Results for 'Freya Moebus'

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  1.  22
    (2 other versions)The ecological self.Freya Mathews - 1991 - Savage, Md.: Barnes & Noble.
    This is the first book-length treatment of the metaphysical foundations of ecological ethics. The author seeks to provide a metaphysical illumination of the fundamental ecological intuitions that we are in some sense `one with' nature and that everything is connected with everything else. Drawing on contemporary cosmology, systems theory and the history of philosophy, Freya Mathews elaborates a new metaphysics of `interconnectedness'. She offers an inspiring vision of the spiritual implications of ecology, which leads to a deepening of our (...)
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    For Love of Matter: A Contemporary Panpsychism.Freya Mathews (ed.) - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    A bold and original work in ecocosmology and metaphysics.
  3. Socrates on Cookery and Rhetoric.Freya Möbus - 2025 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 107 (1):1-28.
    Socrates believes that living well is primarily an intellectual undertaking: we live well if we think correctly. To intellectualists, one might think, the body and activities related to it are of little interest. Yet Socrates has much to say about food, eating, and cookery. This paper examines Socrates’ criticism of ‘feeding on opson’ (opsophagia) in Xenophon’s Memorabilia and of opson cookery (opsopoiia) in Plato’s Gorgias. I argue that if we consider the specific cultural meaning of eating opson, we can see (...)
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  4. Socratic Motivational Intellectualism.Freya Mobus - 2024 - In Russell E. Jones, Ravi Sharma & Nicholas D. Smith, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Socrates. Bloomsbury Handbooks. pp. 205-228.
    Socrates’ view about human motivation in Plato’s early dialogues has often been called ‘intellectualist’ because, in his account, the motivation for any given intentional action is tied to the intellect, specifically to beliefs. Socratic motivational intellectualism is the view that we always do what we believe is the best (most beneficial) thing we can do for ourselves, given all available options. Motivational intellectualism is often considered to be at the centre of Socrates’ intellectualist account of actions, according to which: (1) (...)
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    Biomimicry and the Problem of Praxis.Freya Mathews - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (5):573-600.
    Biomimicry can serve as a design template for an ecological civilisation by showing how cyclical, no-waste, mutually adaptive production systems designed ‘after nature’ could render human industry fully ‘sustainable’. However, unless the modes of praxis involved in such a reformed industrial base are also redesigned, the value orientation fostered by the new order would remain anthropocentric. Biomimicry would accordingly result in an eco-modernist-type scenario in which society was ‘decoupled’ from nature, with dystopian consequences for the larger community of life. Drawing (...)
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    The Application of Australian Rights Protections to the Use of Hepatitis C Notification Data to Engage People ‘Lost to Follow Up’.Freya Saich, Shelley Walker, Margaret Hellard, Mark Stoové & Kate Seear - 2024 - Public Health Ethics 17 (1-2):phae006.
    Hepatitis C is a global public health threat, affecting 56 million people worldwide. The World Health Organization has committed to eliminating hepatitis C by 2030. Although new treatments have revolutionised the treatment and care of people with hepatitis C, treatment uptake has slowed in recent years, drawing attention to the need for innovative approaches to reach elimination targets. One approach involves using existing notifiable disease data to contact people previously diagnosed with hepatitis C. Within these disease surveillance systems, however, competing (...)
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  7. Can Flogging Make Us Less Ignorant?Freya Möbus - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (1):51-68.
    In the Gorgias, Socrates claims that painful bodily punishment like flogging can improve certain wrongdoers. I argue that we can take Socrates’ endorsement seriously, even on the standard interpretation of Socratic motivational intellectualism, according to which there are no non-rational desires. I propose that flogging can epistemically improve certain wrongdoers by communicating that wrongdoing is bad for oneself. In certain cases, this belief cannot be communicated effectively through philosophical dialogue.
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    Mental Imagery for Musical Changes in Loudness.Freya Bailes, Laura Bishop, Catherine J. Stevens & Roger T. Dean - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Metaphysical Purdah.Freya Mora - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (213):377 - 385.
  10.  15
    Women Who Emerge as Leaders in Temporarily Assigned Work Groups: Attractive and Socially Competent but Not Babyfaced or Naïve?Freya M. Gruber, Carina Veidt & Tuulia M. Ortner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  11. Watch my lips: the limits of camp in lip-syncing scenes.Freya Jarman - 2018 - In Christopher Moore & Philip Purvis, Music & camp. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press.
