Results for 'Generic absoluteness'

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  1.  33
    Generic absoluteness.Joan Bagaria & Sy D. Friedman - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):3-13.
    We explore the consistency strength of Σ 3 1 and Σ 4 1 absoluteness, for a variety of forcing notions.
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  2.  21
    Subcomplete forcing, trees, and generic absoluteness.Gunter Fuchs & Kaethe Minden - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):1282-1305.
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    Dependent choice, properness, and generic absoluteness.David Asperó & Asaf Karagila - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-25.
    We show that Dependent Choice is a sufficient choice principle for developing the basic theory of proper forcing, and for deriving generic absoluteness for the Chang model in the presence of large cardinals, even with respect to $\mathsf {DC}$ -preserving symmetric submodels of forcing extensions. Hence, $\mathsf {ZF}+\mathsf {DC}$ not only provides the right framework for developing classical analysis, but is also the right base theory over which to safeguard truth in analysis from the independence phenomenon in the (...)
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  4.  44
    Bounded forcing axioms as principles of generic absoluteness.Joan Bagaria - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (6):393-401.
    We show that Bounded Forcing Axioms (for instance, Martin's Axiom, the Bounded Proper Forcing Axiom, or the Bounded Martin's Maximum) are equivalent to principles of generic absoluteness, that is, they assert that if a $\Sigma_1$ sentence of the language of set theory with parameters of small transitive size is forceable, then it is true. We also show that Bounded Forcing Axioms imply a strong form of generic absoluteness for projective sentences, namely, if a $\Sigma^1_3$ sentence with (...)
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  5.  33
    Infinite Forcing and the Generic Multiverse.Giorgio Venturi - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):277-290.
    In this article we present a technique for selecting models of set theory that are complete in a model-theoretic sense. Specifically, we will apply Robinson infinite forcing to the collections of models of ZFC obtained by Cohen forcing. This technique will be used to suggest a unified perspective on generic absoluteness principles.
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  6. Ontological Pluralism and the Generic Conception of Being.Byron Simmons - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (3):1275-1293.
    Ontological pluralism is the view that there are different fundamental ways of being. Trenton Merricks has recently raised three objections to combining pluralism with a generic way of being enjoyed by absolutely everything there is: first, that the resulting view contradicts the pluralist’s core intuition; second, that it is especially vulnerable to the charge—due to Peter van Inwagen—that it posits a difference in being where there is simply a difference in kind; and, third, that it is in tension with (...)
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  7.  66
    Absoluteness via resurrection.Giorgio Audrito & Matteo Viale - 2017 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 17 (2):1750005.
    The resurrection axioms are forcing axioms introduced recently by Hamkins and Johnstone, developing on ideas of Chalons and Veličković. We introduce a stronger form of resurrection axioms for a class of forcings Γ and a given ordinal α), and show that RAω implies generic absoluteness for the first-order theory of Hγ+ with respect to forcings in Γ preserving the axiom, where γ = γΓ is a cardinal which depends on Γ. We also prove that the consistency strength of (...)
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  8.  20
    The Combinatorics and Absoluteness of Definable Sets of Real Numbers.Zach Norwood - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):263-264.
    This thesis divides naturally into two parts, each concerned with the extent to which the theory of $L$ can be changed by forcing.The first part focuses primarily on applying generic-absoluteness principles to how that definable sets of reals enjoy regularity properties. The work in Part I is joint with Itay Neeman and is adapted from our paper Happy and mad families in $L$, JSL, 2018. The project was motivated by questions about mad families, maximal families of infinite subsets (...)
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  9.  47
    Generic Complexity of Undecidable Problems.Alexei G. Myasnikov & Alexander N. Rybalov - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):656 - 673.
    In this paper we study generic complexity of undecidable problems. It turns out that some classical undecidable problems are, in fact, strongly undecidable, i.e., they are undecidable on every strongly generic subset of inputs. For instance, the classical Halting Problem is strongly undecidable. Moreover, we prove and analog of the Rice theorem for strongly undecidable problems, which provides plenty of examples of strongly undecidable problems. Then we show that there are natural super-undecidable problems. i.e., problem which are undecidable (...)
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  10.  85
    Generic Versus Catholic Hospital Chaplaincy: The Diversity of Spirits as a Problem of Inter-Faith Cooperation.Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (1):3-21.
