Results for 'Ilaria Cavallin'

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  1.  31
    Arte e scienza: quale relazione? Alcune riflessioni sulla filosofia di Nelson Goodman.Ilaria Boeddu - 2007 - Epistemologia 30 (1):101-122.
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    Precision Medicine for Whom? Public Health Outputs from “Genomics England” and “All of Us” to Make Up for Upstream and Downstream Exclusion.Ilaria Galasso - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):71-85.
    This paper problematizes the precision medicine approach embraced by the All of Us Research Program (US) and by Genomics England (UK) in terms of benefits distribution, by arguing that current “diversity and inclusion” efforts do not prevent exclusiveness, unless the framing and scope of the projects are revisited in public health terms. Grounded on document analysis and fieldwork interviews, this paper analyzes efforts to address potential patterns of exclusion upstream (from participating in precision medicine research) and downstream (from benefitting from (...)
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  3. Voluntary Imagination: A Fine-Grained Analysis.Ilaria Canavotto, Francesco Berto & Alessandro Giordani - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic (2):362-387.
    We study imagination as reality-oriented mental simulation (ROMS): the activity of simulating nonactual scenarios in one’s mind, to investigate what would happen if they were realized. Three connected questions concerning ROMS are: What is the logic, if there is one, of such an activity? How can we gain new knowledge via it? What is voluntary in it and what is not? We address them by building a list of core features of imagination as ROMS, drawing on research in cognitive psychology (...)
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    La parola parlata: Martin Buber interprete e traduttore della Bibbia.Ilaria Bertone - 2012 - Torino: Trauben.
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    Museo Chiaramonti.Ilaria Bignamini - 1998 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 118:198-204.
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    Les traces de la croyance: ce que les objets nous permettent.Ilaria Brocchini - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les objets nous parlent et, par ce qu'ils disent, ils nous agressent ou nous réconfortent, ils nous soulagent ou ils nous attristent. Les objets peuvent quelque chose pour nous. Pourtant, nous le savons, les objets n'ont que les pouvoirs que nous voulons bien leur donner. Pourquoi donc les objets ne restent-ils pas muets? Pourquoi croyons-nous à ce qu'ils nous racontent? Cette croyance possède, pour ainsi dire, ses raisons. Nous croyons aux histoires que les objets semblent nous adresser si ces histoires (...)
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    The metaphysics of properties and relations.Ilaria Canavotto, Fabio Ceravolo & Maria Scarpati - 2015 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 6 (2):76-113.
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    Identiska och syntetiska satser.Paul Cavallin - 1894 - Lund,: Distribuent: Gleerupska universitets-bokhandeln.
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    (1 other version)On the Necessity of a Transcendental Phenomenology.Jens Cavallin - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 5--164.
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    In silico Clinical Trials: A New Dawn in Biomedical Research?Ilaria Malagrinò - 2016 - Humana Mente 9 (30).
    Nowadays, scientific knowledge seems to be increasingly generated using technological methods, but also governed by technological demands and conducted by new technical ways of learning. In this paper I will analyze an effective example of this new trend in biomedical research: the Avicenna project and its “roadmap for clinical trials”. My aim is to understand what philosophical issues it arises and whether and to what extent this document provides effective responses and solutions to make its innovative challenges a concrete reality.
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    Pensare la vita: saggio su Jacques Paliard.Ilaria Malaguti - 2009 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    L'apolide e il paria: lo straniero nella filosofia di Hannah Arendt.Ilaria Possenti - 2002 - Roma: Carocci.
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    Barhadbeshabba di Halwan, Causa Della fondazione delle scuole: traduzione e note essenziali.Ilaria Ramelli - 2005 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 10:127-170.
    El presente artículo es una traducción comentada de la Causa de la fundación de las escuelas, una particular “historia de la filosofía”, obra de Bahadbeshabba, intelectual nestoriano de la Escuela de Nisibi, del siglo VI-VII. Ésta es la continuación del artículo aparecido en el número anterior de ‘Ilu, que contiene la introducción y la bibliografía. Palabras clave: Bahadbeshabba (cArbayâ / de Halwan), Escuela de Nisibi, Cristianismo siro-nestoriano, filosofía siríaca, recepción de la filosofía griega en la cultura siríaca.
