Results for 'Extensión Temporal'

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  1.  45
    Temporality and metaplasticity. Facing extension and incorporation through material engagement theory.Francesco Parisi - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):205-221.
    In our everyday life, we have the genuine feeling that when something we use works very well, we forget that we are doing something that is mediated by something else. It happens when we read through our glasses, or when we drive home, or when we play guitar. In all those cases, it can be said that the device becomes an extension of our body, or that we have incorporated it. In this paper I want to discuss the extension/incorporation dichotomy (...)
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  2.  44
    Temporal Self-Extension: Implications for Temporal Comparison and Autobiographical Memory.Philip Broemer & Adam Grabowski - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):246-261.
    Research on temporal comparison has shown that people dissociate themselves from their past to attain a positive self view. Social comparison research has demonstrated that the distinctness of contextually activated information determines whether a recalled self exerts assimilation or contrast effects on the current self. However, hardly any study addressed individual differences. Also, very little is known about whether the ease or difficulty to date past events and experiences influences current self-judgments. We present a new scale capturing the degree (...)
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  3.  13
    Endurantismo y extensión espacio-temporal.Carlos Rossi - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (183).
    Según la caracterización extendida del debate entre endurantistas y perdurantistas, los objetos materiales persisten temporalmente o bien en virtud de estar totalmente presentes en distintos momentos de tiempo, o bien en virtud de poseer partes temporales en distintos momentos de tiempo. El presente artículo se propone realizar una defensa de la teoría endurantista de las objeciones presentadas por Barker y Dowe (2003; 2005) y Hofweber y Velleman (2011). Dichas objeciones intentan mostrar que el Endurantismo (i) supone lógicamente la tesis característica (...)
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    (1 other version)Hybrid Logic as extension of Modal and Temporal Logic.Daniel Álvarez Domínguez - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 13:34-67.
    Developed by Arthur Prior, Temporal Logic allows to represent temporal information on a logical system using modal operators such as P, F, H or G, whose intuitive meaning is “it was sometime in the Past...”, “it will be sometime in the Future...”, “it Has always been in the past...” and “it will always Going to be in the future...” respectively. Valuation of formulae built from these operators are carried out on Kripke semantics, so Modal Logic and Temporal (...)
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    A Useful Four-Valued Extension of the Temporal Logic KtT4.Vincent Degauquier - 2018 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 47 (1):15-31.
    The temporal logic KtT4 is the modal logic obtained from the minimal temporal logic Kt by requiring the accessibility relation to be reflexive and transitive. This article aims, firstly, at providing both a model-theoretic and a proof-theoretic characterisation of a four-valued extension of the temporal logic KtT4 and, secondly, at identifying some of the most useful properties of this extension in the context of partial and paraconsistent logics.
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    Persistence, Temporal Extension, and Transdurantism.Paul Richard Daniels - 2019 - Metaphysica 20 (1):83-102.
    I explicate and defend a non-standard theory of persistence, which I calltransdurantism. In short, transdurantism is the view is that objects persist by being temporally extended simples. Transdurantism is sometime misrepresented as a version of endurantism. Other times, transdurantism is misrepresented as a version of perdurantism. But I argue transdurantism must be disambiguated from perdurantism and endurantism—when endurantism, perdurantism, and transdurantism are properly construed, transdurantism stands apart from the other theories of persistence and we can better understand the distinct burdens (...)
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  7.  14
    An extension of metric temporal planning with application to AC voltage control.Chiara Piacentini, Varvara Alimisis, Maria Fox & Derek Long - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 229 (C):210-245.
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    Kant On Temporal Extension: Embodied, Indexical Idealism.Truls Wyller - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (3):498-511.
    I defend what I take to be a genuinely Kantian view on temporal extension: time is not an object but a human horizon of concrete particulars. As such, time depends on the existence of embodied human subjects. It does not, however, depend on those subjects determined as spatial objects. Starting with a realist notion of “apperception” as applied to indexical space, I proceed with the need for external criteria of temporal duration. In accordance with Kant’s Second Analogy of (...)
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  9.  37
    A decidable timeout-based extension of linear temporal logic.Janardan Misra & Suman Roy - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (3):262-291.
    We develop a timeout extension of propositional linear temporal logic to specify timing properties of timeout-based models of real-time systems. A timeout is used to model the execution of an action marking the end of a delay. With a view to expressing such timeout constraints, ToLTL uses a dynamic variable to abstract the timeout behaviour in addition to a variable which captures the global clock and some static timing variables which record time instances when discrete events occur. We propose (...)
