Results for 'Holley, Marietta'

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  1.  35
    Women and HumorRedressing the Balance: American Women's Literary Humor from Colonial Times to the 1980sLast Laughs: Perspectives on Women and ComedyIrony/Humor: Critical ParadigmsA Very Serious Thing: Women's Humor and American CultureWomen Vernacular Humorists in Nineteenth-Century America: Ann Stephens, Frances Whitcher, and Marietta Holley.Eileen Gillooly, Nancy Walker, Zita Dresner, Regina Barreca, Candace Lang & Linda A. Morris - 1991 - Feminist Studies 17 (3):472.
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  2. Tolstoy and the Critics Literature and Aesthetics [by] Holley Gene Duffield [and] Manuel Bilsky. --.Holley Gene Duffield & Manuel Bilsky - 1965 - Scott, Foresman.
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    Uncontainable Life : A Biophilosophy of Bioart.Marietta Radomska - 2016 - Dissertation, Linköping University
    Uncontainable Life: A Biophilosophy of Bioart investigates the ways in which thinking through the contemporary hybrid artistico-scientific practices of bioart is a biophilosophical practice, one that contributes to a more nuanced understanding of life than we encounter in mainstream academic discourse. When examined from a Deleuzian feminist perspective and in dialogue with contemporary bioscience, bioartistic projects reveal the inadequacy of asking about life’s essence. They expose the enmeshment between the living and non-living, organic and inorganic, and, ultimately, life and death. (...)
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    Rousseau on refined Epicureanism and the problem of modern liberty.Jared Holley - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 17 (4):411-431.
    This article argues that in order to understand the form of modern political freedom envisioned by Rousseau, we have to understand his theory of taste as refined Epicureanism. Rousseau saw the division of labour and corrupt taste as the greatest threats to modern freedom. He identified their cause in the spread of vulgar Epicureanism – the frenzied pursuit of money, vanity and sexual gratification. In its place, he advocated what he called ‘the Epicureanism of reason’, or refined Epicureanism. Materially grounded (...)
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  5. The integrating self and conscious experience.Holley S. Hodgins & C. Raymond Knee - 2002 - In Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan (eds.), Handbook of Self-Determination Research. University of Rochester Press. pp. 87-100.
  6.  44
    Queer Death Studies: Death, Dying and Mourning from a Queerfeminist Perspective.Marietta Radomska, Tara Mehrabi & Nina Lykke - 2020 - Australian Feminist Studies 35 (104):81-100.
    This introduction to the Queer Death Studies special issue explores an emerging transdisciplinary field of research. This field critically, reflexively and affirmatively investigates and challenges conventional normativities, assumptions, expectations, and regimes of truths that are brought to life and made evident by current planetary scale necropolitics and its framing of death, dying and mourning in the contemporary world. It is set against the background of traditional engagements with the question of death, often grounded in Western hegemonic and normative ideas of (...)
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  7.  73
    On Using People.Don E. Marietta Jr - 1972 - Ethics 82 (3):232-238.
  8. Pesach ; The idea of a rose.Marietta Elliot - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (105):11.
    Elliot, Marietta Hidden in their attic in Amsterdam..
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  9. Humble Confessionalism.David Holley - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (1):141-161.
    : Much of the appeal of religious pluralism for those who take religious truth claims seriously arises from the sense that confessionalist alternatives to pluralism that affirm the truth of one particular religion are unacceptable. Pluralists try to foster this sense by portraying confessionalist views as implausible for one who is fully informed about the facts of religious diversity. However, when pluralists attempt to rule out confessionalism, they tend to characterize it in ways that overlook the possibility of what I (...)
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  10. Religious disagreements and epistemic rationality.David M. Holley - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (1):33-48.
    Richard Feldman has argued that in cases of religious disagreement between epistemic peers who have shared all relevant evidence, epistemic rationality requires suspense of judgment. I argue that Feldman’s postulation of completely shared evidence is unrealistic for the kinds of disputes he is considering, since different starting points will typically produce different assessments of what the evidence is and how it should be weighed. Feldman argues that there cannot be equally reasonable starting points, but his extension of the postulate of (...)
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  11.  50
    Breaking the rules when others do.David M. Holley - 1997 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 14 (2):159–168.
    People often speak as if the behaviour of others is relevant to the question of whether they are justified in violating a rule. This paper explores three lines of argument which might be used to justify rule violation on grounds appealing to what others do. The appeal to self‐defence as a justification does not succeed, since it must expand the concept to involve a cumbersome weighing of harms. The argument that complying with a rule may involve too great a sacrifice (...)
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  12.  41
    Should Believers Be Interested in Arguments for God's Existence?David M. Holley - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (4):383 - 389.
