Results for 'Dubuisson Dubuisson'

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  1. Diagnostic et reconnaissance des formes, Traité des nouvelles Technonlogies, série Diagnostic et Maintenance.B. Dubuisson - forthcoming - Hermes.
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  2. The poetical and rhetorical structure of the Eliadean text : a contribution to critical theory and discourses on religions.Daniel Dubuisson - 2010 - In Christian K. Wedemeyer & Wendy Doniger (eds.), Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions: the contested legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Religion and Magic in Western Culture.Daniel Dubuisson - 2016 - Brill.
    In this book, Daniel Dubuisson analyses the long history of the dichotomy between religion and magic, as well as the great stakes of power which it has concealed over the centuries.
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  4. Comte et Saint-Simon.Paul Émile] Dubuisson - 1906 - Paris,: Au siège de la Société positiviste internationale.
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  5. Reconnaissance de Formes.B. Dubuisson & Intelligence Artificielle Diagnostic - forthcoming - Hermes.
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  6. Reconnaissance des formes, édition.B. Dubuisson - forthcoming - Hermes.
  7. Product tastes, consumer tastes: The plurality of qualification in product development and marketing activities.Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier - 2010 - In Luis Araujo, John Finch & Hans Kjellberg (eds.), Reconnecting Marketing to Markets. Oxford University Press. pp. 74--93.
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  8. La théorie des pratiques. Quels apports pour l'étude sociologique de la consommation?Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier et Marie Plessz - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans la revue Sociologie, N° 4, vol. 4 | 2014. Nous remercions Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier et Marie Plessz de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : La théorie des pratiques est un courant d'analyse qui s'est développé en Grande-Bretagne et dans les pays scandinaves dans les années 2000. L'analyse de pratiques de consommation est l'un de ses domaines de prédilection. Se réclamant de Bourdieu et de Giddens, elle s'oppose à la fois aux analyses (...)
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    Mobilisations écologiques.Jean-Baptiste Comby & Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: PUF.
    Les luttes autour de l'écologie sont-elles des combats politiques comme les autres? Longtemps perçues comme expertes et sectorisées, elles sont souvent décrites comme dépolitisées. En s'intéressant aux mobilisations écologiques, plutôt qu'à celles qui seraient le fait des seuls écologistes, cet ouvrage rend compte de leurs évolutions récentes. Aux côtés des mouvements portés par des militants des classes supérieures, se (re)déploient aujourd'hui des luttes environnementales menées par d'autres groupes sociaux - les femmes, les minorités ou les plus modestes. Ces mobilisations contemporaines, (...)
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    Daniel Dubuisson, La formazione dell'io. Dalle saggezze antiche alla conquista della personalità (Bari: Dedalo, 2007). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia 98 (3):464-65.
  11. Book Review The Western Construction of Religion by Daniel Dubuisson[REVIEW]Swami Narasimhananda - 2015 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 120 (2):248.
    The author charts out a path to a better understanding of world religions by pointing out that every religion has its own sociological and anthropological basis and that all ‘cultures are thereby similar, and likewise, all are different’ (201). He stresses that all human cultural and religious worlds are nothing but different worlds made indispensable and in the human imagination, each such world has its rightful place.
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  12. RAPORTUL DINTRE HOMO RELIGIOSUS ȘI OMUL CREȘTIN ÎN GÂNDIREA LUI MIRCEA ELIADE.Adrian Boldisor - 2010 - Analele Institutului de Isrorie G. Baritiu Din Cluj Napoca 8 (8):235-250.
    This study is an analysis of the relationship between homo religiosus and the Christian man, as it emerges from Mircea Eliade’s work. His ideas concerning the dialectics sacred-profane are related to homo religiosus, the man of the traditional societies. According to Eliade’s vision, one can use the term homo religiosus only within the context of his universe. Many mythical themes are present in the modern world, but it is difficult to identify them, going through the process of desacralization. The “mythical” (...)
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    Religie si ideologie la Mircea Eliade/ Religion and Ideology at Mircea Eliade.Ion Cordoneanu - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):219-231.
    his study attempts to reveal how ideology can be a determinative exponent for a negative interpretation of religion. Ideology and its processes are such powerful inducements that even a spirit like Eliade’s (or Heidegger’s, Sartre’s, Cioran’s, and Noica’s, in the 20th century) couldn’t resist them. This text also reveals, in its connotation, that an impersonal interpretation is preferred for one who is defined by political or, generally speaking, ideological motives.
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