Results for 'Dynamic plural logic'

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  1.  18
    The problem of plurality of logics: understanding the dynamic nature of philosophical logic.Pavel Arazim - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    As the foundation of our rationality, logic has traditionally been considered fixed, stable and constant. This conception of the discipline has been challenged recently by the plurality of logics and in this book, Pavel Arazim extends the debate to offer a new view of logic as dynamic and without a definite, specific shape. The Problem of Plurality of Logics examines the origins of our standard view of logic alongside Kant's theories, the holistic view, the issue of (...)
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  2. Rigid and flexible quantification in plural predicate logic.Lucas Champollion, Justin Bledin & Haoze Li - forthcoming - Semantics and Linguistic Theory 27.
    Noun phrases with overt determiners, such as <i>some apples</i> or <i>a quantity of milk</i>, differ from bare noun phrases like <i>apples</i> or <i>milk</i> in their contribution to aspectual composition. While this has been attributed to syntactic or algebraic properties of these noun phrases, such accounts have explanatory shortcomings. We suggest instead that the relevant property that distinguishes between the two classes of noun phrases derives from two modes of existential quantification, one of which holds the values of a variable fixed (...)
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    Dynamics of Reflexivity and Reciprocity.Sarah E. Murray - 2007 - In Maria Aloni & Paul Dekker (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 157--162.
    Plural reflexives and reciprocals are anaphoric not only to antecedent pluralities but also to relations between the members of those pluralities. In this paper, I utilize Dynamic Plural Logic (van den Berg 1996) to analyze reflexives and reciprocals as anaphors that elaborate on relations introduced by the verb, which can be collective, cumulative, or distributive. This analysis generalizes to languages like Cheyenne (Algonquian) where reflexivity and reciprocity are expressed by a single proform that I argue is (...)
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    Reflexivity and Reciprocity with(out) Underspecification.Sarah E. Murray - 2008 - In Alte Grø nn (ed.), Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung 12 (2007). Ilos. pp. 455--469.
    In languages like English, reflexivity and reciprocity are expressed by distinct proforms. However, many languages, such as Cheyenne, express reflexivity and reciprocity with a single proform. In this paper I utilize Dynamic Plural Logic (van den Berg, 1996) to a draw a semantic parallel between reflexive and reciprocal anaphors in English. I propose that they contribute overlapping but distinct requirements on the relations introduced by transitive verbs, requirements which fully specify reflexivity and reciprocity. This parallel is then (...)
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  5. Donkey pluralities: plural information states versus non-atomic individuals.Adrian Brasoveanu - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (2):129-209.
    The paper argues that two distinct and independent notions of plurality are involved in natural language anaphora and quantification: plural reference (the usual non-atomic individuals) and plural discourse reference, i.e., reference to a quantificational dependency between sets of objects (e.g., atomic/non-atomic individuals) that is established and subsequently elaborated upon in discourse. Following van den Berg (PhD dissertation, University of Amsterdam, 1996), plural discourse reference is modeled as plural information states (i.e., as sets of variable assignments) in (...)
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    With and Beyond Plurality of Standpoints: Sociology and the Sadhana of Multi-Valued Logic and Living.Ananta Kumar Giri - 2018 - In Beyond Sociology: Trans-Civilizational Dialogues and Planetary Conversations. Springer Singapore. pp. 193-220.
    This chapter discusses the issue of standpoint in sociological discourse as well as in the dynamics of social life. It begins with a discussion of the work of André Béteille, creative social theorist from India, about the plurality of standpoints in the sociological discourse of society as well as in social dynamics. Béteille has consistently been a champion of a plural approach in the study of society, but his discussion of plural standpoints raises further questions which call for (...)
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  7. Ambiguity and anaphora with plurals in discourse.Nicholas Asher - unknown
    We provide examples of plurals related to ambiguity and anaphora that pose problems or are counterexamples for current approaches to plurals. We then propose a dynamic semantics based on an extension of dynamic predicate logic to handle these examples. On our theory, different readings of sentences or discourses containing plurals don’t arise from a postulated ambiguity of plural terms or predicates applying to plural DPs, but follow rather from different types of dynamic transitions that (...)
