Results for 'Fame Pascua'

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  1. Validez y obligatoriedad del derecho en la obra de J. Delgado Pinto.José Antonio Ramos Pascua - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.), El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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    Aquiles, la Tortuga y el infinito.José Enrique García Pascua - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 28 (2):215-236.
    This paper shows an analysis of some found solutions for the famous aporia of the race between Achilles and the Tortoise. As an introduction, we present the mechanical solution, to establish that it is not in the field of matters of fact where you can resolve a purely rational problem like the one raised by Zeno of Elea. And so, the main part of the article is dedicated to the mathematical solutions, which face the problem under the point of view (...)
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    Derechos humanos Y positivismo moderado.José Antonio Ramos Pascua - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 8 (15).
  4. Derechos humanos y proceso justo.José Antonio Ramos Pascua - 2007 - Dikaiosyne 19:75-88.
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    Justicia y derechos humanos en el pensamiento jurídico de HLA Hart.José Antonio Ramos Pascua - 2010 - Dikaiosyne 25 (13).
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  6. Educazione e potere.Roberto Fame - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 12:101-110.
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    El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto.Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.) - 2006 - Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
  8.  13
    Promoción activa e imposición coactiva de la moral. Examen de la postura de H. L. A. Hart.José Antonio Ramos Pascua - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 28:447-468.
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    Brain Ventricular System and Cerebrospinal Fluid Development and Function: Light at the End of the Tube.Ryann M. Fame, Christian Cortés-Campos & Hazel L. Sive - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (3):1900186.
    The brain ventricular system is a series of connected cavities, filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), that forms within the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). The hollow neural tube is a hallmark of the chordate CNS, and a closed neural tube is essential for normal development. Development and function of the ventricular system is examined, emphasizing three interdigitating components that form a functional system: ventricle walls, CSF fluid properties, and activity of CSF constituent factors. The cellular lining of the ventricle both (...)
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    David M. Holley.Joshua Halberstam Fame - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (1).
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  11. La (in) sostenibile debolezza del decidere.Roberto Fame - 2005 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 18:95-114.
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  12. Per una pedagogia scientificamente competitiva.Roberto Fame - 2009 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 13 (25):69-88.
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  13. Colonial Rodents The work by Downhower and Armitage (1971) on yellow-bellied marmots has made colonial rodents something of a test case for the polygyny-threshold model. It is therefore appropriate to consider in detail the various hypotheses advanced to explain polygyny in these species. Before discussing these hypotheses, a word on. [REVIEW]F. Fames - 1979 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology. , Volume 2. pp. 3--288.
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    Uomo e materia. Mono-Ha tra zen e fenomenologia.Pasquale Fameli - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):279-286.
    At the end of the 1960s, in Japan grows up an artistic trend whose theorist, Ufan Lee, attributes the name of Mono-Ha, usually translated as a “school of things”. The theoretical and poetic assumptions of this tendency combine, as the essay intends to demonstrate, concepts and elements drawn from both the zen and the phenomenology, also because of the dialogue that these two models of thought seem to be able to establish. Through the voices of scholars who have dealt with, (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Practice.Yonghui Ma, Jiayu Liu, Catherine Rhodes, Yongzhan Nie & Faming Zhang - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (5):34-45.
    Fecal microbiota transplantation has demonstrated efficacy and is increasingly being used in the treatment of patients with recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. Despite a lack of high-quality trials to provide more information on the long-term effects of FMT, there has been great enthusiasm about the potential for expanding its applications. However, FMT presents many serious ethical and social challenges that must be addressed as part of a successful regulatory policy response. In this article, we draw on a sample of the scientific (...)
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    How Chinese clinicians face ethical and social challenges in fecal microbiota transplantation: a questionnaire study.Yonghui Ma, Jinqiu Yang, Bota Cui, Hongzhi Xu, Chuanxing Xiao & Faming Zhang - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):39.
    Fecal microbiota transplantation is reportedly the most effective therapy for relapsing Clostridium Difficile infection and a potential therapeutic option for many diseases. It also poses important ethical concerns. This study is an attempt to assess clinicians’ perception and attitudes towards ethical and social challenges raised by fecal microbiota transplantation. A questionnaire was developed which consisted of 20 items: four items covered general aspects, nine were about ethical aspects such as informed consent and privacy issues, four concerned social and regulatory issues, (...)
