Results for 'General Equations Of Motion'

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  1. Attitude Control for.General Equations Of Motion - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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    Equations of motion in general relativity.J. N. Goldberg - 1971 - In Charles Goethe Kuper & Asher Peres (eds.), Relativity and gravitation. New York,: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. pp. 1--189.
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    Stochastic equations of motion with damping.John E. Krizan - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (9-10):695-705.
    A nonlocal equation of motion with damping is derived by means of a Mori-Zwanzig renormalization process. The treatment is analogous to that of Mori in deriving the Langevin equation. For the case of electrodynamics, a local approximation yields the Lorentz equation; a relativistic generalization gives the Lorentz-Dirac equation. No self-acceleration or self-mass difficulties occur in the classical treatment, although runaway solutions are not eliminated. The nonrelativistic quantum case does not exhibit runaways, however, provided one remains within a weak damping (...)
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  4. Time asymmetry and quantum equations of motion.T. E. Phipps - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (4):435-455.
    Accepted quantum description is stochastic, yet history is nonstochastic, i.e., not representable by a probability distribution. Therefore ordinary quantum mechanics is unsuited to describe history. This is a limitation of the accepted quantum theory, rather than a failing of mechanics in general. To remove the limitation, it would be desirable to find a form of quantum mechanics that describes the future stochastically and the past nonstochastically. For this purpose it proves sufficient to introduce into quantum mechanics, by means of (...)
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  5.  58
    “Principle of Indistinguishability” and Equations of Motion for Particles with Spin.Mauro Napsuciale - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (5):741-768.
    In this work we review the derivation of Dirac and Weinberg equations based on a “principle of indistinguishability” for the (j,0) and (0,j) irreducible representations (irreps) of the homogeneous Lorentz group (HLG). We generalize this principle and explore its consequences for other irreps containing j≥1. We rederive Ahluwalia–Kirchbach equation using this principle and conclude that it yields $\mathcal{O}(p^{2j} )$ equations of motion for any representation containing spin j and lower spins. We also use the obtained generators of (...)
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  6.  86
    Literal versus Careful Interpretations of Scientific Theories: The Vacuum Approach to the Problem of Motion in General Relativity.Dennis Lehmkuhl - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1202-1214.
    The problem of motion in general relativity is about how exactly the gravitational field equations, the Einstein equations, are related to the equations of motion of material bodies subject to gravitational fields. This article compares two approaches to derive the geodesic motion of matter from the field equations: the ‘T approach’ and the ‘vacuum approach’. The latter approach has been dismissed by philosophers of physics because it apparently represents material bodies by singularities. (...)
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  7.  57
    The motion of charged test particles in general relativity.Peter A. Hogan & Ivor Robinson - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (5):617-627.
    We derive, from the Einstein-Maxwell field equations, the Lorentz equations of motion with radiation reaction for a charged mass particle moving in a background gravitational and electromagnetic field by utilizing a line element for the background space-time in a coordinate system specially adapted to the world line of the particle. The particle is introduced via perturbations of the background space-time (and electromagnetic field) which are singular only on the source world line.
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  8.  22
    Ibn al-Zarqālluh’s discovery of the annual equation of the Moon.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2024 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 78 (3):271-304.
    Ibn al-Zarqālluh (al-Andalus, d. 1100) introduced a new inequality in the longitudinal motion of the Moon into Ptolemy’s lunar model with the amplitude of 24′, which periodically changes in terms of a sine function with the distance in longitude between the mean Moon and the solar apogee as the variable. It can be shown that the discovery had its roots in his examination of the discrepancies between the times of the lunar eclipses he obtained from the data of his (...)
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  9.  38
    MPT versus: A manifestly covariant presentation of motion reversal and particle-antiparticle exchange. [REVIEW]O. Costa de Beauregard - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (9):861-871.