    Hospital chaplaincy, in its exposure to clients, colleagues, and care-takers from different faith backgrounds, can be understood in either generic or catholic terms. The first understanding, often merely implicit in denominationalist approaches, assumes that some “Absolute” can be prayerfully invoked through the medium of diverse rituals, confessions, and symbols. This position combines the advantage of unprejudiced acceptance of other creeds and traditions with the disadvantage of lacking resources for discriminating among the spiritualities that may be operative within those other (...)
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  11.  42
    A game semantics for generic polymorphism.Samson Abramsky & Radha Jagadeesan - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1-3):3-37.
    Genericity is the idea that the same program can work at many different data types. Longo, Milstead and Soloviev proposed to capture the inability of generic programs to probe the structure of their instances by the following equational principle: if two generic programs, viewed as terms of type , are equal at any given instance A[T], then they are equal at all instances. They proved that this rule is admissible in a certain extension of System F, but finding (...)
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  12.  57
    ‘Absolutely not!’ Contextual values and equality of voices in mental health.K. W. M. Fulford & David Crepaz-Keay - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):185-186.
    Marie Stenlund’s careful reading of values-based practice and her demonstration of its links with Martha Nussbaum’s Capabilities Framework are innovative theoretically and have potentially important implications for policy and practice in mental health. As she indicates the two approaches converge in a number of key respects. Notably, both recognise the diversity of individual human values. This diversity crucially underpins contemporary person-centred conceptions of recovery in mental health based on quality of life as defined by reference to the values of (to (...)
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  13. Solovay models and forcing extensions.Joan Bagaria & Roger Bosch - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):742-766.
    We study the preservation under projective ccc forcing extensions of the property of L(ℝ) being a Solovay model. We prove that this property is preserved by every strongly-̰Σ₃¹ absolutely-ccc forcing extension, and that this is essentially the optimal preservation result, i.e., it does not hold for Σ₃¹ absolutely-ccc forcing notions. We extend these results to the higher projective classes of ccc posets, and to the class of all projective ccc posets, using definably-Mahlo cardinals. As a consequence we obtain an exact (...)
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  14.  78
    Relative Readings of Many, Often, and Generics.Ariel Cohen - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (1):41-67.
    In addition to the familiar cardinal and proportional readings of many and few, there is yet another interpretation, the relative proportional reading. This reading, unlike the ordinary absolute proportional reading, is not conservative. Under the relative reading, 'Many ψs are φs' is true just in case the proportion of φs among ψs is greater than the proportion of φs among members of contextually given alternatives to ψ. I provide a definition of proportional readings that reduces the differences between absolute and (...)
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  15.  30
    Second order arithmetic as the model companion of set theory.Giorgio Venturi & Matteo Viale - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (1):29-53.
    This is an introductory paper to a series of results linking generic absoluteness results for second and third order number theory to the model theoretic notion of model companionship. Specifically we develop here a general framework linking Woodin’s generic absoluteness results for second order number theory and the theory of universally Baire sets to model companionship and show that (with the required care in details) a $$\Pi _2$$ -property formalized in an appropriate language for second order (...)
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  16.  43
    Proper forcing extensions and Solovay models.Joan Bagaria & Roger Bosch - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (6):739-750.
    We study the preservation of the property of being a Solovay model under proper projective forcing extensions. We show that every strongly-proper forcing notion preserves this property. This yields that the consistency strength of the absoluteness of under strongly-proper forcing notions is that of the existence of an inaccessible cardinal. Further, the absoluteness of under projective strongly-proper forcing notions is consistent relative to the existence of a -Mahlo cardinal. We also show that the consistency strength of the (...) of under forcing extensions with σ-linked forcing notions is exactly that of the existence of a Mahlo cardinal, in contrast with the general ccc case, which requires a weakly-compact cardinal. (shrink)
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  17.  13
    Sealing of the universally baire sets.Grigor Sargsyan & Nam Trang - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (3):254-266.
    A set of reals is universally Baire if all of its continuous preimages in topological spaces have the Baire property. ${\sf Sealing}$ is a type of generic absoluteness condition introduced by Woodin that asserts in strong terms that the theory of the universally Baire sets cannot be changed by set forcings. The ${\sf Largest\ Suslin\ Axiom}$ is a determinacy axiom isolated by Woodin. It asserts that the largest Suslin cardinal is inaccessible for ordinal definable surjections. Let ${\sf LSA}$ (...)
