Results for 'Federico Mina'

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  1. Generative AI in EU Law: Liability, Privacy, Intellectual Property, and Cybersecurity.Claudio Novelli, Federico Casolari, Philipp Hacker, Giorgio Spedicato & Luciano Floridi - 2024 - Computer Law and Security Review 55.
    The complexity and emergent autonomy of Generative AI systems introduce challenges in predictability and legal compliance. This paper analyses some of the legal and regulatory implications of such challenges in the European Union context, focusing on four areas: liability, privacy, intellectual property, and cybersecurity. It examines the adequacy of the existing and proposed EU legislation, including the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), in addressing the challenges posed by Generative AI in general and LLMs in particular. The paper identifies potential gaps and (...)
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  2. AI Risk Assessment: A Scenario-Based, Proportional Methodology for the AI Act.Claudio Novelli, Federico Casolari, Antonino Rotolo, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2024 - Digital Society 3 (13):1-29.
    The EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) defines four risk categories for AI systems: unacceptable, high, limited, and minimal. However, it lacks a clear methodology for the assessment of these risks in concrete situations. Risks are broadly categorized based on the application areas of AI systems and ambiguous risk factors. This paper suggests a methodology for assessing AI risk magnitudes, focusing on the construction of real-world risk scenarios. To this scope, we propose to integrate the AIA with a framework developed by (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Taking AI Risks Seriously: a New Assessment Model for the AI Act.Claudio Novelli, Casolari Federico, Antonino Rotolo, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1-5.
    The EU proposal for the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) defines four risk categories: unacceptable, high, limited, and minimal. However, as these categories statically depend on broad fields of application of AI, the risk magnitude may be wrongly estimated, and the AIA may not be enforced effectively. This problem is particularly challenging when it comes to regulating general-purpose AI (GPAI), which has versatile and often unpredictable applications. Recent amendments to the compromise text, though introducing context-specific assessments, remain insufficient. To address this, (...)
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    Shall I Trust You? From Child–Robot Interaction to Trusting Relationships.Cinzia Di Dio, Federico Manzi, Giulia Peretti, Angelo Cangelosi, Paul L. Harris, Davide Massaro & Antonella Marchetti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Studying trust in the context of human-robot interaction is of great importance given the increasing relevance and presence of robotic agents in the social sphere, including educational and clinical. We investigated the acquisition, loss and restoration of trust when preschool and school-age children played with either a human or a humanoid robot in-vivo. The relationship between trust and the representation of the quality of attachment relationships, Theory of Mind, and executive function skills was also investigated. Additionally, to outline children’s beliefs (...)
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  5. Translating Metainferences Into Formulae: Satisfaction Operators and Sequent Calculi.Ariel Jonathan Roffé & Federico Pailos - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Logic 3.
    In this paper, we present a way to translate the metainferences of a mixed metainferential system into formulae of an extended-language system, called its associated σ-system. To do this, the σ-system will contain new operators (one for each standard), called the σ operators, which represent the notions of "belonging to a (given) standard". We first prove, in a model-theoretic way, that these translations preserve (in)validity. That is, that a metainference is valid in the base system if and only if its (...)
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    Hypnotic susceptibility, baseline attentional functioning, and the Stroop task.Sandro Rubichi, Federico Ricci, Roberto Padovani & Lorenzo Scaglietti - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):296-303.
    According to the theoretical framework relating hypnosis to attention, baseline attentional functioning in highly hypnotizable individuals should be more efficient than in low hypnotizable individuals. However, previous studies did not find differences in Stroop-like tasks in which the measure indicative of the Stroop interference effect was based on response latencies. This study was designed to determine whether subjects with different levels of hypnotic susceptibility show differences in baseline attentional functioning. To assess this hypothesis, high, medium, and low hypnotizable subjects performed (...)
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    Dispositions and the Least Action Principle.Diego Maltrana & Federico Benitez - 2022 - Disputatio 14 (65):91-104.
    This work deals with obstacles hindering a metaphysics of laws of nature in terms of dispositions, i.e., of fundamental properties that are causal powers. A recent analysis of the principle of least action has put into question the viability of dispositionalism in the case of classical mechanics, generally seen as the physical theory most easily amenable to a dispositional ontology. Here, a proper consideration of the framework role played by the least action principle within the classical image of the world (...)
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    Beyond Mixed Logics.Joaquín Toranzo Calderón & Federico Pailos - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (4):637-664.
