Results for 'Heath Dillard'

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  1.  42
    Electronic health record as a panopticon: A disciplinary apparatus in nursing practice.Jessica Dillard-Wright - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12239.
    The specific arrangements of power/knowledge that characterize nurse interactions with the electronic health record form a panopticon. As health care moves into the 21st century, sophisticated technologies like the electronic health record shape the terrain of professional possibilities. The longer it is in use, the more it is possible to excavate the inherent disciplinary function of electronic health record. A panopticon is a generalizable, replicable apparatus of power that cultivates discipline when similar behaviours are desired from a group of people. (...)
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    Non-metaphysical theology after Heidegger.Peter S. Dillard - 2016 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Using Martin Heidegger’s later philosophy as his springboard, Peter S. Dillard provides a radical reorientation of contemporary Christian theology. From Heidegger’s initially obscure texts concerning the holy, the gods, and the last god, Dillard extracts two possible non-metaphysical theologies: a theology of Streit and a theology of Gelassenheit. Both theologies promise to avoid metaphysical antinomies that traditionally hinder theology. After describing the strengths and weaknesses of each non-metaphysical theology, Dillard develops a Gelassenheit theology that ascribes a definite (...)
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    Ark of the Possible: The Animal World in Merleau-Ponty.David B. Dillard-Wright - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Ark of the Possibility: The Animal World in Merleau-Ponty explores the theme of animality in the philosophy of French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
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    A radical imagination for nursing: Generative insurrection, creative resistance.Jessica Dillard-Wright - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (1):e12371.
    In the crucible of the pandemic, it has never before been clearer that, to ensure the relevance and even the survival of the discipline, nursing must cultivate a radical imagination. In the paper that follows, I trace the imperative for conjuring a radical imagination for nursing. In this fever dream for nursing futures, built on speculative visions of what could be, I draw on anarchist, abolitionist, posthuman, Black feminist, new materialist and other big ideas to plant seeds of generative insurrection (...)
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    We Are Still Here: Declarations of Love and Sovereignty in Black Life Under Siege.Cynthia B. Dillard - 2016 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 52 (3):201-215.
  6.  53
    What nursing chooses not to know: Practices of epistemic silence/silencing.Jessica Dillard-Wright, Claire Valderama-Wallace, Lucinda Canty, Amélie Perron, Ismalia De Sousa & Janice Gullick - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12443.
    Drawing from a keynote panel held at the hybrid 25th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, this discussion paper examines the question of epistemic silence in nursing from five different perspectives. Contributors include US‐based scholar Claire Valderama‐Wallace, who meditated on ecosystems of settler colonial logics of nursing; American scholar Lucinda Canty discussed the epistemic silencing of nurses of colour; Canadian scholar Amelie Perron interrogated the use of disobedience and parrhesia in and for nursing; Canada‐based scholar Ismalia De Sousa considered what nursing (...)
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  7.  28
    Poincaré’s Prize.David Dillard-Wright - 2009 - Philosophy Now 75:41-41.
  8.  24
    Notes on [post]human nursing: What It MIGHT Be, What it is Not.Jess Dillard-Wright, Jamie B. Smith, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Eva Willis, Brandon B. Brown & Emmanuel C. Tedjasukmana - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12562.
    With this paper, we walk out some central ideas about posthumanisms and the ways in which nursing is already deeply entangled with them. At the same time, we point to ways in which nursing might benefit from further entanglement with other ideas emerging from posthumanisms. We first offer up a brief history of posthumanisms, following multiple roots to several points of formation. We then turn to key flavors of posthuman thought to differentiate between them and clarify our collective understanding and (...)
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    A Summary of the Philosophy of Spencer Heath.Spencer Heath MacCallum & Alvin Lowi - 2018 - Libertarian Papers 10.
    : A virtually unknown philosopher of the twentieth century, Spencer Heath was nevertheless well-known as a pioneer in the early development of commercial aviation. He retired from business in 1931 to devote the last thirty years of his life to his long-time interest in the philosophy of science and human social organization. He developed ….
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    Another nursing is possible: Ethics, political economies, and possibility in an uncertain world.Jess Dillard-Wright - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3):e12484.
    Overtaxed by the realities laid bare in the pandemic, nursing has imminent decisions to make. The exigencies of pandemic times overextend a health care infrastructure already groaning under the weight of inequitable distribution of resources and care commodified for profit. We can choose to prioritise different values. Invoking philosopher of science Isbelle Stengers's manifesto for slow science, this is not the only nursing that is possible. With this paper, I pick up threads of nursing's historical ontology, drawing previous scholarship on (...)
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  11. Science of Knowledge with the First and Second Introductions, Edited and Translated by Peter Heath [and] John Lachs. --.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Peter Lauchlan Heath & John jt ed Lachs - 1970 - Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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    Husserl on Personal Level Explanation.Heath Williams - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (1):1-22.
