Results for 'H. Hoynes'

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    Aspects of Face Processing.H. Ellis, M. Jeeves, F. Newcombe & Andrew W. Young (eds.) - 1986 - Martinus Nijhoff.
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    Journey Into Space HM Collins and Steven Yearley.H. M. Collins - 1992 - In Andrew Pickering, Science as practice and culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 369.
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    Indian logic in the early schools: a study of the Nyāyadarśana in its relation to the early logic of other schools.H. N. Randle - 1930 - New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corp. : distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Description: Ancient Indian logic by itself is a very vast subject. The ancient Sanskrit term nyaya which was first used in a different or in a much more general sense, was later specifically applied to the Nyaya school. The physics and physiology and psychology of the Nyaya doctrine are not specifically its own, being from the first indistinguishable from those of its sister Sastra, the Vaisesika. What characterizes it specifically is the development of the nyaya or five-membered method of demonstration (...)
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  4. Aslin, RN, 27.H. Brownell, B. Butterworth, S. Carey, H. Cheung, L. Frazier, L. Gerken, R. L. Gomez, F. Happé, E. K. Johnson & D. Kelemen - 1999 - Cognition 70:309.
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  5. Von der sinnlichen Darstellung der sittlichen Ideen.H. Burger - 1998 - Synthesis Philosophica 13 (1):197-208.
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  6. Interpretation of History.H. Butterfield - forthcoming - .
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  7. Non-contingency axioms for S4 and S5.H. Montgomery & Richard Routley - 1968 - Logique Et Analyse 11:422-424.
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  8. The Mysteries of the Entropic Arrow.H. Price & C. Callender - 2002 - In Craig Callender, Time, Reality & Experience. Cambridge University Press.
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    Suffering, human and divine.H. Wheeler Robinson - 1939 - New York,: Macmillan.
    SUFFERING HUMAN AND DIVINE INTRODUCTION I KNEW when I asked Dr. H. Wheeler Robinson to write this volume on Suffering that I was giving him the most difficult ...
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  10. On the origin and significance of the axioms of geometry.H. Helmholtz - 1977 - In Robert Cohen & Elkana Yehuda, Hermann Von Helmholtz: Epistemological Writings. Reidel.
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  11. Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground.H. V. Hanson (ed.) - 2007
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  12. (1 other version)Constructing a cosmopolitan public sphere: hermeneutic capabilities and universal values.H. H. Kogler - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52 (5):783-815.
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  13. Measurement in quantum theory: The end of Copenhagen monocracy.H. Krips - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. pp. 6333--6334.
  14. Otsrot ha-Torah: Purim: penine ḥokhmah u-musar be-shiluv maʻaśim u-meshalim mi-gedole ha-dorot.Eliyahu Ḥayim Kohen - 2007 - B.B. [z.o. Bene Beraḳ]: Eliyahu Ḥayim Kohen.
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  15. Ibn ʻArabī fī ufuq mā baʻda al-ḥadāthah.Muḥammad Miṣbāḥī (ed.) - 2003 - [al-Rabāṭ]: Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
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    Metabletica en wetenschap: kritische bestandsopname van het werk van J.H. van den Berg.J. H. van den Berg & J. van Belzen (eds.) - 1997 - Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing.
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    Frontal lobe dysfunction in secondary depression.H. Mayberg - 2001 - In Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy & James D. Duffy, The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illness. American Psychiatric Press. pp. 167--186.
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    Dewey and the Theory of Knowledge.H. S. Thayer - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (4):443 - 458.
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    The relation of the Bible to learning.H. Evan Runner - 1967 - Rexdale, Ont.,: Association for Reformed Scientific Studies.
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  20. The stream of consciousness since James.H. R. Pollio - 1990 - In Tracy B. Henley, Reflections on the Principles of Psychology: William James After a Century. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  21. Besprechung der „International Encyclopedia of Unified Science“.H. Marcuse - 1939 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 8.
  22. The Biological Foundations of Virtual Realities and Their Implications for Human Existence.H. R. Maturana - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (2):109-114.
    Purpose: To consider the implications of the operation of the nervous system -- and of the constitution of cultures as closed networks of languaging and emotioning -- for how we understand and generate so-called "virtual realities." Findings: The nervous system is a detector of configurations within itself and thus cannot represent reality. The distinction between virtual and non-virtual realities does not apply to the operation of the nervous system; rather it pertains to the operation of the observer as a languaging (...)
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  23. 'Pain and Suffering'.H. J. McCloskey - 1992 - In Lawrence C. Becker & Charlotte B. Becker, The Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York: Garland Publishing. pp. 927--9.