  13.  52
    The role of anthropomorphism in Hume's critique of theism.David M. Holley - 2002 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 51 (2):83-99.
  14.  73
    The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-'Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination.Marietta Stepaniants - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (2):255-258.
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    How can a believer doubt that God exists?David M. Holley - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (245):746-761.
    How can someone confidently believe that God exists, but also have moments of serious doubt about whether the belief is true? A religiously significant belief that God exists is a by-product of adopting a perceptual framing narrative which presupposes God's existence. Using such a narrative is a type of skilled performance that results in an awareness of theistic significance which may at times be disrupted. At such times, doubts may arise about theistic meanings, which can exist in tension with confidence (...)
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  16. Information Disclosure in Sales.David M. Holley - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (6):631-641.
    Moral intuitions vary with regard to how much information a salesperson needs to disclose to a potential buyer. Through an analysis of the social role of salesperson and ethical argument, it is established that there is a general obligation to disclose what a buyer would need to make a reasonable judgment about whether to purchase the product. This rule is interpreted and shown to be superior to alternatives when appropriately qualified.
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  17. Braidotti / Haraway - perspektywa posthumanizmu.Marietta Radomska - 2010 - Nowa Krytyka 24.
  18.  11
    Sibylle Hofer. Freiheit ohne Grenzen?: Privatrechtstheoretische Diskussionen im 19. Jahrhundert.Marietta Auer - 2005 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 91 (2):291-293.
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  19.  11
    Wertekonstruktionen: Die Problematik Starker Orientierungen.Marietta Böning & Lutz Ellrich (eds.) - 2019 - De Gruyter.
    Wieso geraten in Informationszeitalter und globaler Marktwirtschaft Werte derart in Widerstreit miteinander, dass eine Krise entsteht? Vor ideengeschichtlichem Hintergrund sind ihre Ursachen mit Bezug auf realpolitische Sachverhalte zu untersuchen. Das Ende der Metaphysik, Probleme des Rationalismus, entfesselter Kapitalismus, Anthropotechnik, kultureller Wandel und Demokratiekrise sind wohlbekannte Phänomene, mit denen sie einhergeht oder die sie bedingen. Gibt es Möglichkeiten, diese Krise zu beenden? Oder bleibt es beim unvermeidbaren Kampf der Werte und ihrer Anhänger gegeneinander? Die Beiträge aus Kunst-, Kultur-, Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften, (...)
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  20.  32
    Argument and Rhetoric in Philosophy.David M. Holley - 1982 - Philosophy Today 26 (3):272-281.
    Although philosophic tradition has often drawn a sharp contrast between philosophy and rhetoric, Philosophical argument exhibits a rhetorical dimension. Attempts to eliminate the rhetorical aspect have been unsuccessful. Nevertheless, The nature of philosophy requires the philosopher to seek to transcend particular rhetorical contexts by imagining the possibility of challenging what is not in fact challenged.
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  21.  11
    God of the Philosophers.David M. Holley - 2009 - In Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 31–50.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Religious Questions and Metaphysical Questions God of the Philosophers The Kind of Belief that Matters Philosophical Foundations What Metaphysical Reasoning Can Do Belief and Experience Notes.
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  22.  13
    Life‐Orienting Stories.David M. Holley - 2009 - In Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 11–30.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Life‐Orienting Beliefs Belief in God Religious Belief and Its Counterfeits Alternative Stories Orienting Stories and Truth Fallibilism Notes.
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  23.  57
    Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God.David M. Holley - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Meaning and Mystery_ offers a challenge to the way Philosophy has traditionally approached the issue of belief in God as a theoretical problem, proposing instead a form of reflection more appropriate to the practical nature of the issue. Makes use of abundant illustrative material, from both literature, such as _Les Misérables_, Edwin Abott’s _Flatland_, Yann Martel’s _Life of Pi_ and Leo Tolstoy’s _A Confession_, and popular culture, such as advertisements, the television series _Joan of Arcadia_ and the film _Stranger Than (...)
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  24.  24
    Rousseau’s reception as an Epicurean: from atheism to aesthetics.Jared Holley - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (4):553-571.
    What did Rousseau's readers mean when they called him an ‘Epicurean’? A seemingly simple question with complex implications. This article attempts to answer it by reconstructing Rousseau's contemporary reception as an Epicurean thinker. First, it surveys the earliest and most widely read critics of the second Discourse: Prussian Astronomer Royal Jean de Castillon, Jesuit priest Louis Bertrand Castel, and Hanoverian biblical scholar Hermann Samuel Reimarus. These readers branded Rousseau an Epicurean primarily to highlight his atheism, his anti-providential and materialist natural (...)