    In order to define some interesting consequence relations, certain generalizations have been proposed in a many-valued semantic setting that have been useful for defining what have been called pure, mixed and ordertheoretic consequence relations. But these generalizations are insufficient to capture some other interesting relations, like other intersective mixed relations (a relation that cannot be defined as a mixed relation, but only as the intersection of two mixed relations) or relations with a conjunctive (or, better, “universal”) interpretation for multiple conclusions. (...)
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  9.  20
    Words with Consistent Diachronic Usage Patterns are Learned Earlier: A Computational Analysis Using Temporally Aligned Word Embeddings.Giovanni Cassani, Federico Bianchi & Marco Marelli - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12963.
    In this study, we use temporally aligned word embeddings and a large diachronic corpus of English to quantify language change in a data-driven, scalable way, which is grounded in language use. We show a unique and reliable relation between measures of language change and age of acquisition (AoA) while controlling for frequency, contextual diversity, concreteness, length, dominant part of speech, orthographic neighborhood density, and diachronic frequency variation. We analyze measures of language change tackling both the change in lexical representations and (...)
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  10.  17
    New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science.Marcello D'Agostino, Federico Laudisa, Giulio Giorello, Telmo Pievani & Corrado Sinigaglia (eds.) - 2010 - College Publications.
    The papers collected in this volume are based on the best contributions to the conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS) that took place in Milan on 8-10 October 2007. The aim of the Society, since its foundation in 1952, has always been that of bringing together scholars - working in the broad areas of Logic, Philosophy of Science and History of Science - who share an open-minded approach to their disciplines and regard them as (...)
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  11.  34
    Metaphysics and Scientific Realism: Essays in Honour of David Malet Armstrong.Francesco Federico Calemi (ed.) - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    David Malet Armstrong has been one of the most influential contemporary metaphysicians working in the analytic tradition and surely the greatest 20th century Australian philosopher. His main merit is to have reestablished metaphysics as a respectable branch of philosophy placing it at the centre of the philosophical debate, and giving it the status of an authoritative and competent interlocutor of both rational and empirical sciences. By means of a rigorously argumentative approach and a sharp prose, Armstrong has built a whole (...)
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    (2 other versions)Contents.Francesco Federico Calemi - 2016 - In Metaphysics and Scientific Realism: Essays in Honour of David Malet Armstrong. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Index.Francesco Federico Calemi - 2016 - In Metaphysics and Scientific Realism: Essays in Honour of David Malet Armstrong. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 261-262.
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    A logical approach to efficient Max-SAT solving.Javier Larrosa, Federico Heras & Simon de Givry - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (2-3):204-233.
  15.  5
    Pensando para el país: "un partido para la democracia, una propuesta para la nación".Angel Federico Robledo (ed.) - 1983 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Legasa.
  16.  23
    Francis Bacon : sobre la carnalidad.Federico Rodríguez Gómez - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2:399.
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    Artificial Intelligence.Pablo Federico Rossi - 2022 - The Incarnate Word 9 (2):73-87.
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    The representations of the Caribbean in The great zoo of Nicolás Guillén.Carlos Federico Vidal Ortega - 2020 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (25):45-55.
    El gran zoo (1984), del poeta cubano Nicolás Guillén, ofrece distintas representaciones sobre el Caribe. El artículo argumenta que el texto de Nicolás Guillén se inscribe dentro del movimiento literario hispanoamericano de la neovanguardia. Luego, se examinan algunas características formales del texto, tomando como ejemplo los poemas “El sueño” y “Guitarra”. Otro poema que se estudia con más detenimiento es “El tenor”, el cual parodia la división entre la alta cultura y la cultura popular. Por último, se analizan varias alusiones (...)
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  19. La posmodernidad: Una nueva sensibilidad.Federico Medina Cano Medina Cano - 2010 - Escritos 18 (41):492-540.
    A fines de la Segunda Guerra Mundial sedebilita el espíritu vanguardista que caracterizó la modernidad. En esta coyuntura nace la posmodernidad como una respuesta a la canonización del movimiento moderno, como una nueva sensibilidad y una reacción que transformó los modelos estéticos y los esquemas vitales. Su influencia fue muy amplia, afectó diversos aspectos de la vida social y modificó la percepción que se tenía de la historia y del tiempo, como el valor que tenía la noción de progreso y (...)
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  20.  59
    The Consciousness Evolution Paradigm.Nitamo Federico Montecucco - 2016 - World Futures 72 (3-4):167-186.