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    On Dependent Pronouns and Dynamic Semantics.Rick Nouwen - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (2):123-154.
    Within natural language semantics, pronouns are often thought to correspond to variables whose values are contributed by contextual assignment functions. This paper concerns the application of this idea to cases where the antecedent of a pronoun is a plural quantifiers. The paper discusses the modelling of accessibility patterns of quantifier antecedents in a dynamic theory of interpretation. The goal is to reach a semantics of quantificational dependency which yields a fully semantic notion of pronominal accessibility. I argue that (...)
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    Sentence-internal different as quantifier-internal anaphora.Adrian Brasoveanu - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (2):93-168.
    The paper proposes the first unified account of deictic/sentence-external and sentence-internal readings of singular different . The empirical motivation for such an account is provided by a cross-linguistic survey and an analysis of the differences in distribution and interpretation between singular different , plural different and same (singular or plural) in English. The main proposal is that distributive quantification temporarily makes available two discourse referents within its nuclear scope, the values of which are required by sentence-internal uses of (...)
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  10. A System of Heterogenesis: Deleuze on Plurality.Martijn Boven - 2014 - In van der Heiden (ed.), Phenomenological Perspectives on Plurality. Brill. pp. 175-194.
    In almost all of his early works Gilles Deleuze is concerned with one and the same problem: the problem of genesis. In response to this problem, Deleuze argues for a system of heterogenesis. In this article, I argue that Deleuze’s system of heterogenesis operates on three levels: (1) the differential multiplicity of virtual Ideas; (2) the implied multiplicity of intensive dramas; (3) the extensive and qualitative diversity of actual concepts. As I hope to show, the relation between these three levels (...)
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    Plural Logic: Revised Paperback Edition.Alex Oliver & Timothy John Smiley - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by T. J. Smiley.
    Alex Oliver and Timothy Smiley provide a new account of plural logic. They argue that there is such a thing as genuinely plural denotation in logic, and expound a framework of ideas that includes the distinction between distributive and collective predicates, the theory of plural descriptions, multivalued functions, and lists.
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    Dynamic topological logic.Philip Kremer & Grigori Mints - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 131 (1-3):133-158.
    Dynamic topological logic provides a context for studying the confluence of the topological semantics for S4, topological dynamics, and temporal logic. The topological semantics for S4 is based on topological spaces rather than Kripke frames. In this semantics, □ is interpreted as topological interior. Thus S4 can be understood as the logic of topological spaces, and □ can be understood as a topological modality. Topological dynamics studies the asymptotic properties of continuous maps on topological spaces. Let (...)
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  13.  55
    Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van der Hoek & Barteld Kooi - 2007 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Dynamic Epistemic Logic is the logic of knowledge change. This book provides various logics to support such formal specifications, including proof systems. Concrete examples and epistemic puzzles enliven the exposition. The book also offers exercises with answers. It is suitable for graduate courses in logic. Many examples, exercises, and thorough completeness proofs and expressivity results are included. A companion web page offers slides for lecturers and exams for further practice.
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    Dynamic topological logic.Philip Kremer & Giorgi Mints - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 131 (1-3):133-158.
    Dynamic topological logic provides a context for studying the confluence of the topological semantics for S4, topological dynamics, and temporal logic. The topological semantics for S4 is based on topological spaces rather than Kripke frames. In this semantics, □ is interpreted as topological interior. Thus S4 can be understood as the logic of topological spaces, and □ can be understood as a topological modality. Topological dynamics studies the asymptotic properties of continuous maps on topological spaces. Let (...)
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  15. Dynamic epistemic logic with branching temporal structures.Tomohiro Hoshi & Audrey Yap - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):259 - 281.
    van Bentham et al. (Merging frameworks for interaction: DEL and ETL, 2007) provides a framework for generating the models of Epistemic Temporal Logic ( ETL : Fagin et al., Reasoning about knowledge, 1995; Parikh and Ramanujam, Journal of Logic, Language, and Information, 2003) from the models of Dynamic Epistemic Logic ( DEL : Baltag et al., in: Gilboa (ed.) Tark 1998, 1998; Gerbrandy, Bisimulations on Planet Kripke, 1999). We consider the logic TDEL on the merged (...)
