Results for 'Europe, interstate borders, international politics after 1945, moral hazard, military intervention, northeast Asia, Russia-Ukraine war'

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  1.  20
    Borders, states, and armed conflicts in Europe and Northeast Asia since 1945: The moral hazard of great-power encroachments.Mark Kramer - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (4):651-673.
    This article discusses the significance of international borders in Europe and Northeast Asia during the Cold War (1945–1989) and after. Using the concept of ‘moral hazard’, the article examines what happens when great powers frequently violate the borders of neighboring countries without suffering adverse repercussions. Norms of sovereignty and territorial integrity are viable only if large countries are willing to uphold them most of the time. The Soviet Union used or threatened to use military force (...)
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    What We Owe to Ukrainians: A Moral Perspective on Nuclear Coercion and Military Intervention.Sophia Anastazievsky - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):31-53.
    Ukraine's war of self-defense against Russia is one of the clearest examples of a nation fighting a just war in recent history. Ukraine is clearly entitled to defend itself, and Russia is clearly obligated to cease hostilities, withdraw troops, and make repair. In light of this, some of the most salient moral questions related to Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine involve the international community; namely, what moral duties it has toward (...)
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    New directions in just-war theory.J. Toby Reiner - 2018 - Carlisle Barracks, PA: United States Army War College Press. Edited by James G. Pierce.
    Just-war theory has a long and distinguished history that stretches back to the Christian theologians of medieval Europe. Yet principles of just war must develop alongside social norms, standards of military practice and technology, and civilian-military relationships. Since World War II, and especially since American involvement in Vietnam, military ethics has developed into an academic cottage industry. As commonly taught to undergraduates and military practitioners, contemporary just-war theory seeks to ensure the political sovereignty and territorial integrity (...)
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    The Ukraine Crisis and Shift in us Foreign Policy.Michał Woźniak - 2016 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 18 (2):87-102.
    War in Ukraine and the Russian annexation of Crimea are the events that changed the US policy towards Russia. The events in Ukraine forced the United States to take a closer look at Eastern and Central Europe. The United States’ policy during the Ukrainian crisis has been limited to sanctions and strong statements so far because in Ukraine there is an asymmetry of interests. Ukraine is much more important to Russia than to the United (...)
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    Introduction: Russia's War Against Ukraine.Hilary Appel & Rachel A. Epstein - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):302-307.
    Russia's war against Ukraine has had devastating human consequences and destabilizing geopolitical effects. This roundtable takes up three critical debates in connection with the conflict: Ukraine's potential accession to the European Union; the role of Ukrainian nationalism in advancing democratization; and the degree of human rights accountability, not just for Russia, but also for Ukraine. In addition to challenging conventional wisdom on each of these issues, the contributors to this roundtable make a second, critically important (...)
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  6. Military Intervention in Interstate Armed Conflicts.Cécile Fabre - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (2):431-454.
    Suppose that state A attacks state D without warrant. The ensuing military conflict threatens international peace and security. State D (I assume) has a justification for defending itself by means of military force. Do third parties have a justification for intervening in that conflict by such means? To international public lawyers, the well-rehearsed and obvious answer is “yes.” Threats to international peace and security provide one of two exceptions to the legal and moral prohibition (...)
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    Can War Be Just? A Case Analysis Attempt on the RussiaUkraine War Sine Ira Et Studio.Gábor Dániel Nagy - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):407-417.
    The current confrontation between Russia and Ukraine raises essential problems regarding ethics and laws of war. It also presents an opportunity to compose an ethics case study to analyze the idea of a just war. The present-day war of Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine can hardly be analyzed ethically. We lean back to the seminal ideas of just war theorists to argue that war must be waged in a manner that is consistent with moral and ethical (...)
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    Just War and International Law: A Response to Mary Ellen O’Connell.Nigel Biggar - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):53-62.
    The following remarks were prepared as a response to Mary Ellen O'Connell's plenary address, "The Just War Tradition and International Law against War: The Myth of Discordant Doctrines," at the 2015 annual meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics. O'Connell's essay appears in this issue of the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics. After noting some points of agreement, the response discusses five main issues: the moral complexity of "peace," the consonance of a peremptory norm against (...)
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    In Search of Individual and Social Sense.K. Kowacki - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:14-24.
