Results for 'Geodesy'

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  1.  33
    Political Geodesy: The Army, the Air Force, and the World Geodetic System of 1960.Deborah Jean Warner - 2002 - Annals of Science 59 (4):363-389.
    Since military planners must know the size and shape of the earth if they hope to track earth-orbiting satellites and to target missiles on distant lands, geodesy was an important concern of the two superpowers during the Cold War. The most important geodetic product in the United States was a series of increasingly powerful World Geodetic Systems, the first of which was published for the Department of Defense in 1960. Although WGS 60 was created because of intense international rivalries, (...)
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    Pluralizing measurement: Physical geodesy's measurement problem and its resolution.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 96 (C):51-67.
    Derived measurements involve problems of coordination. Conducting them often requires detailed theoretical assumptions about their target, while such assumptions can lack sources of evidence that are independent from these very measurements. In this paper, I defend two claims about problems of coordination. I motivate both by a novel case study on a central measurement problem in the history of physical geodesy: the determination of the earth's ellipticity. First, I argue that the severity of problems of coordination varies according to (...)
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  3.  15
    Elements of Gallic Geodesy.Yves Vadé - 2011 - Iris 32:99-122.
    Caesar writes among the main preoccupations of the Druids “the measurement of the world and of territories”. A simple surveying being excluded, other methods have to be considered, and first the spotting of privileged directions from high points (such as the Puy-de-Dôme, the Montagne de Dun, the Mont Dardon, the hill of Sion-Vaudémont…) allowing a kind of primitive triangulation. It has been noticed that in the obtained patterns, the places known as Mediolanum play a major role. Thus Milano, Mediolanum of (...)
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  4. Perverted Space-Time Geodesy in Einstein’s Views on Geometry.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:137-162.
    A perverted space-time geodesy results from the notions of variable rods and clocks, which are taken to have their length and rates affected by the gravitational field. On the other hand, what we might call a concrete geodesy relies on the notions of invariable unit-measuring rods and clocks. In fact, this is a basic assumption of general relativity. Variable rods and clocks lead to a perverted geodesy in the sense that a curved space-time might be seen as (...)
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    Eratosthenes' Geodesy Unraveled: Was There a High-Accuracy Hellenistic Astronomy?Dennis Rawlins - 1982 - Isis 73 (2):259-265.
  6.  48
    Cartography, geodesy, and the heliocentric theory: Yves Simonin's unpublished papers.Marco Storni - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (1):192-209.
    Yves Simonin, a rather obscure professor of hydrography in Bayonne, submitted five scientific papers to the Paris Academy of Sciences between 1738 and 1740, which only survive in the original manuscript versions. The topics Simonin deals with in these texts are essentially three: the rectification of navigation charts of the Southern Sea, the shape of the Earth, and the heliocentric theory. Far from acknowledging Simonin's contribution to the ongoing academic debate as a valuable one, the institution systematically rejected his work. (...)
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  7.  38
    The ‘nec plus ultra’ of precision measurement: Geodesy and the forgotten purpose of the Metre Convention.Michael Kershaw - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (4):563-576.
    Geodesy—the determination of the size and shape of the earth—has often been the science operating at the frontier of precision in the measurement of length. Its contribution to the technologies and standards of length measurement has, however, been underestimated in the literature. That, instead, places emphasis on the on the creation and international acceptance of the metric system as a whole. By new research into the standards-in-use of the community of geodesists, I rediscover the original purpose of the Metre (...)
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  8.  22
    The promises and pitfalls of precision: random and systematic error in physical geodesy, c. 1800–1910.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2024 - Annals of Science 81 (1-2):258-284.
    This article discusses the ways in which nineteenth-century geodesists reflected on precision as an epistemic virtue in their measurement practice. Physical geodesy is often understood as a quintessential nineteenth-century precision science, stimulating advances in instrument making and statistics, and generating incredible quantities of data. Throughout most of the nineteenth century, geodesists indeed pursued their most prestigious research problem – the exact determination of the earth’s polar flattening – along those lines. Treating measurement errors as random, they assumed that remaining (...)