    This paper makes a phenomenological contribution to the distinction between personal and subpersonal types of explanation. I expound the little-known fact that Husserl gives an account of personal level explanation via his exposition of our capacity to express the understanding of another’s motivational nexus when we are in the personalistic attitude. I show that Husserl’s unique exposition of the motivational nexus conveys its concrete, internally coherent, and intentional nature, involving relationships amongst the sense contents of acts of consciousness. Moreover, the (...)
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    The Origins of European Thought.Louise Robinson Heath - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (4):572-574.
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  14.  37
    Thinking Across Species Boundaries: General Sociality and Embodied Meaning.David Dillard-Wright - 2009 - Society and Animals 17 (1):53-71.
    Denying special traits like the use of language to nonhuman animals has often been a basis for the creation of a stand-alone human sphere, apart from and above the animal world and the environmental milieu. Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology shows that human communication arises from the semiosis in the extra-human world and is not self-contained. Given many recent insights in scientific studies of nonhuman animals, only a few of which are cited here, it becomes impossible to say that animals are mute, reactive (...)
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  15. Husserl’s Theory of Scientific Explanation: A Bolzanian Inspired Unificationist Account.Heath Williams & Thomas Byrne - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (2):171-196.
    Husserl’s early picture of explanation in the sciences has never been completely provided. This lack represents an oversight, which we here redress. In contrast to currently accepted interpretations, we demonstrate that Husserl does not adhere to the much maligned deductive-nomological (DN) model of scientific explanation. Instead, via a close reading of early Husserlian texts, we reveal that he presents a unificationist account of scientific explanation. By doing so, we disclose that Husserl’s philosophy of scientific explanation is no mere anachronism. It (...)
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  16.  29
    Nursing as total institution.Jess Dillard-Wright & Danisha Jenkins - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12460.
    Healthcare under the auspices of late‐stage capitalism is a total institution that mortifies nurses and patients alike, demanding conformity, obedience, perfection. This capture, which resembles Deleuze's enclosure, entangles nurses in carceral systems and gives way to a postenclosure society, an institution without walls. These societies of control constitute another sort of total institution, more covert and insidious for their invisibility (Deleuze, 1992). While Delezue (1992) named physical technologies like electronic identification badges as key to understanding these societies of control, the (...)
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  17.  24
    A fallacious “Gambler’s Fallacy”? Commentary on Xu and Harvey.Heath A. Demaree, Joseph S. Weaver & James Juergensen - 2015 - Cognition 139 (C):168-170.
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  18.  31
    Nursing for the Chthulucene: Abolition, affirmation, antifascism.Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Jessica Dillard-Wright & Brandon B. Brown - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12405.
    Critical posthumanism as a philosophical, antifascist nonhierarchical imagination for nursing offers a liberatory passageway forward amidst environmental collapse, an epic pandemic, global authoritarianism, extreme health and wealth disparities, over‐reliance on technology and empirics, and unjust societal systems based in whiteness. Drawing upon philosophical and theoretical works from Black and Indigenous scholars, Haraway's idea of the Chthulucene, Deleuze and Guattari's rhizomatic thought, and Kaba's abolitionist organizing among others, we as activist nurse scholars continue the speculative discussion outlined in prior papers. Here (...)
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  19.  45
    Evolution's first philosopher: John Dewey and the continuity of nature (review).David Dillard-Wright - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (1):pp. 178-181.
  20.  28
    In Defense of the Ark of the Possible: A Reply to Chris Nagle.David Dillard-Wright - 2013 - Environmental Ethics 35 (3):383-384.
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    Diophantos of Alexandria: A Study in the History of Greek Algebra.T. L. Heath - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Greek mathematician Diophantos of Alexandria lived during the third century CE. Apart from his age, very little else is known about his life. Even the exact form of his name is uncertain, and only a few incomplete manuscripts of his greatest work, Arithmetica, have survived. In this impressive scholarly investigation, first published in 1885, Thomas Little Heath meticulously presents what can be gleaned from Greek, Latin and Arabic sources, and guides the reader through the algebraist's idiosyncratic style of (...)
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  22.  30
    Dangerous and Unprofessional Content: Anarchist Dreams for Alternate Nursing Futures.Jess Dillard-Wright & Danisha Jenkins - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):25.
    Professionalized nursing and anarchism could not be more at odds. And yet, if nursing wishes to have a future in the precarious times in which we live and die, the discipline must take on the lessons that anarchism has on offer. Part love note to a problematic profession we love and hate, part fever dream of what could be, we set out to think about what nursing and care might look like after it all falls down, because it is all (...)
