Results for 'Édouard Hugon'

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  1. Les vingt-quatre thèses thomistes.Edouard Hugon & Thomas - 1926 - Librairie P. Tequi.
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    Thomas Aquinas and Some Neo-Thomists on the Possibility of Miracles and the Laws of Nature.I. Silva - 2024 - Religions 15 (4):422.
    This paper discusses how Thomas Aquinas and some Neo-Thomists scholars (Juan José Urráburu, Joseph Hontheim, Édouard Hugon, and Joseph Gredt) analysed the metaphysical possibility of miracles. My main goal is to unpack the metaphysical toolbox that Aquinas uses to solve the basic question about the possibility of miracles and to compare how his late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century followers solved the issue themselves. The key feature to differentiate the two approaches will reside in their use of different notions to (...)
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    Edouard Herr, La violence. Nécessité ou liberté? Préface de JY Calvez.Edouard Robberechts - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (83):526-529.
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  4. Doing without concepts.Edouard Machery - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Over recent years, the psychology of concepts has been rejuvenated by new work on prototypes, inventive ideas on causal cognition, the development of neo-empiricist theories of concepts, and the inputs of the budding neuropsychology of concepts. But our empirical knowledge about concepts has yet to be organized in a coherent framework. -/- In Doing without Concepts, Edouard Machery argues that the dominant psychological theories of concepts fail to provide such a framework and that drastic conceptual changes are required to make (...)
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    Response to Alexander and Weinberg, Baz and DeutschBy Edouard Machery.Edouard Machery - 2020 - Analysis 80 (4):771-788.
    I am grateful for Joshua Alexander and Jonathan Weinberg’s, Avner Baz’s and Max Deutsch’s insightful comments on Philosophy Within Its Proper Bounds. I have lea.
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  6. Philosophy Within its Proper Bounds.Edouard Machery - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    In Philosophy Within Its Proper Bounds, Edouard Machery argues that resolving many traditional and contemporary philosophical issues is beyond our epistemic reach and that philosophy should re-orient itself toward more humble, but ultimately more important intellectual endeavors, such as the analysis of concepts.
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    Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge on Argumentation by Consequence (thal ʼgyur): The Nature, Function, and Form of Consequence Statements.Pascale Hugon - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (6):671-702.
    This paper presents the main aspects of the views of the Tibetan logician Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge (1109–1169) on argumentation “by consequence” (thal ʼgyur, Skt. prasaṅga) based on his exposition of the topic in the fifth chapter of his Tshad ma yid kyi mun sel and on a parallel excursus in his commentary on Dharmakīrti’s Pramānaviniścaya. It aims at circumscribing primarily the nature and function of consequences (thal ʼgyur/thal ba) for this author—in particular the distinction between “proving consequences” (...)
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  8. What Is a Replication?Edouard Machery - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (4):545-567.
    This article develops a new, general account of replication. I argue that a replication is an experiment that resamples the experimental components of an ori...
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  9. (2 other versions)Semantics, cross-cultural style.Edouard Machery, Ron Mallon, Shaun Nichols & Stephen Stich - 2004 - Cognition 92 (3):1-12.
    Theories of reference have been central to analytic philosophy, and two views, the descriptivist view of reference and the causal-historical view of reference, have dominated the field. In this research tradition, theories of reference are assessed by consulting one’s intuitions about the reference of terms in hypothetical situations. However, recent work in cultural psychology (e.g., Nisbett et al. 2001) has shown systematic cognitive differences between East Asians and Westerners, and some work indicates that this extends to intuitions about philosophical cases (...)
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    Current Controversies in Experimental Philosophy.Edouard Machery & Elizabeth O'Neill (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    <P>Experimental philosophy is one of the most active and exciting areas in philosophy today. In <EM>Current Controversies in Experimental Philosophy</EM>, Elizabeth O’Neill and Edouard Machery have brought together twelve leading philosophers to debate four topics central to recent research in experimental philosophy. The result is an important and enticing contribution to contemporary philosophy which thoroughly reframes traditional philosophical questions in light of experimental philosophers’ use of empirical research methods, and brings to light the lively debates within experimental philosophers’ intellectual community. (...)