    _Purpose._ The author of this article aims to present and analyze the views of Józef Maria Bocheński concerning the issue of the question of life’s sense based on the text "Sens życia i inne eseje". From the philosopher’s reflections under the theme of the impossibility of life’s sense in the case of community, the author analyzes Ukrainian society and tries to find an answer to the question, can the human community’s sense exist? Among the tasks are the following: to apply (...)
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    War Emissions, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, and Just War Theory.Harry van der Linden - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):97-113.
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has already caused large amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and will continue to do so for manyyears after hostilities have ceased mainly because of the emissions linked to the rebuilding of destroyed or damaged housing, public buildings, infrastructure, factories, and the like. My aim in this paper is to discuss how in a time of climate emergency such emissions of war should impact the political morality of states initiating, (...)
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    After the War?: How the Ukraine War Challenges Political Theories.Anton Leist & Rolf Zimmermann (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Russia’s war against Ukraine has grave consequences in several political categories. These include: a reassessment of the school of ‘political realism’, one of whose proponents claims to have predicted the war. Was the West partly ‘responsible’ for the war? Second, to what extent does the war of aggression, as an undeniable violation of law, damage the status of international law and justice? Third, the war is embedded in political developments that stretch back a century. It is examined (...)
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  12. Gonzo Strategies of Deceit: An Interview with Joaquin Segura.Brett W. Schultz - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):117-124.
    Joaquin Segura. Untitled (fig. 40) . 2007 continent. 1.2 (2011): 117-124. The interview that follows is a dialogue between artist and gallerist with the intent of unearthing the artist’s working strategies for a general public. Joaquin Segura is at once an anomaly in Mexico’s contemporary art scene at the same time as he is one of the most emblematic representatives of a larger shift toward a post-national identity among its youngest generation of artists. If Mexico looks increasingly like a foreclosed (...)
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    Fighting Hurt: Rule and Exception in Torture and War.Henry Shue - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Some of our most fundamental moral rules are violated by the practices of torture and war. If one examines the concrete forms these practices take, can the exceptions to the rules necessary to either torture or war be justified? Fighting Hurt brings together key essays by Henry Shue on the issue of torture, and relatedly, the moral challenges surrounding the initiation and conduct of war, and features a new introduction outlining the argument of the essays, putting them into (...)
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  14.  29
    'Everything you always wanted to know about Atomic Warfare but were afraid to ask': Nuclear Strategy in the Ukraine War era.Demetrius Floudas - forthcoming - Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative Termly Lectures; Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
    The ongoing conflict in Ukraine constitutes a poignant reminder of the enduring relevance and potential devastation associated with nuclear weapons. For decades, the possibility of such catastrophic conflict has not seemed so imminent as in the current world affairs. -/- This contribution presents a comprehensive analysis of nuclear strategy for the 21st century. By examining the evolving geostrategic landscape the talk illuminates key concepts such as nuclear posture, credible deterrence, first & second strike capabilities, flexible response, EMP , variable (...)
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    The Rise of Partisan CSR: Corporate Responses to the RussiaUkraine War.Vassiliki Bamiatzi, Steven A. Brieger, Özgü Karakulak, Daniel Kinderman & Stephan Manning - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-29.
    The RussiaUkraine war has challenged our understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Whereas CSR is traditionally associated with business self-regulation that benefits business and society, the conflict has revealed new forms of what we call “partisan CSR.” Based on comprehensive data from Fortune Global 500 firms, this study discovers that in particular Western, but also some non-Western, corporations have engaged in partisan CSR activities, ranging from (1) strengthening Ukraine’s economy, to (2) enhancing security and protection for Ukrainian (...)
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  16.  22
    Border Control and Using Analysis Tools due to the Humanitarian Aspect of the Immigrant Crisis.Timurlenk Chekovik & Jugoslav Achkoski - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 85:1-13.
    Publication date: 24 January 2019 Source: Author: Timurlenk Chekovik, Jugoslav Achkoski The control of migrants in Europe has become increasingly challenging, marked by a number of illegal border-crossing. It revealed a crisis without equivalent since World War II. The European borders are now one of the most affected by migrants from Asia and Africa. Border police is the most responsible for the first interview with the asylum seeker. In terms of basic contribution to the asylum procedure, good cooperation between the (...)
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  17. Europe, War and the Pathic Condition. A Phenomenological and Pragmatist Take on the Current Events in Ukraine.Albert Dikovich - 2023 - Pragmatism Today 14 (1):13-33.