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  25.  40
    Theory, Practice, and Modernity: Leo Strauss on Rousseau’s Epicureanism.Jared Holley - 2017 - Journal of the History of Ideas 78 (4):621-644.
  26.  41
    Using Self-Interest to Teach Ethics.David M. Holley - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (3):219-232.
    When questioned about what ought to be done in a particular scenario, students often ignore moral considerations and appeal to what is in an individual’s self-interest. This paper shows how an instructor can use a student’s habitual inclination to think in a self-interested fashion to guide them into thinking about moral considerations. Rather than drawing a sharp distinction between self-interested thinking and moral considerations, a more plausible account contends that self-interested thinking does not function independently of moral considerations. That is, (...)
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  27.  12
    Phenomenology and Ecofeminism.Don Marietta - 1994 - In Mano Daniel & Lester Embree (eds.), Phenomenology of the cultural disciplines. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 193--210.
  28. Preface.Marietta Stepanyants - 2009 - In Mariėtta Tigranovna Stepani͡ant͡s (ed.), Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
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    Relevance of Buddhist Philosophy in Intercultural Philosophizing.Marietta T. Stepanyants - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):537-543.
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    Doing Away with Life: On Biophilosophy, the Non/Living, Toxic Embodiment, and Reimagining Ethics.Marietta Radomska & Cecilia Åsberg - 2020 - In Erich Berger, Kasperi Mäki-Reinikka, Kira O'Reilly & Helena Sederholm (eds.), Art As We Don’t Know It. pp. 54-63.
    In this chapter we argue for biophilosophy as a queerfeminist and posthumanities methodology that attends to the question of life by focusing on multiple differences and transformations, materiality and processuality, as well as relations, intra-actions, and disconnections. By combining both the ontological and ethical concerns that go beyond what is conventionally seen as “life”, biophilosophy offers a critical and innovative approach to the issues of death, extinction, (un) liveability, terminality, and toxicity, among others, which all form the backbone of the (...)
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  31. Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Activism.Don E. Marietta, Lester Embree, Lloyd C. Irland & Peter C. List - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (1):93-94.
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  32.  22
    Beyond Certainty: A Phenomenological Approach to Moral Reflection.Don E. Marietta - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    A unique study, Beyond Certainty is a phenomenological approach to the connection between factual knowledge and moral judgment. Marietta holds logical certainty to be unnecessary for moral decision-making. In point of fact, logical certainty about our moral judgments, according to the author, is impossible. Key dilemmas in recent moral theory are caught within this impasse represented through an "is/ought" dichotomy. Marietta trumps this impasse through a return to concrete reflection on our most primal consciousness of the world.
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  33. Mourning the More-Than-Human: Somatechnics of Environmental Violence, Ethical Imaginaries, and Arts of Eco-Grief.Marietta Radomska - 2024 - Somatechnics 14 (2):199-223.
    Theoretically grounded in queer death studies and environmental humanities, this article has a twofold aim. Firstly, it explores the somatechnics of environmental violence in the context of Northern and Eastern Europe, while paying attention to ongoing ecocide inflicted by Russia on Ukraine, and to the post-WW2 chemical weapon dumps in the Baltic Sea. Secondly, the article examines the concept of eco-grief in its close relation to artistic narratives on ecocide. By bridging the discussion on environmental violence and artistic renderings of (...)
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  34. Attentional processes and meditation.Holley S. Hodgins & Kathryn C. Adair - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):872--878.
    Visual attentional processing was examined in adult meditators and non-meditators on behavioral measures of change blindness, concentration, perspective-shifting, selective attention, and sustained inattentional blindness. Results showed that meditators noticed more changes in flickering scenes and noticed them more quickly, counted more accurately in a challenging concentration task, identified a greater number of alternative perspectives in multiple perspectives images, and showed less interference from invalid cues in a visual selective attention task, but did not differ on a measure of sustained inattentional (...)
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  35. The Eighth East-West Philosophers' Conference, "Technology and Cultural Values: On the Edge of the Third Millennium".Marietta Tigranovna Stepaniants & Roger T. Ames - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (3):301-306.
  36. The Encounter of Zoroastrianism with Islam.Marietta Tigranovna Stepaniants - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (2):159 - 172.
    The decisive victory of the Arabs over the Iranians put an end to Zoroastrian Iran and brought it into the Arab Caliphate in 651. However, the "indirect meeting" of Islam and Zoroastrianism had taken place centuries before through the impact of Zoroaster's teaching on Judaism, Christianity, and the religion of the Muslims. Although the "direct encounter" resulted in the virtual disappearance of Zoroastrianism from Iran, it nonetheless brought about a certain synthesis of the two spiritual traditions--most visible in two classical (...)