    We show that particle-antiparticle exchange and covariant motion reversal are two physically different aspects of the same mathematical transformation, either in the prequantal relativistic equation of motion of a charged point particle, in the general scheme of second quantization, or in the spinning wave equations of Dirac and of Petiau-Duffin-Kemmer. While, classically, charge reversal and rest mass reversal are equivalent operations, in the wave mechanical case mass reversal must be supplemented by exchange of the two adjoint (...)
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  10.  61
    On the Unification of Geometric and Random Structures through Torsion Fields: Brownian Motions, Viscous and Magneto-fluid-dynamics.Diego L. Rapoport - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (7):1205-1244.
    We present the unification of Riemann–Cartan–Weyl (RCW) space-time geometries and random generalized Brownian motions. These are metric compatible connections (albeit the metric can be trivially euclidean) which have a propagating trace-torsion 1-form, whose metric conjugate describes the average motion interaction term. Thus, the universality of torsion fields is proved through the universality of Brownian motions. We extend this approach to give a random symplectic theory on phase-space. We present as a case study of this approach, the invariant Navier–Stokes (...) for viscous fluids, and the kinematic dynamo equation of magnetohydrodynamics. We give analytical random representations for these equations. We discuss briefly the relation between them and the Reynolds approach to turbulence. We discuss the role of the Cartan classical development method and the random extension of it as the method to generate these generalized Brownian motions, as well as the key to construct finite-dimensional almost everywhere smooth approximations of the random representations of these equations, the random symplectic theory, and the random Poincaré–Cartan invariants associated to it. We discuss the role of autoparallels of the RCW connections as providing polygonal smooth almost everywhere realizations of the random representations. (shrink)
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  11.  72
    On Relativistic Generalization of Gravitational Force.Anatoli Andrei Vankov - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (6):523-545.
    In relativistic theories, the assumption of proper mass constancy generally holds. We study gravitational relativistic mechanics of point particle in the novel approach of proper mass varying under Minkowski force action. The motivation and objective of this work are twofold: first, to show how the gravitational force can be included in the Special Relativity Mechanics framework, and, second, to investigate possible consequences of the revision of conventional proper mass concept (in particular, to clarify a proper mass role in the divergence (...)
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  12.  61
    Gravitational radiation reaction on the motion of particles in general relativity.P. A. Hogan & I. Robinson - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (5):455-464.
    We examine the problem of deducing the geodesic motion of test particles from Einstein's vacuum field equations and its extension to include gravitational radiation reaction. In the latter case we obtain an equation of motion for a particle which incorporates radiation reaction of the electrodynamical type, but due to shearing radiation, together with a mass-loss formula of the Bondi-Sachs type.
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  13.  49
    Einstein׳s Equations for Spin 2 Mass 0 from Noether׳s Converse Hilbertian Assertion.J. Brian Pitts - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 56:60-69.
    An overlap between the general relativist and particle physicist views of Einstein gravity is uncovered. Noether's 1918 paper developed Hilbert's and Klein's reflections on the conservation laws. Energy-momentum is just a term proportional to the field equations and a "curl" term with identically zero divergence. Noether proved a \emph{converse} "Hilbertian assertion": such "improper" conservation laws imply a generally covariant action. Later and independently, particle physicists derived the nonlinear Einstein equations assuming the absence of negative-energy degrees of freedom (...)
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  14.  44
    General relativity; papers in honour of J. L. Synge.J. L. Synge & L. O'Raifeartaigh (eds.) - 1972 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    Lanczos, C. Einstein's path from special to general relativity.--Balazs, N. L. The acceptability of physical theories: Poincaré versus Einstein.--Ellis, G. F. R. Global and non-global problems in cosmology, by G. F. R. Ellis and D. W. Sciama.--Ehlers, J. The geometry of free fall and light propagation, by J. Ehlers, F. A. E. Pirani and A. Schild.--Trautman, A. Invariance of Lagrangian systems.--Penrose, R. The geometry of impulsive gravitational waves.--Exact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations for an accelerated charge.--Taub, A. H. (...)