    In my paper, I develop a phenomenological and pragmatist reflection on the fragility of liberal democracy’s moral foundations in times of war. Following Judith Shklar’s conception of the “liberalism of fear”, the legitimacy of the liberal-democratic order is seen as grounded in experiences of suffering caused by political violence. It is also assumed that the liberalism of fear delivers an adequate conception of the normative foundations of the European project. With the help of phenomenologists such as Edmund Husserl, Maurice (...)
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  18. Reviewing Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games.Simon Ferrari & Ian Bogost - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):50-52.
    Nick Dyer-Witheford and Greig de Peuter. Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2009. 320pp. pbk. $19.95 ISBN-13: 978-0816666119. In Games of Empire , Nick Dyer-Witheford and Greig de Peuter expand an earlier study of “the video game industry as an aspect of an emerging postindustrial, post-Fordist capitalism” (xxix) to argue that videogames are “exemplary media of Empire” (xxix). Their notion of “Empire” is based on Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s Empire (2000), which (...)
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    Introduction: Nationalism in East Asia and East Asian Multiculturalism.Hsin-Wen Lee & Sungmoon Kim - 2018 - In Lee Hsin-Wen & Kim Sungmoon, Reimaging Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia. Routledge. pp. 1-22.
    National identity and attachment to national culture have taken root even in this era of globalization. National sentiments find expression in multiple political spheres and cause troubles of various kinds in many societies, both domestically and across state borders. Some of these problems are rooted in history; others are the result of massive global immigration. As US Secretary of State John Kerry tries to broker a new round of Israel-Palestine peace talks, the Israeli government continues expanding its settlements in disputed (...)
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  20.  28
    Moralizing Violence?: Social Psychology, Peace Studies, and Just War Theory.Abram Trosky - 2014 - Dissertation, Boston University
    Because the goal of reducing violence is nearly universally accepted, the uniquely prescriptive character of peace and conflict studies is rarely scrutinized. However, prescriptive pacifism in social psychological peace research (SPPR) masks a diversity of opinion on whether nonintervention is more effective in promoting peace than intervention to punish aggression, restore stability, and/or prevent atrocity. SPPR’s skepticism is sharper in the post–9/11 era when states use public fear of terrorist threat to promote sometimes-unrelated domestic and geostrategic interests. The most frequently (...)
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  21.  73
    Just War Theory and the Russia-Ukraine War.Jeff McMahan - forthcoming - Studia Philosophica Estonica:54-67.
    This article deploys what has come to be known as revisionist just war theory to analyze the morality of action by both sides in the current Russia-Ukraine war. Among the conclusions of this analysis are: (i) that virtually all uses of force by the Russian military in Ukraine are impermissible; (ii) that Ukrainian forces are bound by moral constraints, such as the requirement of proportionality, which requires the most careful attention to risks of escalation to (...)
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  22.  6
    Returning the War to Russia: Drones and Discrimination in the Defense of Ukraine.Christian Enemark - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):54-63.
    This essay assesses the morality of Ukraine's use of drones to attack targets inside Russia. Following its invasion by Russian forces, Ukraine has had a just cause to wage a war of self-defense. However, its efforts to achieve that cause remain subject to moral limits. Even a state that has been unjustly attacked may not, for example, respond by deliberately targeting the attacking state's civilian population. To do so would violate the jus in bello principle of (...)
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  23. Humanitarian Crises and the International Politics of Selectivity.Martin Binder - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (3):327-348.
    How has the international community responded to humanitarian crises after the end of the Cold War? While optimistic ideational perspectives on global governance stress the importance of humanitarian norms and argue that humanitarian crises have been increasingly addressed, more skeptical realist accounts point to material interests and maintain that these responses have remained highly selective. In empirical terms, however, we know very little about the actual extent of selectivity since, so far, the international community’s reaction to humanitarian (...)
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  24. Conversation with Zygmunt Bauman: Terrorism and the legitimacy of power.Slawomir Czapnik, Tomasz Krawczyk & Translated by: Dominik Hüpner - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    In September 2010, two Polish scholars, Slawomir Czapnik and Tomasz Krawczyk, conducted an interview with Zygmunt Bauman while being hosted at his home in Leeds. The conversation in Polish was recorded, but the recording files were – it seemed irrevocably – accidentally deleted. It was not until 2023 that Slawomir Czapnik found the audio files and decided to publish the conversation, having translated it into English. It provides a better understanding of the views of arguably one of the most eminent (...)
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    Technology and the Civilianization of Warfare.Lonneke Peperkamp - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):64-74.