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  10.  28
    Modal and temporal extensions of non-distributive propositional logics.Chrysafis Hartonas - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (2):156-185.
  11. Photographic Representation and Depiction of Temporal Extension.Jiri Benovsky - 2012 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 55 (2):194-213.
    The main task of this paper is to understand if and how static images like photographs can represent and/or depict temporal extension (duration). In order to do this, a detour will be necessary to understand some features of the nature of photographic representation and depiction in general. This important detour will enable us to see that photographs (can) have a narrative content, and that the skilled photographer can 'tell a story' in a very clear sense, as well as control (...)
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  12.  60
    Two Temporal Logics of Contingency.Matteo Pascucci - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Logic 12 (2):121-134.
    This work concerns the use of operators for past and future contingency in Priorean temporal logic. We will develop a system named C_t, whose language includes a propositional constant and prove that (I) C_t is complete with respect to a certain class of general frames and (II) the usual operators for past and future necessity are definable in such system. Furthermore, we will introduce the extension C_t(lin) that can be interpreted on linear and transitive general frames. The theoretical result (...)
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  13.  93
    Bad Healthy State Compress Temporal Extension Both in Past and Future Orientations.Jia Zhou, Xingping Han, Juan Fan, Pan Feng, Jingjing Song, Guangyu Jiang & Yong Zheng - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  14.  65
    Logics of temporal-epistemic actions.Bryan Renne, Joshua Sack & Audrey Yap - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):813-849.
    We present Dynamic Epistemic Temporal Logic, a framework for reasoning about operations on multi-agent Kripke models that contain a designated temporal relation. These operations are natural extensions of the well-known “action models” from Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Our “temporal action models” may be used to define a number of informational actions that can modify the “objective” temporal structure of a model along with the agents’ basic and higher-order knowledge and beliefs about this structure, including their beliefs about (...)
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  15. Temporal externalism, natural kind terms, and scientifically ignorant communities.John M. Collins - 2006 - Philosophical Papers 35 (1):55-68.
    Temporal externalism (TE) is the thesis (defended by Jackman (1999)) that the contents of some of an individual’s thoughts and utterances at time t may be determined by linguistic developments subsequent to t. TE has received little discussion so far, Brown 2000 and Stoneham 2002 being exceptions. I defend TE by arguing that it solves several related problems concerning the extension of natural kind terms in scientifically ignorant communities. Gary Ebbs (2000) argues that no theory can reconcile our ordinary, (...)
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  16.  61
    Merleau-Ponty and the Permanent Dissonance of Being. The Temporal Extensions of the Transcendental Field in Phenomenology of Perception.Keith Whitmoyer - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:363-381.
    La dissonance permanente de l’être.L’extension du champ transcendental dans Phénoménologie de la perceptionRépondant aux reproches d’idéalisme subjectif qui hantent la Phénoménologie de la perception depuis sa publication, le présent essai affirme que l’intention deMerleau-Ponty dans ce texte n’est pas de soutenir la primauté ontologique de la conscience constituante transcendantale, mais de restaurer une certaine« épaisseur temporelle » (Merleau-Ponty 1945, 459) à la théorie de la genèse du sens. Dans Le champ phénoménal, Le cogito, et finalement dans certaines des réflexions de (...)
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  17.  40
    Temporal Interpretation of Monadic Intuitionistic Quantifiers.Guram Bezhanishvili & Luca Carai - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):164-187.
    We show that monadic intuitionistic quantifiers admit the following temporal interpretation: “always in the future” (for$\forall $) and “sometime in the past” (for$\exists $). It is well known that Prior’s intuitionistic modal logic${\sf MIPC}$axiomatizes the monadic fragment of the intuitionistic predicate logic, and that${\sf MIPC}$is translated fully and faithfully into the monadic fragment${\sf MS4}$of the predicate${\sf S4}$via the Gödel translation. To realize the temporal interpretation mentioned above, we introduce a new tense extension${\sf TS4}$of${\sf S4}$and provide a full and (...)
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  18.  62
    Temporal Equilibrium Logic with past operators.Felicidad Aguado, Pedro Cabalar, Martín Diéguez, Gilberto Pérez & Concepción Vidal - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):161-177.
