Results for 'François Fedier'

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  1.  30
    Henri matisse. Apuntes de un pintor.François Fédier & Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:287-302.
    Resumen En la crítica del Cantar de los Cantares no hay acuerdo acerca del problema estructural del libro. Las teorías se dividen en aquellas que abogan por un carácter fragmentario contra otras que ven un carácter unitario de los poemas. El estudio intenta revisar esta problemática y proponer que el Cantar de los Cantares es una colección de poemas sueltos que un redactor/recopilador juntó e intentó poner en cierto orden, incorporando el conjuro de 2,7; 3,5; 5,8; 8,4 como estribillo con (...)
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  2. Carta a Robert Marteau /traducción de Francisco Soler Grima.François Fédier - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 16 (1-2):139-144.
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  3. Hannah Arendt, a propósito de Heidegger1.François Fédier - 2008 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 9 (16-17):25-31.
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    Martin Heidegger, le temps, le monde.François Fédier - 2005 - Paris: Lettrage.
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    (1 other version)En Rusia.François Fédier - 2008 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 64:231-247.
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    Péguy philosophe.François Fédier - 2009 - Philosophie 103 (4):77-92.
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    Chemins qui ne mènent nulle part.Martin Heidegger & François Fédier - 1980 - Editions Gallimard.
    Ces six textes sont six chemins qui s'enfoncent dans le domaine inexploré de la pensée.
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    (1 other version)En torno a El Origen de la obra de arte de Martin Heidegger.Jorge Acevedo Guerra & François Fédier - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía 72:25-35.
    Es necesario distinguir entre útil, cosa y obra de arte. Lo que nos circunda en la óptica de un "para" apunta al conjunto de los útiles. La cosa es aquello de lo que se habla. Aunque las relaciones entre útil y cosa son estrechas, es posible hablar de las cosas que nos circundan desde perspectivas que no se reducen a la óptica del "para". Una cosa no se reduce a ser para algo. Una obra tiene un tipo de presencia singular; (...)
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    Ecrits politiques, 1933-1966.Martin Heidegger & François Fédier - 1995 - Editions Gallimard.
    Rassemble l'ensemble des textes qui ont directement rapport avec l'engagement de Heidegger, en 1933-1934, pour la "révolution nationale" à laquelle Hitler, en prenant le pouvoir, avait appelé les Allemands. Leur étude permettra de se faire une idée exacte de l'erreur qu'a commise Heidegger en 1933 et qu'il reconnaissait dès 1937.
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    L'intraduisible.François Fédier - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (4):481 - 488.
    L'intraduisible ne signifie pas que la traduction soit impossible mais qu'elle doit se mesurer à l'intraduisible qui marque la limite de toute langue. Ainsi, il est impossible de rendre dans les mots la distinction kantienne Verstand/Vernunft, les sens du mot Aufhe-bung chez Hegel, ou encore la différence entre le substantif der Tod et le verbe sterben. Mais cela ne signifie pas qu'il soit impossible de traduire les textes dans lesquels se trouvent ces mots. Il ne faut pas confondre « traduire (...)
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  11. Chemins qui ne mènent nulle part, « Classiques de la philosophie ».Martin Heidegger, Wolfgang Brokmeyer & François Fédier - 1971 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:470-471.
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    Recordando François Fédier, Jorge Acevedo.Ademir Menin - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (1).
    daUniversidade de Valparaíso. Tive a sorte de participar de dois seminários que ali deu:um sobre as teses a Feuerbach de Marx e outro sobre Arthur Rimbaud. Me chamarama atenção profundamente algumas ideias que Fédier fazia pensar. Uma delas foi: “épreciso ser absolutamente modernos”, de Rimbaud; a outra, “falar por falar, tal é afórmula da liberação”, de Novalis. Um tanto desapontado, me perguntava se essejovem professor, acompanhado por seus estudantes de khâgne – homens e mulheres –, não estaria esquecendo-se da crítica (...)
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    François Fédier accueille Hölderlin.Bernard Stevens - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (2):331-333.
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    François Fédier (1935-2021) zum Gedenken.Harald Seubert - 2021 - Heidegger Studies 37 (1):313-314.
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    François Fédier (2013). ¿Comprender a Heidegger?Jorge Acevedo - 2023 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 9 (33):169-184.
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    François Fédier. Voz del amigo y otros ensayos en torno a Heidegger. Ediciones de la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, 2017.Pablo Ortúzar Silva - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 75:77-80.
