Results for 'History of China. '

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  1.  1
    The Price of Centralization: A Comparative Study of Tocqueville and Late Ming Chinese Thinkers.Bochum0 Universitätsstraße 150 & Pre-Buddhist Ancient China Germanyhis Research Interests Include the Comparative History of the Ancient Greek-Roman Mediterranean World - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-23.
    This article offers a comparative study of the views of Alexis de Tocqueville and those of several Chinese thinkers of the late Ming dynasty (1368–1644)—primarily Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi—on the socio-political processes of centralization. My central claim is that their views of political centralization and of the decentralized polycentric society that preceded it in their respective countries exhibit a remarkable array of analogous structural features. More specifically, both Tocqueville and his Chinese counterparts perceive in centralization an inherent unsustainability (...)
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    A History of China.Alvin P. Cohen & Wolfram Eberhard - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):307.
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    The Unfinished History of China's Future.John Fitzgerald - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 57 (1):17-31.
    This paper traces the history of thinking about the `future' in China from the late 19th to the late 20th centuries with a view to identifying China's particular `end of history'. At the turn of this century, the future of New China was prefigured in a variety of scenarios - from statist to liberal - that implied competing goals and strategies for realizing the future. These strategies were shaped by a utopian vision of Great Harmony (datong), which shaped (...)
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    An intellectual history of China.Zhaoguang Ge - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    Volume 1. Knowledge, thought, and belief before the seventh century CE -- volume 2. Knowledge, thought, and belief from the seventh through the nineteenth century.
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    The History of Logic in China: 5 Questions.Fenrong Liu & Jeremy Seligman (eds.) - 2015 - Copenhagen: Automatic Press.
    History of Logic in China: 5 Questions is a collection of short interviews based on 5 questions presented to some of the most influential and prominent scholars in the field. We hear their views on the field, the aim, the scopes, the future direction of research and how their work fits in these respects. Interviews with Rens Bod, Chung-Ying Cheng, Cui Qingtian, Dong Zhitie, Chris Fraser, Yiu-Ming Fung, Jane Geaney, Chad Hansen, Christoph Harbsmeier, Ju Zhonglin, Hsien-Chung Lee, Jer-Shiarn Lee, (...)
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    Studies in the Social History of China & South-East Asia. Essays in Memory of Victor Purcell.Edgar Wickberg, Jerome Ch'en & Nicholas Tarling - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):521.
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    The Cambridge History of China, Volume 7: The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644.John Dardess, Frederick W. Mote & Denis Twitchett - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):108.
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  8. Part II. A walk around the emerging new world. Russia in an emerging world / excerpt: from "Russia and the solecism of power" by David Holloway ; China in an emerging world.Constraints Excerpt: From "China'S. Demographic Prospects Toopportunities, Excerpt: From "China'S. Rise in Artificial Intelligence: Ingredientsand Economic Implications" by Kai-Fu Lee, Matt Sheehan, Latin America in an Emerging Worldsidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New World: India, Excerpt: From "Latin America: Opportunities, Challenges for the Governance of A. Fragile Continent" by Ernesto Silva, Excerpt: From "Digital Transformation in Central America: Marginalization or Empowerment?" by Richard Aitkenhead, Benjamin Sywulka, the Middle East in an Emerging World Excerpt: From "the Islamic Republic of Iran in an Age of Global Transitions: Challenges for A. Theocratic Iran" by Abbas Milani, Roya Pakzad, Europe in an Emerging World Sidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New World: Japan, Excerpt: From "Europe in the Global Race for Technological Leadership" by Jens Suedekum & Africa in an Emerging World Sidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New Wo Bangladesh - 2020 - In George P. Shultz, A hinge of history: governance in an emerging new world. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University.
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    A History of China.Chi-yun Chen & Wolfram Eberhard - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):542.
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    Ge, Zhaoguang, An Intellectual History of China, Vol. 1: Knowledge, Thought, and Belief before the Seventh Century CE, trans. by Michael S. Duke and Josephine Chiu-Duke: Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014, xvi + 425 pages. [REVIEW]Paul R. Goldin - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (4):597-600.
