Results for 'Godmanhood'

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  1.  47
    Godmanhood vs Mangodhood: An Eastern Orthodox Response to Transhumanism.Brandon Gallaher - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (2):200-215.
    This article distances the classic Patristic teaching of Eastern Orthodoxy on theosis from the pseudo-religious ideology of transhumanism. By appealing to the Silver Age of Russian theologians a century ago, today’s transhumanist vision is dubbed Mangodhood, an idolatrous construction of a technological Tower of Babel. In contrast, the classical Orthodox teaching of deification or theosis relies on the spiritual grace of the true God, rendering the true goal of religion to be Godmanhood.
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    Godmanhood as the main idea of the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyev.Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov - 1944 - [Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,: Harmon Printing House. Edited by Peter Peter Zouboff.
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    Lectures on Godmanhood.Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov & Peter Petrovich Zouboff - 1948 - San Rafael: Semantron Press. Edited by Peter Peter Zouboff.
    Less known in the anglophone world than Berdyaev (who was a pupil of his), or Martin Buber, Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), philosopher, mystic, poet, has nevertheless a contribution of the first importance to offer to Western scholarship. He came from a rich and not yet fully understood tradition; his erudition was stupendous. Like his predecessors he was extremely sensitive to such problems as the religious meaning of history, of creativity, of culture. It is important to emphasize a general link between Solovyov (...)
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  4. A Comparative Study of “Godmanhood” (bogochelovechestvo) in Russian Philosophy. e Eighth Day in V. Solovëv, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdiaev, and S. Frank.Katharina A. Breckner - 2013 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 19 (1).
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    Lectures on Godmanhood[REVIEW]N. S. Timasheff - 1945 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 20 (1):176-177.
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    Vladimir Solovyev's Lectures on Godmanhood Translated with an Introduction by Peter P. Zouboff.Dominic Unger - 1946 - Franciscan Studies 6 (2):242-245.
  7. Vladimir Solovyev's Lectures on Godmanhood.Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov & Peter Peter Zouboff - 1944 - [New York]: International University Press, distributor. Edited by Peter Peter Zouboff.
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    The Embodied Practical Ideal: Kant’s Ethicotheology and Godmanhood.Andrey K. Sudakov - 2021 - Kantian Journal 40 (2):67-94.
    The metaphysical layer of what can be called philosophical Christology in Kant’s treatise on religion reflects his idea of the embodiment of the archetype of moral perfection. Kant raises the problem of the ontology of the ideal in the shape of the question about the conditions that make actual experience possible: the ideal of holiness resides in reason, i. e. in the human being, but the dominance of radical evil over the human will puts it out of human reach either (...)
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  9. Developing the moral person: The concepts of human, godmanhood, and feelings in some Russian articulations of morality.Jarrett Zigon - 2009 - Anthropology of Consciousness 20 (1):1-26.
    Based on ethnographic research done in Moscow, Russia, this article describes how some Muscovites articulate their moral consciousness, that is, the ways in which persons articulate to themselves and others how they conceptualize morality. While it may be possible, and indeed is often the case, that these concepts influence how people act and help guide individuals toward moral behavior, what is more important for our purposes is that these concepts provide a way for persons to give meaning, both for themselves (...)
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  10.  28
    Vladimir Solovyev's Lectures on Godmanhood[REVIEW]George Fedotov - 1945 - Journal of Philosophy 42 (12):334-335.
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  11. Posthumanism and Russian religious thought.Jan Krasicki - 2002 - Studies in East European Thought 54 (1-2):125-143.
    I argue that one of the centralaspects characterizing the philosophicalhorizon at the threshhold of the twentieth andtwenty-first centuries is the erosion of thehumanist idea, i.e. `posthumanism''. Russianreligious philosophy is pervaded byconsiderations of humanism and posthumanism(antihumanism). The latter ascribes centralsignificance to the category of `Godmanhood''with which the leading Russian philosophersopposed the Nietzschean category of theOverman. But all of Germany philosophy can bereproached for having forsaken man. The`posthumanist'' narrative about man and God isan extreme, indeed pathological symptom ofphilosophy waiting for Embodiment.
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  12. The Russian Artist in Plato's Republic.Panchuk Michelle - 2013 - In Л.Ф. Абубакирова Л.Х. Самситова (ed.), Гуманистическое наследие просветителей в культуре и образовании: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (VII Акмуллинские чтения) 7 декабря 2012 года. pp. 574-585.
    In Book 10 of the Republic, Plato launches an extensive critique of art, claiming that it can have no legitimate role within the well-ordered state. While his reasons are multifac- eted, Plato’s primary objection to art rests on its status as a mere shadow of a shadow. Such shadows inevitably lead the human mind away from the Good, rather than toward it. How- ever, after voicing his many objections, Plato concedes that if art “has any arguments to show it should (...)