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  23.  32
    Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Intersections, Encounters, Oppositions ed. by Daniele De Santis and Danilo Manca (review).Heath Williams - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (3):546-548.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Intersections, Encounters, Oppositions ed. by Daniele De Santis and Danilo MancaHeath WilliamsDE SANTIS, Daniele and Danilo Manca, editors. Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Intersections, Encounters, Oppositions. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2023. xiv + 272 pp. Cloth, $95.00This is an eminently readable and engaging collection of essays. There is much more here than merely comparing and contrasting two disparate thinkers. There are important contributions to metaphysics, (...)
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  24.  73
    The Origin of Time: Heidegger and Bergson.Heath Massey - 2015 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    The recent renewal of interest in the philosophy of Henri Bergson has increased both recognition of his influence on twentieth-century philosophy and attention to his relationship to phenomenology. Until now, the question of Martin Heidegger’s debt to Bergson has remained largely unanswered. Heidegger’s brief discussion of Bergson in Being and Time is geared toward explaining why he fails in his attempts to think more radically about time. Despite this dismissal, a close look at Heidegger’s early works dealing with temporality reveals (...)
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  25.  49
    Behavioural, affective, and physiological effects of negative and positive emotional exaggeration.Heath Demaree, Brandon Schmeichel, Jennifer Robinson & D. Erik Everhart - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (8):1079-1097.
  26. Is the “Point” of the Market Pareto or Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency?Heath Joseph - 2019 - Business Ethics Journal Review 7 (4):21-26.
    Moriarty argues that the Market Failures Approach to business ethics is inapplicable to “real world” problems, because it treats “market failure” as a failure to achieve Pareto efficiency. Depending upon how it is applied, Pareto efficiency is either trivially easy to satisfy or else so demanding that no real-world market could ever satisfy it. In this Commentary, I argue that Moriarty overstates these difficulties. The regulatory structure governing markets is best understood as an attempt to maximize the number of Pareto-improving (...)
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    The fragile Y hypothesis: Y chromosome aneuploidy as a selective pressure in sex chromosome and meiotic mechanism evolution.Heath Blackmon & Jeffery P. Demuth - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (9):942-950.
    Loss of the Y‐chromosome is a common feature of species with chromosomal sex determination. However, our understanding of why some lineages frequently lose Y‐chromosomes while others do not is limited. The fragile Y hypothesis proposes that in species with chiasmatic meiosis the rate of Y‐chromosome aneuploidy and the size of the recombining region have a negative correlation. The fragile Y hypothesis provides a number of novel insights not possible under traditional models. Specifically, increased rates of Y aneuploidy may impose positive (...)
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  28. Business Ethics and (or as) Political Philosophy.Joseph Heath, Jeffrey Moriarty & Wayne Norman - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (3):427-452.
    ABSTRACT:There is considerable overlap between the interests of business ethicists and those of political philosophers. Questions about the moral justifiability of the capitalist system, the basis of property rights, and the problem of inequality in the distribution of income have been of central importance in both fields. However, political philosophers have developed, especially over the past four decades, a set of tools and concepts for addressing these questions that are in many ways quite distinctive. Most business ethicists, on the other (...)
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  29.  46
    (1 other version)Methods of Logic.P. L. Heath & Willard Van Orman Quine - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (21):376.
  30.  60
    Reassessing the relationship between phenomenology and explanation: an introduction.Heath Williams & Kristina Musholt - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (3):549-556.
    This special issue is dedicated to reassessing the relationship between phenomenology and explanation. The editors’ introduction serves to provide a brief historical analysis of the sources and the reasons for thinking that phenomenology neither is nor ought to be explanatory before moving on to challenge this commonplace assumption by reference to Husserl, and by pointing out that there are various developments within the field of explanation that merit a re-examination of this topic. The introduction highlights the importance of explanation as (...)
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    Morality, Competition, and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics.Joseph Heath (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Oup Usa.
    In four new and nine previously published essays, Joseph Heath provides a compelling new framework for thinking about the moral obligations of economic actors. The "market failures" approach to business ethics that he develops provides the basis for a unified theory of business ethics, corporate law, economic regulation, and the welfare state.
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  32.  12
    Four Views of Time in Ancient Philosophy.Louise Robinson Heath - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (4):587-589.
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    A Minor Matter? The Franciscan Thesis and Philosophical Theology 1.Peter S. Dillard - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (5):890-900.
    The Franciscan thesis maintains that the primary motive of the Incarnation is to glorify the triune God in the person of Jesus Christ: though Christ atones for human sins, his coming isn't relative to our need for redemption but rather has an absolute primacy. The Franciscan thesis is sometimes associated with the counterfactual claim that Christ would have come even if humans hadn't sinned. In recent work on the Franciscan thesis, an attempt is made to prove the counterfactual claim on (...)