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  11. The folk concept of intentional action: Philosophical and experimental issues.Edouard Machery - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (2):165–189.
    Recent experimental fi ndings by Knobe and others ( Knobe, 2003; Nadelhoffer, 2006b; Nichols and Ulatowski, 2007 ) have been at the center of a controversy about the nature of the folk concept of intentional action. I argue that the signifi cance of these fi ndings has been overstated. My discussion is two-pronged. First, I contend that barring a consensual theory of conceptual competence, the signifi cance of these experimental fi ndings for the nature of the concept of intentional action (...)
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    Is Dharmakīrti Grabbing the Rabbit by the Horns? A Reassessment of the Scope of Prameya in Dharmakīrtian Epistemology.Pascale Hugon - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):367-389.
    This paper attempts to make sense of Dharmakīrti’s conflicting statements regarding the object of valid cognition ( prameya ) in various parts of his works, considering in particular the claims that (i) there are two kinds of prameyas (particulars and universals), (ii) the particular alone is prameya , and (iii) what is non-existent also qualifies as prameya . It inquires into the relationship between validity ( prāmāṇya ), reliability ( avisaṃvāda ) and causal efficacy ( arthakriyā ) and suggests that (...)
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    Sa skya Paṇḍita’s Classification of Arguments by Consequence Based on the Type of the Logical Reason: Editorial Conundrum and Mathematics for Commentators.Pascale Hugon - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (5):845-887.
    This paper examines a passage of the eleventh chapter of the Rigs gter of Sa skya Paṇḍita on the division of arguments by consequence of the form “Because S is P, it follows that it is Q” with respect to the type of relation between P and Q. This passage appears in quite different versions in several available recensions of the Rigs gter, all of which are problematic to some extent. The different interpretations of the commentators can be shown to (...)
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    Callistique naturaliste et théorie humaniste de la peinture.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2014 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 51:41-54.
    Il s’agit de montrer les tensions entre les textes de Diderot visant à proposer une théorie naturaliste du beau – comme les Recherches philosophiques sur l’origine et la nature du beau – et les écrits sur l’art – en particulier les Salons. N’y a-t-il pas contrariété entre cette tentative de naturaliser le beau, et le maintien d’une conception humaniste et morale de l’art? Le terme de « callistique » doit montrer que le beau n’est pas réduit par Diderot à sa (...)
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    Introduction.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2014 - Noesis 22:7-13.
    Depuis le xixe siècle, l’authenticité est devenue une valeur éminente des mondes de l’art et, plus généralement, elle a conquis une place élevée dans le panthéon contemporain des valeurs. Il n’en a pourtant pas toujours été ainsi, loin s’en faut. Lorsqu’à la Renaissance, les vestiges architecturaux et la statuaire de l’Antiquité romaine devinrent l’objet d’une admiration et d’une vénération inédites, François Ier fit réaliser des moulages des antiques de Rome les plus célèbres ; au xviie sièc...
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    La modernité.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2016 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La philosophie de l'art sans histoire de l'art est vide, l'histoire de l'art sans philosophie de l'art est aveugle. Car l'art est fait non seulement d'oeuvres, mais aussi de mots pour les dire, de concepts pour les distinguer et de théories pour les penser. Pourquoi le XIXe siècle a-t-il défendu «l'art pour l'art»? Pourquoi la musique, la littérature ou la peinture furent-elles si soucieuses de formalisme? Que signifia la création en 1863 d'un «Salon des refusés»? Comment évolua le régime économique (...)
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    The aestheticisation of taste, a consequence of the “aestheticisation” of beauty.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2018 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 26 (54).
    At the beginning of modern times, taste was seen as a sort of sense of sociability, indistinctly moral and aesthetic. Why, during the eighteenth century did it become exclusively the sense of beauty? To understand this change, this article maintains that we must consider the great revolution, which affected the idea of beauty between the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries, that is to say the end of the metaphysical conception of beauty. We must analyse the phenomenon of beauty aestheticisation produced (...)
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    Un poison à effet de diffusion lent.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2018 - Cités 75 (3):57-68.
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  19. Linguistic and metalinguistic intuitions in the philosophy of language.Edouard Machery, Christopher Y. Olivola & Molly De Blanc - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):689-694.