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  16. Critical Plural Logic.Salvatore Florio & Øystein Linnebo - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (2):172-203.
    What is the relation between some things and the set of these things? Mathematical practice does not provide a univocal answer. On the one hand, it relies on ordinary plural talk, which is implicitly committed to a traditional form of plural logic. On the other hand, mathematical practice favors a liberal view of definitions which entails that traditional plural logic must be restricted. We explore this predicament and develop a “critical” alternative to traditional plural (...)
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  17.  46
    Dynamic Topological Logic Interpreted over Minimal Systems.David Fernández-Duque - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (6):767-804.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( ) is a modal logic which combines spatial and temporal modalities for reasoning about dynamic topological systems , which are pairs consisting of a topological space X and a continuous function f : X → X . The function f is seen as a change in one unit of time; within one can model the long-term behavior of such systems as f is iterated. One class of dynamic topological systems where the (...)
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  18.  41
    Dynamic Epistemic Logics of Diffusion and Prediction in Social Networks.Alexandru Baltag, Zoé Christoff, Rasmus K. Rendsvig & Sonja Smets - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (3):489-531.
    We take a logical approach to threshold models, used to study the diffusion of opinions, new technologies, infections, or behaviors in social networks. Threshold models consist of a network graph of agents connected by a social relationship and a threshold value which regulates the diffusion process. Agents adopt a new behavior/product/opinion when the proportion of their neighbors who have already adopted it meets the threshold. Under this diffusion policy, threshold models develop dynamically towards a guaranteed fixed point. We construct a (...)
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  19. Inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic.Ivano A. Ciardelli & Floris Roelofsen - 2015 - Synthese 192 (6):1643-1687.
    Information exchange can be seen as a dynamic process of raising and resolving issues. The goal of this paper is to provide a logical framework to model and reason about this process. We develop an inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic , which enriches the standard framework of dynamic epistemic logic , incorporating insights from recent work on inquisitive semantics. At a static level, IDEL does not only allow us to model the information available to a set (...)
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  20. Plural Logic and Sensitivity to Order.Salvatore Florio & David Nicolas - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (3):444-464.
    Sentences that exhibit sensitivity to order (e.g. 'John and Mary arrived at school in that order' and 'Mary and John arrived at school in that order') present a challenge for the standard formulation of plural logic. In response, some authors have advocated new versions of plural logic based on fine-grained notions of plural reference, such as serial reference (Hewitt 2012) and articulated reference (Ben-Yami 2013). The aim of this article is to show that sensitivity to (...)
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  21. Plural Logic.Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by T. J. Smiley.
    Alex Oliver and Timothy Smiley provide a new account of plural logic. They argue that there is such a thing as genuinely plural denotation in logic, and expound a framework of ideas that includes the distinction between distributive and collective predicates, the theory of plural descriptions, multivalued functions, and lists.
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  22. The grammar of quantification and the fine structure of interpretation contexts.Adrian Brasoveanu - 2013 - Synthese 190 (15):3001-3051.
    Providing a compositional interpretation procedure for discourses in which descriptions of complex dependencies between interrelated objects are incrementally built is a key challenge for formal theories of natural language interpretation. This paper examines several quantificational phenomena and argues that to account for these phenomena, we need richly structured contexts of interpretation that are passed on between different parts of the same sentence and also across sentential boundaries. The main contribution of the paper is showing how we can add structure to (...)
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  23. Monism, Emergence, and Plural Logic.Einar Duenger Bohn - 2012 - Erkenntnis 76 (2):211-223.
    In this paper I argue that we need to take irreducibly plural logic more seriously in metaphysical debates due to the fact that the verdict of many metaphysical debates hangs on it. I give two examples. The main example I focus on is the debate recently revived by Jonathan Schaffer over the fundamental cardinality of the world. I show how the three main arguments provided by Schaffer are unsound in virtue of an employment of plural logic. (...)