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  18.  22
    The equivalence of Axiom [math] and Axiom [math].W. Hugh Woodin - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. Asperó and Schindler have completely solved the Axiom [math] vs. [math] problem. They have proved that if [math] holds then Axiom [math] holds, with no additional assumptions. The key question now concerns the relationship between [math] and Axiom [math]. This is because the foundational issues raised by the problem of Axiom [math] vs. [math] arguably persist in the problem of Axiom [math] vs. [math]. The first of our two main theorems is that Axiom (...)
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  19.  35
    On unfoldable cardinals, ω-closed cardinals, and the beginning of the inner model hierarchy.P. D. Welch - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (4):443-458.
    Let κ be a cardinal, and let H κ be the class of sets of hereditary cardinality less than κ ; let τ (κ) > κ be the height of the smallest transitive admissible set containing every element of {κ}∪H κ . We show that a ZFC-definable notion of long unfoldability, a generalisation of weak compactness, implies in the core model K, that the mouse order restricted to H κ is as long as τ. (It is known that some weak (...)
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  20.  39
    The equivalence of Axiom (∗)+ and Axiom (∗)++.W. Hugh Woodin - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Asperó and Schindler have completely solved the Axiom [Formula: see text] vs. [Formula: see text] problem. They have proved that if [Formula: see text] holds then Axiom [Formula: see text] holds, with no additional assumptions. The key question now concerns the relationship between [Formula: see text] and Axiom [Formula: see text]. This is because the foundational issues raised by the problem of Axiom [Formula: see text] vs. [Formula: see text] arguably persist in the problem of Axiom [Formula: see text] vs. (...)
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  21.  20
    Stably measurable cardinals.Philip D. Welch - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):448-470.
    We define a weak iterability notion that is sufficient for a number of arguments concerning $\Sigma _{1}$ -definability at uncountable regular cardinals. In particular we give its exact consistency strength first in terms of the second uniform indiscernible for bounded subsets of $\kappa $ : $u_2$, and secondly to give the consistency strength of a property of Lücke’s.TheoremThe following are equiconsistent:There exists $\kappa $ which is stably measurable;for some cardinal $\kappa $, $u_2=\sigma $ ;The $\boldsymbol {\Sigma }_{1}$ -club property holds (...)
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  22.  35
    The Subjective Roots of Forcing Theory and Their Influence in Independence Results.Stathis Livadas - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (4):433-455.
    This article attempts a subjectively based approach, in fact one phenomenologically motivated, toward some key concepts of forcing theory, primarily the concepts of a generic set and its global properties and the absoluteness of certain fundamental relations in the extension to a forcing model M[G]. By virtue of this motivation and referring both to the original and current formulation of forcing I revisit certain set-theoretical notions serving as underpinnings of the theory and try to establish their deeper subjectively (...)
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  23.  46
    Martin’s maximum revisited.Matteo Viale - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):295-317.
    We present several results relating the general theory of the stationary tower forcing developed by Woodin with forcing axioms. In particular we show that, in combination with class many Woodin cardinals, the forcing axiom MM++ makes the Π2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Pi_2}$$\end{document}-fragment of the theory of Hℵ2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${H_{\aleph_2}}$$\end{document} invariant with respect to stationary set preserving forcings that preserve BMM. We argue that this is a promising generalization to (...)
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  24.  28
    Preserving levels of projective determinacy by tree forcings.Fabiana Castiblanco & Philipp Schlicht - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (4):102918.
    We prove that various classical tree forcings—for instance Sacks forcing, Mathias forcing, Laver forcing, Miller forcing and Silver forcing—preserve the statement that every real has a sharp and hence analytic determinacy. We then lift this result via methods of inner model theory to obtain level-by-level preservation of projective determinacy (PD). Assuming PD, we further prove that projective generic absoluteness holds and no new equivalence classes are added to thin projective transitive relations by these forcings.
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  25.  30
    Parameterized partition relations on the real numbers.Joan Bagaria & Carlos A. Di Prisco - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (2):201-226.
    We consider several kinds of partition relations on the set ${\mathbb{R}}$ of real numbers and its powers, as well as their parameterizations with the set ${[\mathbb{N}]^{\mathbb{N}}}$ of all infinite sets of natural numbers, and show that they hold in some models of set theory. The proofs use generic absoluteness, that is, absoluteness under the required forcing extensions. We show that Solovay models are absolute under those forcing extensions, which yields, for instance, that in these models for every (...)
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  26. Relative Truth and the First Person.Friederike Moltmann - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 150 (2):187-220..