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  37.  9
    Rural Education in America: What Works for Our Students, Teachers, and Communities.Geoff Marietta & Sky Marietta - 2020 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Rural Education in America_ provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the diversity and complexity of rural communities in the United States and for helping rural educators implement and evaluate successful place-based programs tailored for students and their families._ Written by educators who grew up in rural America and returned there to raise their children, the book illustrates how efficacy is determined by the degrees to which instruction, interventions, and programs address the needs and strengths of each unique rural community. Geoff (...)
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  38. For People and the Planet.Don E. Marietta - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (4):485-487.
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  39.  48
    The Interrelationship of Ecological Science and Environmental Ethics.Marietta - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1 (3):195-207.
    Arecent trend among environmentalists (e.g., Aldo Leopold) of basing ethical norms for land use, resource management, and conservation on ecological principies such as homeostasis is examined, and a way to justify such an ethical approach through analysis of moral judgment is explored. Issues such as the is/ought impasse, the connection between value judgments and reasons for acting, and the question of whether moral judgments are definitive and categorical are treated as they relate to an ecological ethic, i.e., an environmental ethic (...)
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  40.  38
    The aesthetic dimensions of esteem in Rousseau: amour-propre, general will, and general taste.Jared Holley - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (4):877-894.
    This article reframes the approach to Rousseau in political philosophy and histories of political thought by emphasizing some neglected aesthetic dimensions of amour-propre and the general will. I argue that Rousseau's account of the origins of amour-propre in aesthetic judgment alerts us to his view that the potentially dangerous effects of amour-propre can be mitigated if its 'extension' to others is grounded in an aesthetic appreciation of beauty. This pushes back against the predominant 'revisionist' interpretation of amour-propre in terms of (...)
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  41.  2
    Zur Aktualität der Privatrechtstheorie Adolf Reinachs.Marietta Auer - 2024 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
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  42.  10
    Belief As a Practical Issue.David M. Holley - 2009 - In Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 90–108.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Examining Presuppositions? Forced Choices Burden of Proof and Default Positions A Misleading Picture Thinking About A Way of Life: A Case Study Notes.
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  43.  18
    Fish are like flies are like frogs: Conservation of dorsal‐ventral patterning mechanisms.Scott A. Holley & Edwin L. Ferguson - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):281-284.
    Genetic analysis of Drosophila has shown that a morphogenetic gradient of the Transforming Growth Factor‐β family member dpp patterns the embryonic dorsalventral axis. Molecular and embryological evidence from Xenopus has strongly suggested a similar role for Bmp‐4, the dpp homolog, in patterning the dorsalventral axis of chordates. A recent report has now identified mutations in two genes, dino and swirl, that disrupt dorsal‐ventral patterning in the zebrafish Danio rerio(1). Characterization of these mutations parallels findings from Drosophila, thus establishing a genetic (...)
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  44.  9
    Naturalistic Stories.David M. Holley - 2009 - In Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 129–150.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Naturalism, Science, and Scientism The Naturalist Vision The Appeal of a Nonreligious Way of Life Naturalist Values Naturalism and Moral Order The Place of Authoritative Norms Is Naturalism a Faith Position? Notes.
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    Resistance and Receptivity.David M. Holley - 2009 - In Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 69–89.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Truth and Receptivity Receptivity and God Overwhelming Evidence Sufficient Evidence Pascal and the Search for God Brainwashing Yourself? The Practice of Atheism Resisting Belief Notes.
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  46.  56
    The Aorist in μ Clauses.N. M. Holley - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (01):2-3.
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    Theistic and Naturalistic Morality.David M. Holley - 2009 - In Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 151–172.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Is God Relevant to Determining What is Right or Wrong? Divine Revelation and Morality Submission and Autonomy Fanaticism Rewards and Punishments Morality and Happiness Transformative Ideals An Objection to Religious Motivation Notes.
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  48.  10
    Institutional ethics.Marietta Kies - 1894 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
    This volume explores the ethical principles that guide institutions such as corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. The author argues that institutional ethics must go beyond the traditional focus on individual morality, and instead address broader questions of social responsibility and accountability. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly (...)
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  49.  43
    Books in review.Don E. Marietta - 1972 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (4):257-258.
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  50. Pluralism in environmental ethics.Don E. Marietta - 1993 - Topoi 12 (1):69-80.
    A number of recent books and articles have claimed that environmental ethics should be pluralistic; in response to these J. Baird Callicott has written a strong attack upon moral pluralism. This paper will survey briefly some of the recent work advocating moral pluralism and examine Callicott's defense of moral monism. Then it will examine the justification for building an ethical system upon more than one fundamental source of moral insight. The moral system which succeeds in taking into account all that (...)
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