Results for 'Filipe Drapeau Vieira Motta Contim'

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  1.  72
    On Modal Knowledge.Filipe Drapeau Vieira Motta Contim - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (2):3-37.
    L’objectif de cette introduction est double : elle présente les articles rassembles dans ce volume et offre une synthèse des développements récents de l’épistemologie des modalités.The role of this introduction is twofold: it presents the papers collected in this volume and offers a synthesis of recent developments of the epistemology of modality.
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    Mental Files and Non-Transitive De Jure Coreference.Filipe Drapeau Vieira Contim - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):365-388.
    Among other virtues, Mental Files Theory provides a straightforward explanation of de jure coreference, i.e. identity of referent guaranteed by meaning alone: de jure coreference holds between terms when these are associated with the same mental file from which they inherit their reference. In this paper, I discuss an objection that Angel Pinillos raises against Mental Files Theory and other similar theories: the theory predicts that de jure coreference should be transitive, just like identity. Yet there are cases, involving ‘slash-terms’, (...)
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    Y a-t-il un tigre étalon?Filipe Drapeau Vieira Contim - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 1 (1):25-42.
    Les termes d’espèce naturelle font débat : s’agit-il de termes descriptifs qui exprimeraient des caractéristiques des objets tombant dans leur extension, ou fonctionnent-ils plutôt comme des noms qui désigneraient directement leur espèce, sans l’intermédiaire d’une description? Selon la théorie causale de la référence (TCR), un terme comme « Tigre » nomme directement l’espèce du Tigre grâce à l’ostension d’un échantillon de tigres individuels qui constitue l’étalon de référence pour les usages ultérieurs du terme. Je me propose ici de confronter la (...)
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    Rigidity through Resemblances.Filipe Drapeau Vieira Contim - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:53-74.
    Mon but ici est de réconcilier deux conceptions relativement populaires dans leurs domaines respectifs : d’une part, la théorie des contreparties (TC) de David Lewis, en métaphysique modale, d’autre part, la thèse de la rigidité mise en avant par Saul Kripke en sémantique. De prime abord, le concept de rigidité ne semble pas pouvoir s’appliquer dans TC : un terme rigide est censé désigner le même objet au travers des mondes possibles, tandis que TC formule les conditions de vérité des (...)
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    L’actualité est-elle vraiment indexicale?Filipe Drapeau Vieira Contim - 2017 - Quaestio 17:367-390.
    The common wisdom, among philosophers of language and metaphysicians of analytic tradition, is that though only actual things exist, ‘being actual’ and its cognates do not ascribe a special feature...
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    Identités psychophysiques et inférence à la meilleure explication.Filipe Drapeau Vieira Contim & Pascal Ludwig - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):171-195.
    Filipe Drapeau Vieira Contim,Pascal Ludwig | : La plupart des théoriciens de l’identité des types souscrivent à un physicalisme a posteriori à l’égard des propriétés phénoménales. Selon cette conception, les énoncés d’identité esprit/cerveau peuvent être justifiés par une inférence à la meilleure explication (IME) partant du fait empirique des corrélations esprit/cerveau. Nous soutenons que la théorie de l’identité ne peut pas s’appuyer sur cette méthodologie abductive. Nous montrons tout d’abord que l’on ne peut pas justifier les (...)
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    Visiting professors from abroad, 2007–2008.Margarida Isura Almeida, Manfred Baum, Richard Bernot, Ann Cacoullos, In-Rae Cho, Filipe Drapeau Contim, James Doyle, Paik Eunky, Sébastien Gandon & Kaijun Geng - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 61 (1):219-224.
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  8. Métaphysique et ontologie.Dominique Berlioz, Filipe Drapeau Contim & François Loth (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Vrin.
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    Un essai logique de Leibniz, « Le calcul des ingrédients » : Présentation et traduction/ A logical essay by Leibniz, « The calculus of ingredients » : Presentation and translation.Dominique Berlioz & Filipe Drapeau Contim - 1998 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 51 (1):35-64.
  10.  44
    Populism and the politics of redemption.Filipe Carreira da Silva & Mónica Brito Vieira - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 149 (1):10-30.