    Machery et al. (2004) reported some preliminary evidence that intuitions about reference vary within and across cultures, and they argued that if real, such variation would have significant philosophical implications (see also Mallon et al. 2009). In a recent article, Genoveva Martı´ (2009) argues that the type of intuitions examined by Machery and colleagues (‘metalin- 10 guistic intuitions’) is evidentially irrelevant for identifying the correct theory of reference, and she concludes that the variation in the relevant intuitions about reference within (...)
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    The Alpha War.Edouard Machery - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (1):75-99.
    Benjamin et al. Nature Human Behavior 2, 6–10 proposed decreasing the significance level by an order of magnitude to improve the replicability of psychology. This modest, practical proposal has been widely criticized, and its prospects remain unclear. This article defends this proposal against these criticisms and highlights its virtues.
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  21. Concept empiricism: A methodological critique.Edouard Machery - 2006 - Cognition 104 (1):19-46.
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    Philosophy Within Its Proper Bounds By Edouard Machery.Edouard Machery - 2020 - Analysis 80 (4):735-737.
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    Experimental Philosophy of Science.Edouard Machery - 2016 - In Wesley Buckwalter & Justin Sytsma (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 473–490.
    This chapter shows that the experimental philosophy has much to offer to philosophy of science by reviewing the existing experimental‐philosophy work in the philosophy of science and by defending it against an important criticism. A natural way of extending experimental philosophy methods to the philosophy of science is to survey scientists’ judgments. The chapter presents two projects in the philosophy of science that can benefit from such surveys: analyzing the scientific concepts found in particular scientific communities and studying scientific cognition. (...)
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  24. If Folk Intuitions Vary, Then What?Edouard Machery, Ron Mallon, Shaun Nichols & Stephen P. Stich - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86 (3):618-635.
    We have recently presented evidence for cross-cultural variation in semantic intuitions and explored the implications of such variation for philosophical arguments that appeal to some theory of reference as a premise. Devitt (2011) and Ichikawa and colleagues (forthcoming) offer critical discussions of the experiment and the conclusions that can be drawn from it. In this response, we reiterate and clarify what we are really arguing for, and we show that most of Devitt’s and Ichikawa and colleagues’ criticisms fail to address (...)
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  25. Gettier Across Cultures.Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, David Rose, Amita Chatterjee, Kaori Karasawa, Noel Struchiner, Smita Sirker, Naoki Usui & Takaaki Hashimoto - 2015 - Noûs:645-664.
    In this article, we present evidence that in four different cultural groups that speak quite different languages there are cases of justified true beliefs that are not judged to be cases of knowledge. We hypothesize that this intuitive judgment, which we call “the Gettier intuition,” may be a reflection of an underlying innate and universal core folk epistemology, and we highlight the philosophical significance of its universality.
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  26. Against hybrid theories of concepts.Edouard Machery & Selja Säppälä - unknown
    Psychologists of concepts’ traditional assumption that there are many properties common to all concepts has been subject to devastating critiques in psychology and in the philosophy of psychology. However, it is currently unclear what approach to concepts is best suited to replace this traditional assumption. In this article, we compare two competing approaches, the Heterogeneity Hypothesis and the hybrid theories of concepts, and we present an empirical argument that tentatively supports the former over the latter.
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  27. (4 other versions)Précis of doing without concepts.Edouard Machery - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 149 (3):602-611.
    Although cognitive scientists have learned a lot about concepts, their findings have yet to be organized in a coherent theoretical framework. In addition, after twenty years of controversy, there is little sign that philosophers and psychologists are converging toward an agreement about the very nature of concepts. Doing without Concepts (Machery 2009) attempts to remedy this state of affairs. In this article, I review the main points and arguments developed at greater length in Doing without Concepts.
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    Le Periphyseon : son titre, son plan, ses remaniements.Édouard Jeauneau - 2013 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 104 (1):13.
    Résumé Jeauneau examine le titre, le plan et les différentes étapes du développement du Periphyseon. Concernant le titre, toutes les langues modernes depuis Noack en 1884 utilisent De la division de la Nature. C’est là le titre qu’en 1681 – huit siècles après la mort de l’auteur – Thomas Gale imposa au dialogue érigénien. Ce titre est erroné, parce qu’il laisse entendre que le propos de Jean Scot est de traiter de la division de la nature, alors qu’il s’agit de (...)