    The Russia-Ukraine war demonstrates the crucial role of technology in modern warfare. The use of digital networks, information infrastructure, space technology, and artificial intelligence has distinct military advantages, but raises challenges as well. This essay focuses on the way it exacerbates a rather familiar challenge: the “civilianization of warfare.” Today's high-technology warfare lowers the threshold for civilian participation in the war effort. A notable example is the widespread use of smartphone apps by Ukrainian civilians, who thereby help (...)
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    The Cost of Atrocity: Strategic Implications of Russian Battlefield Misconduct in Ukraine.Neil Renic - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):6-16.
    Since commencing its illegal invasion in 2022, the Russian military and authorities have committed numerous war crimes against the people of Ukraine. These include the mutilation and execution of combatants; the torture, kidnapping, forced expulsion, rape, and massacre of civilians; and indiscriminate attacks on densely populated areas. In this essay, I evaluate the strategic implications of this misconduct, focusing exclusively on Western responses. I argue that war crimes can and often do negatively impact the strategic goals of the (...)
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  27.  18
    Militarized interstate manhunts, “absent/presence” and the spectral logic of the U.S. war on terror: The Ballad of Pancho and Bin Laden.Timothy Ruback & Jon Carlson - 2023 - Journal of International Political Theory 19 (1):21-48.
    The decade-long search for Osama bin Laden—in which a manhunt was conducted as part of a full-scale war—was a watershed moment for US foreign policy in the twenty-first Century. Bin Laden was not simply elusive, but ephemerally ghost-like. Similar Militarized Interstate Manhunts (MIMs) are also deeply ingrained in the security politics of the US at its Southwestern border. Specifically, the militarized cross-border pursuits of Pancho Villa in the 1910s and The Apache Kid in the 1890s, serve as analogs (...)
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    Ukraine's Challenge to Europe: The EU as an Ethical and Powerful Geopolitical Actor.Milada Anna Vachudova & Nadiia Koval - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):308-332.
    In this essay, we bridge the gap between two understandings of the power of the European Union (EU): as a normative actor, guided by ethical principles and empowered by the internal market, and as a geopolitical actor, building its own military capabilities and ready to defend its interests through deterrence and defense. In view of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, we challenge the established “values vs. interests” dichotomy and argue that defending liberal democratic values is an essential foundation (...)
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  29.  51
    After war ends: a philosophical perspective.Larry May - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    There is extensive discussion in current Just War literature about the normative principles which should govern the initiation of war (jus ad bellum) and also the conduct of war (jus in bello), but this is the first book to treat the important and difficult issue of justice after the end of war. Larry May examines the normative principles which should govern post-war practices such as reparations, restitution, reconciliation, retribution, rebuilding, proportionality and the Responsibility to Protect. He discusses the emerging (...)
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    Just war: principles and cases.Richard J. Regan - 2013 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    Most individuals realise that we have a moral obligation to avoid the evils of war. But this realization raises a host of difficult questions when we, as responsible individuals, witness harrowing injustices such as ""ethnic cleansing"" in Bosnia or starvation in Somalia. With millions of lives at stake, is war ever justified? And, if so, for what purpose? In this book, Richard J. Regan confronts these controversial questions by first considering the basic principles of just-war theory and then applying (...)
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    New wars and new soldiers: military ethics in the contemporary world.Paolo Tripodi & Jessica Wolfendale (eds.) - 2011 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Bringing together contributors from philosophy, international relations, security studies, and strategic studies, New Wars and New Soldiers offers a truly interdisciplinary analysis reflective of the nature of modern warfare. This comprehensive approach allows the reader to see the broad scope of modern military ethics, and to understand the numerous questions about modern conflict that require critical scrutiny. Aimed at both military and academic audiences, this paperback will be of significant interest to researchers and students in philosophy, sociology, (...)
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  32. Editorial, Cosmopolis. Spirituality, religion and politics.Paul Ghils - 2015 - Cosmopolis. A Journal of Cosmopolitics 7 (3-4).
    Cosmopolis A Review of Cosmopolitics -/- 2015/3-4 -/- Editorial Dominique de Courcelles & Paul Ghils -/- This issue addresses the general concept of “spirituality” as it appears in various cultural contexts and timeframes, through contrasting ideological views. Without necessarily going back to artistic and religious remains of primitive men, which unquestionably show pursuits beyond the biophysical dimension and illustrate practices seeking to unveil the hidden significance of life and death, the following papers deal with a number of interpretations covering a (...)