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    Editorial: History of Logic in Contemporary China (1949–2021).Bo Chen & Jan Vrhovski - 2022 - Asian Studies 10 (2):11-14.
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    The Cambridge History of China, Volume 13: Republican China, 1912-1949, Part 2.Joseph W. Esherick, John K. Fairbank & Albert Feuerwerker - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):344.
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    The Cambridge History of China. Volume One: The Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 B. C.-A. D. 220.Chauncey S. Goodrich, Denis Twitchett & Michael Loewe - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):457.
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    A History of the China International Famine Relief Commission.C. S. G. & Andrew James Nathan - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (4):609.
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    A History of the Religious Beliefs and Philosophical Opinions in China from the Beginning to the Present Time.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Leo Wieger - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):514.
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    The History of Early Relations between the United States and China 1784-1844.E. H. S. & Kenneth Scott Latourette - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):489.
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    The Cambridge History of China, Volume 10: Late Ch'ing, 1800-1911, Part 1.Daniel H. Bays & John K. Fairbank - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):429.
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    A Short History of China.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Hilda Hookham - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):588.
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    A History of Biophysics in Contemporary China.Christine Yi Lai Luk - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book gives a concise history of biophysics in contemporary China, from about 1949 to 1976. It outlines how a science specialty evolved from an ambiguous and amorphous field into a fully-fledged academic discipline in the socio-institutional contexts of contemporary China. The book relates how, while initially consisting of cell biologists, the Chinese biophysics community redirected their disciplinary priorities toward rocket science in the late 1950s to accommodate the national interests of the time. Biophysicists who had worked on biological (...)
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    Corey Byrnes. Fixing Landscape: A Techno-Poetic History of China’s Three Gorges. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018. 344 pp. [REVIEW]Christian Sorace - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (2):433-434.
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  21. A New History of Christianity in China.[author unknown] - 2012
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    The Making of China: Main Themes in Premodern Chinese History.Alvin P. Cohen & Chun-Shu Chang - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):410.
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    An Axiomatic System Based on Ladd-Franklin's Antilogism.Fangzhou Xu School of Philosophy, Beijing & People'S. Republic of China - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):302-322.
    This paper sketches the antilogism of Christine Ladd-Franklin and historical advancement about antilogism, mainly constructs an axiomatic system Atl based on first-order logic with equality and the wholly-exclusion and not-wholly-exclusion relations abstracted from the algebra of Ladd-Franklin, with soundness and completeness of Atl proved, providing a simple and convenient tool on syllogistic reasoning. Atl depicts the empty class and the whole class differently from normal set theories, e.g. ZFC, revealing another perspective on sets and set theories. Two series of Dotterer (...)
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    Revolution and History: On the Causes of the Controversy over the Social History of China.Wu An-Chia - 1988 - Chinese Studies in History 21 (3):76-96.
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    Entombed Epigraphy and Commemorative Culture in Early Medieval China: A History of Early Muzhiming. By Timothy M. Davis.Alexei K. Ditter - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2).
    Entombed Epigraphy and Commemorative Culture in Early Medieval China: A History of Early Muzhiming. By Timothy M. Davis. Studies in the History of Chinese Texts, vol. 6. Leiden: Brill, 2015. Pp. xiv + 414. €125, $162.
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    The'History of Chinese Thought'(Introduction, Chapters 7, 8, and 9 translated with notes from volume 1, The'World of Knowledge, Thought and Beliefs in China Before the Seventh Century CE'). [REVIEW]Z. G. Ge - 2002 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 33 (4):9-76.
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    Formation of history of Chinese philosophy as academic discipline in China.V. A. Kiselev - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):24-32.
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    Towards a 'Comparative History of the Foundations of Science': Language and Logic in Traditional China.Yung Sik Kim - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (4):451-460.
    (1999). Towards a 'Comparative History of the Foundations of Science': Language and Logic in Traditional China. Annals of Science: Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 451-460.