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    CERES: singing up the city.Freya Mathews - unknown
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    Journey to the Source of The Merri.Freya Mathews - unknown
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  14. Mysticeti testament.Freya Matthews - manuscript
    The heart is a huge old barnacled whale, Vastly outsize and cumbersome, Encased in a mountain of deadweight flesh, Lugubrious, peering out of her carnal tomb with little wrinkled eye, Unable to encompass her own immensity. Yet this great gravid tender yearning creature lies Undetected, invisible, under the waters of appearance.
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    Planetary Collapse Disorder.Freya Mathews - 2010 - Environmental Ethics 32 (4):353-367.
    The honeybee, Apis mellifera, has excited both literary and scientific interest since ancient times, and even modern entomological investigation has not entirely dispelled the mystery surrounding the corporate intelligence of the beehive. Yet this lingering mystique has not prevented the wholesale exploitation of the honeybee as pollinator of choice in present-day industrial agriculture. In the context of this industrialization of the apiary, honeybees around the world are succumbing to the condition known as “colony collapse disorder.” The consequent disappearance of honeybees (...)
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  16. The Ideological Implication of Atomism.Freya Mathews - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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  17. Value in nature and meaning in life.Freya Mathews - 1995 - In Robert Elliot, Environmental Ethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 143.
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  18. World without end.Freya Matthews - manuscript
    Arms strained wide, I try to encompass, to take you to me. I track you in cloud chambers, Scan you through reflectors and refractors. Elusive One. Not a single grassy acre can my heart contain.
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    Towards a Deeper Philosophy of Biomimicry.Freya Mathews - 2011 - Organization and Environment 24 (4):364-387.
    Biomimicry as a design concept is indeed revolutionary in its implications for human systems of production, but it is a concept in need of further philosophical elaboration and development. To this end certain philosophical principles underlying the organization of living systems generally are identified and it is argued that not only our systems of production but also our psychocultural patterns of desire need to be reorganized in accordance with these principles if we are collectively to achieve the integration into nature (...)
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  20.  41
    Panpsychism as Paradigm.Freya Mathews - 2011 - In Michael Blamauer, The Mental as Fundamental: New Perspectives on Panpsychism. Ontos Verlag. pp. 141-156.
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    Thinking from Within the Calyx of Nature.Freya Mathews - 2008 - Environmental Values 17 (1):41 - 65.
    Is philosophy an appropriate means for inducing the 'moral point of view' with respect to nature? The moral point of view involves a feeling for the inner reality of others, a feeling which, it is argued, is induced more by processes of synergistic interaction than by the kind of rational deliberation that classically constituted philosophy. But how are we to engage synergistically with other-than-human life forms and systems? While synergy with animals presents no in-principle difficulty, synergy with larger life systems (...)
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    Reinhabiting Reality: Towards a Recovery of Culture.Freya Mathews - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    Argues that the environmental crisis is symptomatic of much deeper crises in modern civilization.
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  23. Division and Animal Sacrifice in Plato’s Statesman.Freya Mobus & Justin Vlasits - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34.
    In the Statesman (287c3-5), Plato proposes that the philosophical divider should divide analogously to how the butcher divides a sacrificial animal. According to the common interpretation, the example of animal sacrifice illustrates that we should “cut off limbs” (kata mele), that is, divide non-dichotomously into functional parts of a living whole. We argue that this interpretation is historically inaccurate and philosophically problematic: it relies on an inaccurate understanding of sacrificial butchery and leads to textual puzzles. Against the common interpretation, we (...)
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  24.  38
    Thank God for Evil?Freya Mora - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (225):399 - 401.
    God's public image has perennially suffered from the apparent botch He has made of Creation, or our portion of it, at any rate. “What's so good about God”, people ask, “when He permits volcanoes in Lisbon, famines in Ghana, earthquakes in San Francisco?” Why is there always, in fact, whichever way we bite it, a worm in the apple?
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  25. (1 other version)The Ecological Self.Freya Mathews - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (4):365-365.
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  26.  49
    The Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan: Wisdom From Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Other Great Thinkers.Freya Boedicker - 2009 - Blue Snake Books. Edited by Martin Boedicker.
    Each chapter of this concise volume focuses on a single work or philosopher, and includes a short history of each one as well as a description of their ...