    In recent work on context­dependency, it has been argued that certain types of sentences give rise to a notion of relative truth. In particular, sentences containing predicates of personal taste and moral or aesthetic evaluation as well as epistemic modals are held to express a proposition (relative to a context of use) which is true or false not only relative to a world of evaluation, but other parameters as well, such as standards of taste or knowledge or an agent. Thus, (...)
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  27.  84
    On the Speculative Form of Holistic Reflection: Hegel’s Criticism of Kant’s Limitations of Reason.Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer - 2023 - In Jens Pier (ed.), Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
    This article develops an interpretation of Hegel that aims to show how a proper understanding of the nature of speculative sentences might achieve what Kant set out to do: to vindicate our most fundamental claims to knowledge as actual knowledge, rather than mere acts of believing. To this end, it develops a conception of speculative geographies (or “maps”) as an interpretive tool and introduces an Hegelian-inspired distinction between empirical, generic, and speculative sentences. On this reading, Kant’s employment of the (...)
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  28.  38
    Coding Complete Theories in Galois Groups.James Gray - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):474 - 491.
    In this paper, I will give a new characterisation of the spaces of complete theories of pseudofinite fields and of algebraically closed fields with a generic automorphism (ACFA) in terms of the Vietoris topology on absolute Galois groups of prime fields.
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  29.  10
    Rediscovering the moral life: philosophy and human practice.James Gouinlock - 1993 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Although they cannot give absolute certification to moral judgment, the virtues provide a foundation for thought and action in real circumstances. Gouinlock begins his discussion by presenting some of the most fateful traits of existence, from which he proceeds to more specific analyses. He presents the problems of fact and value in a new and vivid light while giving moral discourse original and refreshingly constructive attention. In addition, there is penetrating analysis of the origins of moral values in the conditions (...)
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  30.  21
    Vivas and the Dragons of Naturalism,The Moral Life and the Ethical Life.Abraham Edel - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 5 (3):405-416.
    The book is divided into three parts. The first criticizes in some detail the various naturalistic theories as they appear in philosophy and the sciences. Thus Professor Vivas reckons with the interest theory of Santayana and R. B. Perry, the postulational theory of Charner Perry, the instrumentalist theory of Dewey, the linguistic theory of Stevenson, and again, the cultural relativity of the anthropologists and the genetic account of conscience in Freud. Once these are demolished, the second part looks for the (...)
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  31. Strong logics of first and second order.Peter Koellner - 2010 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):1-36.
    In this paper we investigate strong logics of first and second order that have certain absoluteness properties. We begin with an investigation of first order logic and the strong logics ω-logic and β-logic, isolating two facets of absoluteness, namely, generic invariance and faithfulness. It turns out that absoluteness is relative in the sense that stronger background assumptions secure greater degrees of absoluteness. Our aim is to investigate the hierarchies of strong logics of first and second (...)
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  32. Vague properties.Stephen Schiffer - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 109--130.
    I. Vague Properties and the Problem of Vagueness The philosophical problem of vagueness is to say what vagueness is in a way that helps to resolve the sorites paradox. Saying what vagueness is requires saying what kinds of things can be vague and in what the vagueness of each kind consists. Philosophers dispute whether things of this, that, or the other kind can be vague, but no one disputes that there are vague linguistic expressions. Among vague expressions, predicates hold a (...)
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  33.  35
    (1 other version)Study Time: Heidegger and the Temporality of Education.Tyson E. Lewis - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2).
    In this article, the author argues that the question of educational time is absolutely essential in contemporary debates concerning the fate of the university. In order to examine the nature of educational time, this article first outlines Heidegger's distinction between temporality and Temporality. Second, the author makes a clarification between inauthentic and authentic learning as two forms of educational temporality. Here the article turns to the work of Hubert Dreyfus and Stuart Dreyfus on expert skill building versus standardised or (...) forms of learning. When inauthentic and authentic forms of temporality are brought to light through this distinction, new ways of understanding the convergence and divergence of learning modes open up for critical reflection. Third, the article suggests that while differentiations internal to learning are critical in the struggle to define the nature of education, education cannot be reduced to its temporalising forms. At this point, the work of one of Heidegger's late students, Giorgio Agamben, becomes important for grounding the educational experience in Temporality through study. At stake here is carving out a time in education for enpresencing versus self-projection through action. And finally, the article turns back to Hediegger in order to see the ethical limitations of too quickly collapsing education into learning—even if that learning is authentic. (shrink)
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  34.  60
    Le nombre est-il une réalité parfaitement intelligible? Une analyse de l'intelligibilité du nombre chez Plotin.Gabriel Chindea - 2007 - Chôra 5:97-109.