    This article re-examines current definitions of populism, which portray it as either a powerful corrective to or the nemesis of liberal democracy. It does so by exploring a crucial but often neglected dimension of populism: its redemptive character. Populism is here understood to function according to the logic of resentment, which involves both socio-political indignation at injustice and envy or ressentiment. Populism promises redemption through regaining possession: of a lower status, a wounded identity, a diminished or lost control. Highly moralized (...)
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    Amílcar Cabral, Colonial Soil and the Politics of Insubmission.Filipe Carreira da Silva & Monica Brito Vieira - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This article discusses the concept of ‘insubmission’. This concept is the cornerstone of Amílcar Cabral’s critical theory. Introduced in his early agronomic writings, it refers to the human species’ refusal to submit to the nature of which we are always a part. The context is the anticolonial critique of traditional European humanism. Insubmission is Cabral’s response to the dehumanizing effects of colonialism and the environmental impact of anthropocentric extractivism that accompanies it. As a linchpin in Cabral’s theoretical framework, insubmission serves (...)
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  12.  32
    Populism as a logic of political action.Mónica Brito Vieira & Filipe Carreira da Silva - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (4):497-512.
    This article offers a new understanding of populism. The argument unfolds as follows: first, the populist literature is reviewed and two main approaches are identified: ontic and logic-oriented, the more important of which is the Schmitt-Laclau logic of enmity. While the authors broadly agree with Laclau’s criticism of ontic approaches, they endorse neither his ontological understanding of enmity, nor his claim that populism is politics, and enmity is the logic of populism. Next, the origins of populism are located in a (...)
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  13. A perfomance do professor coordenador na escola burguesa.Márcia Natália Motta Mello & José Luis Vieira de Almeida - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (3).
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo examinar a alienação que envolve a atividade do professor coordenador, relacionando esse profissional às expectativas do ideário neoliberal, reproduzido pela escola burguesa e comparar as atribuições destinadas a esse profissional com o seu fazer efetivo. O universo da pesquisa engloba a escola pública do Estado de São Paulo e a atividade do professor coordenador, especialmente as de Ciclo II. O referencial usado é o materialismo histórico dialético, e a categoria de análise é a teoria (...)
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    Perspectivas discursivas da divulgação/popularização da ciência.Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo, Maria Eduarda Giering & Désirée Motta-Roth - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (2):3-13.
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    Vejo, agora que estou sonhando.Luís Filipe Silvério Lima - 2005 - Cultura:205-231.
    A proposta desse artigo é analisar as diferentes apropriações e entendimentos das Trovas de Bandarra no século XVII, a partir das tópicas do "sonhar" e "ver", que estruturam o poema profético. Identificando algumas estrofes recorrentes nos comentários seiscentistas, pretende-se discutir as polêmicas surgidas em torno dos "Sonhos" do sapateiro de Trancoso e como estas permitem identificar posições frente ao problema do sonho profético e de seu uso nas leituras do destino e futuro português. A estrutura do texto é dada pelo (...)
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    Fixpoint semantics for active integrity constraints.Bart Bogaerts & Luís Cruz-Filipe - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 255 (C):43-70.
  17.  14
    Pragmatism and the Social Sciences.Roberto Frega & Filipe Carreira da Silva - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2):v-8.
    The history of the influences and interactions between pragmatism and the social sciences is as rich as it has been neglected as a field of research. This volume – the first of a series of two – tries to explore both historically and theoretically some of these multiple relationships, building upon the assumption that pragmatism has been one of the philosophical traditions that have taken most seriously the study of the social. In fact, since its origins classical American pragmatism has (...)
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  18.  33
    Pessimismo como postura: o elemento afetivo da tese do "pior dos mundos possíveis".Marcelo Vieira Lopes - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (2):82.
    O objetivo geral deste trabalho é abordar a tese pessimista encontrada na filosofia de Arthur Schopenhauer a partir da noção de postura. Nesta abordagem exponho os traços característicos de sua metafísica da Vontade e a implicação para a avaliação deste mundo como o “pior dos mundos possíveis”. Em seguida pretendo abordar a ligação entre filosofia e temperamento, a partir de alguns vieses identificados em alterações afetivas, bem como avaliar como ocorre essa ligação na filosofia pessimista de Schopenhauer. Após essa análise (...)