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    Proudhon, Dieu Et la Guerre: Une Philosophie du Combat.Edouard Jourdain - 2006 - L'harmattan.
    Proudhon, en effet, pense systématiquement la guerre, loi universelle du genre humain, dans son rapport avec Dieu, c'est-à-dire l'Absolu.
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    Arts et ornements.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2019 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 1:5-7.
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    Valeur et esthétique, valeur marchande.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2004 - Philosophique 7 (7):63-77.
    L'objet de cet article est de mettre au jour l'évolution historique et la logique ayant présidé au nihilisme affectant l'art contemporain. Comment la valeur marchande des oeuvres d'art a-t-elle été conduite à supplanter leur valeur esthétique ? En grande partie à cause de la disparition de toute forme de critique artistique fondée sur des normes académiques idéales à partir desquelles il est possible de juger de l'excellence d'une oeuvre comme objet esthétique : « au plaisir de l'aisthésis a succédé le (...)
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    Bulletin d'histoire des doctrines médiévales.Édouard Henri Wéber - 2004 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3:545-567.
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    Bibliothèque thomiste.Edouard-Henri Wéber - 1991 - Paris: Vrin.
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  34. Glosae super Platonem.Édouard William & Jeauneau - 1965 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Édouard Jeauneau.
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  35. The Gettier Intuition from South America to Asia.Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, David Rose, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Florian Cova, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Ivar Hannikainen, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Christopher Y. Olivola, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas Lopez, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Paulo Sousa, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado, Giorgio Volpe, Hrag Abraham Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2017 - Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34 (3):517-541.
    This article examines whether people share the Gettier intuition (viz. that someone who has a true justified belief that p may nonetheless fail to know that p) in 24 sites, located in 23 countries (counting Hong Kong as a distinct country) and across 17 languages. We also consider the possible influence of gender and personality on this intuition with a very large sample size. Finally, we examine whether the Gettier intuition varies across people as a function of their disposition to (...)
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    A mistaken confidence in data.Edouard Machery - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-17.
    In this paper I explore an underdiscussed factor contributing to the replication crisis: Scientists, and following them policy makers, often neglect sources of errors in the production and interpretation of data and thus overestimate what can be learnt from them. This neglect leads scientists to conduct experiments that are insufficiently informative and science consumers, including other scientists, to put too much weight on experimental results. The former leads to fragile empirical literatures, the latter to surprise and disappointment when the fragility (...)
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  37. Expertise and Intuitions about Reference.Edouard Machery - 2012 - Theoria 27 (1):37-54.
    Many philosophers hold that experts’ semantic intuitions are more reliable and provide better evidence than lay people’s intuitions—a thesis commonly called “the Expertise Defense.” Focusing on the intuitions about the reference of proper names, this article critically assesses the Expertise Defense.
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  38. Power and Negative Results.Edouard Machery - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (5):808-820.
    The use of power to infer null hypotheses from negative results has recently come under severe attack. In this article, I show that the power of a test can justify accepting the null hypothesis. This argument also gives us a new powerful reason for not treating p-values and power as measures of the strength of evidence.
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    On the Alleged Inadequacies of Psychological Explanations of Racism.Edouard Machery, Luc Faucher & Daniel R. Kelly - 2010 - The Monist 93 (2):228-254.
  40. Love and Power: Grau and Pury (2014) as a Case Study in the Challenges of X-Phi Replication.Edouard Machery, Christopher Grau & Cynthia L. Pury - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology (4):1-17.
    Grau and Pury (Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 5, 155–168, 2014) reported that people’s views about love are related to their views about reference. This surprising effect was however not replicated in Cova et al.’s (in press) replication study. In this article, we show that the replication failure is probably due to the replication’s low power and that a metaanalytic reanalysis of the result in Cova et al. suggests that the effect reported in Grau and Pury is real. We then (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Why do we Think Racially? Culture, Evolution, and Cognition.Edouard Machery & Luc Faucher - unknown
    Contemporary research on racial categorization is mostly encompassed by two research traditions—social constructionism and the cognitive-cum-evolutionary approach. Although both literatures have some plausible empirical evidence and some theoretical insights to contribute to a full understanding of racial categorization, there has been little contact between their proponents. In order to foster such contacts, we critically review both traditions, focusing particularly on the recent evolutionary/cognitive explanations of racial categorization. On the basis of this critical survey, we put forward a list of eleven (...)