    In this paper, we study the introduction of modal past temporal operators in Temporal Equilibrium Logic, an hybrid formalism that mixes linear-time modalities and logic programs interpreted under stable models and their characterisation in terms of Equilibrium Logic. We show that Kamp’s translation can also be used to translate the new extension of TEL with past operators into Quantified Equilibrium Logic. Additionally, we provide a method for removing past operators that consists in replacing past-time subformulas by fresh auxiliary (...)
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  19.  20
    Temporal memory for threatening events encoded in a haunted house.Katelyn G. Cliver, David F. Gregory, Steven A. Martinez, William J. Mitchell, Joanne E. Stasiak, Samantha S. Reisman, Chelsea Helion & Vishnu P. Murty - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (1):65-81.
    Despite the salient experience of encoding threatening events, these memories are prone to distortions and often non-veridical from encoding to recall. Further, threat has been shown to preferentially disrupt the binding of event details and enhance goal-relevant information. While extensive work has characterised distinctive features of emotional memory, research has not fully explored the influence threat has on temporal memory, a process putatively supported by the binding of event details into a temporal context. Two primary competing hypotheses have (...)
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  20.  71
    Temporal Externalism and the Normativity of Linguistic Practice.Joseph Rouse - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (1):20–38.
    Temporal externalists expand Putnam’s and Burge’s semantic externalisms to argue that later uses of words transform the semantic significance of earlier uses. Conflicting intuitions about temporal externalism often turn on different conceptions of linguistic practice, which have mostly not been thematically explicated. I defend a version of temporal externalism that replaces the familiar regularist and normative-regulist conceptions of linguistic practice or use. This alternative identifies practices neither by regularities of use, nor by determinate norms governing their constituent (...)
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  21.  33
    Temporality and embodied self-presence.James Mensch - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (2):183-195.
    As Merleau-Ponty points out, our sense of time is that of passage. This demands that we think of time both as extended—that is, as including the past and the future—and as now, the latter being conceived as the point of expiration. The difficulty comes when try to think these separately. To consider time as extended is to think of it in terms of space—i.e., in terms of the “parts outside of parts” definitive of space. The simultaneous existence of such parts (...)
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  22.  50
    Temporal logic and its application to normative reasoning.Emiliano Lorini - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (4):372-399.
    I present a variant of with time, called, interpreted in standard Kripke semantics. On the syntactic level, is nothing but the extension of atemporal individual by: the future tense and past tense operators, and the operator of group agency for the grand coalition. A sound and complete axiomatisation for is given. Moreover, it is shown that supports reasoning about interesting normative concepts such as the concepts of achievement obligation and commitment.
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  23. Temporally opaque arguments in verbs of creation.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    Summary Verbs of creation (create, make, paint) are not transparent. The object created does not exist during the event time but only thereafter. We may call this type of opacity temporal opacity. I is to be distinguished from modal opacity, which is found in verbs like owe or seek. (Dowty, 1979) offers two analyses of creation verbs. One analysis predicts that no object of the sort created exists before the time of the creation. The other analysis says that the (...)
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  24.  84
    The roles of the temporal lobe in creative insight: an integrated review.Wangbing Shen, Yuan Yuan, Chang Liu & Jing Luo - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (4):321-375.
    Recent studies have revealed that the temporal lobe, a cortical region thought to be in charge of episodic and semantic memory, is involved in creative insight. This work examines the contributions of discrete temporal regions to insight. Activity in the medial temporal regions is indicative of novelty recognition and detection, which is necessary for the formation of novel associations and the “Aha!” experience. The fusiform gyrus mainly affects the formation of gestalt-like representation and perspective taking. The anterior (...)
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  25. Temporal Synechism: A Peircean Philosophy of Time.Jon Alan Schmidt - 2020 - Axiomathes 32 (2):233-269.
    Charles Sanders Peirce is best known as the founder of pragmatism, but the name that he preferred for his overall system of thought was ‘‘synechism’’ because the principle of continuity was its central thesis. He considered time to be the paradigmatic example and often wrote about its various aspects while discussing other topics. This essay draws from many of those widely scattered texts to formulate a distinctively Peircean philosophy of time, incorporating extensive quotations into a comprehensive and coherent synthesis. Time (...)
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  26. Temporal Horizons: Erwin Straus.Marcin Moskalewicz - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):81-98.
    The article presents Erwin W. Straus’ unpublished manuscript “Temporal Horizons” from 1952. In the paper, in addition to an extensive philosophical discussion with St. Augustine, Henri Bergson and Sigmund Freud, Straus elaborates on his idea of a unified view of temporal experience, comprising both the personal and the impersonal dimensions of time. The manuscript also contains an interview with a psychotic patient, which is supposed to exemplify Straus' core idea on the psychotic temporal experience, according to which (...)
