Results for 'Harald Weber'

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  1. Sprachtheorie Und Pragmatik: Akten des 10. Linguistischen Kolloquiums Tübingen 1975.Heinrich Weber & Harald Weydt (eds.) - 1976 - Max Niemeyer.
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    Max Weber interkulturell gelesen.Harald Seubert - 2006 - Nordhausen: Bautz.
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    Philosophiegeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Das Strahlen im Zeichen triumphalen Unheils.Harald Seubert - 2021 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    This book provides an overall account of the history of philosophy in the 20th century from a clear philosophical perspective. It shows the new departure in philosophical thinking through Frege and Husserl: The validity of philosophical thinking emancipated itself from psychology and historicism through the dictum ‘To the things themselves!’. Phenomenological and hermeneutic philosophy has diverged greatly from language-analytical philosophy since Heidegger and Wittgenstein. This fascinating book shows, in contrast to the history of culture and science, the common basic questions (...)
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    Analyses of: “P could have decided differently in the situation S”.Harald Ofstad - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 14:128-135.
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  5. Experiment in Biology (2018 update).Marcel Weber - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    On Viruses, Bats and Men: A Natural History of Food-Borne Viral Infections.Harald Brüssow - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther (ed.), Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 245--267.
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    True, Untrue, Valid, Invalid, Provable, Unprovable.Zach Weber - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-29.
    There are many approaches to paraconsistency, ranging from the very moderate to the more radical. In this paper I explore and extend the more radical end of the spectrum, where there are truth-value gluts. In particular I will look at paraconsistent metatheory – the machinery of truth, validity, and proof  as developed in a glut-friendly paraconsistent setting. The aim is to evaluate the philosophical and technical tenability of such an approach. I will show that there are very significant technical (...)
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  8. The Motive of Duty and the Nature of Emotions: Kantian Reflections on Moral Worth.Michael Weber - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (2):183 - 202.
    As a result there is a considerable literature on the topic. I think, however, that the treatment in the literature is incomplete because there is a failure to examine the relevant emotions in significant detail, and in particular to consider their complexity and the conditions of their warrant. As a result, both defenses and critiques of the motive of duty in terms of reliability are inadequate as they stand.
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  9. Der 'intentionale Fehlschluß': ein Dogma? Systematischer Forschungsbericht zur Kontroverse um eine intentionalistische Konzeption in den Textwissenschaften. Teil II.Lutz Danneberg & Hans-Harald Müller - 1983 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (2):376-411.
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    Human Understanding and the Realistic Spirit: The Philosophy of Chen Jiaying.Ralph Weber & Xu Zhenxu - 2020 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 51 (3-4):175-181.
    :The thought of Chen Jiaying offers a possibility of philosophy in China that is not confined to the mere expression of ancient Chinese tradition nor the simple transplanting of Western philosophy. He places philosophy in an unequivocal connection to the human point of view, takes the investigation of concepts and argumentation as indispensable for its practice, and regards life not as a matter of choice but as living out that to which we are already committed. All these aspects culminate in (...)
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    Oralité, littérature et didactique : quelles convergences disciplinaires?Corinne Weber - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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  12. The Cross: Tradition and Interpretation.Hans-Ruedi Weber & Elke Jessett - 1979
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    La finalité en biologie et son fondement mécanique.Louis Weber - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 66:1 - 22.
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    Verbaut die Kirche Ihre Zukunft?: ein Deutscher Katholik fragt nach.Hans-Harald Sedlacek - 2012 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    English summary: [Is the Church spoiling its own future? A German Catholic inquires] Hans-Harald Sedlacek, a catholic non-professional, turns out to be a quite inspiring maverick. He looks for the reasons for the crisis of faith, which the roman-catholic church is presently deploring as well. With sharp-witted arguments he gets to the bottom of the truths of Christian beliefs, he scrutinizes the alleged infallibility and points out the problems of the sexual morals of the Church including the causes for (...)
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    (1 other version)Le Principe de non-contradiction comme Principe dialectique.Louis Weber - 1897 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 43:252 - 279.
