Results for 'Gábor Kovács'

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  1.  80
    Can Power Be Humanized? The Notions of Elite and Legitimation in István Bibó's Political Philosophy.Gábor Kovács - 1999 - Studies in East European Thought 51 (4):307-327.
    Istvan Bibó was the clandestine politological authority during the late Kadar period, and was rediscovered after the fall of communism. The essay examines and reconstructs the notions of elite and legitimation in Bibó''s political philosophy. As a young thinker he confronted the value crisis between the two world wars. He was influenced by Oswald Spengler''s and Ortega y Gasset''s theories of elites. The essay analyses the similarities and differences in their views. In Bibó''s conceptual world, the theory of elites is (...)
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    National Characterology in the Interwar Hungarian Thought.Gábor Kovács - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (1).
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    The modelling and design process of coordination mechanisms in the supply chain.Katarzyna Grzybowska & Gábor Kovács - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24 (PA):25-38.
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    The Value Orientations Of Buddhist and Christian Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Perspective On Spirituality and Business Ethics by Gábor Kovács.Kevin Guilfoy - 2021 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1):321-324.
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  5. Imre Lakatos' Hungarian dissertation. A documentation arranged by Gábor Kutrovátz.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner (eds.), Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 353--374.
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  6. An explanatory idealist theory of grounding.David Mark Kovacs - 2022 - Noûs 56 (3):530-553.
    How is grounding related to metaphysical explanation? The standard view is that the former somehow “backs”, “undergirds” or “underlies” the latter. This view fits into a general picture of explanation, according to which explanations in general hold in virtue of a certain elite group of “explanatory relations” or “determinative relations” that back them. This paper turns the standard view on its head: grounding doesn't “back” metaphysical explanation but is in an important sense downstream from it. I call this view “grounding (...)
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  7. The Question of Iterated Causation.David Mark Kovacs - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (2):454-473.
    This paper is about what I call the Question of Iterated Causation (QIC): for any instance of causation in which c1…ck cause effect e, what are the causes of c1…ck’s causing of e? In short: what causes instances of causation or, as I will refer to these instances, the “causal goings‐on”? A natural response (which I call “dismissivism”) is that this is a bad question because causal goings‐on aren’t apt to be caused. After rebutting several versions of dismissivism, I consider (...)
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    Trust in Experts: Contextual Patterns of Warranted Epistemic Dependence.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2010 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):57-68.
    Recent work in social and cultural studies of science and technology has shown that the ‘epistemic dependence’ of laypeople on experts is not a relation of blind trust, but typically and necessarily involves critical assessment of expert testimonies. Normative epistemologists have suggested a number of criteria, mostly of contextual nature since expert knowledge means restricted cognitive access to some epistemic domain, according to which non-experts can reliably evaluate expert claims; while science studies scholars have concentrated on how laypeople can come (...)
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    The Question of God in Heidegger's Phenomenology.George Kovacs - 1990 - Northwestern University Press.
    Several philosophers have developed theological perspectives out of Heidegger's ontology. Yet the question of God in Heidegger's thought itself has never received full elucidation. In this revealing new study, George Kovacs poses the problem of analyzing the idea of God as a process of questioning and thus subjects Heidegger's phenomenological existentialism to a process of exposition Heidegger himself employed.
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    Attitudes of Play.Gabor Csepregi - 2022 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Play is not only a kind of activity, but also a set of attitudes. We may join a card game in a casino without assuming a play attitude; conversely we may transform a seemingly tedious action, such as a walk to the store, into a pleasant experience of spontaneous movements by adopting an attitude of play. Attitudes of Play is a comprehensive study of the persistent human tendency to bring a cheerful and good-humoured outlook to any kind of situation, including (...)
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  11. The oldest solution to the circularity problem for Humeanism about the laws of nature.David Mark Kovacs - 2021 - Synthese 198 (9):1-21.
    According to Humeanism about the laws, the laws of nature are nothing over and above certain kinds of regularities about particular facts. Humeanism has often been accused of circularity: according to scientific practice laws often explain their instances, but on the Humean view they also reduce to the mosaic, which includes those instances. In this paper I formulate the circularity problem in a way that avoids a number of controversial assumptions routinely taken for granted in the literature, and against which (...)
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  12.  35
    Can infants adopt underspecified contents into attributed beliefs? Representational prerequisites of theory of mind.Ágnes Melinda Kovács, Ernő Téglás & Gergely Csibra - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104640.
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    There Is No Distinctively Semantic Circularity Objection to Humean Laws.David Mark Kovacs - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (4):270-281.