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  24.  65
    Dynamic topological logic of metric spaces.David Fernández-Duque - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):308-328.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( $\mathcal{DTL}$ ) is a modal framework for reasoning about dynamical systems, that is, pairs 〈X, f〉 where X is a topological space and f: X → X a continuous function. In this paper we consider the case where X is a metric space. We first show that any formula which can be satisfied on an arbitrary dynamic topological system can be satisfied on one based on a metric space; in fact, this space can (...)
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  25. Dynamic doxastic logic: why, how, and where to?Hannes Leitgeb & Krister Segerberg - 2007 - Synthese 155 (2):167-190.
    We investigate the research programme of dynamic doxastic logic (DDL) and analyze its underlying methodology. The Ramsey test for conditionals is used to characterize the logical and philosophical differences between two paradigmatic systems, AGM and KGM, which we develop and compare axiomatically and semantically. The importance of Gärdenfors’s impossibility result on the Ramsey test is highlighted by a comparison with Arrow’s impossibility result on social choice. We end with an outlook on the prospects and the future of DDL.
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  26. Dynamic Epistemic Logic I: Modeling Knowledge and Belief.Eric Pacuit - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (9):798-814.
    Dynamic epistemic logic, broadly conceived, is the study of logics of information change. This is the first paper in a two-part series introducing this research area. In this paper, I introduce the basic logical systems for reasoning about the knowledge and beliefs of a group of agents.
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    Dynamic epistemic logics for abstract argumentation.Carlo Proietti & Antonio Yuste-Ginel - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8641-8700.
    This paper introduces a multi-agent dynamic epistemic logic for abstract argumentation. Its main motivation is to build a general framework for modelling the dynamics of a debate, which entails reasoning about goals, beliefs, as well as policies of communication and information update by the participants. After locating our proposal and introducing the relevant tools from abstract argumentation, we proceed to build a three-tiered logical approach. At the first level, we use the language of propositional logic to encode (...)
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    Inferential knowledge and epistemic dimensions.Yves Bouchard - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Knowledge representation is one way to exploit expertise in a given domain by logical means. But, what kind of knowledge does one acquire from an inference (or inference on a query result over a knowledge base)? Such a question may appear awkward since the answer seems so obvious: from an inference, one simply acquires knowledge. This is undoubtedly the case when only one type of knowledge (for instance, expert knowledge) is involved in an inference. What if several types of knowledge (...)
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  29. E pluribus unum: Plural logic and set theory.John P. Burgess - 2004 - Philosophia Mathematica 12 (3):193-221.
    A new axiomatization of set theory, to be called Bernays-Boolos set theory, is introduced. Its background logic is the plural logic of Boolos, and its only positive set-theoretic existence axiom is a reflection principle of Bernays. It is a very simple system of axioms sufficient to obtain the usual axioms of ZFC, plus some large cardinals, and to reduce every question of plural logic to a question of set theory.
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    Dynamic epistemic logics: promises, problems, shortcomings, and perspectives.Andreas Herzig - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):328-341.
    Dynamic epistemic logics provide an account of the evolution of agents’ belief and knowledge when they learn the occurrence of an event. These logics started to become popular about 20 years ago and by now there exists a huge number of publications about them. The present paper briefly summarises the existing body of literature, discusses some problems and shortcomings, and proposes some avenues for future research.
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    Plural Logic: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged.Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2016 - Oxford University Press.
    Alex Oliver and Timothy Smiley provide a new account of plural logic. They argue that there is such a thing as genuinely plural denotation in logic, and expound a framework of ideas that includes the distinction between distributive and collective predicates, the theory of plural descriptions, multivalued functions, and lists.
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    Dynamic relation logic is the logic of DPL-Relations.Albert Visser - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (4):441-452.
    In this paper we prove that the principles in the languagewith relation composition and dynamic implication, valid forall binary relations, are the same ones as the principlesvalid when we restrict ourselves to DPL-relations,i.e. relations generated from conditions (tests) and resettings.
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  33. Probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic.Barteld P. Kooi - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (4):381-408.