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  19.  41
    Perceptual Errors in Late Medieval Philosophy.Juhana Toivanen & José Filipe Silva - 2019 - In Brian Glenney, José Filipe Silva, Jana Rosker, Susan Blake, Stephen H. Phillips, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Anna Marmodoro, Lukas Licka, Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Chris Meyns, Janet Levin, James Van Cleve, Deborah Boyle, Michael Madary, Josefa Toribio, Gabriele Ferretti, Clare Batty & Mark Paterson (eds.), The Senses and the History of Philosophy. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 106-130.
    Perception of the external world is an essential part of the animal (including human) life, both as a source of knowledge and as a way to survive. Medieval authors accepted this view, and despite general concerns about the reliability of the senses in the acquisition of certain and objective knowledge, they thought that for the most part our perceptual system gets things right when it comes to the perceptual features of things—but not always. Our article focuses on thirteenth- and fourteenth-century (...)
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    La Influencia de la Fenomenología de la Religión de Rudolf Otto y Mircea Eliade en el Pensamiento de Peter L. Berger.Filipe Martín Huete - 2015 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 71 (1):102-115.
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    Ensino superior angolano: educação como bem público face ao mercado.Isaac Pedro Vieira Paxe & Alberto Kapitango Nguluve - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):235-266.
    Resumo: A educação, a superior em particular, tem sido uma questão central nas políticas do Estado em Angola. E como compromisso, o Estado angolano tem-na definida como bem-público, o que implica uma série de medidas relacionadas ao seu acesso, seus processos de gestão e também os mecanismos de financiamento. Como resultado das disputas ideológicas na esfera do Estado, e também a emergência da economia de mercado em Angola, a condição de bem-público da educação é capturada pelos agentes do mercado que (...)
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    Mídia e megaeventos esportivos: as cerimônias de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Atenas-1896 a Londres-1948.Fausto Amaro, Filipe Fernandes Ribeiro Mostaro & Ronaldo Helal - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (24).
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    A teoria contratualista.Luís Filipe Bettencourt - 2004 - Critica.
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    Mead and Modernity: Science, Selfhood, and Democratic Politics.Filipe Carreira da Silva - 2008 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Mead and Modernity is one of the most detailed and ambitiously conceived studies of G. H. Mead's work to appear in years. Filipe Carreira da Silva addresses the basic questions "How should we read Mead?" and "Why should we read Mead today?" by showing that the history of ideas and theory-building are closely related endeavors. Mead and Modernity is a methodological innovation with sweeping theoretical implications.
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    A que convida O convite ao filosofar?Vanise Dutra Gomes & Paula Alexandra Vieira - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-18.
    In the call from papers from childhood & philosophy we hear an invitation to philosophize. But what does such an invitation mean? In what ways does an invitation or invitation to philosophize encourage us to suspension our accepted meanings and empower us to sustain this challenge? These are the questions of two teachers who have, first, accepted the prior invitation to philosophize with children, and have now accepted the invitation to think and write together about that experience. This essay was (...)
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    Para além da dúvida corporal: a dúvida como problema existencial e sua relev'ncia para a psiquiatria.Marcelo Vieira Lopes - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (6):e02400329.
    The concept of bodily doubt has been proposed as a model for describing the experience of illness. According to this model, bodily doubt determines any experience of illness, whether somatic or mental. However, the phenomenology of mental disorders presents a series of experiential disturbances beyond doubt at the bodily level. The hypothesis to be investigated in this article concerns the formulation of an adequate concept of doubt from the point of view of these disorders. Often, psychiatric patients experience their condition (...)
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    Factor Analysis for Finding Invariant Neural Descriptors of Human Emotions.Vitor Pereira, Filipe Tavares, Petya Mihaylova, Valeri Mladenov & Petia Georgieva - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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    Ciência e existência.Alvaro Vieira Pinto - 1969 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Paz e Terra.
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    A exegese de Fílon de Alexandria e o peculiar caso de Noé como Deucalião.Cesar Motta Rios - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):93-113.
    Fílon de Alexandria é mencionado frequentemente como exemplo de exegeta que adotava o método da interpretação alegórica. Por vezes, entende-se, de modo pré-concebido, que sua hermenêutica é imaginativa, descuidada e pouco responsável. Neste artigo, a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica abrangente e estudo de fontes primárias em suas línguas originais, apresento o alexandrino como um exegeta inserido em seu tempo, dotado de recursos, que observava parâmetros. Além de uma apresentação inicial, abordo detidamente um caso específico: a identificação que Fílon faz (...)