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  9.  28
    A Century of American Geodesy.Florian Cajori - 1930 - Isis 14 (2):411-416.
  10.  19
    ‘A thorn in the side of European geodesy’: measuring Paris–Greenwich longitude by electric telegraph.Michael Kershaw - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (4):637-660.
    The difference in longitude between the observatories of Paris and Greenwich was long of fundamental importance to geodesy, navigation and timekeeping. Measured many times and by many different means since the seventeenth century, the preferred method of the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries made use of the electric telegraph. I describe here for the first time the four Paris–Greenwich telegraphic longitude determinations made between 1854 and 1902. Despite contemporary faith in the new technique, the first was soon found (...)
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  11.  24
    Irene K. Fischer. Geodesy? What’s That? My Personal Involvement in the Age‐Old Quest for the Size and Shape of the Earth, with a Running Commentary on Life in a Government Research Office. xx + 376 pp., figs., apps., index. New York: iUniverse, 2005. $25.95. [REVIEW]Duncan Agnew - 2006 - Isis 97 (3):587-587.
  12.  23
    Classical Geometry in the Service of Geodesy: Samuel Klingenstierna's Calculation of the Radius of Curvature of the Ellipse.Osmo Kurola - 1987 - Centaurus 30 (1):62-85.
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    Some Experiences of the Bologna Process in Geodesy and Geoinformatics Undergraduate Study in Croatia.Miljenko Lapaine, Zdravko Kapović & Stanislav Frangeš - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  14. The Epistemic Privilege of Measurement: Motivating a Functionalist Account.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (1):1396-1406.
    Philosophers and metrologists have refuted the view that measurement’s epistemic privilege in scientific practice is explained by its theory-neutrality. Rather, they now explicitly appeal to the role that theories play in measurement. I formulate a challenge for this view: scientists sometimes ascribe epistemic privilege to measurements even if they lack a shared theory about their target quantity, which I illustrate through a case study from early geodesy. Drawing on that case, I argue that the epistemic privilege of measurement precedes (...)
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  15.  39
    Mathematics in Narratives of Geodetic Expeditions.Mary Terrall - 2006 - Isis 97 (4):683-699.
    In eighteenth‐century France, geodesy became an arena where mathematics and narrative intersected productively. Mathematics played a crucial role not only in the measurements and analysis necessary to geodesy but also in the narrative accounts that presented the results of elaborate and expensive expeditions to the reading public. When they returned to France to write these accounts after their travels, mathematician‐observers developed a variety of ways to display numbers and mathematical arguments and techniques. The numbers, equations, and diagrams they (...)
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  16. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce: Pragmatism and pragmaticism and Scientific metaphysics.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1960 - Cambridge: Belknap Press.
    Charles Sanders Peirce has been characterized as the greatest American philosophic genius. He is the creator of pragmatism and one of the founders of modern logic. James, Royce, Schroder, and Dewey have acknowledged their great indebtedness to him. A laboratory scientist, he made notable contributions to geodesy, astronomy, psychology, induction, probability, and scientific method. He introduced into modern philosophy the doctrine of scholastic realism, developed the concepts of chance, continuity, and objective law, and showed the philosophical significance of the (...)
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  17. Planary symmetric static worlds with massless scalar sources.Ciprian Dariescu - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (8):1069-1080.
    Motivated by the recent wave of investigations on plane domain wall spacetimes with nontrivial topologies, the present paper deals with (probably) the most simple source field configuration which can generate a spatially planary symmetric static spacetime, namely a minimally coupled massless scalar field that depends only upon a spacelike coordinate. z. It is shown that the corresponding exact solutions (ℳ. g±) are algebraically special, type D-[S-3T] (in11), and represent globally pathologic spacetimes with a G4-group of motion acting on R2 × (...)