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  17.  21
    College Students’ Psychological Health Analysis Based on Multitask Gaussian Graphical Models.Qiang Tian, Rui Wang, Shijie Li, Wenjun Wang, Ou Wu, Faming Li & Pengfei Jiao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    Understanding and solving the psychological health problems of college students have become a focus of social attention. Complex networks have become important tools to study the factors affecting psychological health, and the Gaussian graphical model is often used to estimate psychological networks. However, previous studies leave some gaps to overcome, including the following aspects. When studying networks of subpopulations, the estimation neglects the intrinsic relationships among subpopulations, leading to a large difference between the estimated network and the real network. Because (...)
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  18. The Effect of Social-Emotional Competency on Child Development in Western China.Yehui Wang, Zhaoxi Yang, Yingbin Zhang, Faming Wang, Tour Liu & Tao Xin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Fame, Virtue, and Government: Margaret Cavendish on Ethics and Politics.Deborah Boyle - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (2):251-289.
    This paper offers an account of Margaret Cavendish's moral and political philosophy. In some respects Cavendish's theoury echoes Hobbes. However, although Cavendish agrees with Hobbes that morality is based on self-interest, she holds that morality derives from our natural desire for public recognition, not the desire for self-preservation. Via the desire for fame, self-love can motivate people to pursue virtue, which, for Cavendish, means establishing and maintaining a good government (in particular, absolute sovereignty). The paper explores how Cavendish thinks (...)
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  20. Importance, Fame, and Death.Guy Kahane - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 90:33-55.
    Some people want their lives to possess importance on a large scale. Some crave fame, or at least wide recognition. And some even desire glory that will only be realised after their death. Such desires are either ignored or disparaged by many philosophers. However, although few of us have a real shot at importance and fame on any grand scale, these can be genuine personal goods when they meet certain further conditions. Importance that relates to positive impact and (...)
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  21.  24
    Freedom, fame, lying, and betrayal: essays on everyday life.Leszek Kołakowski - 1999 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski is renowned worldwide for wrestling with serious philosophical conundrums with dazzling elegance. In this new book, he turns his characteristic wit to important themes of ordinary life, from the need for freedom to the wheel of fortune, from the nature of God to the ambiguities of betrayal. Extremely lucid and lacking in intellectual pretension, these essays speak in everyday language, spurring the reader’s own thoughts and providing a handle on which to debate and think about the (...)
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  22.  10
    Pascua, rura, duces — Verschriftungsmodi der Artes mechanicae in Lehrdichtung und Fachprosa der römischen Kaiserzeit.Christel Meier - 1994 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 28 (1):1-50.
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    pascua rura duces. Vergils poetische Entwicklung.Gerson Schade - 2008 - Hermes 136 (1):125-127.
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    Fame and Secrecy: Leon Modena's Life as an Early Modern Autobiography.Natalie Zemon Davis - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (4):103-118.
    European autobiography of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was fed particularly by the religious exploration of the self and the desire to tell about and place oneself within the web of one's family. Jewish autobiography has behind it these same impulses, though it is more likely to be an expansion of ethical teachings appended to a will than an elaboration from an account book. It also differs from Christian autobiography in lacking a definitive conversion. Rather the life is imbued with (...)
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    Fame as a Value Concept.Douglas P. Lackey - 1986 - Philosophy Research Archives 12:541-551.
    This essay distinguishes personal from generic fame and accurate from inaccurate fame, and claims that only accurate personal fame could possess intrinsic value. Nevertheless, three common arguments why accurate personal fame might possess intrinsic value are shown to be unsound. After rejecting two Aristotelian arguments to the effect that no sort of fame possesses value, the author suggests that fame is valueless if one assumes a modern axiology in which the good life consists of (...)
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    From Fame to Glory. The Case of Prince Friedrich of Homburg.Zoltan Balazs - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 37 (4):328-349.
