Results for 'Fischel Schneerson'

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  1.  21
    Al Fakhri: On the Systems of Government and the Moslem Dynasties, Composed by Muhammad Son of Ali Son of Tabataba.Walter J. Fischel & C. E. J. Whitting - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (2):154.
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    Capability without dignity?Joseph J. Fischel & Claire McKinney - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (3):404-429.
    Dignity may just be the most promiscuous normative abstraction. This article, informed by dignity’s historical variability, political theoretic multipurpose, and conflicting jurisprudence, focuses on a particular but influential invocation of the term: dignity as the normative ground for the ‘capabilities approach’ (CA) model of social justice. We ask whether or not the CA, in particular the influential version propounded by philosopher Martha Nussbaum, requires dignity as its foundational premise, and whether or not dignity may be more costly than beneficial for (...)
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    Darkhe ha-ḥayim =.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 2019 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Ḳehot, Maʻarekhet "Otsar ha-Ḥasidim".
    heleḳ 1. Be-reshit, Shemot, va-Yikra -- heleḳ 2. ba-Midbar, Devarim.
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    In the paths of our fathers: insights into Pirkei Avos.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 1994 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Kehot Publication Society. Edited by Eliyahu Touger.
    In the Paths of Our Fathers provides a sampler of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's unique approach to Pirkei Avot. It shows the connections to points of Jewish law and reveals the influence of Jewish mystical teachings in these sayings. The Rebbe's emphasis, as always, is upon how their wisdom can be applied in real life for the sake of personal growth and spiritual understandings.
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    Colonial Governors from the Fifteenth Century to the Present: A Comprehensive List.Walter J. Fischel & David P. Henige - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):562.
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    Die instinkte und die primitiven gedächtnisleistungen der tiere.Werner Fischel - 1937 - Acta Biotheoretica 3 (2):87-98.
    The comparison between acquired and innate capacities of animals shows a similarity between kinaesthetical and instinctive actions. Both kinaesthetical and instinctive action can be performed independent of their aim. Observation and instinct act in both cases in principally the same way as an inducement to action. These considerations lead to the hypothesis that instincts are kinaesthetical habits which have become hereditary. It is possible to solve this problem experimentally. La comparaison entre les capacités apprises des animaux et les capacités innées (...)
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  7. Etsah, segulah u-verakhah: mi-tokh ketavaṿ shel ha-Rabi mi-Lyubaviṭsh.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 2010 - [Ramat ha-Sharon]: Menaḥem Herman. Edited by Menahem Herman.
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  8. Heṿeh gevir: ha-derekh le-ḥayim shel ʻashirut.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 2009 - [Israel]: Mekhon Otsrot Menaḥem. Edited by Ḥayim Bar-Levav.
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    [Mitsṿat Ahavat Yiśraʼel]: The Mitzvah to Love Your Fellow as Yourself: A Chasidic Discourse.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 2002 - Kehot Publication Society. Edited by Eliezer Danzinger & Avraham Vaisfiche.
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    Teshuvot li-sheʼelot ha-ḥayim =.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 2015 - Tel-Aviv: Sifre ḥemed.
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  11.  26
    Collections, Images and form in Sixteenth‐Century Natural History: The Case of Conrad Gessner.Angela Fischel - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (1):147-164.
    The essay examines the function and the meaning of documentary images by examining the geological image collection of the Swiss natural philosopher Conrad Gessner. Gessner?s interest in pictorial documentation can only be understood in the context of his special interest in the formal aspects of nature. His approach marked a turning point in the history of natural philosophy and would be unthinkable without the pictorial techniques used to collect and document the objects of his research. By reconsidering philosophical definitions of (...)
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    Rezension: Die Kunst des Augenscheins. Praktiken der Evidenz im 17. Jahrhundert von Hole Rößler.Angela Fischel - 2013 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 36 (2):187-188.