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    Language aptitude in the visuospatial modality: L2 British Sign Language acquisition and cognitive skills in British Sign Language-English interpreting students.Freya Watkins, Stacey Webb, Christopher Stone & Robin L. Thompson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sign language interpreting is a cognitively challenging task performed mostly by second language learners. SLI students must first gain language fluency in a new visuospatial modality and then move between spoken and signed modalities as they interpret. As a result, many students plateau before reaching working fluency, and SLI training program drop-out rates are high. However, we know little about the requisite skills to become a successful interpreter: the few existing studies investigating SLI aptitude in terms of linguistic and cognitive (...)
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  28. For Love of Matter: A Contemporary Panpsychism.Freya Mathews - 2005 - Environmental Values 14 (4):523-524.
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    Vale Val: In Memory of Val Plumwood.Freya Mathews - 2008 - Environmental Values 17 (3):317-321.
    On 29 February 2008, Val Plumwood died of stroke at the age of 68. She was not only a seminal environmental thinker, whose book Feminism and the Mastery of Nature has become a classic of environmental philosophy; she was also a woman who fearlessly lived life on her own deeply considered terms, often in opposition to prevailing norms. In this obituary Freya Mathews discusses Val's life and her contributions to environmental philosophy.
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  30. Conservation and self-realization: A deep ecology perspective.Freya Mathews - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10 (4):347-355.
    Nature in its wider cosmic sense is not at risk from human exploitation and predation. To see life on Earth as but a local manifestation of this wider, indestructable and inexhaustible nature is to shield ourselves from despair over the fate of our Earth. But to take this wide view also appears to make interventionist political action on behalf of nature-which is to say, conservation-superfluous. If we identify with nature in its widest sense, as deep ecology prescribes, then the “self-defence” (...)
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    Letting the world do the doing.Freya Mathews - unknown
    What is nature, and how are we to live with it rather than against it, as ecophilosophers enjoin? My own understanding of nature and of our proper relation to it is ultimately traceable to a metaphysics that could be broadly described as panpsychist, in that it attributes an internal principle, or subjectival dimension, to matter generally. I have explored such a metaphysic elsewhere, and do not propose..
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  32. Beyond modernity and tradition: A third way for development.Freya Mathews - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (2):85-113.
    : How we understand the world (our metaphysical premise) determines, to a large degree, how we treat it. How we treat our world constitutes our basic modality. Our basic modality colors everything we do—our entire culture takes its cue from it. Three basic modalities are here distinguished. The first is the modality of pre-materialist or traditional, religion-based societies. This is a modality of importuning, the seeking of assistance from supernatural sources. The second is the modality of materialist or modern, secular (...)
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    Less Is More—Cyclists-Triathlete’s 30 min Cycling Time-Trial Performance Is Impaired With Multiple Feedback Compared to a Single Feedback.Freya Bayne, Sebastien Racinais, Katya Mileva, Steve Hunter & Nadia Gaoua - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Purpose: The purpose of this article was to compare different modes of feedback on 30 min cycling time-trial performance in non-cyclist’s and cyclists-triathletes, and investigate cyclists-triathlete’s information acquisition.Methods: 20 participants performed two 30 min self-paced cycling time-trials with either a single feedback or multiple feedback. Cyclists-triathlete’s information acquisition was also monitored during the multiple feedback trial via an eye tracker. Perceptual measurements of task motivation, ratings of perceived exertion and affect were collected every 5 min. Performance variables and heart rate (...)
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    Bacterial cooperation in the wild and in the clinic: Are pathogen social behaviours relevant outside the laboratory?Freya Harrison - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (2):108-112.
    Individual bacterial cells can communicate via quorum sensing, cooperate to harvest nutrients from their environment, form multicellular biofilms, compete over resources and even kill one another. When the environment that bacteria inhabit is an animal host, these social behaviours mediate virulence. Over the last decade, much attention has focussed on the ecology, evolution and pathology of bacterial cooperation, and the possibility that it could be exploited or destabilised to treat infections. But how far can we really extrapolate from theoretical predictions (...)
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    Becoming Native.Freya Mathews - unknown
  36. From epistemology to spirituality: Feminist perspectives.Freya Mathews - 1998 - Journal of Dharma 23 (4):517-539.
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    Some reflections on Spinoza's theory of substance.Freya Mathews - 1989 - Philosophia 19 (1):3-21.
  38.  38
    The Cypress and the Rose.Freya Mathews - unknown
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  39. Socratic Leadership.Freya Möbus - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (2):263-281.
    What makes a good leader? This paper takes Socrates in Plato’s early dialogues as the starting point for developing three leadership skills that are still relevant today: being on a mission, thinking in questions, and thinking like a beginner. I arrive at these Socratic leadership skills through an interdisciplinary approach to Plato’s early dialogues that puts Socrates in conversation with a diversity of thinkers: modern-day business leaders and leadership coaches, educators, Zen Buddhists, and art historians. I show that Socratic leadership (...)