    Consciousness represents the core of the new paradigm, the unitary, systemic vision, and comprehension that emerges in every field of science, culture, and spirituality. For centuries, consciousness has been divided from matter, the soul from the physical body. Now, in this historical beginning of globalization, we need a new holistic model, a global paradigm based on consciousness that can explain the unitary evolutionary process, the psychosomatic unity of human being, the neurophysiological roots of harmony between peoples and the way to (...)
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  21.  11
    Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity.Anna Motta & Federico M. Petrucci (eds.) - 2022 - BRILL.
    This book explores how introductory methods shaped intellectual activity in various fields of thought of the post-Hellenistic Age and Late Antiquity by framing them in a wider interdisciplinary framework.
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  22.  14
    crítica desde la fenomenología al análisis de la inserción de pensamiento de John Campbell.Federico Andrés Tovar Avendaño - 2022 - Humanitas Hodie 4 (1):H41a5.
    El creciente interés que han suscitado los fenómenos psiquiátricos en el ámbito académico ha favorecido el desarrollo de análisis interdisciplinarios que combinan la filosofía con campos como el de la medicina, las neurociencias y las ciencias cognitivas. Un ejemplo de esto es el trabajo de John Campbell quien ha intentado analizar el fenómeno de la inserción de pensamiento y la constitución de la agencia del pensamiento a la luz del modelo de la copia eferente desarrollado por Christopher Frith y otros (...)
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    Deconstructing the Talmud: The Absolute Book.Federico Dal Bo - 2019 - London-New York: Routledge.
    This monograph uses deconstruction—a philosophical movement originated by Jacques Derrida—to read the most authoritative book in Judaism: the Talmud. Examining deconstruction in comparison with Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophies, the volume argues that the movement opens an innovative debate on Jewish Law. -/- First, the monograph interprets deconstruction within the major streams of continental philosophy; then, it criticizes many aspects of Foucault’s and Agamben’s philosophy, rejecting their notion of law. On these premises, the research delivers a close examination of many fundamental (...)
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  24. La protección de la vida. Encrucijada entre la medicina y el derecho.Federico Fernández de Buján Fernández - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Special Section Introduction.Silvia De Bianchi & Federico Viglione - 2022 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 12 (1):122-128.
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    Examen de proporcionalidad y adjudicación judicial de derechos sociales constitucionales.Federico De Fazio - 2019 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 51:95-115.
    El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una reconstrucción racional del uso del examen de proporcionalidad en contextos de adjudicación judicial de derechos sociales constitucionales. Dicho trabajo de reconstrucción será desarrollado en dos pasos. En primer lugar, se tratará el interrogante referido a si el examen de proporcionalidad en su variante “por omisión” exhibe o no una estructura diferente con respecto a su, mucho más conocida e investigada, variante “por exceso”. En segundo lugar, se describirán las reglas y formas de (...)
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    Proportionality Test and Constitutional Social Rights.Federico de Fazio - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (2):219-234.
    The purpose of this article is to make a rational reconstruction of the use of the proportionality test in contexts of judicial adjudication of constitutional social rights. This reconstruction will be developed in two stages. Firstly, I will deal with the question of whether the proportionality test in its variation by omission (that is, in cases of positive rights) exhibits or not a different structure with respect to its (better known and developed) variation by excess (that is, in cases of (...)
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    Sobre la teoría Del derecho de Robert Alexy. Análisis Y crítica, de Jan-r. Sieckmann.Federico De Fazio - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 44:193-199.
    La teoría del derecho de Robert Alexy. Análisis y crítica es un libro escrito por el profesor Jan-R. Sieckmann, de la Universidad Friedrich-Alexander de Erlangen-Nürnberg, y publicado en la prestigiosa serie de teoría jurídica y filosofía del derecho de la editorial Universidad Externado de Colombia. El libro sistematiza un conjunto de trabajos que tratan sobre la conocida teoría del derecho...
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    Sistemas normativos Y conflictos constitucionales: ¿Es posible aplicar derechos fundamentales sin ponderar?Federico De Fazio - 2014 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 40:197-226.
    Este trabajo busca responder al siguiente interrogante: ¿es posible resolver confl ictos entre normas constitucionales que disponen derechos fundamentales sin necesidad de ponderar? Para ello expondremos la teoría que, para los casos de confl ictos constitucionales de derechos, propone reconstruir sistemas normativos. Esta teoría está representada en los trabajos de Moreso, Mendonca y Martínez Zorrilla y se presenta como una alternativa a la ponderación. Concluiremos que, si bien esta teoría puede resultar un buen complemento a la hora de formalizar las (...)