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  15.  62
    Equation of Motion of an Electric Charge.Amos Harpaz & Noam Soker - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (8):1207-1221.
    The appearance of the time derivative of the acceleration in the equation of motion (EOM) of an electric charge is studied. It is shown that when an electric charge is accelerated, a stress force exists in the curved electric field of the accelerated charge, and in the case of a constant linear acceleration, this force is proportional to the acceleration. This stress force acts as a reaction force which is responsible for the creation of the radiation (instead of the (...)
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  16.  35
    An Alternative Approach to the Classical Dynamics of an Extended Charged Particle.J. A. E. Roa-Neri & J. L. Jiménez - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (10):1617-1634.
    In this paper the analysis of the classical dynamics of a charged particle is carried out without considering that the electromagnetic field necessarily goes to zero at infinity. A quite general non-linear equation of motion is obtained for an extended charged particle valid for any distribution of charge in the particle and for an electromagnetic field satisfying any boundary conditions. Some common approximations are analyzed with detail to determine how the usual difficulties arise.
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    A Finslerian extension of general relativity.G. S. Asanov - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (1-2):137-154.
    A Finslerian extension of general relativity is examined with particular emphasis on the Finslerian generalization of the equation of motion in a gravitational field. The construction of a gravitational Lagrangian density by substituting the osculating Riemannian metric tensor in the Einstein density is studied. Attention is drawn to an interesting possibility for developing the theory of test bodies against the Finslerian background.
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  18.  38
    Equivalent Quantum Equations in a System Inspired by Bouncing Droplets Experiments.Christian Borghesi - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (7):933-958.
    In this paper we study a classical and theoretical system which consists of an elastic medium carrying transverse waves and one point-like high elastic medium density, called concretion. We compute the equation of motion for the concretion as well as the wave equation of this system. Afterwards we always consider the case where the concretion is not the wave source any longer. Then the concretion obeys a general and covariant guidance formula, which leads in low-velocity approximation to an (...)
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  19.  65
    A Mechanical Model for Analyzing the Runaway Solutions in the Radiation Reaction Problem.J. L. Jiménez, J. A. E. Roa-Neri & P. Vargas - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (3):410-426.
    In order to understand the rise of runaway solutions in the radiation reaction problem a mechanical model is used. An alternative demonstration of Daboul’s theorem, through Hurwitz’s criterion, is given. The origin of runaway solutions in electrodynamics is discussed. They arise when the particle has a negative mechanical mass or when approximations are used in the equation of motion. In the 1-dimensional mechanical model an exact and linear equation of motion for the particle is obtained, the corresponding exact (...)
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  20.  2
    Indiscernibles, general covariance, and other symmetries.Simon Saunders - 2002 - In Abhay Ashtekar, Jürgen Renn, Don Howard, Abner Shimony & S. Sarkar (eds.), Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics. Festschrift in Honour of John Stachel. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    What is the meaning of general covariance? We learn something about it from the hole argument, due originally to Einstein. In his search for a theory of gravity, he noted that if the equations of motion are covariant under arbitrary coordinate transformations, then particle coordinates at a given time can be varied arbitrarily - they are underdetermined - even if their values at all earlier times are held fixed. It is the same for the values of fields. (...)
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  21. A unified quantum theory of mechanics and thermodynamics. Part IIb. Stable equilibrium states.George N. Hatsopoulos & Elias P. Gyftopoulos - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (4):439-455.
    Part IIb presents some of the most important theorems for stable equilibrium states that can be deduced from the four postulates of the unified theory presented in Part I. It is shown for the first time that the canonical and grand canonical distributions are the only distributions that are stable. Moreover, it is shown that reversible adiabatic processes exist which cannot be described by the dynamical equation of quantum mechanics. A number of conditions are discussed that must be satisfied by (...)
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  22.  41
    Quantum equations of motion and the Liouville equation.Richard L. Liboff - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (10):981-991.
