreligious dialogue as a myth.Josephine N. Akah & Anthony C. Ajah - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    The authors aim in this article to show why it is extremely difficult to expect representatives of missionary religions to engage in productive interreligious dialogue. The article demonstrates how the imperative to convert, which is rooted in a sense of epistemic authority that one holds the best version of truth, precludes interreligious dialogue among religionists. The authors note, on the one hand, that the primary condition for any dialogue is that each of those involved come (...)
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    Interreligious dialogue supported by the Latin American Bishops Council.Patricio Merino Beas - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 39:95-111.
    Resumen Este escrito es fruto de una investigación documental y bibliográfica realizada en el Archivo General del Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano. Busca presentar una síntesis del impulso que ha realizado el CELAM en orden al diálogo interreligioso. Este no ha sido un camino fácil y aún hay mucho por hacer. No obstante, en el ámbito de la Iglesia Católica, el CELAM ha sido un permanente animador de las orientaciones de los obispos en esta temática, plasmadas en el Concilio Vaticano II y (...)
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  7. Silence as Interreligious Dialogue.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - The Herald (22):9.
    This article emphasizes the need for silence to become transformed from the death oriented Dasein of Heidegger to the life oriented Dasein of Karl Rahner. In between this article makes a case for Shakta worship to be taken as the loci for Hindu-Christian interreligious dialogue.
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    Interreligious Dialogue and Vivekanand’s Vedantic Model of Pluralism.Dilipkumar Mohanta - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (4):149-162.
    What are the preconditions of interreligious dialogue? How do philosophical reflections help today a religiously plural society to live in harmony, peace and sustainable development? In this paper I deal with these questions in the light of Swami Vivekananda’s concept of Universal Religion and try to search for a philosophical model of interreligious dialogue. Vivekananda propounds that we are to go beyond tolerance, and accept other religions as good as our own. Vivekananda’s interpretation has also the (...)
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    Interreligious dialogue.Jaco Beyers - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):2.
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    Dialogul interreligios între Orient si Occident/ Interreligious Dialogue between Orient and Occident.Nicu Gavriluta - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):197-208.
    The paper attempts at analyzing the bases of interreligious dialogue in the West, as well as the forms of its successful or failed implementation in Romania. The author reviews the causes of the Western recent preoccupation towards the Oriental (especially Indian) religions. Then, he approaches the question of interreligious dialogue from the Romanian perspective, looking for the specific elements that transforms the framework. Thus, he firstly analyzes the failed forms of the interreligious dialogue (that (...)
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    Relevance of Interreligious Dialogue Amidst Multiplicity in the Society.Negussie Andre Domnic - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (2):1-12.
    Purpose: The study aimed to examine the relevance of interreligious dialogue amidst multiplicity in the society Methodology: The study applied desktop review methodology to gather relevant literature. Findings: We are living in pluralist world, confronted with a supermarket of ideologies and religions. The variety of ideologies particularly religious ideologies and beliefs poses problems when any one of them is regarded as the supreme and absolute truth and the rest of them are considered to be of no use. In (...)
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    Sacred Values and Interreligious Dialogue.Hans Julius Schneider - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (1):63-84.
    The paper develops a perspective on religion that is inspired by William James’ concept of religious experience and by the philosophy of language of the later Ludwig Wittgenstein. It proceeds by naming basic steps leading to the proposed conception and by showing that none of them must be a hindrance for a substantial understanding of religion. Among the steps discussed are the acceptance of non-theistic religions, an existential version of functionalism, and the acceptance of the possibility of non-literal truths about (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Religious pluralism and interreligious dialogue.Manas Kumar Sahu - 2019 - IOSR 24 (7):57-62.
    Religious exclusivism is the biggest threat for multi-religious society at the same time, ambivalent thoughts among religion in religious pluralism due to religious diversity often yields religious violence. In both of the extreme, (religious exclusivism and religious pluralism) there is the possibility of religious violence, i.e., religious riots, terrorism, mob lynching, and communalism. The objective of this paper is to discuss the significance of interreligious dialogue (IRD), its basic principle, how IRD will help us for addressing the problems (...)
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    Interreligious Dialogue in the Renaissance: Cusanus, De Pace Fidei.Luana Rizzo - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 65 (1):71-82.
    The paper examines the Dialogue De pace fidei written by Nicolaus Cusanus in 1453 to settle disputes arising from events that triggered religious unrest, such as the fall of Constantinople in May 1453, the invasion and massacre of the Turks led by Sultan Mehmed II and the defeat of the Christians. Following the disintegration of medieval Christianity, Cusanus, instead of promoting a crusade, as Cardinal Bessarione did, proposed a more suitable way to make the major exponents of different religions (...)