  24. Rodger Beehler, David Copp and Bela Szabados, eds., On the Track of Reason: Essays In Honor of Kai Nielsen Reviewed by.H. B. McCullough - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (2):69-71.
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  25. Addition.H. Mcgary - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (4):363-363.
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  26. Constructional morphology of photoreceptor patterns in percomorph fish.H. J. Meer - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (1).
    The frequently occurring photoreceptor patterns in fish are explained using functional and environmental demands in a geometric model. The shape of the double cone provides a number of constructional properties leading to a limited number of appropriate configurations. The probability of their occurrence is estimated from the degree to which the combination of properties of each configuration meets specific environmental light conditions. A row pattern of merely double cones is especially suitable for vision in a dim homochromatic environment; a triangular (...)
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  27. Treatise on right and wrong.H. L. Mencken - 1934 - New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
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    Erratum: Some Aspects of Modern Philosophy.H. Meyer - 1947 - Synthese 6 (9/12):502 -.
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  29. Das menschliche Dasein als Zwischensein.H. Mine - 2004 - Synthesis Philosophica 19 (1):65-82.
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  30. Justice as constancy.H. M. - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (6):561-580.
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  31. The developmental basis of identity.H. M. - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (4):601-617.
    We are each the product of our development. The nature of the developmental process by which each of us was formed is described from gametogenesis to neonatality. The varied influences upon that process and their relative balance and patterns of interaction are then considered. In particular, the relative importance of epigenetic and genetic factors is discussed. It is concluded that development is a continuous process involving epigenetic/genetic interactions throughout. The contemporary emphasis on the genetic basis for human individuality is reviewed (...)
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  32. Neural mechanisms in boundary grouping, illusory contour generation and spatial tuning of receptive field selectivity.H. Neumann & P. Mossner - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--28.
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    Hereditary characters and their modes of transmission.H. G. Newth - 1911 - The Eugenics Review 3 (3):276.
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  34. The annual "Royal ceremony" on mt. tlaloc : Mountain fertility ritualism in the late pre-hispanic Basin of mexico.H. B. Nicholson - 2003 - In Douglas Sharon & James Edward Brady, Mesas & cosmologies in Mesoamerica. San Diego: San Diego Museum of Man. pp. 42.
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  35. Methods of natural science.H. A. Nielsen - 1967 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
  36. Religious realism in the twentieth century.H. R. Niebuhr - 1931 - In Douglas Clyde Macintosh & Arthur Kenyon Rogers, Religious realism. New York,: The Macmillan company.
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  37. Meaning and Normativity in nursing practice.H. Nordby - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 1.
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  38. The Conception of Semantic Truth.H. Robinson - 1985 - Logique Et Analyse 28 (109):93-104.
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  39. Shekhinah benehem.Nisim Ḥadad - 2013 - Ḳiryat sefer - Modiʻin ʻIlit: [Nisim Ḥadad].
    ḥeleḳ 1. Hadrakhah le-shalom bayit : sefer hadrakhah meforaṭ be-ʻinyene shidukhim ṿe-shelom bayit be-niśuʼin ʻa. p. maʼamre Ḥazal -- ḥeleḳ 2. Hadrakhah le-ṭaharat ha-bayit : ʻiḳre ha-halakhot ha-ḥiyuniyot : ʻa. p. pisḳe maran ha-Shu. ʻa. ṿeha-Rema uve-tsiruf hakhraʻot aḥarone zemanenu.
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  40. Effects of pragmatic inference on phonetic category perception.H. Rohde, M. Ettlinger, S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  41. Soren Kierkegaard und die Kenosis-Lehre.H. Roos - 1957 - Kierkegaardiana 1:54-60.
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  42. Disruption. By David Appelbaum.H. Rosenau - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:156-157.
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    Sur une édition de suétone parue à Lyon en octobre 1508.H. D. Saffrey - 1972 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 34 (3):427-434.
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  44. Zwischenraeume-die Nischen des Sokrates.H. Saner - 1998 - Synthesis Philosophica 13 (1):513-520.
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  45. Aristotle and Plato (questionable) unwritten doctrine.H. Schmitz - 1992 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 99 (1):142-157.
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    Hierocles of Alexandria and the Vehicle of the Soul.H. Schibli - 1993 - Hermes 121 (1):109-117.
  47. On Grassmann's life and his work as a mathematics teacher.H. Schwartze - 1996 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 187:7-18.
  48. Urgemeinde, Urchristentum.H. J. Schoeps - forthcoming - Gnosis.
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  49. Was bleibt vom Bewesstsein?H. Schmitz - 2004 - Fenomenologia 2:23-40.
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  50. De l'immutabilité de Dieu dans l'acte de la création et dans la relation avec les hommes.H. Seidl - 1987 - Revue Thomiste 87 (4):615-629.
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