  23.  12
    A course of philosophy and mathematics: toward a general theory of reality.Nicolas K. Laos - 2021 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    The nature of this book is fourfold: First, it provides comprehensive education in ontology, epistemology, logic, and ethics. From this perspective, it can be treated as a philosophical textbook. Second, it provides comprehensive education in mathematical analysis and analytic geometry, including significant aspects of set theory, topology, mathematical logic, number systems, abstract algebra, linear algebra, and the theory of differential equations. From this perspective, it can be treated as a mathematical textbook. Third, it makes a student and a researcher (...)
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  24.  22
    Change in Hamiltonian General Relativity with Spinors.J. Brian Pitts - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (6):1-30.
    In General Relativity in Hamiltonian form, change has seemed to be missing, defined only asymptotically, or otherwise obscured at best, because the Hamiltonian is a sum of first-class constraints and a boundary term and thus supposedly generates gauge transformations. By construing change as essential time dependence, one can find change locally in vacuum GR in the Hamiltonian formulation just where it should be. But what if spinors are present? This paper is motivated by the tendency in space-time philosophy tends (...)
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  25.  39
    Gravitational field equations based on Finsler geometry.G. S. Asanov - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (5):501-527.
    The analysis of a previous paper (see Ref. 1), in which the possibility of a Finslerian generalization of the equations of motion of gravitational field sources was demonstrated, is extended by developing the Finslerian generalization of the gravitational field equations on the basis of the complete contractionK = K lj lj of the Finslerian curvature tensorK l j hk (x, y). The relevant Lagrangian is constructed by the replacement of the directional variabley i inK by a vector (...)
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  26. Indiscernibles, general covariance, and other symmetries.Simon Saunders - 2002 - In Abhay Ashtekar, Jürgen Renn, Don Howard, Abner Shimony & S. Sarkar (eds.), Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics. Festschrift in Honour of John Stachel. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    What is the meaning of general covariance? We learn something about it from the hole argument, due originally to Einstein. In his search for a theory of gravity, he noted that if the equations of motion are covariant under arbitrary coordinate transformations, then particle coordinates at a given time can be varied arbitrarily - they are underdetermined - even if their values at all earlier times are held fixed. It is the same for the values of fields. (...)
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  27. Generalized boltzmann equation in a manifestly covariant relativistic statistical mechanics.L. Burakovsky & L. P. Horwitz - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (9):1335-1358.
    We consider the relativistic statistical mechanics of an ensemble of N events with motion in space-time parametrized by an invariant “historical time” τ. We generalize the approach of Yang and Yao, based on the Wigner distribution functions and the Bogoliubov hypotheses to find approximate dynamical equations for the kinetic state of any nonequilibrium system, to the relativistic case, and obtain a manifestly covariant Boltzmann- type equation which is a relativistic generalization of the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) equation for indistinguishable particles. (...)
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  28.  25
    The continuity equation and the Hamiltonian formalism in quantum mechanics.L. Ferrari - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (4):329-343.
    The relationship between the continuity equation and the HamiltonianH of a quantum system is investigated from a nonstandard point of view. In contrast to the usual approaches, the expression of the current densityJ ψ is givenab initio by means of a transport-velocity operatorV T, whose existence follows from a “weak” formulation of the correspondence principle. Once given a Hilbert-space metricM, it is shown that the equation of motion and the continuity equation actually represent a system in theunknown operatorsH andV (...)
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  29.  37
    General relativity and gravitational waves.Joseph Weber - 1961 - New York,: Interscience Publishers.
    An internationally famous physicist and electrical engineer, the author of this text was a pioneer in the investigation of gravitational waves. Joseph Weber's General Relativity and Gravitational Waves offers a classic treatment of the subject. Appropriate for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, this text remains ever relevant. Brief but thorough in its introduction to the foundations of general relativity, it also examines the elements of Riemannian geometry and tensor calculus applicable to this field. Approximately a quarter of the (...)
