Results for 'Gisla Gniech'

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    Obscure Styles (Old English and Old Norse) and the Enigma of Gísla Saga.Joseph Harris - 1993 - Mediaevalia 19:75-99.
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    Regardless of sex: men, women, and power in early Northern Europe.Carol J. Clover - 1993 - Speculum 68 (2):363-387.
    In chapter 32 of Gísla saga, two bounty hunters come to the wife of the outlawed Gisli and offer her sixty ounces of silver to reveal the whereabouts of her husband. At first Auðr resists, but then, eyeing the coins and muttering that “cash is a widow's best comfort,” she asks to have the money counted out. The men do so. Auðr pronounces the silver adequate and asks whether she may do with it what she wants. By all means, Eyjólfr (...)
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    Interpretación, “ajuste” E igualdad directa.Stephen Guest - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:153-171.
    El presente artículo trata de las ideas de inte r pretación e int e g ridad s e gún D w orkin, al tiempo que considera e r róneo el posit i vismo jurídico y sostiene la e xistencia de la objet i vidad moral y jurídica. Así mismo, plantea que la idea de "tomar algo como propio" es esencial para la idea de inte r pretación, y conclu y e a f i r mando que la inte r pretación (...)
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    Elementos mágicos y religiosos en la medicina andalusí.Camilo Álvarez de Morales - 2006 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 11:23-46.
    This paper has a double purpose: firstly, to assess the importance of seiðr magic rituals and of its practitioners within the social and mythological framework of Old norse-icelandic Literature. Secondly, by means of the analysis of certain scenes in The Saga of Gísli Súrsson, i aim to demonstrate that the inclusion of magic-religious motifs in the Sagas of icelanders has a triple objective: to provide a model to help understand apparently inexplicable phenomena, to intensify the tragic tone of the plot (...)
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    Los cuatro elementos naturales en la mitología precristiana rusa.Sánchez Puig María - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:97-106.
    This paper has a double purpose: firstly, to assess the importance of seiðr magic rituals and of its practitioners within the social and mythological framework of Old norse-icelandic Literature. Secondly, by means of the analysis of certain scenes in The Saga of Gísli Súrsson, i aim to demonstrate that the inclusion of magic-religious motifs in the Sagas of icelanders has a triple objective: to provide a model to help understand apparently inexplicable phenomena, to intensify the tragic tone of the plot (...)
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