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  16. Logic, Reasoning, and Rationality. Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning (Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences), vol 5.E. Weber, D. Wouters & J. Meheus (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
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    Logic, Reasoning, and Rationality.Erik Weber, Joke Meheus & Dietlinde Wouters (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book contains a selection of the papers presented at the Logic, Reasoning and Rationality 2010 conference in Ghent. The conference aimed at stimulating the use of formal frameworks to explicate concrete cases of human reasoning, and conversely, to challenge scholars in formal studies by presenting them with interesting new cases of actual reasoning. According to the members of the Wiener Kreis, there was a strong connection between logic, reasoning, and rationality and that human reasoning is rational in so far (...)
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    Decolonising youth ministry models? Challenges and opportunities in Africa.Shantelle Weber - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-10.
    Anyone involved in youth ministry will be able to testify to the fact that no perfect youth ministry model exists. Youth ministry models employed should consider the vision, mission and needs of the contexts in which they are to be used. Although not new, the term 'decolonise' has become a prominent part of African discourses after the 2015 and 2016 student protests at various university campuses in South Africa. A strong call to decolonise theology and how we do church has (...)
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  19. Le judaïsme antique.Max Weber & Freddy Raphaël - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:106-110.
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  20. Nordau . - Dégénérescence.Louis Weber - 1894 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2:356-370.
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  21. Barocke Installationen : Die Raumkunst des Barock, gesehen aus dem Blickwinkel der modernen Videokunst.Felix Burda-Weber - 2000 - In Sigrit Fleiss & Ina Gayed (eds.), Amor vincit omnia: Karajan, Monteverdi und die Entwicklung der Neuen Medien : Symposium 1999. Wien: Zsolnay.
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    Zur Krise der Demokratie: Politische Schriften in der Weimarer Republik 1919-1932.Moritz JuliusHG Bonn - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    Der Nationalökonom Moritz Julius Bonn (1873-1965) gehörte zu den bekanntesten politischen Intellektuellen seiner Epoche. Bonn fungierte als Gesandter der Reichsregierung in Versailles und auf zahlreichen Konferenzen zur Reparationsfrage. Max Weber und Carl Schmitt haben ihn hoch geschätzt, Harald Laski hielt ihn für den besten Amerika-Kenner seit Toqueville. Erstaunlicherweise hat sich mit seinem Gang ins Exil seine Spur weitgehend verloren. Es ist höchste Zeit, an diesen kosmopolitischen Liberalen und mit ihm an die vergebene Chance der Weimarer Republik zu erinnern. (...)
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    L'identité de l'intellect et de l'intelligible selon la version latine d'Averroés et son interprétation par Thomas d'Aquin.Édouard H. Wéber - 1998 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 8 (2):233.
    Le thlicien d'identittique d'Averrotudie par les penseurs latins du XIIIe siveloppe avec exigence en vue de sauvegarder le caractritcessaire qu'identifie la pens personnelle de l'optre latin du XIIIe si le discernement d'Averrotique et l'a confirmre rigoureusement personnel de 1'intellection humaine.
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    Sur la doctrine de l'évolution dans ses rapports avec la linguistique: A propos d'un ouvrage récent.Louis Weber - 1897 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 5 (1):71 - 86.
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    The Responsibilities and Dangers of Pragmatism.Eric Weber - 2009 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 16 (1):123-129.
    John Lachs has argued that the value of academic philosophers rests not in their scholarly writing, but fundamentally in their ability to educate minds to be critical and open. In this paper, I show the continuity of this outlook on the work of philosophers with Lachs's stoic pragmatism. Stoic pragmatism is the view that the pragmatic optimism of thinkers like James, Royce, and Dewey must be tempered by a stoic acceptance of our limitations as human beings. While I support Lachs's (...)
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  26. Felecia M. Briscoe.Max Weber & On Freedom - 1999 - In TM Powers & P. Kamolnick (ed.), From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory. pp. 187.
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  27. Idéalisme et positivisme.Louis Weber - 1903 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 4:145.
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  28. Trois Lettres Inédites De Henri Iii.Bernerd Weber & Harry Redman - 1963 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 25 (3):555-560.
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  29. Ultralogic as Universal?. Synthese Library (Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science), vol 396.Z. Weber (ed.) - 2019 - Springer.
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  30. Von Toulon bis Ceylon: Schopenhauers und Čechovs Reiseaufzeichnungen.Mathias Weber - 2004 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 85:179-189.
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    A Pedagogic Reading of Wittgenstein's Life and Later Works.Désirée Weber - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (4):688-700.
