Results for 'Gérard Bucher'

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    La vision et l'énigme: éléments pour une analytique du logos.Gérard Bucher - 1989 - Paris: Cerf.
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    Homo divinans: l'impensé de la parole et de la mort.Gérard Bucher - 2023 - Mont-Saint-Aignan: Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre.
    Ayant depuis son premier livre exploré son hypothèse d'une naissance de notre langage articulé, humain, à partir de l'expérience de la mort d'autrui comme autre soi-même, Gérard Bucher expose dans un dernier ouvrage les raisons des travaux d'une vie entière. La poésie, pour Bucher, c'est ce qui reste (et qui, ainsi, nous est légué, génération après génération), d'une scène (ou archiscène) au cours de laquelle rien de moins que les clés de notre humanité nous sont données. Dans (...)
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    Death, language, thought: on Gérard Bucher's L'imagination de l'origine.Metka Zupanc̆ic̆ (ed.) - 2005 - Birmingham, Ala.: Summa Publications.
    This volume contains fourteen essays in which different aspects of gerard Bucher's "thanatopoietic hypothesis" are examined.
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    From the Sacred to the Divine: A New Phenomenological Approach.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1994 - Springer.
    The contemporary revival of interest in the Sacred as a category of philosophico-religious reflection here finds a radical reversal of the traditional direction, taking the Sacred as the starting point of the itinerary toward the Divine. The wide variety of essays contained in this volume attempt to ground philosophy of the Sacred and the Divine in phenomenological evidence. Though employing different methodologies, the contributors register by and large the contribution of A-T. Tymieniecka's phenomenology of life in providing a significant 20th (...)
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    The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Gerard T. Hooft - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents the deterministic view of quantum mechanics developed by Nobel Laureate Gerard 't Hooft. Dissatisfied with the uncomfortable gaps in the way conventional quantum mechanics meshes with the classical world, 't Hooft has revived the old hidden variable ideas, but now in a much more systematic way than usual. In this, quantum mechanics is viewed as a tool rather than a theory. The book presents examples of models that are classical in essence, but can be analysed by the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Greek Concept of Nature.Gerard Naddaf - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the origin and evolution of the Greek concept of nature up until the time of Plato.
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  7. Quantum statistical physics.Gérard Emch - 2006 - In Jeremy Butterfield & John Earman (eds.), Philosophy of Physics. Amsterdam and Boston: Elsevier. pp. 1075--1182.
  8. [Horizons].Gérard Bras & François Noudelmann - forthcoming - Rue Descartes.
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    Biology Needs Information Theory.Gérard Battail - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (1):77-103.
    Communication is an important feature of the living world that mainstream biology fails to adequately deal with. Applying two main disciplines can be contemplated to fill in this gap: semiotics and information theory. Semiotics is a philosophical discipline mainly concerned with meaning; applying it to life already originated in biosemiotics. Information theory is a mathematical discipline coming from engineering which has literal communication as purpose. Biosemiotics and information theory are thus concerned with distinct and complementary possible meanings of the word (...)
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  10. The idea of the university in the global era: From knowledge as an end to the end of knowledge?Gerard Delanty - 1998 - Social Epistemology 12 (1):3 – 25.
    (1998). The idea of the university in the global era: From knowledge as an end to the end of knowledge? Social Epistemology: Vol. 12, Sites of Knowledge Production: The University, pp. 3-25. doi: 10.1080/02691729808578856.
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    Du corps humain à la dignité de la personne humaine: genèse, débats et enjeux des lois d'éthique biomédicale.Claire Ambroselli & Gérard Wormser (eds.) - 1999 - Paris: Centre national de documentation pédagogique.
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    Toleration.Nicholas G. Fotion & Gerard Elfstrom - 1992 - Tuscaloosa, AL, USA: University of Alabama Press.
    Most regard toleration as an unattractive fallback position of compromise and so tend to overlook it in favor of such active concepts as freedom, equality, and justice. Fotion and Elfstrom argue that toleration offers us the useful possibility of responding to a difficult situation with a degree of flexibility not possible with the dichotomous concepts of good-bad, right-wrong, ethical-unethical, Right-Left. Tolerating saturates ordinary human life and infuses public discussions of religion, morality, and politics. It forms a major strand in the (...)
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  13. Foi et savoir. Autour de L'étoile de la rédemption.Franz Rosenzweig, Gérard Bensussan, Marc Crépon & Marc de Launay - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):801-802.
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  14. [God and Human-beings According To Aquinas, Thomas and Hegel-French-Brito, E].Gilbert Gérard - 1993 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 24 (2):195-200.