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  15. Pluralism, postmodernism and interreligious dialogue.Douglas Pratt - 2007 - Sophia 46 (3):245-261.
    Interreligious dialogue does not take place in a vacuum, nor is it a matter of casual conversation. Dialogue is a contested phenomenon, advocated and embraced on one hand, eschewed and discarded on the other. By way of an exploration of the fact of plurality, the notions of modernism and postmodernism, and a brief discussion of select pertinent issues (unity, truth, and the very idea of theology), the paradigmatic context of pluralism will be critically discussed. Contemporary engagement in (...)
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    Understanding through appropriation in interreligious dialogue on ethics.Ariane Hentsch Cisneros - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (2):246-259.
    In today's globalized world, we need to communicate values clearly and constructively across cultures and religions to avoid misunderstanding and conflict and to find shared solutions to the issues affecting human communities across the world. This communication is not easy to implement and requires a considerable amount of commitment and empathy. To be effective, intercultural and interreligious dialogues on ethics demand, first of all, an accommodation of different epistemologies coupled with a sincere respect for their richness and internal coherence. (...)
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    Explorations in global ethics: comparative religious ethics and interreligious dialogue.Sumner B. Twiss & Bruce Grelle (eds.) - 2000 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    This volume for the first time brings the scholarly discipline of comparative religious ethics into constructive collaboration with the community of interreligious dialogue. Its design is premised on two important insights. First, interreligious dialogue offers to comparative religious ethics a new, more persuasive rationale, agenda of issues, and practical orientation. Second, comparative religious ethics offers to interreligious dialogue an arsenal of critical tools and methods which will enhance the sophistication of its practical work. In (...)
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  18. Interreligious Dialogue and the contemplative life.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - The Herald (30):9.
    This essay touches on the relationship between the Carthusian Guigo II and the Yoga Sutras. Further, it makes a case for centering our lives around silence and contemplation. Finally the author warns of an inadvertent mistake by Karl Rahner.
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    The Assemblage of Interreligious Dialogue and Tourism.Taufiqurrohim Taufiqurrohim - 2022 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 17 (1):97-113.
    The touristic place provides discourses that are worth examining as to which how the management of the site, its internal contestation and development, as well as experiences of its visitors. Examining a heritage of the ancient Majapahit kingdom in Java, this article discusses the assemblage of tourism and religious sites and the extent the site serves as a reservoir for interreligious dialog in contemporary Indonesia. It tries to point out how interreligious dialogue is at work in this (...)
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    Interreligious dialogue in the views of Turkish historians of religions.Resul Çatalbaş & Kenan Çetinkaya - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
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    Interreligious dialogue and the value of openness; taking the vulnerability of religious attachments into account.Marianne Moyaert - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (5):730-740.
  22. Orthodoxy and Interreligious Dialogue.Adrian Boldisor - 2023 - Studia Oecumenica 29 (1):191-209.
    The interreligious dialogue has a very important place in all the meeting agendas from all over the world, regardless the topic addressed. Having a concrete dynamic, this kind of theological problematic follows the general spiritual movement of communities and their unresolved necessities. Although the interreligious dialogue has an old history, it developed today on the basis of actual issues of violence and disagreements between peoples. Therefore, because religion has an essential place in the life of human (...)
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    Revisiting interreligious dialogue in the history of indonesia: The case of Malino declaration for maluku.Mega Hidayati - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 12 (2).
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    Interreligious dialogue as an evolutionary process.James F. Moore - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):381-390.
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    Interreligious Dialogue and Evangelism.Terry C. Muck - 1997 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 17:139.
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  26. ANTHROPOLOGICAL TOPICS IN THE INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE. A Christian-Orthodox Perspective.Adrian Boldisor - 2014 - Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne 34 (34):7-19.
    Interreligious dialogue is a constant on the agendas of the meetings of the organizations around the world, either religious or secular structures. Although in the past there were situations where its role and importance were contested bringing as arguments doctrinal or other reasons, interreligious dialogue is possible because, in essence, any dialogue involves people, so it is a human act. Man is fulfilled through dialogue, knowing better both himself and those around him. In (...) dialogue, the need and importance of discussions on human rights are related to the fact that people live in a multi-religious world in which representatives of different spiritual traditions live together in the same territories. Anthropological issues are often addressed to solve current issues, having in center the importance of establishing peace on earth and respecting globally the equality between people. Hence, they seek practical and concrete solutions to solve social, economic and even political matters that are troubling the today world more than ever. Finally, questions about the man and the rights he has are of great interest nowadays, regardless of religious tradition to which he belongs. (shrink)
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    Buddhist approach to interreligious dialogue.Tenzin Gyatzo, Dalai Lama - 2002 - Disputatio Philosophica 4 (1):159-169.