    Humeans identify the laws of nature with universal generalizations that systematize rather than govern the particular matters of fact. Humeanism is frequently accused of circularity: laws explain their instances, but Humean laws are, in turn, grounded by those instances. Unfortunately, this argument trades on controversial assumptions about grounding and explanation that Humeans routinely reject. However, recently an ostensibly semantic circularity objection has been offered, which seeks to avoid reading such assumptions into the Humean view. This paper argues that the new (...)
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  14.  75
    Belief Files in Theory of Mind Reasoning.Ágnes Melinda Kovács - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):509-527.
    Humans seem to readily track their conspecifics’ mental states, such as their goals and beliefs from early infancy. However, the underlying cognitive architecture that enables such powerful abilities remains unclear. Here I will propose that a basic representational structure, the belief file, could provide the foundation for efficiently encoding, and updating information about, others’ beliefs in online social interactions. I will discuss the representational possibilities offered by the belief file and the ways in which the repertoire of mental state reasoning (...)
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  15. Essence, Grounding, and Explanation.David Mark Kovacs - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 305-318.
    Chapter 20 David Kovacs’ “Essence, Grounding, and Explanation” sets out four different ways in which essence might be taken to relate to the notion of grounding or metaphysical explanation, i.e., the type of connection that is often expressed by means of non-causal “in virtue of” or “because”-claims: (i) Unity: essence and grounding belong to a unified set of explanatory concepts; (ii) Supplementation: essence and grounding both contribute in their own way to a distinctive type of explanation; (iii) Independence: essence is (...)
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    Gender in the Substance of Chemistry, Part 1: The Ideal Gas.Ágnes Kovács - 2012 - Hyle 18 (2):95 - 120.
    This two-part paper is about the possibility of analyzing the content of chemistry from a gender perspective. The first part provides an example of what such an analysis would look like. The second part is an outline of the theoretical perspective that makes the analysis possible. The example is the model of the ideal gas, the cornerstone of the theory of matter in chemical thermodynamics. I argue that this model is built on fundamental philosophical assumptions (Platonic idealism, hierarchy among states (...)
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    Gender in the Substance of Chemistry, Part 2: An Agenda for Theory.Ágnes Kovács - 2012 - Hyle 18 (2):121 - 143.
    Feminist science criticism has mostly focused on the theories of the life sciences, while the few studies about gender and the physical sciences locate gender in the practice, and not in the theories, of these fields. Arguably, the reason for this asymmetry is that the conceptual and methodological tools developed by (feminist) science studies are not suited to analyze the hard sciences for gender-related values in their content. My central claim is that a conceptual, rather than an empirical, analysis is (...)
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  18.  19
    (1 other version)IWB integration in the school subject ScienceStavovi učitelja o korištenju pametne ploče u nastavi Prirode i društva.Ines Kovačić & Marina Čović - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):151-169.
    This study investigates the integration of the interactive whiteboard into Science teaching during the primary educational cycle and teachers’ perceptions about the use of the information and communication technology in the school subject Science. An online questionnaire was distributed to Croatian schools in 2015/2016. A total of 104 teachers expressed their perceptions, 65 of them were from schools without an IWB, while the remaining 39 responded to our online questionnaire from schools with an implemented IWB. The results indicate the higher (...)
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    Scotland and Slovenia.Miha Kovaĉ & Claire Squires - 2014 - Logos 25 (4):7-19.
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    The Ambiguity and Limitation of Heidegger’s Attention to the Question of God in his Zum Ereignis-Denken.George Kovacs - 2020 - Heidegger Studies 36 (1):123-138.
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  21. The Boundaries of the Self and the Limits of the World in Aristotle: A Different Kind of Deconstruction of the Ego.Attila `kovács - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:197-207.
    Phenomenological theories have a long history in undermining the traditional opposition between mind and body. According to them, the material, viz. the corporal can serve as a place for the processes of meaning-formation, i.e., as a condition of possibility for any set of relationships forming a body of meaning. In this paper, this manifests itself through the fact that the basic concepts related to corporeality, e.g., perception, movement etc., are the conditions of possibility for any construction of meaning and consciousness (...)
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    A neurocomputational theory of how rule-guided behaviors become automatic.Paul Kovacs, Sébastien Hélie, Andrew N. Tran & F. Gregory Ashby - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (3):488-508.
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  23. A completeness theorem for higher order logics.Gabor Sagi - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):857-884.
    Here we investigate the classes RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ of representable directed cylindric algebras of dimension α introduced by Nemeti[12]. RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ can be seen in two different ways: first, as an algebraic counterpart of higher order logics and second, as a cylindric algebraic analogue of Quasi-Projective Relation Algebras. We will give a new, "purely cylindric algebraic" proof for the following theorems of Nemeti: (i) RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ is a finitely axiomatizable variety whenever α ≥ 3 is finite and (ii) one can obtain (...)