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    The History of Imperial China: A Research GuideAn Annotated Bibliography of English, American, and Comparative Literature for Chinese Scholars.David R. Knechtges, Endymion Wilkinson, Chi Chʿiu-Lang, John J. Deeney, Yen Langyuan, Raymond Murray, Yeh Wei-min & Chi Chiu-Lang - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):330.
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    Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958–1962.Fang Lizhi - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):373-373.
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    Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958–1962 by Frank Dikötter.Fang Lizhi - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):445-445.
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    (1 other version)Radium, biophysics, and radiobiology: tracing the history of radiobiology in twentieth-century China.Christine Yi Lai Luk - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):2.
    Radiobiology assesses the biological hazards of exposure to radioactive substances and nuclear radiation. This article explores the history of radiobiology in twentieth-century China by examining the overlapping of radium research and biophysics, from roughly the 1920s Nationalist period to the 1960s Communist period; from the foreign purchase of radium by the Rockefeller Foundation’s China Medical Board during the Republican era, to the institutional establishment of radiobiology as a subset of biophysics in the People’s Republic. Western historiography of radiobiology highlights (...)
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    A history of the religious beliefs and philosophical opinions in China from the beginning to the present time.Léon Wieger - 1927 - New York,: Paragon Book Reprint. Edited by E. T. C. Werner.
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    New Directions in the History of Modern Science in China.Benjamin A. Elman - 2007 - Isis 98 (3):517-523.
    These essays collectively present new perspectives on the history of modern science in China since 1900. Fa‐ti Fan describes how science under the Republic of China after 1911 exhibited a complex local and international character that straddled both imperialism and colonialism. Danian Hu focuses on the fate of relativity in the physics community in China after 1917. Zuoyue Wang hopes that a less nationalist political atmosphere in China will stimulate more transnational studies of modern science, which will in turn (...)
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    Prospects for the Study of the History of Chinese Philosophy: Also on the Issue of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful in China's Traditional Philosophy.Tang Yijie - 1983 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 15 (2):9.
    Confronting us now is the problem of prospects for the study of Chinese philosophy, that is, the problem of how to evaluate the traditional philosophy of China.
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    The regime of authenticity: Timelessness, gender, and national history inmodern china.Prasenjit Duara - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (3):287–308.
    While there is much writing on the nation as the subject of linear history, considerably less attention has been paid to the dimension of the nation as the always identifiable, unchanging subject of history. This unchanging subject is necessitated by the ascendancy of the conception of linear time in capitalism in which change is viewed not only as accelerating, but can no longer be framed by an ultimate source of meaning such as God. Ostensibly, linear history is (...)
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    A history of classical Chinese thought.Zehou Li - 2019 - New York, New York: Taylor & Francis. Edited by Andrew Lambert.
    Li Zehou is widely regarded as one of China's most influential contemporary thinkers. He has produced influential theories of the development of Chinese thought and the place of aesthetics in Chinese ethics and value theory. This book is the first English-language translation of Li Zehou's work on classical Chinese thought. It includes chapters on the classical Chinese thinkers, including Confucius, Mozi, Laozi, Sunzi, Xunzi and Zhuangzi, and also on later eras and thinkers such as Dong Zhongshu in the Han Dynasty (...)
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  38. (1 other version)The Propensity of Things: Toward a History of Efficacy in China.Janet Lloyd (ed.) - 1995 - Zone Books.
    In this strikingly original contribution to our understanding of Chinese philosophy, Françle;ois Julien, a French sinologist whose work has not yet appeared in English uses the Chinese concept of shi - meaning disposition or circumstance, power or potential - as a touchstone to explore Chinese culture and to uncover the intricate and coherent structure underlying Chinese modes of thinking.A Hegelian prejudice still haunts studies of ancient Chinese civilization: Chinese thought, never able to evolve beyond a cosmological point of view, with (...)