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    Renewal of christianity through interreligious dialogue.Jacques Dupuis - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (2):131-143.
    The aim of the paper is to show that in the present world a renewal of Christianity is more likely to take place through interreligious dialogue than in opposition to the other religious traditions. Religious pluralism must not be viewed as a mere fact of life to be reckoned with, much less as an impediment to Christian mission and identity, but as a divine grace to be thankful for and an opportunity to be seized – a gift and (...)
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    Maimonides, Aquinas, and Interreligious Dialogue.Joseph G. Trabbic - 2003 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 77:221-234.
    One way to work toward intercultural understanding is through interreligious dialogue, given the centrality that religion often has in a culture. David Burrell has suggested that Maimonides and Aquinas can offer us principles for interreligious dialogue. In particular, he argues that their negative theology shows us the impossibility of one tradition claiming a better understanding of God than those advanced by other traditions. This should lead religious traditions away fromcompetition and toward dialogue. In my paper, (...)
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  30. (1 other version)The Church and Interreligious Dialogue.Francis Cardinal Arinze - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4 (1).
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    Pope Francis and Interreligious Dialogue.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2025 - The Herald (3):4.
    This letter is in response to Pope Francis's exhortation to Catholics globally to align themselves to Vatican II's underatanding of humanity as one --- not as merely a division between the baptised and the non-baptised. This letter speaks of historical wrongs which need to be forgiven. And then goes on to rethink Karl Rahner's idea of the 'anonymous Christian' to that of a crypto-Catholic/crypto Hindu in the send that Acharya Gaudapada is thought to be a crypto-Buddhist to date. This in (...)
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  32. Experience of «god as god» and interreligious dialogue. Reflections in the light of spiritual theology.Herbert Alphonso - 2006 - Gregorianum 87 (4):827-843.
    Inspired both in the biblical witness of God's call to persons throughout salvation history and in St. Ignatius Loyola's own personal experience of God-as-God under God's own pedagogical training and the subsequent transposition of this his personal experience into his book of the Spiritual Exercises , this article aims at drawing on Ignatius as a master pedagogue of genuine spiritual experience, as evidenced in the profound dynamics of his Exercises, to show how, in the light of Spiritual Theology, such a (...)
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    Beyond Agreement: Interreligious Dialogue Amid Persistent Differences.Scott Steinkerchner & S. J. Clooney - 2010 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Beyond Agreement addresses the thorny question of how to make interreligious dialogue productive when the religious differences are so large that finding common ground seems unlikely. The book offers a way to think about interreligious dialogue that allows people to stay committed to their own truth as they have come to know it while being open to learning from other religions.
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    Paths to Interreligious Dialogue: The Teaching of the Lotus Sutra and the Spirituality of Focolare Movement.Hiroshi Munehiro Niwano - 2020 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1):145-159.
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    Beyond Agreement: Interreligious Dialogue Amid Persistent Differences.Scott Steinkerchner & Francis X. Clooney - 2010 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Beyond Agreement addresses the thorny question of how to make interreligious dialogue productive when the religious differences are so large that finding common ground seems unlikely. The book offers a way to think about interreligious dialogue that allows people to stay committed to their own truth as they have come to know it while being open to learning from other religions.
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    Abraham Joshua Heschel: philosophy, theology and interreligious dialogue.Stanisław Krajewski & Adam Lipszyc (eds.) - 2009 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    The book is devoted to the thought of one of the 20th century's most interesting philosophers of religion. Heschel, a traditional Polish Jew who became a modern thinker, was also an impressive prophet of interreligious dialogue.
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    For all life: toward a universal declaration of a global ethic: an interreligious dialogue.Leonard Swidler (ed.) - 1999 - Ashland, Or.: White Cloud Press.
    Provides an important step in the emerging movement toward global dialogue and peace. It is the belief of the book's contributors that human culture has entered a new age of Global Dialogue in response to increased inter-penetration of the world's cultures. In our emerging global village, guidance is needed, for as we have painfully seen, our century is not only the century of world culture, it is also the century of world wars, world famines, and worldwide environmental destruction. (...)