    Is the number an absolute intelligible reality? The author investigates the number and its nature in Plotinus. works trying to solve the following question: what number is considered intelligible - the number in general or the number in particular? Three answers are given over this study. Thus, if the number is generally defined as intelligible (as Plotinus sometimes does), than the number in general is an intelligible reality (a general intelligible number, therefore, exists). On the other hand, if we make (...)
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  35.  67
    Meaning and Scepticism.Paul Boghossian - 2020 - In Tomás McAuley, Nanette Nielsen, Jerrold Levinson & Ariana Phillips-Hutton (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy. New York, NY: OUP. pp. 785-804.
    This chapter revisits the classic questions whether absolute music can express extra-musical meaning and whether such meaning should be thought of as playing an important role in our understanding and appreciation of music. It argues that music’s expressive ability plays a central role in our conception of its phenomenology and value—in our perception of music as expressive and in its capacity to move us, both in the understudied generic sense, and in the sense of arousing specific emotions in us. (...)
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  36.  41
    How to Refer to a Thing by a Word: Another Difference Between Dignāga’s and Kumārila’s Theories of Denotation.Kiyotaka Yoshimizu - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):571-587.
    In studies of Indian theories of meaning it has been standard procedure to examine their relevance to the ontological issues between Brahmin realism about universals and Buddhist nominalism. It is true that Kumārila makes efforts to secure the real existence of a generic property denoted by a word by criticizing Dignāga, who declares that the real world consists of absolutely unique individuals. The present paper, however, concentrates on the linguistic approaches Dignāga and Kumārila adopt to deny or to prove (...)
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  37.  49
    Literary Criticism and the Return to "History".David Simpson - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (4):721-747.
    If any emergent historical criticism will tend by its own choice toward inclusiveness and eclecticism, it is also likely to be constrained by more subtle forms of complicity with the theoretical subculture within which it seeks its audience. It is not in principle impossible that we might choose to set going an initiative that is very different indeed from the methods and approaches already in place. But is nonetheless clear that we must be aware, in some propaedeutic way, of the (...)
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  38.  20
    Beyond Recognition: Badiou’s Mathematics of Bodily Incorporation.Norman Madarasz - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (2).
    In Being and Event, Alain Badiou disconnects the infinite from the One and the Absolute, thus recasting the basis from which to craft a new theory of generic subject, the existence of which is demonstrated through set theory. In Logics of Worlds, Badiou turns his attention to the modes by which this subject appears in a world. It does so by being incorporated as a subjectivizable body, a body of truth. As opposed to Being and Event, the demonstration of (...)
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    Use of Stability and Seasonality Analysis for Optimal Inventory Prediction Models.Pawan Lingras, Manish Joshi & Peng Zhang - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (2):147-166.
    Inventory prediction and management is a key issue in a retail store. There are a number of inventory prediction techniques. However, it is difficult to identify a time series prediction model for inventory forecasting that provides uniformly good results for all the products in a store. This paper uses data from a small retail store to demonstrate the variability of results for different modeling techniques and different products. We demonstrate inadequacy of a generic inventory model. Stability and seasonality analysis (...)
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    An approximate Herbrand’s theorem and definable functions in metric structures.Isaac Goldbring - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):208-216.
    We develop a version of Herbrand's theorem for continuous logic and use it to prove that definable functions in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces are piecewise approximable by affine functions. We obtain similar results for definable functions in Hilbert spaces expanded by a group of generic unitary operators and Hilbert spaces expanded by a generic subspace. We also show how Herbrand's theorem can be used to characterize definable functions in absolutely ubiquitous structures from classical logic.
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    Post-Criticism, or the Limits of Avant-Garde Theory.R. Lane Kauffmann - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (67):186-195.
    One of the more telling symptoms of the postmodern condition is the tendency of criticism to renounce any claim to explanatory or evaluative competence vis-à-vis its objects, and in some cases even to deny that it differs from those objects. This is especially evident in American deconstructionists of the Yale school, who have, with Derrida, rediscovered Nietzsche's insight that all language, whatever the genre, is inescapably metaphorical. From the admitted difficulty of drawing absolute ontological distinctions between the language of literature (...)
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    Wrestling with the Ox: A Theology of Religious Experience (review).Donald G. Luck - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):282-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 282-287 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Wrestling with the Ox: A Theology of Religious Experience Wrestling with the Ox: A Theology of Religious Experience. By Paul O. Ingram. New York: Continuum, 1997. 276 pp. Paul Ingram has set out a formidable task for himself. Even though he identifies himself as an historian of religion, he has chosen to push beyond phenomenological description of the (...)
