Houghton Dalrymple [6]H. Dalrymple [4]H. B. Dalrymple [1]Houghton B. Dalrymple [1]
Hb Dalrymple [1]
  1.  46
    Dispositional and Causal Explanation.H. B. Dalrymple - 1975 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):115-121.
    It is argued that dispositional explanations are radically incomplete causal explanations that are employed when (1) a description of the stimuli is insufficient to account for the object's response and (2) not enough is known about the object to specify what its specific causal contribution is. ryle's failure to refer to the causal contribution of the organism in his account of dispositions is regarded as a serious weakness.
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  2. Hume on Relations.Hb Dalrymple - 1988 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 10 (3):29-36.
  3.  29
    Kemp Smith, Hume and the Parallelism Between Reason and Morality.Houghton Dalrymple - 1986 - Hume Studies 12 (1):77-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:77 KEMP SMITH, HUME AND THE PARALLELISM BETWEEN REASON AND MORALITY In a letter to a physician written in 1734 Hume expressed a dissatisfaction with the current state of philosophy and criticism, a dissatisfaction which he said had led him to strike out on his own and "seek out some new Medium, by which Truth might be establisht." He then went on to claim success: "After much Study, & (...)
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  4. Some logical muddles in behaviorism.Houghton Dalrymple - 1977 - Southwestern Philosophical Studies 2 (April):64-72.
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