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  33.  48
    Politics and morality.Igor Primoratz (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A timely contribution from prominent philosophers to the public debate about morality and politics, exploring the fundamental problem of their relation and a string of specific issues. Is political morality more permissive of deception, manipulation and violence? Is there room for morality in international relations? Is patriotism a virtue? What are the moral costs of policies that keep out most of those seeking immigration or asylum? May we use torture in the 'war on terror'? What are the (...)
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    Explaining Russia’s war against Ukraine: How can foreign policy analysis and political theory be helpful?Yulia Kurnyshova & Andrey Makarychev - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):507-519.
    The article raises three key questions: what explains Putin’s (mis)calculations in the field of security and Russia’s hard-power projection onto Ukraine, what prevented both Russian and international experts from taking seriously Putin’s resolve to launch the war prior to February 24, 2022, and what would be the long-term repercussions of the war for liberal international order? To answer these interconnected questions, we refer to the discipline of foreign-policy analysis and political theory.
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    The magma of war: an ontology of the global.Edgar Illas - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    War, from the conflicts in the Middle East and Russia/Ukraine to Mexican narco-violence, from neocolonial land grabs in the Global South to racial, border, health, and climate crises all over the planet, defines the most extreme and contradictory expression of the global world. In this fascinating exploration on the history of the thinking of conflict, Edgar Illas departs from military and sociological analyses to propose a theoretical exploration of war as the ontological force that produces political orders. (...)
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  36.  20
    Nuclear War and World Citizenship [review of Robert Hinde and Joseph Rotblat, War No More: Eliminating Conflict in the Nuclear Age ].Chad Trainer - 2006 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 26 (2):187-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2602\REVIEWS.262 : 2007-01-24 01:12 Reviews 187 NUCLEAR WAR AND WORLD CITIZENSHIP Chad Trainer 1006 Davids Run Phoenixville, pa 19460, usa [email protected] Robert Hinde and Joseph Rotblat. War No More: Eliminating Conflict in the Nuclear Age. London and Sterling, Va.: Pluto P., 2003. Pp. x, 228. £40.00; us$50.00; isbn 0745321925 (hb). £11.99; us$17.95 (pb). ast year marked the 50th anniversary of the Russell–Einstein Manifesto, Lwhich sought (...)
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    The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal War and the Crisis of Global Order.Louiza Odysseos & Fabio Petito (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    Presenting the first critical analysis of Carl Schmitt's _The Nomos of the Earth_ and how it relates to the epochal changes in the international system that have risen from the collapse of the ‘Westphalian’ international order. There is an emerging recognition in political theory circles that core issues, such as order, social justice, rights, need to be studied in their global context. Schmitt’s international political thought provides a stepping stone in these related paths, offering an alternative history (...)
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  38.  25
    Military Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know.George R. Lucas - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    What significance does "ethics" have for the men and women serving in the military forces of nations around the world? What core values and moral principles collectively guide the members of this "military profession?" This book explains these essential moral foundations, along with "just war theory," international relations, and international law. The ethical foundations that define the "Profession of Arms" have developed over millennia from the shared moral values, unique role responsibilities, and occasional (...)
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    The Language of Peace and War: Ukrainian Fandom on the Way to Self-Identification.Сергій Валерійович ЛЕГЕЗА - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):157-171.
    The article discusses the peculiarities of the functioning of Ukrainian fantasy fandom as well as its transformations related to two main aspects: 1) from “the old” fandom to the new one and 2) from the ordinary forms of existence during the peaceful times to existence during the wartime after Russian full-scale invasion in Ukraine in February 2022.The article indicates the general transformation of the scholarly research of the fandom in the Western academic context. It is possible to present (...)
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    Just War Thinking: Morality and Pragmatism in the Struggle Against Contemporary Threats.Eric Patterson - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    Just War Thinking reconsiders the intersection between morality and pragmatics in foreign policy and modern warfare. The book argues that a political ethic of responsibility should motivate the contemporary application of military force by states in order to protect international security and human life, considering the challenges posed by today's new wars: targeted killing, humanitarian intervention, terrorism, jus post bellum, and the influences of public opinion and supranational institutions.
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    Assessing Russo-syrian diplomatic relations (1960s-2015).Damilola Abimbola, Akin Ademuyiwa & Oluwaseun Soile - 2024 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 63 (1):59-73.