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    Logička pitanja i postupci [Logical questions and procedures].Srećko Kovač & Berislav Žarnić - 2008 - Zagreb: KruZak.
    This book is an introduction to elementary logic (classical propositional and first-order logic), comprising brief summaries of the basics of elementary logic, with the emphasis on typical questions and procedure descriptions and with a large number of corresponding exercises and problems. Solutions are given for each problem and exercise, often with commentaries. The first part, Basics of Logic, deals with (a) formal language, models, Venn diagrams for sentences, and translation from natural into formal language and vice versa, (b) deduction and (...)
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  25.  33
    Multiple Analogy in Ps. Aristotle, De Mundo 6.Gábor Betegh & Pavel Gregoric - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):8388.
    The short treatise known as Περὶ κόσμου is a learned piece of protreptic addressed to Alexander, ‘the best of princes’, usually identified with Alexander the Great. The treatise is traditionally attributed to Aristotle, and although it does espouse recognizably Aristotelian views, it contains various doctrinal and linguistic elements which have led the large majority of scholars to regard it as inauthentic. The dating of the treatise is a more controversial matter, though most scholars would put it somewhere in the Hellenistic (...)
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  26.  33
    Honorary authorship and symbolic violence.Jozsef Kovacs - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):51-59.
    This paper invokes the conceptual framework of Bourdieu to analyse the mechanisms, which help to maintain inappropriate authorship practices and the functions these practices may serve. Bourdieu’s social theory with its emphasis on mechanisms of domination can be applied to the academic field, too, where competition is omnipresent, control mechanisms of authorship are loose, and the result of performance assessment can be a matter of symbolic life and death for the researchers. This results in a problem of game-theoretic nature, where (...)
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  27. Some weakened Gödelian ontological systems.Srećko Kovač - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (6):565-588.
    We describe a KB Gödelian ontological system, and some other weak systems, in a fully formal way using theory of types and natural deduction, and present a completeness proof in its main and specific parts. We technically and philosophically analyze and comment on the systems (mainly with respect to the relativism of values) and include a sketch of some connected aspects of Gödel's relation to Kant.
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    Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry.Jeffrey Kovac & Michael Weisberg (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Nobel laureate Roald Hoffmann's contributions to chemistry are well known. Less well known, however, is that over a career that spans nearly fifty years, Hoffmann has thought and written extensively about a wide variety of other topics, such as chemistry's relationship to philosophy, literature, and the arts, including the nature of chemical reasoning, the role of symbolism and writing in science, and the relationship between art and craft and science. In Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry, (...)
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  29.  17
    The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation.Gábor Betegh - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive study of the Derveni Papyrus. The papyrus, found in 1962 near Thessaloniki, is not only one of the oldest surviving Greek papyri but is also considered by scholars as a document of primary importance for a better understanding of the religious and philosophical developments in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Gábor Betegh aims to reconstruct and systematically analyse the different strata of the text and their interrelation by exploring the archaeological context; the interpretation of rituals (...)
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  30.  82
    The totality of predicates and the possibility of the most real being.Srećko Kovač - 2018 - Journal of Applied Logics - The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications 5 (7):1523-1552.
    We claim that Kant's doctrine of the "transcendental ideal of pure reason" contains, in an anticipatory sense, a second-order theory of reality (as a second-order property) and of the highest being. Such a theory, as reconstructed in this paper, is a transformation of Kant's metatheoretical regulative and heuristic presuppositions of empirical theories into a hypothetical ontotheology. We show that this metaphysical theory, in distinction to Descartes' and Leibniz's ontotheology, in many aspects resembles Gödel's theoretical conception of the possibility of a (...)
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    The Clever Body.Gabor Csepregi - 2006 - University of Calgary Press.
    "In this book, Gabor Csepregi describes in detail the nature and scope of the body's innate abilities and reflects on their significance in human life."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Polysemy does not exist, at least not in the relevant sense.Gabor Brody & Roman Feiman - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):179-200.
    Based on the existence of polysemy (e.g., lunch can refer to both food and events), it is argued that central tenets of externalist semantics and Fodorian concept atomism, an externalist theory on which words lack semantic structure, are unsound. We evaluate the premise that these arguments rely on—that polysemous words have separate, finer‐grained senses. We survey the evidence across psychology and linguistics and argue that it shows that polysemy does not exist, at least not in this “sense”. The upshot is (...)
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  33. Archelaus on Cosmogony and the Orignis of Social Institutions.Gábor Betegh - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 51:1-40.