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  30. Benchmarking en el sector público: aportes y propuestas de implementación para la provincia de Buenos Aires.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2012 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires: FDGS.
    El tema de este trabajo es el benchmarking en el sector público. Esta investigación, parte del interés por analizar la importancia que ha cobrado el benchmarking en el sector como herramienta de mejora e innovación de la gestión pública donde los Estados comprometen esfuerzos para conseguir calidad, eficiencia y eficacia en los servicios que presta. En esta lógica se inscribe el principal objetivo, que consiste en realizar aportes y propuestas, para la implementación de herramientas de benchmarking en las dimensiones transversales (...)
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  31. Educación, diseño e innovación en Latinoamérica. Evolución, análisis de casos y perspectivas sobre la educación técnico profesional: un enfoque desde el emprendedorismo y el desarrollo local.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Mario Dorochesi Fernandois (eds.) - 2018 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: FDGS.
    This book gathers experiences, reflections and new pedagogical proposals that are being incorporated to the teaching practices, in different levels of the technical education in our countries. The authors' interventions, which cover different perspectives and depth, allow us to understand and evaluate: the trajectories that technical education has had since its origins with the advances and setbacks it has experienced with political, economic and productive changes; the methodologies to incorporate the new models of industrial production; the experiences of education for (...)
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  32. Il Design dell’Unione Europea: situazione attuale, importanza nel settore industriale e politiche comunitarie.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2001 - La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Italy Industry Consulting.
    Il design industriale è sempre più importante come mezzo per differenziare i prodotti e aumentarne il valore. Allo stesso tempo, la velocità con cui un prodotto viene offerto nel mercato dipende dalla capacità di integrare il design nel processo di produzione. Tuttavia, molte PMI - in particolare le nuove aziende basate sulla tecnologia - mancano di competenze specialistiche nella gestione del design e spesso non prestano sufficiente attenzione a questo aspetto. L'industria automobilistica e le grandi aziende come Philips e Braun (...)
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  33. Public Benchmarking: contributions for subnational governments and Benchmarking Design.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2017 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: FDGS.
    The theme of this book is benchmarking in the public sector and part of the interest to analyze the importance that benchmarking has gained in the sector -as a tool for improvement and innovation of public management- where States commit efforts to achieve quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the services it provides. The study is exploratory and descriptive, employing a qualitative methodology that combines a bibliographic analysis for the elaboration of the theoretical framework and the definition of the types and (...)
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  34. La doctrina de la prueba indubitada.¿ Nueva vuelta al paradigma de la responsabilidad objetiva?Federico de Montalvo Jääskeläinen - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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  35. Un esempio di teocrazia islamica in asia centrale. I khōja Del turkestan orientale (1678-1759).Federico de Renzi - 2009 - Divus Thomas 112 (3):152-186.
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    La educación tradicional en la esfera pública: Un terreno en disputa.Otto Federico Von Feigenblatt - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 3 (2):87-106.
    El resurgimiento de la educación tradicional en los Estados Unidos ha generado un intenso debate en la esfera pública. Este artículo examina el debate discursivo que rodea este fenómeno. A medida que las críticas hacia los enfoques educativos progresistas se intensifican, defensores de la educación tradicional argumentan a favor de un retorno a métodos pedagógicos más tradicionales. Este resumen destaca el papel de la esfera pública como espacio de conflicto y negociación de ideas en torno a la educación. Al explorar (...)
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    Lettere dalla compagna e scritti affini.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1966 - Marzorati.
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    A Modal Logic for Supervised Learning.Alexandru Baltag, Dazhu Li & Mina Young Pedersen - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (2):213-234.
    Formal learning theory formalizes the process of inferring a general result from examples, as in the case of inferring grammars from sentences when learning a language. In this work, we develop a general framework—the supervised learning game—to investigate the interaction between Teacher and Learner. In particular, our proposal highlights several interesting features of the agents: on the one hand, Learner may make mistakes in the learning process, and she may also ignore the potential relation between different hypotheses; on the other (...)
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    Juan Bautista Ferro.Federico Camino Macedo - 1995 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):371-374.