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  27.  66
    From Counterfactual Conditionals to Temporal Conditionals.Yuichiro Hosokawa - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (4):677-706.
    Although it receives less attention, (Lewis in Noûs 13:455–476, 1979. admitted that the branching-time(-like) model fits a wide range of counterfactuals, including (Nix) ‘If Nixon had pressed the button, there would have been a nuclear war’, which was raised by (Fine in Mind 84:451–458, 1975). However, Lewis then claimed that similarity analysis is more general than temporality analysis. In this paper, we do not scrutinise his claim. Instead, we re-analyse (Nix) not only model-theoretically but also proof-theoretically from the ‘meaning-as-use’ (...)
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  28.  78
    Temporalizing epistemic default logic.Wiebe van der Hoek, John-Jules Meyer & Jan Treur - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (3):341-367.
    We present an epistemic default logic, based on the metaphore of a meta-level architecture. Upward reflection is formalized by a nonmonotonic entailment relation, based on the objective facts that are either known or unknown at the object level. Then, the meta (monotonic) reasoning process generates a number of default-beliefs of object-level formulas. We extend this framework by proposing a mechanism to reflect these defaults down. Such a reflection is seen as essentially having a temporal flavour: defaults derived at the (...)
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  29.  23
    Temporally Local Tactile Codes Can Be Stored in Working Memory.Arindam Bhattacharjee & Cornelius Schwarz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Tactile exploration often involves sequential touches interspersed with stimulus-free durations. Whereas it is obvious that texture-related perceptual variables, irrespective of the encoding strategy, must be stored in memory for comparison, it is rather unclear which of those variables are held in memory. There are two established variables—“intensity” and “frequency”, which are “temporally global” variables because of the long stimulus integration interval required to average the signal or derive spectral components, respectively; on the other hand, a recently established third contender is (...)
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  30.  19
    Rule-extension strategies in ancient India: ritual, exegetical and linguistic considerations on the tantra- and prasaṅga- principles.Elisa Freschi - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition. Edited by Tiziana Pontillo.
    This study focuses on the devices implemented in classical Indian texts on ritual and language in order to develop a structure of rules in an economic and systematic way. These devices presuppose a spatial approach to ritual and language, one which deals for instance with absences as substitutions within a pre-existing grid, and not as temporal disappearances. In this way, the study reveals a key feature of some among the most influential schools of Indian thought. The sources are Kalpasūtra, (...)
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  31.  41
    Semantic burden-shifting and temporal externalism.Jussi Haukioja - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (9-10):919-929.
    ABSTRACT Temporal externalism is the view that the meanings and extensions of linguistic expressions can be partly determined by contingent linguistic and/or conceptual developments that take place after the time of utterance. In this paper, I first clarify what it would take for temporal externalism to be true, relying on the notion of burden-shifting dispositions. I then go on to argue that existing thought experiments give us reason to expect that temporal externalism can be true of some (...)
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  32.  26
    Defeasible linear temporal logic.Anasse Chafik, Fahima Cheikh-Alili, Jean-François Condotta & Ivan Varzinczak - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (1):1-51.
    After the seminal work of Kraus, Lehmann and Magidor (formally known as the KLM approach) on conditionals and preferential models, many aspects of defeasibility in more complex formalisms have been studied in recent years. Examples of these aspects are the notion of typicality in description logic and defeasible necessity in modal logic. We discuss a new aspect of defeasibility that can be expressed in the case of temporal logic, which is the normality in an execution. In this contribution, we (...)
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  33.  95
    Heidegger's Concept of Temporality.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):95-115.
    Another possible source of this neglect in the United States is the work of Mark Okrent. In Heidegger's Pragmatism Okrent does, indeed, take seriously the importance of the account of temporality for the project of Sein und Zeit, as originally conceived by Heidegger. However, like Dreyfus, Okrent is so taken by the pragmatic character of the analyses in Division I that he ignores Heidegger's analysis of authentic existence and thereby any bearing that this analysis might have on the account of (...)
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  34. Transdiagnostic assessment of temporal experience (TATE) a tool for assessing abnormal time experiences.Giovanni Stanghellini, Milena Mancini, Anthony Vincent Fernandez, Marcin Moskalewicz, Maurizio Pompili & Massimo Ballerini - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):73-95.