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    History of the Development of Chinese Chan Thought.Tianxiang Ma - 2023 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    The book aims to describe the history of Chan (Japanese Zen) School thought from the standpoint of social history. Chan, a school of East Asian Buddhism, was influential on all levels of societies in the region because of its intellectual and aesthetic appeal. In China, Chan infiltrated all levels of society, mainly because it engaged with society and formed the mainstream of Buddhism from the tenth or eleventh centuries through to the twentieth century. This book, taking a critical (...)
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    The History of Ancient Science: A Personal View.Geoffrey Lloyd - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (4):587-593.
    My subject is the history of science in antiquity, where the convention I adopt for “antiquity” is that it covers everything from the earliest recorded Mesopotamian investigations in the third millennium BCE down to the end of the third century CE, by which time two particularly significant upheavals had taken place at either end of the Euro-Asia land mass. I refer to the Christianization of the Greco-Roman World and the rise of Buddhism in China. That study poses a number (...)
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    How Many More Mysteries Are There in Ancient China?: After Reading Li Xueqin's Lost Bamboo Slips and Silk Manuscripts and the History of Learning.Ge Zhaoguang - 2002 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 34 (2):75-91.
    As historiographical studies on ancient China gradually move from the center to the margins of the public's field of vision, research on historiographical studies concerning ancient China have been undergoing some unusual changes. A truly considerable quantity of bamboo slip and silk manuscripts have either been discovered by archaeologists or accidentally unearthed in the last twenty years. Although these have been made public very slowly, even maddeningly so, the few of them that have appeared before the world in the course (...)
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    Clerks and Craftsmen in China and the West. Lectures and Addresses on the History of Science and TechnologyJoseph Needham.N. Sivin - 1973 - Isis 64 (3):417-418.
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    New Explorations in the Comparative Study of Economic History in China and the West.Long Denggao - 2011 - Chinese Studies in History 45 (1):7-27.
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    The Dalai Lama and the Emperor of China: A Political History of the Tibetan Institution of Reincarnation by Peter Schwieger.Lucia Galli - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 34 (1):144-146.
    Columbia University Press, 2015. 352pp. Hb. £50.00. ISBN-13: 978-0231168526. E-book. £50.00. ISBN: 978-0231538602.
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    Zhipan’s Account of the History of Buddhism in China vol.1: Fozu tongji, juan 34-38: From the Times of the Buddha to the Nanbeichao Era, by Thomas Jülch. [REVIEW]Albert Welter - 2021 - Buddhist Studies Review 38 (2).
    Zhipan’s Account of the History of Buddhism in China vol.1: Fozu tongji, juan 34-38: From the Times of the Buddha to the Nanbeichao Era, by Thomas Jülch. Brill. 2019. X + 316pp. €116/$140. ISBN: 978-90-04-39620-3.
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    A Cultural History of Civil Examinations in Late Imperial China. Benjamin A. Elman.Yung Kim - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):594-595.
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    Building biophysics in China: Christine Yi Lai Luk: A history of biophysics in contemporary China. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, xvii+90pp, $54.99 PB.Howard Chiang - 2016 - Metascience 25 (2):225-227.
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    An outline history of Chinese philosophy.Shafu Xiao & Jinquan Li (eds.) - 2008 - Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
    An Outline History of Chinese Philosophy has been jointly written and compiled by over 20 specialists and scholars from nine renowned universities in China, including Wuhan University and Sun Yat-sen University. It provides a concise introduction to the origin and development of Chinese philosophy from antiquity to 1949, the year the People's Republic of China was founded, expounding its status and features at different historical stages. It gives a historical and logical delineation of the development of Chinese philosophy by (...)
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    The Problem of China.Bertrand Russell - 2020 - Routledge.
    'China, by her resources and her population, is capable of being the greatest power in the world after the United States.' Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China In 1920 the philosopher Bertrand Russell spent a year in China as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Beijing, where his lectures on mathematical logic enthralled students and listeners, including Mao Tse Tung, who attended some of Russell's talks. Written at a time when China was largely regarded by the West as backward (...)
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    China and Tibet in the Early XVIIIth Century; History of the Establishment of Chinese Protectorate in Tibet.Hugh Richardson & L. Petech - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):215.
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