    _This article examined the accounts of diplomatic relations between Russia and Syria. It interrogated a significant aspect of global politics, where the interaction of geopolitical interests, ideological affinities, and regional influences played defining roles in shaping this diplomatic association from the height of the Cold War in the 1960s and 1970s to the Syrian Civil War that began in 2011. This scope allowed extensive research into the changing nature of Russo-Syrian relations, providing a diverse revelation into their historical (...)
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    Worldview Principles of Volunteering in Ukraine During the War.Ya Blokha - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:80-88.
    Volunteering in Ukraine is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon that occupies an important place in the life of society. Many people choose volunteering as a way to help people in difficult life circumstances, as well as to develop their own personality and engage in active civic participation. As a significant social phenomenon, volunteering has its own ideological foundations that define its core values and principles. Volunteering is based on the desire to help people and nature regardless of their status, (...)
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    The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention.Don E. Scheid (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The question of military intervention for humanitarian purposes is a major focus for international law, the United Nations, regional organizations such as NATO, and the foreign policies of nations. Against this background, the 2011 bombing in Libya by Western nations has occasioned renewed interest and concern about armed humanitarian intervention and the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect. This volume brings together new essays by leading international, philosophical, and political thinkers on the moral and legal issues involved (...)
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    The Unity of Opposites: The Image of the Turks and the Germans According to the Records of British War Prisoners after the Siege of Kut al-Amara.Elnura Azi̇zova - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1167-1188.
    England, known as “the empire without sun settling down” and being among the final winners of the World War I (1914-1918), had one of the heaviest defeats of its history against the Ottoman Empire in the Kut al-Amara, which happened on 29 April 1916 close to Baghdad. Following the defeat of Kut al-Amara, which was the most important war trauma for England during the World War I, the Turks and Germans, as winner side of the battle were evaluated by British (...)
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    The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty.Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.) - 2018 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    How do we frame decisions to use-or not use-military force? Who should do the killing? Do we need new paradigms to guide the use of force? And what does "victory" mean in contemporary conflict? In many ways, these are timeless questions. But they should be asked again in light of changing circumstances in the twenty-first century. The post-Cold War, post-9/11 world is one of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Contested because the norm of territorial integrity has shed some of its (...)
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    Ethics and the ‘Human Terrain’.George R. Lucas - 2010 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (1):23-30.
    Against the backdrop of the current “ethics controversy” within the American Anthropological Association over the U.S. Army’s “Human Terrain Systems” project, this article evaluates the moral obligations of scholars and academics asked by their governments to contribute their unique expertise toward the waging or ending of wars of which those scholars morally disapprove. Citing the examples of moral dilemmas occasioned by conflicts between duties of scholarship and duties of citizenship from past wars, together with examples like “Doctors without (...)
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  47.  32
    Феномен ідеологічної роботи в збройних силах: Соціально-філософський аналіз.Mykola Shevchenko - 2016 - Схід 3 (143):115-120.
    In the article the author analyzes the phenomenon of ideological work from the socio-philosophical point of view and conducts general conceptualization of ideological work process in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The author proposes his own variant of definition of object, functions, the main tasks of ideological work in the Ukrainian army. The main goal of ideological work in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to achieve and maintain high morale of the Armed Forces personnel, to train in (...)
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  48. The Just War Revisited.Oliver O'Donovan - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Leading political theologian Oliver O'Donovan here takes a fresh look at some traditional moral arguments about war. Modern Christians differ widely on this issue. A few hold that absolute pacifism is the only viable Christian position, others subscribe in various ways to concepts of 'just war' developed out of a Western tradition that arose from the legacies of Augustine and Aquinas, while others still adopt more pragmatically realist postures. Professor O'Donovan re-examines questions of contemporary urgency including the use of (...)
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  49. Kant's just war theory.Brian Orend - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):323-353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kant’s Just War TheoryBrian OrendKant is often cited as one of the first truly international political philosophers. Unlike the vast majority of his predecessors, Kant views a purely domestic or national conception of justice as radically incomplete; we must, he insists, also turn our faculties of critical judgment towards the international plane. When he does so, what results is one of the most powerful and principled conceptions (...)
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    Ethics and Foreign Intervention.Deen K. Chatterjee & Don E. Scheid (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a collection of original essays by some of the leading moral and political thinkers of our time on the ethical and legal implications of humanitarian military intervention. As the rules for the 'new world order' are worked out in the aftermath of the Cold War, this issue is likely to arise more and more frequently, and the moral implications of such interventions will become a major focus for international law, the United Nations, regional (...)
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