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  42. Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Human Cognition.Edouard Machery - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (3):263-272.
    In The Architecture of the Mind, Carruthers proposes a new and detailed explanation for how human cognition could be both flexible and massively modular. The combinatorial nature of our linguistic faculty and our capacity to engage in inner speech are the cornerstones of this new explanation. Despite the ingenuity of this proposal, I argue that Carruthers has failed to explain how a massively modular mind could display the flexibility that is characteristic of human thought.
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  43. Essay Review-Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature.Edouard Machery & H. Clark Barrett - 2006 - In Borchert (ed.), Philosophy of Science. MacMillan. pp. 73--2.
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    Boèce Ou La Chaîne des Savoirs: Actes Du Colloque International De La Fondation Singer-Polignac, Présidée Par Edouard Bonnefous, Paris, 8-12 Juin 1999 ; Édités Par Alain Galonnier ; Préface De Roshdi Rashed ; Introduction De Pierre Magnard.Edouard Bonnefous & Alain Galonnier (eds.) - 2003 - Peeters.
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    Text Re-use in Early Tibetan Epistemological Treatises.Pascale Hugon - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):453-491.
    This paper examines the modalities and mechanism of text-use pertaining to Indian and Tibetan material in a selection of Tibetan Buddhist epistemological treatises written between the eleventh and the thirteenth century. It pays special attention to a remarkable feature of this corpus: the phenomenon of “repeat,” that is, the unacknowledged integration of earlier material by an author within his own composition. This feature reveals an intellectual continuity in the tradition, and is found even for authors who claim a rupture from (...)
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  46. Why I stopped worrying about the definition of life... and why you should as well.Edouard Machery - 2012 - Synthese 185 (1):145-164.
    In several disciplines within science—evolutionary biology, molecular biology, astrobiology, synthetic biology, artificial life—and outside science—primarily ethics—efforts to define life have recently multiplied. However, no consensus has emerged. In this article, I argue that this is no accident. I propose a dilemma showing that the project of defining life is either impossible or pointless. The notion of life at stake in this project is either the folk concept of life or a scientific concept. In the former case, empirical evidence shows that (...)
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    Is Identity Essentialism a Fundamental Feature of Human Cognition?Edouard Machery, Christopher Y. Olivola, Hyundeuk Cheon, Irma T. Kurniawan, Carlos Mauro, Noel Struchiner & Harry Susianto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13292.
    The present research examines whether identity essentialism, an important component of psychological essentialism, is a fundamental feature of human cognition. Across three studies (Ntotal = 1723), we report evidence that essentialist intuitions about the identity of kinds are culturally dependent, demographically variable, and easily malleable. The first study considered essentialist intuitions in 10 different countries spread across four continents. Participants were presented with two scenarios meant to elicit essentialist intuitions. Their answers suggest that essentialist intuitions vary dramatically across cultures. Furthermore, (...)
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  48. Concepts are not a natural kind.Edouard Machery - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (3):444-467.
    In cognitive psychology, concepts are those data structures that are stored in long-term memory and are used by default in human beings.
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  49. Robot pains and corporate feelings.Edouard Machery & Justin Sytsma - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 52 (52):78-82.
    Most philosophers of mind follow Thomas Nagel and hold that subjective experiences are characterised by the fact that there is “something it is like” to have them. Philosophers of mind have sometimes speculated that ordinary people endorse, perhaps implicitly, this conception of subjective experiences. Some recent findings cast doubt on this view.
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  50. Dissociations in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience.Edouard Machery - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (4):490-518.
    In this article, I compare the epistemic standing of the function-to-structure inferences found in cognitive neuroscience and of the inferences based on dissociations in neuropsychology. I argue that the former have a poorer epistemic standing than the latter.
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