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  30.  60
    Generalized two-level quantum dynamics. III. Irreversible conservative motion.James L. Park & William Band - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (3-4):239-254.
    If the ordinary quantal Liouville equation ℒρ= $\dot \rho $ is generalized by discarding the customary stricture that ℒ be of the standard Hamiltonian commutator form, the new quantum dynamics that emerges has sufficient theoretical fertility to permit description even of a thermodynamically irreversible process in an isolated system, i.e., a motion ρ(t) in which entropy increases but energy is conserved. For a two-level quantum system, the complete family of time-independent linear superoperators ℒ that generate such motions is derived; (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Another look at general covariance and the equivalence of reference frames.Dennis Dieks - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (1):174-191.
    In his general theory of relativity (GR) Einstein sought to generalize the special-relativistic equivalence of inertial frames to a principle according to which all frames of reference are equivalent. He claimed to have achieved this aim through the general covariance of the equations of GR. There is broad consensus among philosophers of relativity that Einstein was mistaken in this. That equations can be made to look the same in different frames certainly does not imply in (...) that such frames are physically equivalent. We shall argue, however, that Einstein's position is tenable. The equivalence of arbitrary frames in GR should not be equated with relativity of arbitrary motion, though. There certainly are observable differences between reference frames in GR (differences in the way particles move and fields evolve). The core of our defense of Einstein's position will be to argue that such differences should be seen as fact-like rather than law-like in GR. By contrast, in classical mechanics and in special relativity (SR) the differences between inertial systems and accelerated systems have a law-like status. The fact-like character of the differences between frames in GR justifies regarding them as equivalent in the same sense as inertial frames in SR. (shrink)
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  32.  33
    Work and energy in electrostatic and magnetic systems.Roger Howard - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (1-2):109-136.
    The equations of motion are obtained for closed systems of charged particles interacting with either an electric or a magnetic field. In each case they include constraints, expressed by the laws of induction, which are of importance in giving a complete specification of the systems usually treated in thermal physics. There are equivalent alternative formulations of the equations of motion, which permit designation of different subsystems; a discussion of these subsystems, their interrelationship, and their external parameters (...)
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  33.  71
    Derivation of the Dirac Equation by Conformal Differential Geometry.Enrico Santamato & Francesco De Martini - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):631-641.
    A rigorous ab initio derivation of the (square of) Dirac’s equation for a particle with spin is presented. The Lagrangian of the classical relativistic spherical top is modified so to render it invariant with respect conformal changes of the metric of the top configuration space. The conformal invariance is achieved by replacing the particle mass in the Lagrangian with the conformal Weyl scalar curvature. The Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the particle is found to be linearized, exactly and in closed form, by (...)
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  34.  86
    Hamilton and the Law of Varying Action Revisited.C. D. Bailey - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (9):1385-1406.
    According to history texts, philosophers searched for a unifying natural law whereby natural phenomena and numbers are related. More than 2300 years ago, Aristotle postulated that nature requires minimum energy. More than 220 years ago, Euler applied the minimum energy postulate. More than 200 years ago, Lagrange provided a mathematical “proof” of the postulate for conservative systems. The resulting Principle of Least Action served only to derive the differential equations of motion of a conservative system. Then, 170 years (...)
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  35.  85
    A Note on Stress-Tensors, Conservation and Equations of Motion.S. Deser - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (11):1935-1940.
    Some unusual relations between stress tensors, conservation and equations of motion are briefly reviewed.
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  36.  52
    Schrödinger-Like Relativistic Wave Equation of Motion for the Lorentz-Scalar Potential.Y.-S. Huang - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (9):1287-1298.
    A Schrödinger-like relativistic wave equation of motion for the Lorentz-scalar potential is formulated based on a Lagrangian formalism of relativistic mechanics with a scaled time as the evolution parameter. Applications of this Schrödinger-like formalism for the Lorentz-scalar potential are given: For the square-step potential, the predictions of this formalism are free from the Klein paradox, and for the Coulomb potential, this formalism yields the exact bound-state eigenenergies and eigenfunctions.