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    Libertad y absoluto.Federico Campoy Osset - 2018 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    Si el ser humano no es un mero cúmulo de sentimientos ni una amalgama de sensaciones que se van configurando según los diversos momentos que tejen su devenir vital, ¿cuál es su auténtico yo? ¿Cómo se emprende esa búsqueda interior que nos permite hallar la esencia que se esconde en cada recodo de nuestra existencia? Son muchas las personas que no se han conformado con vivir abosortas ante el espectáculo de "lo que acontece", y que han buscado atender esa necesidad (...)
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    Nota sobre la tradición doxográfica de los términos "filósofo" y "filosofía".Federico Camino Macedo - 1999 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1-2):13-30.
    La nota es una presentación, que no pretende ser exhaustiva, de los principales momentos de la tradición doxográfica sobre los términos "filósofo"y "filosofía" mostrando sus variaciones de significado. Se discute la atribución a Pitágoras de la creación de esos términos a partir de la importancia decisiva de Platón y Aristóteles en el establecimiento y configuración de la doxografía.
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    SCIO: el principio de la sabiduría.Federico Campoy Osset - 2022 - Madrid: Ápeiron Ediciones.
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    Note des Directeurs.Mauro Carbone, Federico Leoni & Ted Toadvine - 2015 - Chiasmi International 17:17-18.
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    Nota dei Direttori.Mauro Carbone, Federico Leoni & Ted Toadvine - 2015 - Chiasmi International 17:21-22.
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    Manual de introducción al derecho.Torres Lacroze & A. Federico - 1973 - Buenos Aires,: Cooperadora de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales.
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    Potential and 'Power of a Collectivity to Act'.Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (2):187-194.
    This paper connects two notions: Hart and Mas-Colell’s ‘potential’, related to the value of coalitional games, and Coleman’s earlier notion of ‘power of a collectivity to act’, related to the easiness to make decisions by means of a voting rule.
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    Comparison of the views of patients and rehabilitation therapists on the importance and respecting of the patients’ rights charter.Zahra Ghayoumi-Anaraki, Mina Forough Bakhsh, Seyed Ahmad Rezaei Anbarake & Mohaddeseh Mohsenpour - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):245-250.
    Introduction Respecting the Patients’ Rights Charter leads to the demands of patients for their rights and the response of rehabilitation therapists by increasing their compliance. The present study aimed to compare the views of patients and rehabilitation therapists about the importance and extent of compliance with the Patients’ Rights Charter. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted for 3 months on 114 patients and 55 therapists who were selected using the convenience sampling method. The data collection tools included a demographic information (...)
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    The Role of Ethical Perceptions in Consumers’ Participation and Value Co-creation on Sharing Economy Platforms.Waqar Nadeem, Mari Juntunen, Nick Hajli & Mina Tajvidi - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (3):421-441.
    Consumers’ participation on sharing economy platforms is crucial for the success of the products, services, and companies on those platforms. The participation of consumers enables companies to not only exist, but also to create value for consumers. The sharing economy has witnessed enormous growth in recent years and consumers’ concerns regarding the ethics surrounding these platforms have also risen considerably. The vast majority of the previous research on this topic is either conceptual and focused on organizational aspects, or only discusses (...)
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    Good Practice for Conference Abstracts and Presentations: GPCAP.Rianne Stacey, Antonia Panayi, Nina C. Kennard, Steve Banner, Mina Patel, Jackie Marchington, Elizabeth Wager & Cate Foster - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    Research that has been sponsored by pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology companies is often presented at scientific and medical conferences. However, practices vary between organizations and it can be difficult to follow both individual conference requirements and good publication practice guidelines. Until now, no specific guidelines or recommendations have been available to describe best practice for conference presentations.This document was developed by a working group of publication professionals and uploaded to PeerJ Preprints for consultation prior to publication; an additional 67 (...)
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    Des carêmes après le Car'me stratégies de conversion et fonctions politiques des missions intérieures en Espagne et au Portugal.Marie-Lucie Copete & Federico Palomo - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):359-380.
    L'absence de travaux sur les missions intérieures jésuites en Espagne et au Portugal ne correspond pas à l'abondance des documents qui attestent une forte activité missionnaire depuis la deuxième moitié du XVIe siècle. Le caractère fondamentalement quadragésimal de l'activité initiale des jésuites déterminera le sens pénitentiel des missions ibériques et, par conséquent, les stratégies missionnaires elles-mêmes. Les formes de « présentation » des jésuites et le genre de prédication qu'ils adressent aux fidèles sont des exemples de ces stratégies, vouées à (...)
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