  34. Non-Turing Computations via Malament-Hogarth space-times.Gábor Etesi & István Németi - 2002 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 41:341--70.
  35.  16
    The paradoxical effect of climate on time perspective considering resource accumulation.Gábor Orosz, Philip G. Zimbardo, Beáta Boőthe & István Tóth-Király - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  36. Self-Making and Subpeople.David Mark Kovacs - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (9):461-488.
    On many currently popular ontologies of material objects, we share our place with numerous shorter-lived things that came into existence after we did or will go out of existence before we will. Subpeople are intrinsically indistinguishable from possible people, and as several authors pointed out, this raises grave ethical concerns: it threatens to make any sacrifice for long-term goals impermissible, as well as to undermine our standard practices of punishment, reward, grief, and utility calculation. The aim in this paper is (...)
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  37.  14
    Suggestion for Determining Treatment Strategies in Dental Ethics.Szilárd D. Kovács - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (2):373-379.
    Contemporary medicine views health as the individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being. Oral health plays a crucial role in one’s well-being, as the oral cavity and its surrounding regions execute essential functions in verbal and nonverbal communication, sensing, digestion, and significantly contribute to aesthetic appearance. The multifaceted nature of the notion of oral health, as well as the patient’s needs and autonomous will result in various treatment options for the same oral state, favouring often contrasting ethical values and different aspects (...)
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  38.  57
    Phenomenology of work and self-transcendence.George Kovacs - 1986 - Journal of Value Inquiry 20 (3):195-207.
  39.  20
    Die Antwort der Debrecener neuen Orthodoxie auf den theologischen Liberalismus in Ungarn.Ábrahám Kovács - 2014 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 21 (1-2):47-68.
    The Response of Debrecen New Orthodoxy to Liberal Theology in Hungary. The Reformed Church of Hungary was not exempt from the impact of various theological schools of Western Europe during the nineteenth century. The historical theological school of Tübingen, the Swiss liberal and moderate theology and the Dutch ‘moderne theologie’ held a great sway on Hungarian Protestantism in particularly Reformed Theology. Parallel to this development another and distinct trend appeared as a response to the challenges posed by liberal theology, which (...)
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    Theory-Containment in Controversies: Neurath and Müller on Newton, Goethe, and Underdetermination.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):533-549.
    Olaf Müller’s book develops a new case for underdetermination, and, as he is focusing on theories of a ‘limited domain’, this assumes the containability of the theories. First, the paper argues that Müller’s theory of darkness is fundamentally Newtonian, but for Newton’s optical theory the type of theoretical structure Müller adopts is problematic. Second, the paper discusses seventeenth-century challenges to Newton, changes in the proof-structure of Newton’s optical theory, and how these affect Müller’s reconstruction. Müller’s book provides empirically equivalent theories, (...)
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  41. The concept of intimacy in the 17th century painting: Poussin's self-portraits and Vermeer's genre scenes.Katalin Bartha-Kovacs - 2013 - Filozofia 68:144-156.
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    Ethics in the Age of Automata: Ambiguities in Descartes's Concept of an Ethics.Gabor Boros - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (2):139 - 154.
  43.  11
    Andromache 1009-1018.David Kovacs - 1978 - American Journal of Philology 99 (4):422.
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    Berislav Žarnić (1959 - 2017).Srećko Kovač - 2017 - Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):75-82.
    Obituary for Berislav Žarnić, an outstanding, internationally influential, Croatian logician and philosopher. His main contributions are in logic of practical inference, logic of imperatives, logic of norms and philosophy of education.
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    Difficulties differentiating dissociations.Kristof Kovacs, Kate C. Plaisted & Nicholas J. Mackintosh - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):138-139.
    We welcome Blair's argument that the relationship between fluid cognition and other aspects of intelligence should be an important focus of research, but are less convinced by his arguments that fluid intelligence is dissociable from general intelligence. This is due to confusions between (a) crystallized skills and g, and (b) universal and differential constructs. (Published Online April 5 2006).
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    Exact ground states for the four-electron problem in a Hubbard ladder.E. Kovács & Z. Gulácsi - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (13-14):1997-2009.
  47. Hermeneutics Of The Faith-attitude In Viktor E. Frankl.George Kovacs - 2009 - Existentia 19 (3-4):193-204.
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    The significance of art in the life of a physician.Jozsef Kovacs - 1993 - Journal of Medical Humanities 14 (3):113-122.
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    The Way to God as Absolute Transcendence.George Kovacs - 1990 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 64:240-249.
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  50. Ultimate reality and meaning in Frankl, Viktor, E.George Kovacs - 1982 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 5 (2):118-139.
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