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  14. Caritone e la storiografia greca. Il 'tomanzo di Calliroe' come romanzo storico antico.Ilaria Ramelli - 2000 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 53 (1):43-62.
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  15. Vivere coraggiosamente: a proposito di giovani, memoria e Resistenza.Ilaria Vellani - 2007 - Studium 103 (1):59-66.
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    Can realism save us from populism? Rousseau in the digital age.Ilaria Cozzaglio - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2).
    In 2016, the Five Stars Movement (5SM), one of the parties currently in power in Italy, launched the ‘Rousseau platform’. This is a platform meant to enhance direct democracy, transparency and the real participation of the people in the making of laws, policies and political proposals. Although ennobled with the name of Rousseau, the 5SM’s redemptive promise has been strongly criticised in the public sphere for being irresponsible and ideological. Political realism, I will argue, can perform both a diagnostic and (...)
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    Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery: The Role of Philosophical Asceticism From Ancient Judaism to Late Antiquity.Ilaria Ramelli - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery shows that there were definitive condemnations of slavery and social injustice as iniquitous and even impious, in antiquity and late antiquity. Ilaria L. E. Ramelli highlights that these came especially from ascetics, both in Judaism and in Christianity, and occasionally also in Greco-Roman philosophy. Ramelli argues that this depends on a link not only between asceticism and renunciation, but also between asceticism and justice, at least in ancient and late antique philosophical asceticism. (...)
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    Concealed Questions.Ilaria Frana - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book presents a novel analysis of concealed-question constructions, reports of a mental attitude in which part of a sentence looks like a nominal complement, but is interpreted as an indirect question. Such constructions are puzzling in that they raise the question of how their meaning derives from their constituent parts. In particular, how a nominal complement, normally used to refer to an entity ends up with a question-like meaning. In this book, Ilaria Frana adopts a theory according to (...)
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    Can power be self‐legitimating? Political realism in Hobbes, Weber, and Williams.Ilaria Cozzaglio & Amanda R. Greene - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):1016-1036.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  20. Unconditional forgiveness in Christianity? : some reflections on ancient Christian sources and practices.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2011 - In Christel Fricke (ed.), The Ethics of Forgiveness: A Collection of Essays. New York: Routledge.
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  21. Eriugena’s Christian Neoplatonism and its Sources in Patristic Philosophy and Ancient Philosophy, ed. Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, Studia Patristica, Leuven: Peeters, forthcoming.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - forthcoming - Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.
    This book analyses Eriugena’s Christian Platonic ideas on theology, cosmology, anthropology, epistemology, and ethics, and their sources in Patristic philosophical theology and ancient philosophy. The first part is devoted to Eriugena’s theology: thus, it focusses on God from a variety of perspectives, some of them also comparative in their nature. The second part consists in research into Eriugena's cosmology, anthropology, and ethics, including virtue ethics. The two large sections are interrelated by an exploration of Eriugena's concepts of apokatastasis and epistrophé, (...)
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  22. Gregory and Evagrius, in: Gregory of Nyssa’s Mystical Eschatology, ed. Giulio Maspero, Miguel Brugarolas & Ilaria Vigorelli, Studia Patristica CI, Leuven: Peeters, 2021, pp. 177-206. ISBN: 9789042941380.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2021 - Studia Patristica 2021 (101):pp. 177-206.
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    God, the Absolute Wise Man, and the Study of Religion.Clemens Cavallin - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1207-1229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:God, the Absolute Wise Man, and the Study of ReligionClemens CavallinThe Absolute Wise ManIn the beginning of the Summa contra gentiles [SCG], Thomas Aquinas remarks that, according to the Philosopher (that is, Aristotle), the wise man orders "things rightly and governs them well."1 To do this, the wise man needs to pay attention to the proper goal of his activity, that is, the good toward which he is to (...)
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  24. Life after Death : Paul's Argument for the Resurrection of the Dead in I Cor. 15. Part I: An Enquiry into the Jewish Background.H. C. C. Cavallin - 1974
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  25. I titoli delle novelle di Giovanni Verga.Ilaria Petrucci - 1999 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 20:121-146.
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    La Temática de Matrimoni nello Stoicismo romano: Alcune Osservazioni.Ilaria Ramelli - 2000 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 5:145.
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    Sul diritto di resistenza: il Novecento tra totalitarismi e difficile costruzione della democrazia.Ilaria Vellani - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Political realism, legitimacy, and a place for external critique.Ilaria Cozzaglio - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (10):1213-1236.