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  34. Figurations of the Ecstatic: Te Labor of Attention in Aesthetic Experience.David B. Dillard-Wright - 2011 - Janus Head 12:1.
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  35. Archaeology.Heath Massey - 2017 - In Massey Heath, Understanding Foucault, Understanding Modernism. Bloomsbury. pp. 233-234.
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  36. Bergsonian Intuition: Getting Back Into Duration.Heath Massey - 2014 - In Linda Osbeck & Barbara Held, Rational Intuition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 151-173.
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    (1 other version)Foundationalism and the metaphysics of practical reasons.Heath White - 2004 - Auslegung 27 (1):47-64.
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  38. Jevons, William Stanley'.P. L. Heath - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 4--260.
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  39.  18
    (1 other version)Mathematics in Aristotle.Thomas Heath - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (91):348-349.
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  40.  21
    Objections to Pokropski’s proposal to marry functional mechanistic explanation with phenomenology.Heath Williams - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (3):743-751.
  41.  46
    A responsibility ethics for audit expert systems.Jesse F. Dillard & Kristi Yuthas - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (4):337 - 359.
    To effectively pursue ethical action, the business community must recognize that the fundamental form of human association is not the "social contract" into which persons enter as atomic individuals, making partial commitments to each other for the purpose of gaining limited common ends or of satisfying certain laws. The fundamental form of human association is rather the face to face community in which ongoing commitments are the rule and in which aspects of every individual''s experience are conditioned by the continuing (...)
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  42. Climate Ethics: Justifying a Positive Social Time Preference.Joseph Heath - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (4):435-462.
    _ Source: _Page Count 28 Recent debates over climate change policy have made it clear that the choice of a social discount rate has enormous consequences for the amount of mitigation that will be recommended. The social discount rate determines how future costs are to be compared to present costs. Philosophers, however, have been almost unanimous in endorsing the view that the only acceptable social rate of time preference is zero, a view that, taken literally, has either absurd or extremely (...)
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  43.  72
    Brandom on practical reason.Heath White - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (213):566–572.
    Robert Brandom claims that language expressing pro-attitudes makes explicit proprieties of practical inference. This thesis is untenable, especially given certain premises which Brandom himself endorses. Pro-attitude vocabulary has the wrong grammatical structure; other parts of vocabulary do the job he ascribes to pro-attitude vocabulary; the thesis introduces implausible differences between the inferential consequences of desires and intentions, and distorts the interpretation of conditional statements. Rather, I suggest, logical vocabulary can make proprieties of practical inference explicit, just as the inferentialist says (...)
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  44. The Nature of Sympathy.Max Scheler, Peter Heath & W. Stark - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (4):671-673.
  45.  79
    Logi Gunnarsson, Making Moral Sense: Beyond Habermas and Gauthier, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. xi + 286.Joseph Heath - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (1):130.
  46. Civil Disobedience: A Case Study in Factors of Effectiveness.Courtney Dillard - 2002 - Society and Animals 10 (1):47-62.
    Between 1989 and 1998, The Fund for Animals organized protests and acts of civil disobedience against the largest pigeon shoot in this country. During this long campaign, The Fund used a variety of approaches to argue for its position. This article focuses on two distinct enactments of civil disobedience at the Hegins shoot. Through an historical comparative analysis, the article describes the acts of civil disobedience and the context within which they took place for both 1992 and 1996. The article (...)
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    Life, Transferable: Questioning the Commodity-Based Approach to Transplantation Ethics.David B. Dillard-Wright - 2012 - Society and Animals 20 (2):138-153.
    Some bioethicists have proposed a legalized market in human organs as a solution to transplant waiting lists and global poverty. Solutions to organ procurement problems that are solely market-based would unfairly shift the burdens of medical procedures onto developing nations. Market advocates base their claims on the understanding of organs as property, a position that should be problematized. Instrumentalizing people in this way is part of the broader commodification of animals and the environment. Combating the market mentality requires a return (...)
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  48.  36
    What is it to make clear the working of our language?Peter Spotswood Dillard - 2008 - Philosophical Investigations 31 (2):124–140.
    In The Logical Basis of Metaphysics, Dummett articulates and develops his “fundamental assumption” that the introduction rules for a logical constant determine its meaning. According to Dummett, logical laws in harmony with the introduction rules are justified, while logical laws not in harmony with the introduction rules are unjustified. This powerful picture enables Dummett to criticise certain aspects of our linguistic practice, such as the Law of Excluded Middle and the metaphysics of realism he believes it embodies, as not remaining (...)
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  49. The Routledge Handbook of Business Ethics.Eugene Heath, Byron Kaldis & Alexei Marcoux (eds.) - 2018 - Routledge.
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    Whitehead's Philosophy of Time.Louise Robinson Heath - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (3):454-455.
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