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  38. Become trainer in the interreligious dialogue and mutual acceptance for theological teachers. Proposal for a Handbook Research; its necessity and development.Tudor Cosmin Ciocan - 2019 - Dialogo 6 (1):137-143.
    My intention is to improve the receiving of the idea of ‘interfaith dialogue and mutual acceptance’ for Romanian people in general and foremost on their teachers, by writing a handbook for teaching it to the students and future public opinion formatters. It is a requirement nowadays firstly to make people understand the benefits of interfaith, then to make them believe it is the only solution of the social common living in such a religiously diverse society, and finally provide methodological (...)
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  39. Ecumenical Movement and Interreligious Dialogue.Tudor Cosmin Ciocan - 2019 - Dialogo 5 (2):123-130.
    For me, as a teacher in a theological faculty, the discussion about ecumenical movement and interfaith usually crosses roads with colleagues or students. There is no occasion in which these two are not placed under the same roof, overlaid or confused. That is why the sudden preoccupation to settle this topic as clear as I can so that it can stand for a groundwork when researching about this relationship. Their overlapping is probably the most common hindrance and at the same (...)
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  40. Review The Problem with Interreligious Dialogue Muthuraj Swamy Reading Religion October 2016. [REVIEW]Swami Narasimhananda - 2016 - Reading Religion 2016:1.
    In this book, Muthuraj Swamy discusses how conflicts are usually caused by factors other than religious factors at the grassroots level, and how dialogue is an elitist phenomenon that does not percolate to the grassroots, who do not need it in the first place.
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    The role of interreligious dialogues on religious tolerance.Mahmood Vaezi - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    The Maryknoll Interreligious Dialogue Conference.George J. Hirschboeck - 1993 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 13:243-244.
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  43. Religious Practices and Democratic Values in India: A Search for Interreligious Dialogue.Sirswal Desh Raj - 2017 - In Raj Sirswal Desh (ed.), Proceedings of National Seminar on World Religions: A Step Towards Inter Religious Dialogue.
    India has a long, rich, and diverse tradition of philosophical thoughts, spanning some two and a half millennia and encompassing several major religious traditions. India’s democracy can be said to rest on the foundation of religious practice due to the practice of multi-religions and different sects in its continent. Religious practices ties among citizens that generate positive and democratic political outcomes if we see it from the ideals of any religious doctrine as per their written scripture. But in society religious (...)
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    God, Love, and Interreligious Dialogue.William J. Wainwright - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 22 (3):5-13.
    The monotheistic religions that valorize love typically believe that their love for God should be extended to God's creatures and, in particular, to one's fellow human beings. Yet, in practice, the love of the Christian or Muslim or Hindu monotheist doesn't always extend to the love of the religious other. Precisely how, then, should the adherents of the major monotheistic religions respond to the obvious diversity of these religions? The arguments of philosophical theology largely depend on what John Henry Newman (...)
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    The prospective eye of interreligious dialogue.Richard E. Wentz - 1987 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 14 (1):3-17.
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    Christian Mission and Interreligious Dialogue: Mutually Exclusive or Complementary?William R. Burrows - 1997 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 17:119.
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    (1 other version)Francis of Assisi Forerunner of Interreligious Dialogue: Chapter 16 of the Earlier Rule Revisited.Patrem Omnipotentem Omnipotentem Patrem - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):429-429.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Francis of Assisi Forerunner of Interreligious Dialogue: Chapter 16 of the Earlier rule Revisited Franciscan Studies 64 (2006): 53-82 Corrigenda: The text of pages 59-60 should be corrected like this: Credo Reg. non bullata 16: 7... annuntient verbum Dei Credo in unum Deum ut credant Deum Patrem omnipotentem omnipotentem Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum factorem caeli et terrae, creatorem visibilium omnium et invisibilium. omnium redemptorem et (...)
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  48. Karmic and Abrahamic Faiths: Comparative Themes for Interreligious Dialogue.Domenic Marbaniang - 2018 - Domenic Marbaniang.
    Interreligious dialogue for social harmony and peace is a crucial topic in our times. Comparative religious studies helps to facilitate the peace building process. This book looks at a few comparative themes in some of the Karmic and Abrahamic faiths. Karmic religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism that have one central connecting theme, the concept of karma. Similarly, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are connected through the story of Abraham. So, they are called Abrahamic religions.
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    Monastic Quest and Interreligious Dialogue.Roger J. Corless, Gilbert G. Hardy & O. Cist - 1993 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 13:266.
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    Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, Interreligious Dialogue, and the Academic Study of Religion.Alice A. Keefe - 1998 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 18:123.
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