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    The Notion of Person in Daily Medical Practice: a Reconsideration.Jean-Christophe Weber - 2012 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 31:289-319.
    À l’heure où l’essence de la médecine cherche à être ressaisie pour repenser une pratique en crise d’identité, la notion de personne peut apparaître comme un point d’ancrage possible. L’auteur examine l’usage qui en est fait dans la littérature professionnelle et dans les avis du Comité consultatif national d’éthique (CCNE) entre 2005 et 2010. La notion de personne apparaît complexe et sert des idéologies qui s’affrontent. Les traditions juridique, théologique et philosophique qui la sous-tendent ont cédé en partie à une (...)
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    Resignação como efeito trágico: a teoria schopenhaueriana da tragédia.José Fernandes Weber - 2017 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 8 (2):72.
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    Causation in Perspective. Are All Causal Claims Equally Warranted?Erik Weber & Leen de Vreese - 2012 - Philosophica 84 (1).
  35. Chromatikon: Yearbook of Philosopy in Process.Michel Weber (ed.) - 2009
    Bilingual Yearbook published by the Chromatiques whiteheadiennes scholarly society since 2005.
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    « Devoirs », Par B. Jacob.Louis Weber - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (2):219 - 228.
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  37. Der heutige Stand der mechanischen Weltanschauung.Heinrich Weber - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13:573.
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  38. Eine Gerichtsverhandlung vor Kaiser Traian.W. Weber - 1915 - Hermes 50 (1):47-92.
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    Equidade na Doutrina do Direito de Kant: um direito que, não sendo um direito, enfraquece a “tese da independência”.Thadeu Weber & Martin P. Haeberlin - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (3):121-137.
    The present paper has the purpose of making a critical approach of the so called “independence thesis” (Unabhängigkeitsthese) between Law and Ethics based on the Kantian text about equity in his Doctrine of Law. To this critical approach, a weakening of the “independence thesis” is demonstrated according to some endogenous concepts of the Kant work, which we believe deals with an oblique opening of the Kantian’s law to ethics. To demonstrate this, we follow a methodological analytic way divided in three (...)
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  40. Handbook.Michel Weber - 2008 - ontos verlag.
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    Karl Marx and Marxism. From the Philosophy of the Proletariat to the Proletarian World-Outlook.Hermann Weber - 1969 - Philosophy and History 2 (2):202-202.
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    L'expérience humaine et la causalité physique.Louis Weber - 1923 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (1):59 - 95.
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    La modalité du jugement: Par M. léon brunschwicg.Louis Weber - 1898 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 6 (4):474 - 504.
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    Le rythme du progrès: Et la loi Des deux états.Louis Weber - 1913 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 21 (1):16 - 60.
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    Living together: Jacques Derrida's communities of violence and peace.Elisabeth Weber (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    " In this volume, the paradoxes, impossibilities, and singular chances that haunt the necessity of "living together" are evoked in Derrida's essay "Avowing--The Impossible: 'Returns,' Repentance, and Reconciliation," around which the ...
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  46. Mechanics of the Human Walking Apparatus.Wilhelm Weber, Eduard Weber & C. Lawrence - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (2):199.
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    Percepção da interação familiar e auto-estima de adolescentes.Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber, Gisele Regina Stasiak & Olivia Justen Brandenburg - 2003 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 17:95-105.
    A influência da família no desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente é um foco importante de pesquisa atualmente. Para estudar a relação entre a interação familiar e a auto-estima de adolescentes, 111 alunos (13 e 14 anos), de três escolas particulares de Porto União (SC) responderam a Escala de A..
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    Patterns of scientific reasoning: An introduction.Erik Weber - 2005 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 14 (1):3-5.
    From December 2001 till December 2004, the Science, Innovation and Media Department of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (Belgium) and the State Committee for Scientific Research of the Republic of Poland funded a cooperation project (Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation Project BIL01/80) between two Flemish and two Polish research centres. The Flemish partners were the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University and the centre with the same name of the Free University of Brussels. The Polish (...)
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  49. Pensée symbolique et pensée opératrice: Exposé.Louis Weber - 1935 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 35 (5).
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    Scientific Explanation, Necessity Contingency.Erik Weber - 1989 - Philosophica 44.
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