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  13.  27
    The Concept of Perfection in Lev Karsavin’s Religious Metaphysics.Olga A. Zhukova - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (6):489-502.
    This article examines the concept of the perfect, a key idea in Lev P. Karsavin’s metaphysics that largely determines his understanding of personhood and its ontological status. The associated concept of the perfect person develops throughout the entire philosophical period of the thinker’s work, from his Philosophy of History to his treatise “On Perfection,” written in the last year of his life in the Abez’ camps. In this article, I argue that the concept of perfection is the main structural element (...)
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    Vladimir Soloviev’s Historiosophical Universalism.Janusz Dobieszewski - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (5-6):79-100.
    The article outlines Vladimir Soloviev’s views at the time of his fascination by the theocracy, Christian policy and United Church concepts. His standpoint then was to place the “Godmanhood” idea underlying his philosophy in a realistic, historically and socially factual—hence universalistic—context. This led him to confer a special role in the historical process to the Christian church, which he saw as a dynamic institution adding energy to history. Soloviev considered this energy crucial in the rebirth of Christian unity around (...)
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  15. Rozum a religia w filozofii rosyjskiej.Lilianna Kiejzik - 2006 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The author presents two different accounts of the origins of the Russian philosophy. According to the first one, Russian philosophical thought has grown as an autonomous discipline, whereas the second depicts it as a compilation of trends and ideas borrowed from the Western tradition. The author stresses the religious character of the Russian philosophy, focusing on its two fundamental categories: Sophia (Divine Wisdom) and Godmanhood, that result in an original account of the relation between faith and reason.
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    La Filosofía de Solovyov Como Racionalización de Los Sentimientos y El Comportamiento Relgiosos.Kamen Dimitrov Lozev - 2017 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 1 (2).
    Resumen: El artículo está dedicado a Vladimir Solovyov (Vladimir Solovyov) (1853-1900), el filósofo religioso más grande de Rusia del siglo 19. La tesis fundamental es que las ideas principales de Solovyov se pueden interpretar como una reflexión filosófica sobre los sentimientos religiosos fundamentales y los aspectos de comportamiento religioso. En este sentido se analizan en detalle las enseñanzas de Solovyov sobre la unidad positiva (all-encompassing unity, всеединство), la catolicidad (sobornost, соборность) y la divinohumanidad (Godmanhood, Divine Humanity, богочеловечество). Se presta (...)
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    Solovyov’s Philosophy as Rationalization of Religious Feelings and Behaviour.Kamen Dimitrov Lozev - 2017 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 1 (2).
    The article is dedicated to Vladimir Solovyov (1853 - 1900), the greatest Russian religious philosopher of the 19th Century. The main thesis is that the central ideas of Solovyov can be interpreted as philosophical reflections on fundamental religious feelings and aspects of religious behavior. With respect to this a detailed discussion of Solovyov’s teachings of ‘positive all-encompassing unity’ (всеединство), sobornost (togetherness, соборность) and Godmanhood (Divine Humanity, Богочеловечество) are discussed. Special attention is paid to Solovyov’s theocratic project of Christian Universal (...)
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    Vladimir solov'ëv's fundamental philosophical ideas.Grzegorz Przebinda - 2002 - Studies in East European Thought 54 (1-2):47-69.
    I recall that Solov''ëv wasRussia''s first professional philosopher andpresent the most important currents andconcepts of his many-sided theoretical edifice.Solov''ëv conceived philosophy in a verybroad sense of the term, for which reason histhinking comprises metaphysics no less thantheology, ecclesiology, history, and sociology.I show how Solov''ëv sought constantly to bringthese diverse elements into agreement with oneanother for the sake of a consistent systematicproject, how he attempted to synthesizenumerous oppositions (including patriotism anduniversalism, humanism and theocentrism).
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    The problem of moral absolutes in the ethics of Vladimir Solov'ëv.Oleg Sergeevich Pugachev - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2-4):207-221.
    Moral absolutes were perceived, by Solov'ëv, in a dual manner: a) from the side of content, of psychology, as when we speak of feelings, emotions, etc.; and b) under a formal aspect, as “ideas,” i.e. logically. Neither of these can be treated without relating to moral absolutes astrue, and without a rationalbelief in their truth, a truth that cannot be logically proved. In my opinion, our time has become keenly aware of the universally human value of Vladimir Solov'ëv's ethics, of (...)
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    Different concepts of personality: Nikolaj Berdjaev and Sergej Bulgakov. [REVIEW]Regula M. Zwahlen - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):183-204.
    The main concern of both Berdjaev's and Bulgakov's philosophical strivings consists in developing a concept of the person as the foundation of human dignity and creativity within a Christian world view. Once attracted by Marxism with its emphasis on human dignity and social justice, they started to struggle against Marxism's atheist materialism because of its lack of a concept of person. However, the same concern will lead both thinkers down very different paths with different consequences. This paper argues that, even (...)
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