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    Hommage à François Fédier (1935 – 2021).David Pascal - 2022 - Heidegger Studies 38 (1):327-346.
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    En se souvenant de François Fédier.Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):337-343.
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    Hommage à François Fédier (1935-2021).Pascal David - 2022 - Heidegger Studies 38 (1):329-345.
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    "Homenaje a François Fédier (1935-2021)" de Pascal David.Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 7 (2):87-104.
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    Nuestra palabra “arte” de François Fédier.Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:289-304.
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    Recordando a François Fédier.Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:271-275.
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  23. Chemins, Qui Ne Mènent Nulle Part. Traduit de l'Allemand Par Wolfgang Brokmeier Et Édité Par François Fédier.Martin Heidegger - 1970 - Gallimard.
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    Consideraciones preliminares a ¿Qué significa pensar? (1951-1952).Vicente Gávez Orellana - 2024 - Otrosiglo 8 (2):103-127.
    El siguiente texto busca hallar pistas bibliográficas y conceptuales, que permitan generar consideraciones preliminares para una correcta entrada a la lectura del texto de Martin Heidegger ¿Qué significa pensar? de los años 1951-1952. El avance hacia dichas clases, impartidas por el autor en la Universidad de Friburgo de Brisgovia, será conducido por tres modalidades del pensamiento que permiten una aproximación al pensar: Gelassenheit, Einfache y Kuinzige. Algunas preguntas que se abordan guardan relación con las interrogantes ¿qué es pensar? ¿qué es (...)
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  25. Direct Reference: From Language to Thought.François Récanati - 1993 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    This volume puts forward a distinct new theory of direct reference, blending insights from both the Fregean and the Russellian traditions, and fitting the general theory of language understanding used by those working on the pragmatics of natural language.
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  26. The elephant in the room: What matters cognitively in cumulative technological culture.François Osiurak & Emanuelle Reynaud - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e156.
    Cumulative technological culture (CTC) refers to the increase in the efficiency and complexity of tools and techniques in human populations over generations. A fascinating question is to understand the cognitive origins of this phenomenon. Because CTC is definitely a social phenomenon, most accounts have suggested a series of cognitive mechanisms oriented toward the social dimension (e.g., teaching, imitation, theory of mind, and metacognition), thereby minimizing the technical dimension and the potential influence of non-social, cognitive skills. What if we have failed (...)
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    Direct Reference.Francois Recanati - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (4):953-956.
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  28. Truth-conditional pragmatics.Francois Recanati - 1998 - In Asa Kâšer (ed.), Pragmatics: Critical Concepts. Dawn and delineation. Vol. 1. Routledge. pp. 509-511.
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    Building an epistemic logic for argumentation.François Schwarzentruber, Srdjan Vesic & Tjitze Rienstra - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 359--371.
  30. Immunity to error through misidentification: What it is and where it comes from.François Recanati - 2012 - In Simon Prosser & François Recanati (eds.), Immunity to error through misidentification. Cambridge University Press. pp. 180--201.
    I argue that immunity to error through misidentification primarily characterizes thoughts that are 'implicitly' de se, as opposed to thoughts that involve an explicit self-identification. Thoughts that are implicitly de se involve no reference to the self at the level of content: what makes them de se is simply the fact that the content of the thought is evaluated with respect to the thinking subject. Or, to put it in familiar terms : the content of the thought is a property (...)
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  31. La physiologie des Lumières.François Duchesneau - 1984 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2:139-156.
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  32. Natural Kinds: The Expendables.François Papale & David Montminy - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 53 (2):103-120.
    Theoreticians that defend a form of realism regarding natural kinds minimally entertain the belief that the world features divisions into kinds and that the natural kind concept is a useful tool for philosophy of science. The objective of this paper is to challenge these assumptions. First, we challenge realism toward natural kinds by showing that the main arguments for their existence, which rely on the epistemic success of natural kinds, are unsatisfactory. Second, we show that, whether they exist or not, (...)
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    What is an Acousmatic Reading?François Noudelmann - 2018 - Paragraph 41 (1):110-124.
    Thinking involves many elements of sound that philosophical tradition has repressed. Breathing, rhythms and collateral noises participate in the making of idealities, even the most abstract. In order to hear them, the voice needs to be considered as one sound among others and as multiple, even when it comes from the same speaker, following different protocols of enunciation. Listening to the recordings of seminars and studying the role played by modern sound technologies make it possible to hear subterranean meanings and (...)
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  34. Modal Logic and the “Possible".Francois Schmitz - 1997 - Logica Trianguli 1:105-114.