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    Extrapolating a Hierarchy of Building Block Systems Towards Future Neural Network Organisms.Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (3):171-189.
    It is possible to predict future life forms? In this paper it is argued that the answer to this question may well be positive. As a basis for predictions a rationale is used that is derived from historical data, e.g. from a hierarchical classification that ranks all building block systems, that have evolved so far. This classification is based on specific emergent properties that allow stepwise transitions, from low level building blocks to higher level ones. This paper shows how this (...)
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    Keynésianisme américain et social-démocratie suédoise. Quels compromis?: Dossier: L'arbre social-démocrate.Gérard Duménil & Dominique Lévy - 1998 - Actuel Marx 23:117-136.
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    An Answer to Schrödinger’s What Is Life?Gérard Battail - 2011 - Biosemiotics 4 (1):55-67.
  18. Superstrings and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Gerard ’T. Hooft - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (5):463-471.
    It is put forward that modern elementary particle physics cannot be completely unified with the laws of gravity and general relativity without addressing the question of the ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics itself. The position of superstring theory in this general question is emphasized: superstrings may well form exactly the right mathematical system that can explain how quantum mechanics can be linked to a deterministic picture of our world. Deterministic interpretations of quantum mechanics are usually categorically rejected, because of Bell’s (...)
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    The diaconate: possibilities and challenges.Gerard Kelly & Richard Lennan - 1997 - The Australasian Catholic Record 74 (2):131.
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    Discourse and Context: An Interdisciplinary Study of John Henry Newman.Gerard Magill - 1993 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    The fundamental interaction between discourse and context that pervades Newman’s many works provides the thread that weaves this collection together. There are five major divisions in the book.
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    Routledge handbook of cosmopolitanism studies.Gerard Delanty (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    It is now integral to much of cultural, political and social analysis. This is the first comprehensive survey in one volume of the interdisciplinary field of cosmopolitan studies.
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    Esthétique et poétique.Timothy Binkley & Gérard Genette - 1992 - Seuil.
    Depuis le début de ce siècle, l'art et la littérature n'ont cessé de déborder leurs limites et de bousculer leurs catégories. Cette démarche radicale a contribué, en retour, à réveiller une théorie jusqu'alors quelque peu engourdie dans des conceptions héritées de la fin du XVIIIe siècle, aux confins des âges classique et romantique. Les études ici réunies témoignent de ce renouveau de l'esthétique, particulièrement dans la philosophie de tradition analytique. Leur trait commun est le caractère relativiste de leurs critères. Les (...)
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    Tarrying with Hopeless Angels: A Theo-poetic, Lacanian Exposition on Hope.Mark Gerard Murphy & Barney Barney Carroll - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (1).
    This paper is a theo-poetic exposition on hope via the series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The authors work to counter the dilemma of the modern human-cyborg: a subject saturated with digital technology who wants to fight the horror of their continual experience of a commodified hope. What emerges in this paper’s analysis is the articulation of three kinds of hope. The first kind is a prosaic general hope of the imaginary; the second is a rational hope of the symbolic, while the (...)
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    The role of implementation in connectionist explanation.Gerard O'Brien - 1998 - Psycoloquy 9 (6).
  25.  25
    The Theft: An Analysis of Moral Agency.Gerard Elfstrom - 2020 - Conatus 5 (1):27.
    Adam and Eve’s theft marks the beginning of the human career as moral agents. This article will examine the assumptions underlying the notion of moral agency from the perspective of three unremarkable human beings who found themselves in situations of moral difficulty. The article will conclude that these three people could not have acted differently than they did. It will conclude that it is unreasonable to assume that ordinary human beings will inevitably possess the resources to address difficult moral decisions.
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    Social Actors and Social Groups: A Return to Heterogeneity in Social Psychology.Gerard Duveen - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):369-374.
    For the contemporary reader of Psychoanalysis: Its Image and Its Public the analyses of communicative systems in the book provides a challenging occasion for reconsidering current social psychological thinking about the character of social groups. In Moscovici's careful delineation of the communicative systems of diffusion, propagation and propaganda through his content analysis of the French press, one can also see the description of different types of group structured through distinctive social psychological organisations. Moscovici himself suggests that the genres of diffusion, (...)
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  27.  26
    Ethology and physiology: A happy marriage.Gerard P. Baerends - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):369-370.
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    Evolution: Monolith or strawman - a matter of proper definitions and words.Gerard P. Baerends - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):317.
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    Programmed development.Gerard P. Baerends - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):635-636.
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    Excess.Gerard Bailhache - 1998 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 20 (2-1):115-138.