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  18.  12
    The Shape and Size of the Earth: A Historical Journey From Homer to Artificial Satellites.Dino Boccaletti - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book describes in detail the various theories on the shape of the Earth from classical antiquity to the present day and examines how measurements of its form and dimensions have evolved throughout this period. The origins of the notion of the sphericity of the Earth are explained, dating back to Eratosthenes and beyond, and detailed attention is paid to the struggle to establish key discoveries as part of the cultural heritage of humanity. In this context, the roles played by (...)
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  19.  11
    Massimo A. Bonfantini, Rossella Fabbrichesi, Salvatore Zingale (a cura di), Su Peir.Claudia Cristalli - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) is known today as the first American philosopher, and as the ‘founder of pragmatism.’ Indeed, Peirce was both and much more. In a partial list of roles he played during his life, Peirce graduated as a chemist, published as an astronomer, worked in geodesy, wrote as a philosopher, and defined himself as a logician. While he gained only a partial, late recognition in his time, today the broadness of his interests is reflected by the diversity (...)
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  20. Introduction to multidisciplinary science in an artificial-intelligence age: chemical, nuclear, and thermonuclear reactions, and oxygenic and anoxygenic photosyntheses.L. Ikelle - 2023 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    In these five chapters we introduce, with significant details, the core fundamental notions of (1) deformability, (2) sound and hearing, (3) permeability and porosity, (4) viscosity, (5) immiscibility, (6) wettability, (7) gravity and geodesy, and (8) heat and thermodynamics. We then illustrate, with applications across disciplines, the importance of these notions in our lives and in understanding the world around us. These applications include the description of skyquakes and limnic eruptions, the origin of hydrocarbon accumulations underground, the description of (...)
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  21.  6
    Peirce.Cheryl Misak - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith, A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 335–339.
    Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) is generally acknowledged to be America's greatest philosopher, although he was never able to secure a permanent academic position and died in poverty and obscurity (see Brent 1993). He founded pragmatism, the view that a philosophical theory must be connected to practice. The pragmatic account of truth, for which he is perhaps best known, thus has it that a true belief is one which the practice of inquiry, no matter how far it were to be pursued, (...)
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  22.  69
    Crossing the Olentangy River: The Figure of the Earth and the Military-Industrial-Academic-Complex, 1947–1972.John Cloud - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (3):371-404.
    This paper explores the history of a unique assemblage of researchers in the geodetic and allied sciences organised at Ohio State University (OSU) in 1947 at the beginning of the Cold War. From about 1950 to 1970, the OSU geodetic sciences group was the most significant group of geodetic researchers in the world. Funded almost entirely by military and intelligence agencies, they pioneered the technologies, organised the research initiatives, ordered the data sets, and trained the generation of geodesists who eventually (...)
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  23.  75
    Peirce's treatment of induction.Thomas A. Goudge - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (1):56-68.
    Charles Peirce was one of those rare individuals, an expert logician who is at the same time an experienced practical scientist. His logical acumen was apparent even to his contemporaries; while an early training in chemistry, astronomy, geodesy and optics, left him, as he declares, “saturated through and through with the spirit of the physical sciences.“ One is therefore hardly surprised to discover that he was deeply interested in scientific methodology—particularly in the logic of induction. Indeed, it would not (...)
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  24.  31
    The Cosmopolitan Peirce: The Impact of his European Experience.Jaime Nubiola - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (3):425.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Cosmopolitan Peirce:The Impact of His European ExperienceJaime Nubiola, Guest EditorKeywordsCharles S. Peirce, Europe, ScienceThe common image of Charles Sanders Peirce as an isolated thinker writing in Arisbe without any contact with the world is not only historically inaccurate, but also makes it difficult to understand some key elements of his philosophy. Charles S. Peirce traveled to Europe on five different occasions. The five trips occurred between the years (...)
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  25.  5
    François Arago: A 19th Century French Humanist and Pioneer in Astrophysics.James Lequeux - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    François Arago, the first to show in 1810 that the surface of the Sun and stars is made of incandescent gas and not solid or liquid, was a prominent physicist of the 19th century. He used his considerable influence to help Fresnel, Ampere and others develop their ideas and make themselves known. This book covers his personal contributions to physics, astronomy, geodesy and oceanography, which are far from negligible, but insufficiently known. Arago was also an important and influential political (...)