    Currently, anomalous lived temporality is not included in the main diagnostic criteria or standard symptom checklists. In this article, we present the Transdiagnostic Assessment of Temporal Experience, a structured interview that can be used by researchers and clinicians without a comprehensive phenomenological background to explore abnormal time experiences in persons with abnormal mental conditions regardless of their diagnosis. When extensive data gathered by this scale are available, it will be possible to delineate well-defined anomalous lived temporality profiles for each (...)
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  35.  27
    Spatio-temporally Graded Causality: A Model.Bartosz Jura - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (2):1-12.
    In this paper we consider a claim that in the natural world there is no fact of the matter about the spatio-temporal separation of events. In order to make sense of such a notion and construct useful models of the world, it is proposed to use elements of a non-classical logic. Specifically, we focus here on causality, as a concept tightly related with the assumption of there being distinct, separate events, proposing a model according to which it can be (...)
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  36.  42
    On the spatiotemporal extensiveness of sense-making: ultrafast cognition and the historicity of normativity.Laura Mojica & Tom Froese - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):447-460.
    The enactive approach conceives of cognition as acts of sense-making. A requirement of sense-making is adaptivity, i.e., the agent’s capacity to actively monitor and regulate its own trajectories with respect to its viability constraints. However, there are examples of sense-making, known as ultrafast cognition, that occur faster than the time physiologically required for the organism to centrally monitor and regulate movements, for example, via long-range neural feedback mechanisms. These examples open a clarificatory challenge for the enactive approach with respect to (...)
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  37.  17
    Temporal Description and the Ontological Status of Judgment, Part I.Marx W. Wartofsky - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):18 - 47.
    Perhaps I should define what I mean by "ontological status" here, since much of the ensuing argument is concerned with it. I do not mean verifiability or confirmability in any reductive sense, physicalistically or phenomenologically, although it is perfectly clear that the description of how things exist requires such criteria. But to translate such criteria into ontological proofs, of the sort "what has effects, is real" is to fall prey to circularity. The alternative to such an apparently "inferred" ontology is (...)
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    Temporal Gödel-Gentzen and Girard translations.Norihiro Kamide - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (1-2):66-83.
    A theorem for embedding a first-order linear- time temporal logic LTL into its intuitionistic counterpart ILTL is proved using Baratella-Masini's temporal extension of the Gödel-Gentzen negative translation of classical logic into intuitionistic logic. A substructural counterpart LLTL of ILTL is introduced, and a theorem for embedding ILTL into LLTL is proved using a temporal extension of the Girard translation of intuitionistic logic into intuitionistic linear logic. These embedding theorems are proved syntactically based on Gentzen-type sequent calculi.
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  39. Hierarchies of modal and temporal logics with reference pointers.Valentin Goranko - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (1):1-24.
    We introduce and study hierarchies of extensions of the propositional modal and temporal languages with pairs of new syntactic devices: point of reference-reference pointer which enable semantic references to be made within a formula. We propose three different but equivalent semantics for the extended languages, discuss and compare their expressiveness. The languages with reference pointers are shown to have great expressive power (especially when their frugal syntax is taken into account), perspicuous semantics, and simple deductive systems. For instance, Kamp's (...)
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    A Presuppositional Account of Causal and Temporal Interpretations of and.Joanna Blochowiak - 2016 - Topoi 35 (1):93-107.
    Despite extensive studies, the issue concerning the pragmatic mechanisms leading to causal and temporal interpretations of and remains problematic and has not yet been addressed in its totality within one framework. This paper proposes a solution based on presuppositional mechanisms built into a comprehensive analysis that accounts for both the various interpretations of and-sentences as well as those of other types of sentences involving similar interpretations. This account is a specific part of a unified solution to the knotty problem (...)
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  41. Temporal Externalism: A Taxonomy, an Articulation, and a Defence.Alessandra Tanesini - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (1):1–19.
    I argue that the semantic content of thoughts and the linguistic meaning of expressions are things with a history in the sense that they can be made fully intelligible only from the point of view of the future. I defend this position by articulating a version of a view known in the philosophy of language as temporal externalism. Temporal externalism about content is the view that the content of a subject’s thoughts and utterances at a time t depends (...)
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    A Spatial-Temporal Self-Attention Network (STSAN) for Location Prediction.Shuang Wang, AnLiang Li, Shuai Xie, WenZhu Li, BoWei Wang, Shuai Yao & Muhammad Asif - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    With the popularity of location-based social networks, location prediction has become an important task and has gained significant attention in recent years. However, how to use massive trajectory data and spatial-temporal context information effectively to mine the user’s mobility pattern and predict the users’ next location is still unresolved. In this paper, we propose a novel network named STSAN, which can integrate spatial-temporal information with the self-attention for location prediction. In STSAN, we design a trajectory attention module to (...)