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    Memória e experiência no processo de formação estética de professores (as).Lucilene Sander & Andréa Vieira Zanella - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28:60-76.
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  31. Enlightened Tribalism.Jonathan Anomaly, Filipe Faria & Craig Willy - forthcoming - Journal of Controversial Ideas.
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    A língua de sinais na formação de professores: Experiências no Espírito Santo e em Minas Gerais.Carlos Henrique Rodrigues & Lucyenne Vieira-Machado - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia (Especial):247-278.
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    Productive Organizations: The Human-Computer Interaction in Black Mirror.Georgia de Souza Assumpção, Carolina Maia dos Santos, Raquel Figueira Lopes Cançado Andrade, Mayara Vieira Henriques & Alexandre de Carvalho Castro - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e61969e.
    RESUMO A série Black Mirror, transmitida entre 2011 e 2023 pela Netflix, tornou-se um fenômeno de mídia e seus episódios mostraram formas de interação homem-máquina (terminologia também referida como humano-computador). O nome da série se refere ao fato de que, quando uma tela é desligada, ela se torna um espelho negro que reflete a imagem do usuário. Este artigo1 tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos da interação homem-máquina nas organizações produtivas apresentadas em Black Mirror. Esta pesquisa utilizou a análise do (...)
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  34. The Active Nature of the Soul in Sense Perception: Robert Kilwardby and Peter Olivi.Juhana Toivanen & José Filipe Silva - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (3):245-278.
    This article discusses the theories of perception of Robert Kilwardby and Peter of John Olivi. Our aim is to show how in challenging certain assumptions of medieval Aristotelian theories of perception they drew on Augustine and argued for the active nature of the soul in sense perception. For both Kilwardby and Olivi, the soul is not passive with respect to perceived objects; rather, it causes its own cognitive acts with respect to external objects and thus allows the subject to perceive (...)
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    Identification of risk factors for moral distress in nurses: basis for the development of a new assessment tool.Rafaela Schaefer, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli & Margarida Vieira - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):346-357.
    This article proposes to identify risk factors for moral distress from the literature, validate them through expert analysis and provide the basis for a new tool to assess the risk of moral distress among nurses. Moral distress is related to the psychological, emotional and physiological aspects of nursing. It arises from constraints caused by various circumstances and can lead to significant negative consequences. A scoping review and validation through expert analysis were used. The research question guiding this study was as (...)
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    Towards a phenomenological approach to psychopharmacology: drug-centered model and epistemic empowerment.Marcelo Vieira Lopes & Guilherme Messas - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-18.
    The long-standing tradition of phenomenological psychopathology has been historically concerned with the nature of mental disorders, with a special focus on their basic experiential core. In the same way, much of the recent phenomenologically-inspired work in psychopathology consists in providing precise and refined tools for diagnosis, classification, and nosology of mental disorders. What is striking, however, is the lack of therapeutic proposals in this tradition. Although a number of phenomenological approaches refer positively to psychotherapeutic practices, psychopharmacological intervention has been mostly (...)
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  37.  42
    Too sad to be true: hypo- and hyperreality in experiences of depression.Marcelo Vieira Lopes - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (7):1326-1345.
    But never let it be doubted that depression, in its extreme form, is madness. (Styron, 1990, p. 62)There is nothing wrong with our biology or our intelligence; sometimes we are just stuck. (Cvetkov...
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    Leading with moral courage: The interplay of guilt and courage on perceived ethical leadership and group organizational citizenship behaviors.Juliana Mansur, Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):587-601.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Robert Kilwardby on the human soul: plurality of forms and censorship in the thirteenth century.José Filipe Silva - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Robert Kilwardby on the Human Soul examines Kilwardby’s role in conciliating Aristotelian and Augustinian views on the soul, soul-body relation, and cognition.
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    Opening the Implicit Leadership Theories’ Black Box: An Experimental Approach with Conjoint Analysis.Gustavo M. Tavares, Filipe Sobral, Rafael Goldszmidt & Felipe Araújo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  41. Can Liberalism Last? Demographic Demise and the Future of Liberalism.Jonathan Anomaly & Filipe Nobre Faria - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (2):524-543.