    Political realists claim that politics should be regulated by a distinctive political normativity, one that does not rely on external, pre-political moral standards. It is in this sense that they distinguish political realism from ‘political moralism’, regarded as an approach that understands political theory as applied ethics. Importantly, realists’ anti-moralism is not motivated by the conviction that moral considerations do not play any role in the political realm. Rather, the target is the externalism of the normative resources on which moralist (...)
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  29.  50
    Political realism and the quest for political progress.Ilaria Cozzaglio & Greta Favara - 2022 - Constellations 29 (1):93-106.
    Constellations, Volume 29, Issue 1, Page 93-106, March 2022.
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    On some late Prepalatial pricket lamps in White‑on‑Dark Ware from beneath the North Wing of the Malia Palace.Ilaria Dubois Caloi - 2022 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 145 (145.2):577-597.
    To 2021, κατά τη µελέτη του κεραµικού υλικού που προέκυψε από την έρευνα που πραγµατοποίησε ο Olivier Pelon το 1978 και το 1985 στην αίθουσα IX b, που βρίσκεται στη βόρεια πτέρυγα του Ανακτόρου των Μαλίων, αναγνωρίστηκαν οκτώ λύχνοι τύπου «κηροπηγίου». Αυτοί οι λύχνοι που περιέχονται σε ένα σύνολο της ΠΜ ΙΙΙ - ΜΜ ΙΑ από το βορειότερο τµήµα του δωµατίου, αποτελούν προϊόντα τοπικής παραγωγής που κατασκευάστηκαν από έναν ηµι‑λεπτόκοκκο ερυθρό πηλό και µιµούνται τα περίτεχνα διακοσµητικά θέµατα της κεραµικής µε (...)
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    The Stoic Doctrine of Oikeiosis and its Transformation in Christian Platonism.Ramelli Ilaria - 2014 - Apeiron 47 (1):1-25.
  32.  29
    After the State Church. A Reflection on the Relation between Theology and Religious Studies in Contemporary Sweden.Clemens Cavallin - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):43-63.
    When the Church of Sweden ceased to be a state church in the year 2000, the parameters for a change in the relation between academic theology and religious studies ( religionsvetenskap ) at the state universities in Sweden was in place. My article, which is intended as a contribution to the sometimes unnecessarily agonistic discussion following the sharp critique levelled by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (Högskoleverket) in 2008, focuses on two basic oppositions underlying the present discourse, namely (...)
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    Religious Studies in India. Banaras Hindu University: Religion and Universal Human Values.Clemens Cavallin & Ã…ke Sander - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (50):30-45.
    The lack of academic religious studies in India has several causes: the choice of the secular University of London as model for the first universities in India in 1857, the secular constitution, the secularist approach of the first prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the explosive relation between major faith traditions. However, with the waning of the Indian secularist framework and the continued power and influence of Hindutva ideology, there is a need to discuss different models for religious studies (...)
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  34. Dalla meraviglia all'ammirazione. Memoria e attuatità ermeneutica in Pierre Hadot.Ilaria Malaguti - 2012 - Gregorianum 93 (2):315-331.
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    Maine de Biran lettore di Kant: La soggettività come effort.Ilaria Malaguti - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Fascism, Anti-Semitism, and Racism: An Ongoing Debate.Ilaria Pavan - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (164):45-62.
    ExcerptThe debate about persecutory Fascist legislation, in its anti-Jewish and racial-colonial1 articulation, has represented one of the most innovative branches of historical research in Italy in the last twenty years.2 In 1988, the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the promulgation of anti-Jewish legislation marked the symbolic beginning of fruitful studies on the racial character of Fascism. It allowed the integration, development, and refinement of the research carried out for a long time only by Renzo De Felice and Meir Michaelis.3The (...)
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  37. Alimentarsi di false credenze Agostino e la critica dei precetti alimentari manichei.Ilaria Prosperi - 2008 - Doctor Virtualis 8:7-55.
    Nonostante non tutti gli studiosi concordino sul valore e sulla validità della testimonianza di Agostino, non si può oggi mettere in dubbio che questi ebbe una conoscenza molto precisa non solo della dottrina manichea, ma anche delle pratiche rituali in uso nelle comunità delle sette, e in modo particolare di quelle che si imponevano agli Uditori. Del resto, egli stesso non manca di definirsi esperto dell’affare manicheo al fine di affermare l’autorità del suo modo di procedere nella polemica.Certo non si (...)