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  26.  8
    Scientific and Technological Outreach of Boscovich’s Metaphysical Natural Philosophy.Marito Mihovil Letica - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (3):575-603.
    In this paper it is highlighted and argued that Boscovich’s natural sciences theory is so deeply rooted in metaphysics and pervaded by it, we can maintain that it is a distinctive example of sharp-­witted, clever and far­-reaching metaphysical natural philosophy. Critically engaging with the unsubstantiated denial of metaphysics and several centuries long attempts to overcome it, I demonstrate that by metaphysical thinking Boscovich arrived at his unique notion of attractive­repulsive force and gained insight into the structure of things, by which (...)
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  27.  50
    The ‘Landmark’ and ‘Groundwork’ of stars: John Herschel, photography and the drawing of nebulae.Omar W. Nasim - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (1):67-84.
    This paper argues for continuity in purpose and specific results between some hand drawn nebulae, especially those ‘descriptive maps’ by John F. W. Herschel and E. P. Mason in the late 1830s, and the first photographs made of the nebulae in the 1880s. Using H. H. Turners’ explication in 1904 of the three great advantages of astrophotography, the paper concludes that to some extent Herschel’s and Mason’s hand-drawings of the nebulae were meant to achieve the same kinds of results. This (...)
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  28.  23
    Short on Peirce as a Scientific Philosopher.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (4):379-387.
    In his new book, _Charles Peirce and Modern Science_ (2022), T. L. Short convincingly presents Charles S. Peirce as a scientific philosopher whose philosophical views were influenced by his empirical and experimental work in geodesy, astronomy, chemistry, and psychology. This includes his treatment of metaphysics, theory of categories, cosmogony, phenomenology or phaneroscopy, semiotics, and normative science. In all of his works, Peirce exemplified the spirit of modern science, not as a system builder looking for final truths, but rather as (...)
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  29.  64
    How Incoherent Measurement Succeeds: Coordination and Success in the Measurement of the Earth's Polar Flattening.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):245-262.
    The development of nineteenth-century geodetic measurement challenges the dominant coherentist account of measurement success. Coherentists argue that measurements of a quantity are epistemically successful if their numerical outcomes converge across varying contextual constraints. Aiming at numerical convergence, in turn, offers an operational aim for scientists to solve problems of coordination. Geodesists faced such a problem of coordination between two indicators of the earth’s ellipticity, which were both based on imperfect ellipsoid models. While not achieving numerical convergence, their measurements produced novel (...)
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  30. Dynamic data processing.P. J. G. Teunissen - 2001 - Delft, the Netherlands: VSSD.
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    Five Decades of Tackling Models for Stiff Fluid Dynamics Problems: A Scientific Autobiography.Radyadour Kh Zeytounian - 2014 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    Rationality - as opposed to 'ad-hoc' - and asymptotics - to emphasize the fact that perturbative methods are at the core of the theory - are the two main concepts associated with the Rational Asymptotic Modeling (RAM) approach in fluid dynamics when the goal is to specifically provide useful models accessible to numerical simulation via high-speed computing. This approach has contributed to a fresh understanding of Newtonian fluid flow problems and has opened up new avenues for tackling real fluid flow (...)
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  32.  24
    Theodolites at 20000 feet: Justifying precision measurement during the Trigonometrical Survey of Kashmir.Miguel Ohnesorge - 2021 - Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science 4 (75).
    This paper reconstructs the history of the trigonometrical surveying of Kashmir from 1855 to 1865. It highlights the strategies through which surveyors had to justify the employment of high-precision instruments and methods in Himalayan terrain. Only by tediously manipulating their institutional environment in India and Britain did the staff of the Kashmir survey manage to complete its operations in light of constant financial and physical hardship. To sustain their measurements, surveyors aligned themselves with various political projects, entertaining and shifting allegiances (...)
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