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    Extension of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments and its application to the representation of rotations and Lorentz transformations.H. Yamasaki - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (11):1139-1154.
    The use of the axial vector representing a three-dimensional rotation makes the rotation representation much more compact by extending the trigonometric functions to vectorial arguments. Similarly, the pure Lorentz transformations are compactly treated by generalizing a scalar rapidity to a vector quantity in spatial three-dimensional cases and extending hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments. A calculation of the Wigner rotation simplified by using the extended functions illustrates the fact that the rapidity vector space obeys hyperbolic geometry. New representations bring a Lorentz-invariant (...)
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    Parametrized post-Newtonian approximation and Rastall's gravitational field equations.Larry L. Smalley - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (1-2):59-68.
    The parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) approximation is generalized to accommodate Rastall's modification of Einstein's theory of gravity, which allows nonzero divergence of the energy-momentum tensor. Rastall's theory is then shown to have consistent field equations, gauge conditions, and the correct Newtonian limit of the equations of motion. The PPN parameters are obtained and shown to agree experimentally with those for the Einstein theory. In light of the nonzero divergence condition, integral conservation laws are investigated and shown to yield (...)
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    Quantum Walks, Weyl Equation and the Lorentz Group.Paolo Perinotti, Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano & Alessandro Bisio - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (8):1065-1076.
    Quantum cellular automata and quantum walks provide a framework for the foundations of quantum field theory, since the equations of motion of free relativistic quantum fields can be derived as the small wave-vector limit of quantum automata and walks starting from very general principles. The intrinsic discreteness of this framework is reconciled with the continuous Lorentz symmetry by reformulating the notion of inertial reference frame in terms of the constants of motion of the quantum walk dynamics. (...)
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  40.  95
    Relativistic Mechanics of Continuous Media.S. Sklarz & L. P. Horwitz - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (6):909-934.
    In this work we study the relativistic mechanics of continuous media on a fundamental level using a manifestly covariant proper time procedure. We formulate equations of motion and continuity (and constitutive equations) that are the starting point for any calculations regarding continuous media. In the force free limit, the standard relativistic equations are regained, so that these equations can be regarded as a generalization of the standard procedure. In the case of an inviscid fluid we (...)
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  41. The Emergence of the Macroworld: A Study of Intertheory Relations in Classical and Quantum Mechanics.Malcolm R. Forster & Alexey Kryukov - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1039-1051.
    Classical mechanics is empirically successful because the probabilistic mean values of quantum mechanical observables follow the classical equations of motion to a good approximation (Messiah 1970, 215). We examine this claim for the one-dimensional motion of a particle in a box, and extend the idea by deriving a special case of the ideal gas law in terms of the mean value of a generalized force used to define "pressure." The examples illustrate the importance of probabilistic averaging as (...)
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  42. On the brussels school's arrow of time in quantum theory.Vassilios Karakostas - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):374-400.
    This paper examines the problem of founding irreversibility on reversible equations of motion from the point of view of the Brussels school's recent developments in the foundations of quantum statistical mechanics. A detailed critique of both their 'subdynamics' and 'transformation' theory is given. It is argued that the subdynamics approach involves a generalized form of 'coarse-graining' description, whereas, transformation theory cannot lead to truly irreversible processes pointing to a preferred direction of time. It is concluded that the Brussels (...)
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  43. A unified quantum theory of mechanics and thermodynamics. Part I. Postulates.George N. Hatsopoulos & Elias P. Gyftopoulos - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (1):15-31.
    A unified axiomatic theory that embraces both mechanics and thermodynamics is presented in three parts. It is based on four postulates; three are taken from quantum mechanics, and the fourth is the new disclosure of the existence of quantum states that are stable (Part I). For nonequilibrium and equilibrium states, the theory provides general original results, such as the relation between irreducible density operators and the maximum work that can be extracted adiabatically (Part IIa). For stable equilibrium states, it (...)