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  38. CL GRISWOLD, Forgiveness: A Philosophical Exploration.Ilaria Ramelli - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (4):658.
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    Dal Mandilion di Edessa alla Sindone: Alcune note sulle testimonianze antiche.Ilaria Ramelli - 1999 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 4:173.
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    Gregorio di Nissa Sull'anima e la resurrezione.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2007 - Milan: Bompiani, in collaboration with the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. Series: Il Pensiero Occidentale. Pp. 1352..
    Four critical essays (on De Anima, on In Illud: Tunc et Ipse Filius, on Patristic Platonism, and on the doctrine of apokatastasis in Gregory of Nyssa and Origen), new Greek edition of De anima also based on the Coptic version predating every Greek manuscript, translations of, and commentaries on, both De Anima and In Illud: Tunc et Ipse Filius, appendixes (on the Syriac and Coptic translations of De Anima and on its reception among the Cambridge Platonists, with the first Italian (...)
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  41.  24
    La Cronaca di Arbela: Traduzione.Ilaria Ramelli - 2003 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 8:25-72.
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  42. Transformations of the household theory between Roman Stoicism, Middle-Platonism, and early Christianity.Ilaria Ramelli - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (2):369.
  43. Espressione, rappresentazione, giudizio. Osservazioni sul concetto di Besonnenheit in Herder.Ilaria Tani - 2009 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 2 (1).
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    When Public Discourse Mirrors Academic Debate: Research Integrity in the Media.Ilaria Ampollini & Massimiano Bucchi - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):451-474.
    Most studies of research integrity in the general media focus on the coverage of specific cases of misconduct. This paper tries to provide a more general, long-term perspective by analysing media discourse about research integrity and related themes in the Italian and United Kingdom daily press from 2000 to 2016. The results, based on a corpus of 853 articles, show that media coverage largely mirrors debates about integrity and misconduct. In fact, salient themes in the news include the importance to (...)
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    Knowledge graphs as tools for explainable machine learning: A survey.Ilaria Tiddi & Stefan Schlobach - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 302 (C):103627.
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  46.  22
    Episode of Situated Learning to Enhance Student Engagement and Promote Deep Learning: Preliminary Results in a High School Classroom.Ilaria Terrenghi, Barbara Diana, Valentino Zurloni, Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Massimiliano Elia, Marta Castañer, Oleguer Camerino & M. Teresa Anguera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Relation Between Emotion Understanding and Theory of Mind in Children Aged 3 to 8: The Key Role of Language.Ilaria Grazzani, Veronica Ornaghi, Elisabetta Conte, Alessandro Pepe & Claudia Caprin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Representation of numerical and non-numerical order in children.Ilaria Berteletti, Daniela Lucangeli & Marco Zorzi - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):304-313.
  49.  56
    Adolescents' Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Mediating Role in the Association Between SEL Skills and Mental Health.Ilaria Grazzani, Alessia Agliati, Valeria Cavioni, Elisabetta Conte, Sabina Gandellini, Mara Lupica Spagnolo, Veronica Ornaghi, Francesca Micol Rossi, Carmel Cefai, Paul Bartolo, Liberato Camilleri & Mollie Rose Oriordan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of social and emotional learning skills and resilience in explaining mental health in male and female adolescents, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three self-report questionnaires were administered to 778 participants aged between 11 and 16 years and recruited from 18 schools in Northern Italy. The SSIS-SELb-S and the CD-RISC 10 assessed SEL and resilience skills respectively, while the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire was used to measure mental health in terms of (...)
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  50.  20
    Performance as Social Resistance: Pussy Riot as a Feminist Avant-garde.Ilaria Riccioni & Jeffrey A. Halley - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (7-8):211-231.
    This article describes the short but remarkable sociopolitical life of the Russian rock group Pussy Riot. The group became famous in 2012 not only for the political content of its performances but for its transgressive performativity: its violation of established public settings and its creation of disturbing anti-authoritarianism images of today’s official Russia. The analysis aims to establish Pussy Riot as part of an avant-garde movement and as a radicalization of the very idea of the avant-garde against the familiarity of (...)
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