    The paper examines the value of glory and offers a conception of it, which is developed by criticising other accounts and by arguing that the Homeric and the Biblical traditions have a remarkably similar, converging view on glory. A more detailed analysis of Heinrich von Kleist's The Prince Friedrich of Homburg serves to deepen this view and outline an account of glory that rests on the following claims: it is different from, although not entirely opposite to, fame; it is (...)
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    Art, Fame, and Commerce.Eugene Heath - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (3):327-332.
    In Praise of Commercial Culture. By Tyler Cowen (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000), ix?+?278 pp. $14.95 paper. What Price Fame? By Tyler Cowen (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000), 248 pp. $22.00 cloth.
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    Shame, Fame, and the Technological Mentality.Dustin Peone - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    In this book, Dustin Peone analyzes the role of shame and fame in the contemporary world, showing that these ideas have lost their roots in social virtue. He then criticizes the technological mentality, demonstrating its responsibility for changing the human condition.
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    Fame in the predictive brain: a deflationary approach to explaining consciousness in the prediction error minimization framework.Krzysztof Dołęga & Joe E. Dewhurst - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7781-7806.
    The proposal that probabilistic inference and unconscious hypothesis testing are central to information processing in the brain has been steadily gaining ground in cognitive neuroscience and associated fields. One popular version of this proposal is the new theoretical framework of predictive processing or prediction error minimization, which couples unconscious hypothesis testing with the idea of ‘active inference’ and claims to offer a unified account of perception and action. Here we will consider one outstanding issue that still looms large at the (...)
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  30.  20
    Investigating Fame Judgments: On the Generality of Hypotheses, Conclusions, and Measurement Models.Axel Buchner & Werner Wippich - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (1-2):226-231.
    In this article, we try to clarify some of the issues raised by S. C. Draine, A. G. Greenwald, and M. R. Banaji concerning our investigation into the gender bias in fame judgments . First, we did not test the general hypothesis and did not draw the general conclusion that Drain et al. suggest we did. Second, we did not reject M. R. Banaji and A. G. Greenwald's assumptions about the familiarity of male and female names in the (...) judgment task, but we showed how one could have come to reject it using a widespread measurement model for the process dissociation procedure. Third, we argue that the processes which Draine et al. suggest should also be included in the measurement model we used are probably negligible, and if they are not, then the validity of the results of a number of fame judgment experiments must be called into question. In general, however, we agree with what seems to be the main message ofM. R. Banaji and A. G. Greenwald's research, namely, that social categories have to be considered whenever priming is investigated within a social domain. (shrink)
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    Investigating ‘fame-inism’: The politics of popular culture.Geraldine Harris & Debra Ferreday - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (3):239-243.
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    La Pascua del Crucificado. Obertura de una "theologia crucis".Álvaro Pereira-Delgado - 2023 - Isidorianum 12 (24):317-388.
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  33. Re-faming justice in a globalizing world.Nancy Fraser - 2007 - In Terry Lovell (ed.), (Mis)recognition, social inequality and social justice: Nancy Fraser and Pierre Bourdieu. New York: Routledge.
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    Philosophy of Fame and Celebrity.Catherine M. Robb, Alfred Archer & Matthew Dennis (eds.) - 2024 - Bloomsbury.
    In an era of cancel culture, digital identities and thriving conversation surrounding parasocial relationships, we question today the nature of the celebrity, the scope of their power and influence, as well as the ethical issues these implicate. It is a wonder, then, that philosophy is a discipline that has, as of yet, contributed surprisingly little to this debate despite the growing philosophical literature on connected philosophical topics that serve as a starting point for the philosophical inquiry into the nature and (...)
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    Fame and politics: The persuasive poetics of leadership.Sunhee Kim Gertz - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (187):189-211.
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  36. Fame and oblivion.Enrique González González - 2008 - In Charles Fantazzi (ed.), A companion to Juan Luis Vives. Boston: Brill.
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    Fame.Mark Rowlands - 2008 - Acumen Publishing.
    One of the most distinctive cultural phenomena of recent years has been the rise and rise of fame. In this book, Mark Rowlands argues that our obsession with fame has transformed it. Fame was once associated with excellence or achievement in some or other field of endeavour. But today we are obsessed with something that is, in effect, quite different: fame unconnected with any discernible distinction, fame that allows a person to be famous simply for (...)
