Henrike Moll [19]H. Moll [4]Han Moll [3]
  1. Understanding and sharing intentions: The origins of cultural cognition.Michael Tomasello, Malinda Carpenter, Josep Call, Tanya Behne & Henrike Moll - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):675-691.
    We propose that the crucial difference between human cognition and that of other species is the ability to participate with others in collaborative activities with shared goals and intentions: shared intentionality. Participation in such activities requires not only especially powerful forms of intention reading and cultural learning, but also a unique motivation to share psychological states with others and unique forms of cognitive representation for doing so. The result of participating in these activities is species-unique forms of cultural cognition and (...)
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  2. On the transformative character of collective intentionality and the uniqueness of the human.Andrea Kern & Henrike Moll - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (3):315-333.
    Current debates on collective intentionality focus on the cognitive capacities, attitudes, and mental states that enable individuals to take part in joint actions. It is typically assumed that collective intentionality is a capacity which is added to other, pre-existing, capacities of an individual and is exercised in cooperative activities like carrying a table or painting a house together. We call this the additive account because it portrays collective intentionality as a capacity that an individual possesses in addition to her capacity (...)
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    What We Do and Don’t Know About Joint Attention.Henrike Moll - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):247-258.
    Joint attention is an early-emerging and uniquely human capacity that lies at the foundation of many other capacities of humans, such as language and the understanding of other minds. In this article, I summarize what developmentalists and philosophers have come to find out about joint attention, and I end by stating that two problems or questions of joint attention require additional research: 1) the relation between joint attention and the skills for dyadic sharing or affect exchange in young infants, and (...)
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    The Transformative Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis: Evidence from Young Children’s Problem-Solving.Henrike Moll - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (1):161-175.
    This study examined 4-year-olds’ problem-solving under different social conditions. Children had to use water in order to extract a buoyant object from a narrow tube. When faced with the problem ‘cold’ without cues, nearly all children were unsuccessful. But when a solution-suggesting video was pedagogically delivered prior to the task, most children succeeded. Showing children the same video in a non-pedagogical manner did not lift their performance above baseline and was less effective than framing it pedagogically. The findings support ideas (...)
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  5. Perspective-taking and its foundation in joint attention.Henrike Moll & Andrew N. Meltzoff - 2011 - In Johannes Roessler, Hemdat Lerman & Naomi Eilan (eds.), Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    The primacy of social over visual perspective-taking.Henrike Moll & Derya Kadipasaoglu - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Ontogenetic steps of understanding beliefs: From practical to theoretical.Henrike Moll, Qianhui Ni & Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (5):1115-1139.
    In this article, we postulate that belief understanding unfolds in two steps over ontogenetic time. We propose that belief understanding begins in interactive scenarios in which infants and toddlers respond directly and second-personally to the actions of a misinformed agent. This early understanding of beliefs is practical and grounded in the capacity for perspective-taking. Practical belief understanding guarantees effective interaction and communication with others who are acting on false assumptions. In a second step, children, at preschool age, acquire the capacity (...)
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    How Young Children Learn from Others.Henrike Moll - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (2):340-355.
  9. Rethinking Cultural Evolutionary Psychology.Ryan Nichols, Henrike Moll & Jacob L. Mackey - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (5):477-492.
    This essay discusses Cecilia Heyes’ groundbreaking new book Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking. Heyes’ point of departure is the claim that current theories of cultural evolution fail adequately to make a place for the mind. Heyes articulates a cognitive psychology of cultural evolution by explaining how eponymous “cognitive gadgets,” such as imitation, mindreading and language, mental technologies, are “tuned” and “assembled” through social interaction and cultural learning. After recapitulating her explanations for the cultural and psychological origins of these (...)
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    Foundation in Joint Attention.Henrike Moll & Andrew N. Meltzoff - 2011 - In Johannes Roessler, Hemdat Lerman & Naomi Eilan (eds.), Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 286.
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    Shared intentionality shapes humans' technical know-how.Henrike Moll, Ryan Nichols & Ellyn Pueschel - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Osiurak and Reynaud argue that cumulative technological culture is made possible by a “non-social cognitive structure” and they offer an account that aims “to escape from the social dimension” of human cognition. We challenge their position by arguing that human technical rationality is unintelligible outside of our species' uniquely social form of life, which is defined by shared intentionality :319–37; Tomasello 2019a, Becoming human: A theory of ontogeny. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press).
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    (1 other version)Über die Entwicklung des Verstehens von Wahrnehmung und Perspektivität.Henrike Moll & Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer - 2021 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 128 (1):21-39.
    The topic of this article is the ontogenetic development of an understanding of perception and of different subjects’ perspectives. We discuss the importance of alternating and explicating the different perspectives involved in joint object reference in hopes to get a better grip on what is actually meant by the metaphor of “putting oneself in someone else’s mental shoes” and on how such an ability might be acquired. Hegel’s (1820/2009, §260)principle of subjectivity states that no one can ever step outside of (...)
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    Human-Specific Forms of Cognition Prior to Judgments.Henrike Moll - 2012 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 86 (1):235-245.
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    Ontogenetic precursors of assertion and denial.Henrike Moll - 2012 - In Sebastian Rödl & Henning Tegtmeyer (eds.), Sinnkritisches Philosophieren. De Gruyter. pp. 337-346.
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    Rethinking Human Development and the Shared Intentionality Hypothesis.Henrike Moll, Ryan Nichols & Jacob L. Mackey - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (2):453-464.
    In his recent book “Becoming Human” Michael Tomasello delivers an updated version of his shared intentionality (SI) account of uniquely human cognition. More so than in earlier writings, the author embraces the idea that SI shapes not just our social cognition but all domains of thought and emotion. In this critical essay, we center on three parts of his theory. The first is that children allegedly have to earn the status of “second persons” through the acquisition of collective intentionality at (...)
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  16. Cultural evolution: A review of theoretical challenges.Ryan Nichols, Mathieu Charbonneau, Azita Chellappoo, Taylor Davis, Miriam Haidle, Eric Kimbrough, Henrike Moll, Richard Moore, Thom Scott-Phillips, Benjamin Purzycki & José Segovia-Martin - 2024 - Evolutionary Human Sciences 6.
    The rapid growth of cultural evolutionary science, its expansion into numerous fields, its use of diverse methods, and several conceptual problems have outpaced corollary developments in theory and philosophy of science. This has led to concern, exemplified in results from a recent survey conducted with members of the Cultural Evolution Society, that the field lacks ‘knowledge synthesis’, is poorly supported by ‘theory’, has an ambiguous relation to biological evolution and uses key terms (e.g. ‘culture’, ‘social learning’, ‘cumulative culture’) in ways (...)
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    How to create a cultural species: Evaluating three proposals.Ryan Nichols, Henrike Moll & Jacob L. Mackey - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (2):279-296.
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    Intentionen teilen und verstehen Die Ursprünge menschlicher Kognition.Michael Tomasell, M. Carpenter, J. Call, T. Behne & H. MoLL - 2011 - In Wolfgang Welsch, Christian Tewes & Klaus Vieweg (eds.), Natur und Geist: über ihre evolutionäre Verhältnisbestimmung. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Replik auf die Kommentare.Michael Tomasello & Henrike Moll - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (1):164-169.
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