    In this paper I combine the dynamic epistemic logic ofGerbrandy (1999) with the probabilistic logic of Fagin and Halpern (1994). The resultis a new probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic, a logic for reasoning aboutprobability, information, and information change that takes higher orderinformation into account. Probabilistic epistemic models are defined, and away to build them for applications is given. Semantics and a proof systemis presented and a number of examples are discussed, including the MontyHall Dilemma.
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    Dynamic epistemic logic of belief change in legal judgments.Pimolluck Jirakunkanok, Katsuhiko Sano & Satoshi Tojo - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (3):201-249.
    This study realizes belief/reliability change of a judge in a legal judgment by dynamic epistemic logic. A key feature of DEL is that possibilities in an agent’s belief can be represented by a Kripke model. This study addresses two difficulties in applying DEL to a legal case. First, since there are several methods for constructing a Kripke model, our question is how we can construct the model from a legal case. Second, since this study employs several dynamic (...)
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    Dynamic measure logic.Tamar Lando - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12):1719-1737.
    This paper brings together Dana Scottʼs measure-based semantics for the propositional modal logic S4, and recent work in Dynamic Topological Logic. In a series of recent talks, Scott showed that the language of S4 can be interpreted in the Lebesgue measure algebra, M, or algebra of Borel subsets of the real interval, [0,1], modulo sets of measure zero. Conjunctions, disjunctions and negations are interpreted via the Boolean structure of the algebra, and we add an interior operator on (...)
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  36. Dynamic predicate logic.Jeroen Groenendijk & Martin Stokhof - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (1):39-100.
    This paper is devoted to the formulation and investigation of a dynamic semantic interpretation of the language of first-order predicate logic. The resulting system, which will be referred to as ‘dynamic predicate logic’, is intended as a first step towards a compositional, non-representational theory of discourse semantics. In the last decade, various theories of discourse semantics have emerged within the paradigm of model-theoretic semantics. A common feature of these theories is a tendency to do away with (...)
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    Default logic as dynamic doxastic logic.Krister Segerberg - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):333-352.
    Dynamic doxastic logic (DDL) is used in connexion with theories of belief revision. Here we try to show that languages of DDL are suitable also for discussing aspects of default logic. One ingredient of our analysis is a concept of coherence-as-ratifiability.
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    Dynamic topological logics over spaces with continuous functions.B. Konev, R. Kontchakov, F. Wolter & M. Zakharyaschev - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 299-318.
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    Extending probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic.Joshua Sack - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):241 - 257.
    This paper aims to extend in two directions the probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic provided in Kooi’s paper (J Logic Lang Inform 12(4):381–408, 2003) and to relate these extensions to ones made in van Benthem et al. (Proceedings of LOFT’06. Liverpool, 2006). Kooi’s probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic adds to probabilistic epistemic logic sentences that express consequences of public announcements. The paper (van Benthem et al., Proceedings of LOFT’06. Liverpool, 2006) extends (Kooi, J Logic Lang (...)
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  40. A Note on Plural Logic.Gustavo Fernández Díez - 2010 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 17 (2):150-162.
    A distinction is introduced between itemized and non-itemized plural predication. It is argued that a full-fledged system of plural logic is not necessary in order to account for the validity of inferences concerning itemized collective predication. Instead, it is shown how this type of inferences can be adequately dealt with in a first-order logic system, after small modifications on the standard treatment. The proposed system, unlike plural logic, has the advantage of preserving completeness. And (...)
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    Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Implicit and Explicit Beliefs.Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (2):107-140.
    Epistemic logic with its possible worlds semantic model is a powerful framework that allows us to represent an agent’s information not only about propositional facts, but also about her own information. Nevertheless, agents represented in this framework are logically omniscient: their information is closed under logical consequence. This property, useful in some applications, is an unrealistic idealisation in some others. Many proposals to solve this problem focus on weakening the properties of the agent’s information, but some authors have argued (...)
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    In defence of Higher-Level Plural Logic: drawing conclusions from natural language.Berta Grimau - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5253-5280.