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  13.  24
    A History of Muslim Historiography.Walter J. Fischel & Franz Rosenthal - 1955 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 75 (3):202.
  14.  13
    [Ṿa-yishlaḥ Yehoshuʻa] =.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 2001 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Kehot Publication Society. Edited by Yosef Marcus.
    Discusses the differences between the spies sent by Moses and those sent by Joshua by exploring the spiritual significance of both events and their application today.
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  15. ha-Rabi medaber le-yalde Yiśraʼel: śiḥot ḳodesh le-tinoḳot shel bet raban.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 1996 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Heichal Menachem.
    1. Moʻadim u-zemane ha-shanah, Elul-Adar -- 2. Moʻadim u-zemane ha-shanah, Nisan-Av.
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  16. Sefer ʻAtsato emunah: leḳeṭ ʻetsot ṿe-hadrakhot.Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 1999 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.]. Edited by N. Ts Goṭlib.
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    Marʼeh-meḳomot, hagahot ṿe-heʻarot ḳetsarot la-Sefer shel benonim: Liḳuṭe amarim, Shaʻar ha-yiḥud ṿeha-emunah, Igeret ha-teshuvah, Igeret ha-ḳodesh (simanim 1-20).Menachem Mendel Schneerson - 2014 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Maʻarekhet "Otsar ha-Ḥasidim". Edited by Shneur Zalman.
    Liḳuṭe amarim, Shaʻar ha-yiḥud ṿeha-emunah, Igeret ha-teshuvah, Igeret ha-ḳodesh (simanim 1-20).
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  18.  14
    Ibn Khaldūn's Sources for the History of Jenghiz Khān and the TatarsIbn Khaldun's Sources for the History of Jenghiz Khan and the Tatars.Walter J. Fischel - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (2):91.
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  19. Rorty and Bernstein in Conversation: Where do Things Stand?Joshua Fischel - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (4):341-356.
    This essay seeks to clarify where things stand between Richard Bernstein and Richard Rorty, given the fact that both drew their philosophical inspiration in part from the work of John Dewey. Is Bernstein right that the disagreements over Dewey’s legacy are significant enough to matter? Is Rorty’s restrained and infrequent responses to Bernstein’s criticism’s an indication that any disagreements between them, from Rorty’s vantage point at least, make no difference that makes a difference? Or Is it the case, ultimately, that (...)
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  20.  26
    Rabbinic literature and Greco-Roman philosophy.Henry Albert Fischel - 1973 - Leiden,: Brill.
    PART ONE THE "FOUR IN PARADISE" ANTI-EPICUREAN STEREOTYPE, BIOGRAPHY, AND PARODY Scholarship on Epicureanism, always lively and abundant, ...
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  21.  37
    The Exploration of the Jewish Antiquities of Cochin on the Malabar Coast.Walter J. Fischel - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):230.
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    The Rediscovery of the Medieval Jewish Community at Fīrūzkūh in Central AfghanistānThe Rediscovery of the Medieval Jewish Community at Firuzkuh in Central Afghanistan.Walter J. Fischel - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):148.
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  23. Sefer ʻOlam eḥad: Sefer ʻOlam hafukh.Eliezer Fischel ben Isaac - 2015 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-ʻOlamot. Edited by Yirmeyahu Tsevi Eḳshṭain & Eliezer Fischel ben Isaac.
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  24.  20
    Ibn Khaldun in Egypt.Tarif Khalidi & W. J. Fischel - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):659.
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  25.  39
    Jews in the Economic and Political Life of Medieval Islam.Jacob Lassner & Walter J. Fischel - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):539.
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  26.  31
    Feedback in the acquisition of language and other complex behavior.Graver J. Whitehurst & Janet E. Fischel - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (3):478.
  27.  15
    Haru Hamanaka. Erkenntnis und Bild: Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Lichtenbergischen Figuren um 1800. 222 pp., figs., bibls., index. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2015. €34.90. [REVIEW]Angela Fischel - 2016 - Isis 107 (4):848-849.