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  43.  52
    Kant's Dog.David E. Johnson - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (1):19-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kant's DogDavid E. Johnson (bio)In a certain way, it is always too late to pose the question of time.—Jacques Derrida, Margins of PhilosophyIt is well known that Kant was notorious in Königsberg for his strict adherence to routine; he was so regular, Ernst Cassirer reports, that the citizens of Königsberg were able to set their clocks by his movements.1 The most public articulation of this regularity was his daily (...)
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    "Epistemologi Moluska" Bruno Latour dan Paradigma Non-Modern Pengetahuan.Kevin Juwono - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):97-133.
    Due to the impression that Bruno Latour rejects epistemology, his thought is often considered as part of postmodernism and relativism. This essays will show that this impression is misleading. The target of Latour's critique is the modern paradigm that dichotomizes absolutely between ontology and epistemology, as in subject—object and nature—society. Latour succeeded in showing that modern epistemology is not absolute. To do so, he included a two-dimensional variable in one-dimensional insertions, with the example of a generic scheme created by (...)
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  45. Generalised Quantum Theory—Basic Idea and General Intuition: A Background Story and Overview. [REVIEW]Harald Walach & Nikolaus von Stillfried - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):185-209.
    Science is always presupposing some basic concepts that are held to be useful. These absolute presuppositions (Collingwood) are rarely debated and form the framework for what has been termed paradigm by Kuhn. Our currently accepted scientific model is predicated on a set of presuppositions that have difficulty accommodating holistic structures and relationships and are not geared towards incorporating non-local correlations. Since the theoretical models we hold also determine what we perceive and take as scientifically viable, it is important to look (...)
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  46. Animats in the modeling ecosystem.Xabier Barandiaran & Anthony Chemero - 2009 - Adaptive Behavior 17 (4):287-292.
    There are many different kinds of model and scientists do all kind of things with them. This diversity of model type and model use is a good thing for science. Indeed, it is crucial especially for the biological and cognitive sciences, which have to solve many different problems at many different scales, ranging from the most concrete of the structural details of a DNA molecule to the most abstract and generic principles of self-organization in networks. Getting a grip (or (...)
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  47. Simply Good: A Defence of the Principia.Miles Tucker - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (3):253-270.
    Moore's moral programme is increasingly unpopular. Judith Jarvis Thomson's attack has been especially influential; she says the Moorean project fails because ‘there is no such thing as goodness’. I argue that her objection does not succeed: while Thomson is correct that the kind of generic goodness she targets is incoherent, it is not, I believe, the kind of goodness central to the Principia. Still, Moore's critics will resist. Some reply that we cannot understand Moorean goodness without generic goodness. (...)
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    Closed maximality principles: implications, separations and combinations.Gunter Fuchs - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (1):276-308.
    l investigate versions of the Maximality Principles for the classes of forcings which are <κ-closed. <κ-directed-closed, or of the form Col (κ. <Λ). These principles come in many variants, depending on the parameters which are allowed. I shall write MPΓ(A) for the maximality principle for forcings in Γ, with parameters from A. The main results of this paper are: • The principles have many consequences, such as <κ-closed-generic $\Sigma _{2}^{1}(H_{\kappa})$ absoluteness, and imply. e.g., that ◇κ holds. I give (...)
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    Brief Mention: Shameless Interests: The Decent Scholarship of Indecency.Kenneth J. Reckford - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):311-314.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Brief Mention: Shameless Interests: The Decent Scholarship of Indecency*Kenneth J. ReckfordGood intentions go astray. I had meant simply to celebrate the ease and naturalness with which classical scholars treat obscene subject-matter nowadays, but there were difficulties, which may prove instructive.I had felt oddly grateful, after reading and reviewing Dover’s 1993 Frogs, for how he explained (and of course, printed) the old scatological jokes that Merry (1905) had omitted, and (...)
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    The Time of the King: Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio.Joan Ramon Resina - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (1):49-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.1 (2000) 49-77 [Access article in PDF] The Time of the King Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio Joan Ramon Resina There is something paradoxical about José Zorrilla's revision of the Don Juan legend, a certain contradiction between the play's structure and the logic of the action. The character of the protagonist, the form and implications of Don Juan's salvation, the strategies and temporality of seduction, (...)
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