    Plural Logic is an extension of First-Order Logic which has, as well as singular terms and quantifiers, their plural counterparts. Analogously, Higher-Level Plural Logic is an extension of Plural Logic which has, as well as plural terms and quantifiers, higher-level plural ones. Roughly speaking, higher-level plurals stand to plurals like plurals stand to singulars; they are pluralised plurals. Allegedly, Higher-Level Plural Logic enjoys the expressive power of a simple (...)
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  43. Dynamic Epistemic Logic and Logical Omniscience.Mattias Skipper Rasmussen - 2015 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 24 (3):377-399.
    Epistemic logics based on the possible worlds semantics suffer from the problem of logical omniscience, whereby agents are described as knowing all logical consequences of what they know, including all tautologies. This problem is doubly challenging: on the one hand, agents should be treated as logically non-omniscient, and on the other hand, as moderately logically competent. Many responses to logical omniscience fail to meet this double challenge because the concepts of knowledge and reasoning are not properly separated. In this paper, (...)
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  44. Dynamic Epistemic Logic II: Logics of Information Change.Eric Pacuit - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (9):815-833.
    This is the second paper in a two-part series introducing logics for reasoning about the dynamics of knowledge and beliefs. Part I introduced different logical systems that can be used to reason about the knowledge and beliefs of a group of agents. In this second paper, I show how to adapt these logical systems to reason about the knowledge and beliefs of a group of agents during the course of a social interaction or rational inquiry. Inference, communication and observation are (...)
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    Dynamic Deontic Logic and its Paradoxes.Albert J. J. Anglberger - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):427-435.
    In Meyer’s promising account [7] deontic logic is reduced to a dynamic logic. Meyer claims that with his account “we get rid of most (if not all) of the nasty paradoxes that have plagued traditional deontic logic.” But as was shown by van der Meyden in [4], Meyer’s logic also contains a paradoxical formula. In this paper we will show that another paradox can be proven, one which also effects Meyer’s “solution” to contrary to duty (...)
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  46. Sequence semantics for dynamic predicate logic.C. F. M. Vermeulen - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (3):217-254.
    In this paper a semantics for dynamic predicate logic is developed that uses sequence valued assignments. This semantics is compared with the usual relational semantics for dynamic predicate logic: it is shown that the most important intuitions of the usual semantics are preserved. Then it is shown that the refined semantics reflects out intuitions about information growth. Some other issues in dynamic semantics are formulated and discussed in terms of the new sequence semantics.
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    Unity and plurality: logic, philosophy, and linguistics.Massimiliano Carrara, Alexandra Arapinis & Friederike Moltmann (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Unity and Plurality presents novel ways of thinking about plurality while casting new light on the interconnections among the logical, philosophical, and linguistic aspects of plurals. The volume brings together new work on the logic and ontology of plurality and on the semantics of plurals in natural language. Plural reference, the view that definite plurals such as 'the students' refer to several entities at once (the individual students), is an approach favoured by logicians and philosophers, who take sentences (...)
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    Unity and Plurality. Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics.Riccardo Baratella - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (278):204-206.
    Unity and Plurality. Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Edited by Carrara Massimiliano, Arapinis Alexandra, Moltmann Friederike.
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    Contexts in dynamic predicate logic.Albert Visser - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (1):21-52.
    In this paper we introduce a notion of context for Groenendijk & Stokhof's Dynamic Predicate Logic DPL. We use these contexts to give a characterization of the relations on assignments that can be generated by composition from tests and random resettings in the case that we are working over an infinite domain. These relations are precisely the ones expressible in DPL if we allow ourselves arbitrary tests as a starting point. We discuss some possible extensions of DPL and (...)
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  50.  33
    Intensional Protocols for Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Hanna S. van Lee, Rasmus K. Rendsvig & Suzanne van Wijk - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):1077-1118.
    In dynamical multi-agent systems, agents are controlled by protocols. In choosing a class of formal protocols, an implicit choice is made concerning the types of agents, actions and dynamics representable. This paper investigates one such choice: An intensional protocol class for agent control in dynamic epistemic logic, called ‘DEL dynamical systems’. After illustrating how such protocols may be used in formalizing and analyzing information dynamics, the types of epistemic temporal models that they may generate are characterized. This facilitates (...)
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