  31. Théorie et pratique. coll. « Critique de la politique ».Jürgen Habermas & Gérard Raulet - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (1):96-97.
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    Le problème ontologique dans la philosophie analytique.Jean-Gérard Rossi - 1995 - Editions Kimé.
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    Simultaneous Measurement of the BOLD Effect and Metabolic Changes in Response to Visual Stimulation Using the MEGA-PRESS Sequence at 3 T.Gerard Eric Dwyer, Alexander R. Craven, Justyna Bereśniewicz, Katarzyna Kazimierczak, Lars Ersland, Kenneth Hugdahl & Renate Grüner - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The blood oxygen level dependent effect that provides the contrast in functional magnetic resonance imaging has been demonstrated to affect the linewidth of spectral peaks as measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy and through this, may be used as an indirect measure of cerebral blood flow related to neural activity. By acquiring MR-spectra interleaved with frames without water suppression, it may be possible to image the BOLD effect and associated metabolic changes simultaneously through changes in the linewidth of the unsuppressed water (...)
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  34. Die Wiederentdeckung und Neuprofilierung von Luthers Ansatz einer Ethik der guten Werke : Barth und Bonhoeffer als Wegbereiter in der Zeit des Dritten Reiches.Gerard den Hertog - 2017 - In Hans Günter Ulrich, Gerard Cornelis den Hertog, Stefan Heuser, Marco Hofheinz & Bernd Wannenwetsch (eds.), "Sagen, was Sache ist": Versuche explorativer Ethik: Festgabe zu Ehren von Hans G. Ulrich. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    «Symbole et sacrement». A propos de l'étude de L.-M. Chauvet.Gérard Fourez - 1989 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 20 (2):194-203.
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    Technology Assessment: a Pocket Version.Gérard M. Fourez - 1994 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 14 (3):132-143.
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    (1 other version)Training Science Teachers for STS.Gérard M. Fourez - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (5-6):924-929.
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    Une dialectique de la conversion : L'Action de Maurice Blondel.Gérard Fourez & Jean Jacob - 1959 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 57 (56):543-574.
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    Code de « droit » canonique ou discipline positive de l'Église?Gérard Fransen - 1977 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 8 (1):3-14.
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    Le nouveau Code de droit canonique. Présentation et réflexions.Gérard Fransen - 1983 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 14 (3):275-288.
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    Réflexions sur la juridiction ecclésiastique.Gérard Fransen - 1971 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 2 (2):129-144.
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    Variations sur le thème de la loi canonique.Gérard Fransen - 1978 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 9 (4):424-435.
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    Icônes.Gérard Fromanger - 2018 - Multitudes 71 (2):1.
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    Wetenschapsfilosofie voor geesteswetenschappen.Michiel Leezenberg & Gerard de Vries - 2001 - Amsterdam University Press.
    [Dutch] The division of science into Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities may seem matter-of-course, but is in fact a fairly recent and by no means undebated one. This book describes how these different visions on science came to be and what ideals of knowledge and styles of argumentation they suppose. It also discusses the nature, structure and development of the Humanities. It delves into the history of these fields and the varying notions on their cultural place and function. The (...)
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  45. Charles S. Peirce, Phénoménologue et sémioticien.Gérard Deledalle - 1989 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (1):61-65.
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    Tempus quaerendi: nouvelles expériences philologiques dans le domaine de la pensée de l'Antiquité tardive.Lorenzo Ferroni & Gerard Boter (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
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    Parlamentarische Logik und Rhetorik.William Gerard Hamilton - 1949 - Köln,: G. Kiepenheuer.
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  48. Wonder and Sublimity: Revisions of a Classical Topos in the Philosophy and Aesthetics of the German Enlightenment.John Gerard Moore - 1998 - Dissertation, Emory University
    The dissertation considers what is at stake when theoretical wonder ceases to be an originating affect for speculative thought and becomes, instead, a limiting concept for critical philosophy. It attempts to show that: wonder functions for its classical proponents in an entirely different context than that presupposed by the aesthetics of the sublime . This difference can be ascribed to the way in which the feeling of the sublime is operative in the overcoming of modern theodicy , whereas wonder is (...)
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    Konkurrenz der Paradigmata: zum Entstehungskontext der philosophischen Anthropologie.Guillaume Plas, Gérard Raulet & Manfred Gangl (eds.) - 2011 - Nordhausen: T. Bautz.
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    MONTAIGNE ET LA RHÉTORIQUE DE L'INDICIBLE: l'exemple «De la tristesse «(I, 2).Gérard Defaux - 1993 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 55 (1):5-24.
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