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    Deep Ecology.Freya Mathews - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson, A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 218–232.
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    A Contemporary Metaphysical Controversy.Freya Mathews - 2010 - Sophia 49 (2):231-236.
    I argue that a metaphysical controversy, comparable with the ‘pantheism controversy’ of the late 18th century, is being played out today in the world-wide clash between religion and science, in which one side adheres to a strict materialism and the other admits phenomena of inspiritment as having a place in ontology. Just as the pantheism controversy was resolved, to some degree, via the concept of panentheism, so the solution to the contest between science and religion today might be pointing us (...)
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    Ecology and democracy.Freya Mathews (ed.) - 1995 - Portland, OR: Frank Cass.
    What is the optimal political framework for environmental reform reform on a scale commensurate with the global ecological crisis? In particular, how adequate are liberal forms of parliamentary democracy to the challenge posed by this crisis? These are the questions pondered by the contributors to this volume. Exploration of the possibilities of democracy gives rise to certain common themes. These are the relation between ecological morality and political structures or procedures and the question of the structure of decision-making and distribution (...)
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  43.  26
    Attending to our conceptualisations of race and racism in the pursuit of antiracism: A critical interpretative synthesis of the nursing literature.Freya Collier-Sewell - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (2):e12522.
    Race and racism are matters of urgent concern for the international nursing community. Recent global events have presented the discipline with an opportunity to generate and sustain long overdue discussions. However, with this opportunity comes a need to consciously attend to what we mean by race and racism, especially in the context of the nursing literature. Indeed, the development of antiracism depends on how we conceptualise race and racism; it is these conceptualisations that actively shape the scope and priorities of (...)
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  44.  25
    Without animals life is not worth living.Freya Mathews - 2007 - Between the Species 13 (7):4.
  45. The Anguish of Wildlife Ethics.Freya Mathews - 2012 - New Formations 76:114--131.
    As an environmental philosopher I had long been aware of dilemmas between animal ethics and ecological ethics, but now, as the manager of my own biodiversity reserve, I was facing these dilemmas in a more gut-wrenching and complex form than I had ever encountered in the classroom. Pressured by environmental authorities to cull kangaroos on my property, in the name of ecological ethics, I started thinking about the very meaning of ethics, its origins in the evolution of society and its (...)
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    The Ethics of ‘Deathbots’.Nora Freya Lindemann - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-15.
    Recent developments in AI programming allow for new applications: individualized chatbots which mimic the speaking and writing behaviour of one specific living or dead person. ‘Deathbots’, chatbots of the dead, have already been implemented and are currently under development by the first start-up companies. Thus, it is an urgent issue to consider the ethical implications of deathbots. While previous ethical theories of deathbots have always been based on considerations of the dignity of the deceased, I propose to shift the focus (...)
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  47.  28
    How Inclusive and Accessible Is Your Statement on Inclusion And Accessibility?Freya M. Mobus - 2020 - Inside Higher Ed.
    Despite some excellent resources on this topic, the parts of our syllabi devoted to inclusion and accessibility remain somewhat, well, exclusive and inaccessible.
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    Tidying Up With Socrates.Freya Mobus - 2019 - Philosophy Now 133:40-40.
    Let me present to you the ultimate life-coaching team: Marie Kondo and Socrates. Marie Kondo, the modern Japanese consultant devoted to uncluttering our households; Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher devoted to uncluttering our minds. If we open ourselves to their methods of tidying up, we will live a happier life, they promise.
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    Why do itches itch? Bodily Pain in the Socratic Theory of Motivation.Freya Mobus - 2020 - In Laura Candiotto & Olivier Renaut, Emotions in Plato. Boston: BRILL. pp. 61–82.
    Imagine that Socrates gets a cavity treatment. The drilling is painful, but he also knows that it is best to get it done and so he stays. Callicles is not so smart. Once the dentist starts drilling, Callicles takes off. I argue that this scenario presents a puzzle that interpreters have missed, namely: why does Socrates have an aversion to pain? To us, this might not be puzzling at all. Socrates, however, believes that we have an aversion only to bad (...)
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    Über das religiöse erleben des französischen menschen auf grund von selbstzeugnissen aus neuerer zeit..Freya Peters - 1937 - Marburg-Lahn,: Druck: Hessischer verlag K. Euker.
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