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  28.  35
    History of Egypt. An Extract from Abū l-Maḥāsin Ibn Tahgrī Birdī's Chronicle Entitled Hawādith ad-Duhūr fī Maḍā l-Ayyām wash-Shuhūr (845-854 A. H., A. D. 1441-1450)History of Egypt. An Extract from Abu l-Mahasin Ibn Tahgri Birdi's Chronicle Entitled Hawadith ad-Duhur fi Mada l-Ayyam wash-Shuhur. [REVIEW]Jacob Lassner, William Popper & Walter J. Fischel - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):833.
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    (1 other version)Joseph J. Fischel: Screw Consent: Towards a Better Politics of Sexual Justice.Senthorun Raj - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (3):411-415.
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  30.  42
    Open Secret: Postmessianic Messianism and the Mystical Revision of Menaḥem Mendel Schneerson (review).H. D. Uriel Smith - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):264-266.
    Wolfson, using literary analysis, produced an excellent study of the mystical views of Rabbi Menahem Mendel Schneerson, the last Lubavich Rebbe. This work should serve as paradigmatic for the study of Jewish mystical thought.
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  31.  20
    Jewish Mysticism Represented by Rabbi Schneerson, and the Quantum Physics of David Bohm.Gregory C. Lendvay - 2022 - Philosophy and Theology 34 (1):89-135.
    This article investigates teachings from diverse mystical traditions and the quantum physicist, David Bohm. After a brief background on the traditions, a dialogue follows their teachings regarding these questions: How is infinite truth described? How does the phenomenal world relate to infinite truth? How do humans experience the infinite within the phenomenal world? The metaphors from quantum physics proposed by David Bohm poetically intertwine topics of emptiness, innermost awareness, sparks and relationships, storehouses and the heart, roots and souls, resurrection and (...)
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  32.  28
    »Maschiach achschaw!« - Die Erlösungslehren Menachem Mendel Schneersons.Ralf Müller - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 6 (1):47-64.
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  33.  16
    Open Secret: Postmessianic Messianism and the Mystical Revision of Menaḥem Mendel Schneerson (review).Hd Uriel Smith - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):264-266.
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    Book Review: Sex and Harm in the Age of Consent, by Joseph J. Fischel[REVIEW]Jennifer C. Nash - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (3):503-506.
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    In defence of not-knowing: uncertainty and contemporary narratives of sexual violence.Samantha Wallace - 2021 - Feminist Theory 22 (4):536-555.
    This article models a critical method of engaging with not-knowing as it relates to discourses around sexual agency and sexual violation through an analysis of Carmen Maria Machado’s short story ‘The Husband Stitch’. I argue that sexual and gender-based violation not only enforces harmful forms of uncertainty among the women of the story. It also forecloses the potentially productive capacities of modes of not-knowing. In doing so, I respond to assertions from feminist scholars as varied Linda Martín Alcoff, Mary Gaitskill, (...)
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    Readings in Applied Microeconomics: The Power of the Market.Craig Newmark (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    A central concern of economics is how society allocates its resources. Modern economies rely on two institutions to allocate: markets and governments. But how much of the allocating should be performed by markets and how much by governments? This collection of readings will help students appreciate the power of the market. It supplements theoretical explanations of how markets work with concrete examples, addresses questions about whether markets actually work well and offers evidence that supposed "market failures" are not as serious (...)
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    Montague, Richard (1930-71).Barbara Partee - manuscript
    Montague was born September 20, 1930 in Stockton, California and died March 7, 1971 in Los Angeles. At St. Mary’s High School in Stockton he studied Latin and Ancient Greek. After a year at Stockton Junior College studying journalism, he entered the University of California, Berkeley in 1948, and studied mathematics, philosophy, and Semitic languages, graduating with an A.B. in Philosophy in 1950. He continued graduate work at Berkeley in all three areas, especially with Walter Joseph Fischel in Arabic, (...)
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