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    New Stabilization Properties of Pendulum Models Applying a Large Parameter.A. I. Ismail & Hamza A. Ghulman - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    In the present paper, we introduce new models of pendulum motions for two cases: the first model consists of a pendulum with mass M moving at the end of a string with a suspended point moving on an ellipse and the second one consists of a pendulum with mass M moving at the end of a spring with a suspended point on an ellipse. In both models, we use the Lagrangian functions for deriving the equations of motions. The derived (...)
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    A first-order equation for spin in a manifestly relativistically covariant quantum theory.A. Arensburg & L. P. Horwitz - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (8):1025-1039.
    Relativistic quantum mechanics has been formulated as a theory of the evolution ofevents in spacetime; the wave functions are square-integrable functions on the four-dimensional spacetime, parametrized by a universal invariant world time τ. The representation of states with spin is induced with a little group that is the subgroup of O(3, 1) leaving invariant a timelike vector nμ; a positive definite invariant scalar product, for which matrix elements of tensor operators are covariant, emerges from this construction. In a previous study (...)
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  46. On the origins and foundations of Laplacian determinism.Marij van Strien - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 45:24-31.
    In this paper I examine the foundations of Laplace's famous statement of determinism in 1814, and argue that rather than derived from his mechanics, this statement is based on general philosophical principles, namely the principle of sufficient reason and the law of continuity. It is usually supposed that Laplace's statement is based on the fact that each system in classical mechanics has an equation of motion which has a unique solution. But Laplace never proved this result, and in (...)
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    The Arrow of Time in the Equations of Motion.Fritz Rohrlich - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (7):1045-1056.
    It is argued that time's arrow is present in all equations of motion. But it is absent in the point particle approximations commonly made. In particular, the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac equation is time-reversal invariant only because it approximates the charged particle by a point. But since classical electrodynamics is valid only for finite size particles, the equations of motion for particles of finite size must be considered. Those equations are indeed found to lack time-reversal invariance, thus ensuring (...)
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  48.  56
    Lagrangian Description for Particle Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Single-Particle Case.Roderick I. Sutherland - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1454-1464.
    A Lagrangian description is presented which can be used in conjunction with particle interpretations of quantum mechanics. A special example of such an interpretation is the well-known Bohm model. The Lagrangian density introduced here also contains a potential for guiding the particle. The advantages of this description are that the field equations and the particle equations of motion can both be deduced from a single Lagrangian density expression and that conservation of energy and momentum are assured. After (...)
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    Cartan–Weyl Dirac and Laplacian Operators, Brownian Motions: The Quantum Potential and Scalar Curvature, Maxwell’s and Dirac-Hestenes Equations, and Supersymmetric Systems. [REVIEW]Diego L. Rapoport - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (8):1383-1431.
    We present the Dirac and Laplacian operators on Clifford bundles over space–time, associated to metric compatible linear connections of Cartan–Weyl, with trace-torsion, Q. In the case of nondegenerate metrics, we obtain a theory of generalized Brownian motions whose drift is the metric conjugate of Q. We give the constitutive equations for Q. We find that it contains Maxwell’s equations, characterized by two potentials, an harmonic one which has a zero field (Bohm-Aharonov potential) and a coexact term that generalizes (...)
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    Hamiltonian description and quantization of dissipative systems.Charles P. Enz - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (9):1281-1292.
    Dissipative systems are described by a Hamiltonian, combined with a “dynamical matrix” which generalizes the simplectic form of the equations of motion. Criteria for dissipation are given and the examples of a particle with friction and of the Lotka-Volterra model are presented. Quantization is first introduced by translating generalized Poisson brackets into commutators and anticommutators. Then a generalized Schrödinger equation expressed by a dynamical matrix is constructed and discussed.
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