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    O conceito de tecnologia.Alvaro Vieira Pinto - 2005 - Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto.
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    Robert Kilwardby.Jose Filipe Silva - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Kilwardby is a central figure in late medieval philosophy and theology, but key areas of his thought still remain unexamined in a systematic way. This book offers a comprehensive overview of his works, ranging from topics in logic to theology, done in a way that is accessible to non-specialists and to anyone interested in medieval thought.
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    No Children Should Be Left Behind During COVID-19 Pandemic: Description, Potential Reach, and Participants' Perspectives of a Project Through Radio and Letters to Promote Self-Regulatory Competences in Elementary School.Jennifer Cunha, Cátia Silva, Ana Guimarães, Patrícia Sousa, Clara Vieira, Dulce Lopes & Pedro Rosário - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647708.
    Around the world, many schools were closed as one of the measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. School closure brought about important challenges to the students' learning process. This context requires strong self-regulatory competences and agency for autonomous learning. Moreover, online remote learning was the main alternative response to classroom learning, which increased the inequalities between students with and without access to technological resources or for those with low digital literacy. All considered, to level the playing field (...)
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    To What Inanimate Matter Are We Most Closely Related and Does the Origin of Life Harbor Meaning?William F. Martin, Falk S. P. Nagies & Andrey do Nascimento Vieira - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):33.
    The question concerning the meaning of life is important, but it immediately confronts the present authors with insurmountable obstacles from a philosophical standpoint, as it would require us to define not only what we hold to be life, but what we hold to be meaning in addition, requiring us to do both in a properly researched context. We unconditionally surrender to that challenge. Instead, we offer a vernacular, armchair approach to life’s origin and meaning, with some layman’s thoughts on the (...)
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    Revisiting knowledge from Falsehood.Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (3):705-724.
    ***Revisitando o Conhecimento a partir de Falsidade***Os defensores da teoria do Conhecimento a partir de Falsidade nos apresentam exemplos putativos de conhecimento inferencial nos quais um sujeito S, supostamente, adquire conhecimento através de uma inferência competente realizada a partir de uma falsidade. Se eles estiverem certos, teremos que enfrentar alguns problemas importantes para a epistemologia do raciocínio. No entanto, neste artigo, argumentarei que não há conhecimento a partir de falsidades, os casos apresentados pelos defensores de KFF não constituem casos de (...)
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    Franz Brentano’s Mereology and the Principles of Descriptive Psychology.Flávio Vieira Curvello - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (3):109-123.
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    Political Correctness: the Twofold Protection of Liberalism.Sandra Dzenis & Filipe Nobre Faria - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (1):95-114.
    As understood today, political correctness aims at preventing social discrimination by curtailing offensive speech and behaviour towards underprivileged groups of individuals. The core proponents of political correctness often draw on post-modernism and critical theory and are notorious for their scepticism about objective truth and scientific rationality. Conversely, the critics of post-modern political correctness uphold Enlightenment liberal principles of scientific reasoning, rational truth-seeking and open discourse against claims of relativism and oppression. Yet, both the post-modern proponents and their Enlightenment liberal critics (...)
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  49. Social Evolution as Moral Truth Tracking in Natural Law.Filipe Nobre Faria & André Santos Campos - 2021 - Politics and the Life Sciences 41 (1):76 - 89.
    Morality can be adaptive or maladaptive. From this fact come polarizing disputes on the meta-ethical status of moral adaptation. The realist tracking account of morality claims that it is possible to track objective moral truths and that these truths correspond to moral rules that are adaptive. In contrast, evolutionary anti-realism rejects the existence of moral objectivity and thus asserts that adaptive moral rules cannot represent objective moral truths, since those truths do not exist. This article develops a novel evolutionary view (...)
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    Forensic DNA databases in European countries: is size linked to performance?Susana Silva, Helena Machado & Filipe Santos - 2013 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 9 (1):1-13.
    The political and financial investments in the implementation of forensic DNA databases and the ethical issues related to their use and expansion justify inquiries into their performance and general utility. The main function of a forensic DNA database is to produce matches between individuals and crime scene stains, which requires a constant input of individual profiles and crime scene stains. This is conditioned, among other factors, by the legislation, namely the criteria for inclusion of profiles and the periods of time (...)
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