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    Qualia, Extension and Abstraction.Bowman L. Clarke - 1986 - The Monist 69 (2):216-234.
    Rudolph Carnap’s Aufbau was one of the more ambitious philosophical programs of the twentieth century. His proposal was to begin with elementarerlebnisse —cross sections of one total stream of experience temporally limited by the least perceivable segment of time—and an undefined primitive relation, recollection of similarity, holding between the elementary experiences. Without any further non-logical terms, the goal was to utilize a logic, such as that of Principia Mathematica, and actually to construct logically, or to define formally, all the kinds (...)
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    A temporal negative normal form which preserves implicants and implicates.Pablo Cordero, Manuel Enciso & Inma P. de Guzmán - 2000 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 10 (3):243-272.
    ABSTRACT Most theorem provers for Classical Logic transform the input formula into a particular normal form. This tranformation is done before the execution of the algorithm or it is integrated into the deductive algorithm. This situation is no different for Non-Classical Logics and, particularly, for Temporal Logics. However, unlike classical logic, temporal logic does not provide an extension of the notion of non negative normal form. In this work, we define a temporal negative normal form for the (...)
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    The semantics of extensive quantities within geographic information.Eric Top, Simon Scheider, Haiqi Xu, Enkhbold Nyamsuren & Niels Steenbergen - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (3):337-364.
    The next generation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is anticipated to automate some of the reasoning required for spatial analysis. An important step in the development of such systems is to gain a better understanding and corresponding modeling practice of when to apply arithmetic operations to quantities. The concept of extensivity plays an essential role in determining when quantities can be aggregated by summing them, and when this is not possible. This is of particular importance to geographic information systems, which (...)
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    Detecting bots with temporal logic.Mina Young Pedersen, Marija Slavkovik & Sonja Smets - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-39.
    Social bots are computer programs that act like human users on social media platforms. Social bot detection is a rapidly growing field dominated by machine learning approaches. In this paper, we propose a complementary method to machine learning by exploring bot detection as a model checking problem. We introduce Temporal Network Logic (TNL) which we use to specify social networks where agents can post and follow each other. Using this logic, we formalize different types of social bot behavior with (...)
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    Tracing a Traumatic Temporality: Levinas and Derrida on Trauma and Responsibility.Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen - 2016 - Levinas Studies 10 (1):43-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tracing a Traumatic Temporality: Levinas and Derrida on Trauma and ResponsibilityCathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen (bio)For more than three decades, Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas develop their conceptions of trauma and responsibility in close, critical, and engaged readings of each other’s works.1 In a text first published in 1973, Levinas explicitly considers different aspects and implications of Derrida’s “new style of thought,” as well as his own relation to Derrida, describing (...)
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    On Reversal of Temporality of Human Cognition and Dialectical Self.Suchoon Mo - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (1):37-46.
    In terms of temporality of logic, the relation between "before" and "after" is an inverse relation, as is the relation between intension and extension. Reversal of temporality of human cognition is accompanied by corresponding reversal between intension and extension. Such reversal is based on lateral reversal of brain hemisphere locus of time information. A similar inverse relation exists between self as subject and self as object. Extreme objectification of self is associated with brain hemisphere lateral reversal of time information, indicating (...)
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    Genesis: Paul Klee’s Temporalization of Form.Gottfried Boehm - 2013 - Research in Phenomenology 43 (3):311-330.
    In addition to his artistic work, Paul Klee was a theoretician of the highest rank. Readings of his extensive writings evidence that he was a transformer of the immemorial eidetic concept of form toward its temporalization. As a standard he uses the mobility of nature and the cosmos, to which he anchors his generative concept of form. This essay concerns a reconstruction of some of his lines of argumentation from manuscripts that were not published during his lifetime. Among those are (...)
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    Tense and temporal reference hybrid temporal logic.María Ponte & Margarita Vázquez - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 55 (220):555-578.
    Prior's approach to time has been neglected by semanticists for several reasons. The main one, we believe, is the inability of Priorean tense logic to refer to times. The second one, is the inability to account for some important features of natural language such as temporal anaphora and the role of temporal constructions in discourse. Priorean tense logic has, however, one important advantage over other accounts: the internal perspective of time (due to its modal nature). This paper examines (...)
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