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    The Fame of Trajan: A Late Antique Invention.Daniel Syrbe, Erika Manders, Dennis Jussen, Ketty Iannantuono, Sam Heijnen, Sven Betjes & Olivier Hekster - 2022 - Klio 104 (2):693-749.
    Summary Trajan’s status as a model emperor is perhaps most famously expressed in Eutropius’ catchphrase “More fortunate than Augustus, better than Trajan” (Eutr. Brev. 8.5.3). Modern scholarship has similarly stressed Trajan’s exemplary status, assuming that Trajan’s virtues were already a point of departure by which to measure second- and third-century emperors. This article challenges that notion; it argues that Trajan’s status as a model emperor was a late-antique literary construct. Trajan only entered the repertoire of exemplary emperors during the course (...)
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  39. Fame and Redemption: On the Moral Dangers of Celebrity Apologies.Benjamin Matheson - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    In this paper, I first consider three possible explanations for why celebrities typically apologise publicly and sometimes also include their fans among the targets of their apology. I then identify three moral dangers of celebrity apologies, the third of which arises specifically for fan-targeted apologies, and each of which teaches us important lessons about the practice of celebrity apologies. From these individual lessons, I draw more general lessons about apologies from those with elevated social positions and the powers they are (...)
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    Fame! Money! Power!Kate Distin - 2006 - Think 5 (13):89-93.
    Kate Distin introduces the theory of the selfish meme meme machines’.
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    Elvis' Fame: The Commodity Form and the Form of the Person.John Frow - 1995 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 7 (2):131-171.
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    Fame.Mark Rowlands - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 43:15-23.
    The value of individualism lies in its promotingthe possibility of selfrealisation: the idea, very roughly, that people should maximize their abilities and potentialities, thus becoming all they can be. You do this through the choices you make and your willingness to learn from those choices. However, it can’t be that any choice counts as self-realisation. If absolutely anything you do counts as self-realisation, then the idea of self-realisation is vacuous.
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    Fame as the forgotten philosopher: Meditations on the headstone of Adam Ferguson.Roy Sorensen - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (1):109-114.
    An ill-informed reading of Adam Ferguson 's epitaph has given me an idea for securing posthumous recognition. Consider philosophers in the year 2201 who read my epitaph: ‘Here lies Roy Sorensen who will be long remembered for his paradoxes’. If these future scholars remember me, then well and good. If they do not remember me, my epitaph will appear to be rendered false by their failure to recall me. Suppose the poignancy of this self-defeat leads my epitaph to be widely (...)
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    The Fame of Caesar.P. G. Walsh - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (03):311-.
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    Pascua Rura - Edward Coleiro: An Introduction to Vergil's Bucolics with a Critical Edition of the Text. Pp. ix+487; frontispiece. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1979. Paper. - R. D. Williams: Virgil: The Eclogues and Georgics. (The Classical Series.) Pp. xvii+222. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, 1979. Paper. [REVIEW]Robert Coleman - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (01):28-31.
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    Fame.Joshua Halberstam - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (1):93 - 99.
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  47. La fame.Gino Raya - 1961 - Padova,: Amicucci.
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    The Effect of Fame in Attributing the Books to Their Authors.Saeed Al-Marri - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):489–538.
    The study has dealt with the theoretical context of the meaning of fame in language and term; also has shown that fame requires authenticity regardless of whether it is a word, narration or a classified work. On the other hand, it has examined that those, except for those who are examined with evidence, who are not famous among them will not be judged to be authentic or not. Later, it has pointed out the effect of fame on (...)
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    Unconscious Gender Bias in Fame Judgments?Axel Buchner & Werner Wippich - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (1-2):197-220.
    In two experiments the conditions of, and the processes leading to, gender biases in fame judgments were investigated. In Experiment 1, the gender bias was not reduced in a condition that alerted participants to the gender of the names. In Experiment 2, participants' sex-role orientation, but not their gender, was related to the gender bias. The process dissociation procedure was used in both experiments in an attempt to separate conscious and unconscious memory processes contributing to the gender bias. Using (...)
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  50. La fame e il corpo. Roma.E. Kestenberg, J. Kestenberg & S. Decobert - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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