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Hubertus R. Drobner [27]Hubertos R. Drobner [2]Hubertus Drobner [2]H. Drobner [2]
  1. Navidad en Hipona: celebración mística y catequesis.Hubertos R. Drobner & José Anoz - 2010 - Augustinus 55 (216):31-49.
    Este artículo ofrece una perspectiva general de los sermones navideños de Agustín. Navidad es para él más importante de lo que podrían sugerir sus palabras a Jenaro (cf. ep. 55,2). De hecho, los paralelos entre sus predicaciones navideñas y pascuales son llamativos en este aspecto. En los sermones de Navidad, la catequesis se basa en el credo niceno o en el constantinopolitano, más bien que en los credos bautismales de Cuaresma y Pascua. Juantas, las fiestas de Navidad y Pascua celebran (...)
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    Cronología de los 'sermones ad populum' de san Agustín II: 'sermones' 5-8; 184-196 y 369-370.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2009 - Augustinus 54 (214):269-294.
    Este artículo continúa el debate sobre la forma de fechar las predicciones agustinianas; en concreto, los sermones 5-8 y las prédicas de Navidad 184-196 y 369-370. Un "excursus" resume el estado de dicha cuestión y evalúa en perspectiva metodológica el valor y propósito del esfuerzo por darle una respuesta adecuada.
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  3.  65
    Christmas in Hippo.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2004 - Augustinian Studies 35 (1):55-72.
    This article provides an overview of Augustine’s Christmas sermons. Christmas is more important for Augustine than his words to Januarius might suggest (Letter 55, 2). In fact, the parallels between his preaching at Christmas and at Easter are striking in this regard. The catechesis in the Christmas sermons is based on the Nicean creed (or that of Constantinopole) rather than on the Lenten and Easter baptismal creeds. Together, the feasts of Christmas and Easter celebrate—both theologically and liturgically—the one mystery of (...)
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  4. Christian Philosophy.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2008 - In Susan Ashbrook Harvey & David G. Hunter (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies. Oxford University Press.
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    Die Drei Tage Zwischen Tod Und Auferstehung Unseres Herrn Jesus Christus: Eingeleitet, Übersetzt Und Kommentiert von H.R. Drobner.Hubertus Drobner (ed.) - 1982 - Brill.
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  6.  36
    Die Festpredigten der Mesopentecoste in der Alten Kirche.Hubertus R. Drobner - 1993 - Augustinianum 33 (1-2):137-170.
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    Die Osternachtspredigt Augustins sermo 221 (Guelferbytanus 5) Einleitung und Übersetzung.Hubertus R. Drobner - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):189-202.
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  8.  44
    Die Palästina-itinerarien der alten Kirche als literarische, historische und archäologische Quellen.Hubertus R. Drobner - 1998 - Augustinianum 38 (2):293-354.
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  9.  28
    Esbozos de la cristología de san Agustín.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2009 - Augustinus 54 (212):105-141.
    El artículo intenta demostrar cómo, a través de la aplicación de la exégesis gramatical en sentido estrictamente cristológico, san Agustín llegó a la fórmula "una persona" en Cristo. Y lo hace en tres etapas: la exégisis gramatical en la educación y práctica agustinianas; exégesis gramatical y cristología en san Agustín; conceptos cristológicos anteriores a él y contemporáneos con él.
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    Exégesis gramatical y cristología en san Agustín.Hubertus R. Drobner & J. J. Goicoechea - 1986 - Augustinus 31 (121-122):95-112.
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  11. Gregory of Nyssa as Philosopher: De anima et resurrectione and De hominis opificio.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2000 - Dionysius 18:69-102.
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  12.  19
    La cronología de los Sermones ad populum de san Agustín.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2000 - Augustinus 45 (176-77):103-108.
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  13.  29
    Newly identified Augustinian and Pseudo-Augustinian Texts in Manuscripts of Bodleian Library, Oxford.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (2):513-540.
    The article presents 111 newly-identified texts in manuscripts of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, which had hitherto all been attributed to Augustine of Hippo. Only thirty of them, however, proved to be authentic, fifty originate from works of other patristic and medieval authors, while thirty-one remain anonymous. Especially remarkable is the identification of two fragments from the new letters of St Augustine discovered by Johannes Divjak in Paris and Marseille, which predate the two manuscripts of his edition. These results complement the (...)
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  14.  41
    Psalm 21 in Augustine’s Sermones ad populum.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2006 - Augustinian Studies 37 (2):145-169.
  15.  39
    Sermo sancti Augustini De eleemosyna.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (1):257-297.
    The article presents the first critical edition of Augustine’s Sermo Haffner 1, which is identical to Sermo Étaix 3, based on all nine known manuscripts andthe three printed editions. A thorough introduction to the transmission of the text, its variants and structure is added, also an ample apparatus fontium et testimoniorum, especially regarding the parallels from other works of St. Augustine, a German translation of the text, and a commentary on the majorpoints of interest.
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  16. The Critical Edition of Gregory of Nyssa's In Hexaemeron: A Preliminary Report.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2002 - Dionysius 20:95-138.
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  17.  57
    The Chronology of Augustine’s Sermones ad populum III.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2004 - Augustinian Studies 35 (1):43-53.
    This article continues the discussion of dating Augustine’s sermons, using Augustine’s Christmas sermons (184–196 and 369–370) as the basis. It also includes an excursus, summarizing the status of present discussions and identifying the value and goal of this effort from a methodological perspective.
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  18.  65
    The Chronology of St. Augustine’s Sermones ad populum II: Sermons 5 to 8.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (1):49-66.
  19.  49
    The Chronology of St. Augustine’s Sermones ad populum.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2000 - Augustinian Studies 31 (2):211-218.
  20.  22
    The fathers of the church: a comprehensive introduction.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (1):669-669.
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  21.  42
    Tirannio Rufino di Concordia (Aquileia) Bibliografia.Hubertus R. Drobner - 2000 - Augustinianum 40 (2):461-517.
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  22.  46
    Gerald Bonner, Freedom and Necessity: St. Augustine's Teaching on Divine Power and Human Freedom. Washington, DC: Catholic University Press of America, 2007. John D. Caputo, Philosophy and Theology. Horizons in Theology. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2006. [REVIEW]Catherine Conybeare, Oxford Early Christian Studies Oxford, George E. Demacopoulos, Hubertus R. Drobner, Simon Harrison, Peter Iver Kaufman & Yoon Kyung Kim - 2007 - Augustinian Studies 38 (1):331-332.
  23.  20
    Augustine through the Ages. An Encyclopedia. [REVIEW]Hubertus Drobner - 2001 - Augustinian Studies 32 (1):142-146.
  24.  47
    Carlo dell’Osso, Cristo e Logos. Il calcedonismo del VI secolo in Oriente. Prefazione di Manlio Simonetti. [REVIEW]Hubertus R. Drobner - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (1):283-287.
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  25.  34
    Ernst Dassmann, Kirchengeschichte I.: Ausbreitung, Leben und Lehre der Kirche in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten. [REVIEW]Hubertus R. Drobner - 1992 - Augustinianum 32 (2):443-447.
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    Vittorino Grossi, La catechesi battesimale agli inizi del V secolo: Le fonti agostiniane. [REVIEW]Hubertus R. Drobner - 1996 - Augustinianum 36 (1):283-285.
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