    If we accept the idea that the value of a “logic” depends on its ability to fit the usual meaning of the “logical constants” which it formalises and the inferences we draw on their basis, we may ask if the meaning of “possible” is well captured by normal modal logic. We are faced with the following puzzle: if is meaningful and non contradictory is it not a logical truth that ? First, it is shown why there is no logical law (...)
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    Une œuvre en trois temps.François Dagognet - 1985 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (1):29 - 38.
  36. Dogmatique juridique et science interdisciplinaire du droit.François Ost & Michel van de Kerchove - 1986 - Rechtstheorie 17:89-110.
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    What’s Hermeneutical About Heidegger’s Understanding-of-Being?François Jaran - 2024 - Studia Phaenomenologica 24:263-285.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the hermeneutical nature of the concept of the understanding-of-being that grounds Heidegger’s fundamental ontology. I first consider the merging between ontology and hermeneutics that takes place in Being and Time and then interpret the hermeneutical sections of Being and Time (§§ 31–32) in order to clarify the ontological scope of under­standing, interpretation, and meaning. This allows me to examine the three dimensions of the “understanding-of-being principle” (according to which our encounter with entities (...)
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  38. Pierre Duhem, le théoricien (1861-1916).François Mentré - 1922 - Revue de Philosophie 29:449-473.
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    Mental Files in Flux.François Récanati - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book is a sequel to Recanati’s Mental Files (OUP 2012), and pursues the exploration of the mental file framework for thinking about concepts and singular reference. Mental files are based on 'epistemically rewarding' relations to objects in the environment. Standing in such relations to objects puts the subject in a position to gain information regarding them—information which goes into the file based on the relevant relation. Files do not merely store information about objects, however. They refer to them and (...)
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    La poétique de l'ironie: essai.François Breteau - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La poétique de l'ironie prend conscience de la déréliction dans laquelle vit l'homme contemporain : s'il existe un bonheur sociétal, il existe aussi en contrepartie un malheur sociétal. C'est une affaire d'existence que d'affronter poétiquement ce malaise de l'être humain. La vision utilitaire du monde nous fait oublier la liberté du réel, ainsi que la liberté de notre pensée, de notre langage et de notre vécu, bref, la notion d'être en présence du monde, d'autrui et de nous-mêmes. La poétique de (...)
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    (3 other versions)Horizons.François Noudelmann - 2002 - Rue Descartes 37 (3):3-5.
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    La pensée de Glissant est dissidente.François Noudelmann - 2023 - Cités 95 (3):151-158.
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    L'hypothèse d'Instabilité Financière: Les Processus Capitalistes Et le Comportement de L'Économie.François-Xavier Priour (ed.) - 2013 - Diaphanes.
    Théorie économique élaborée dans les années 1960, l'hypothèse d'instabilité financière postule que le système capitaliste est instable par essence : toute phase d'équilibre apparent ne fait qu'encourager les acteurs du marché à prendre davantage de risques, qui provoquent de nouvelles crises. Décriée à l'époque, cette analyse est aujourd'hui considérée comme l'une des plus à même d'expliquer la crise actuelle. Elle offre une première approche passionnante d’une oeuvre dense, jusqu’à présent méconnue en France.
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  44. Et son intérêt pour la sémantique contemporaine.François Récanati - 1974 - In Anton Charles Pegis & J. Reginald O'Donnell (eds.), Essays in honour of Anton Charles Pegis. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. pp. 982--251.
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  45. La langue universelle et son "inconsistance".Francois Recanati - 1979 - Critique 387:778-789.
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    Unités linguistiques et formes textuelles.François Rastier - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):13-32.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  47. The limits of expressibility.Francois Recanati - 2003 - In Barry Smith (ed.), John Searle. Cambridge University Press. pp. 189-213.
  48. Leibniz et la méthode de la science.François Duchesneau - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 100 (1):121-125.
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  49. Indirect Defenses of Speciesism Make No Sense.François Jaquet - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (3):308-327.
    Animal ethicists often distinguish between direct and indirect defenses of speciesism, where the former appeal to species membership and the latter invoke other features that are simply associated with it. The main extant charge against indirect defenses rests on the empirical claim that any feature other than membership in our species is either absent in some humans or present in some nonhumans. This paper challenges indirect defenses with a new argument, which presupposes no such empirical claim. Instead, the argument from (...)
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  50. La nation de causalité.François Bonsack - 1956 - Studia Philosophica 16:84.
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