Results for 'Domenico Conti'

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  1.  12
    Black Market Truth: The Aristotle Quest, Book 1: A Dana Mccarter Trilogy.Sharon M. Kaye - 2008 - Parmenides Publishing.
    A secret concealed for centuries, shrouded in myth, silenced by stone. A secret that if unleashed threatens to shake the very foundation of Western civilization. A secret that can remain hidden no longer. The quest begins in Rome, where a grizzly murder and a plundered tomb serve to ignite perhaps the most controversial conflict in human history. Inspector Domenico Conti is charged with the task of recovering the contents of the tomb, but as he delves deeper into the (...)
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    Heidegger and the ideology of war: community, death, and the West.Domenico Losurdo - 2001 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
  3.  47
    The Politics of Nature: New Materialist Responses to the Anthropocene.Arianne Françoise Conty - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):73-96.
    In order to explore some of the divergences within new materialism and elucidate their relationship to actor-network theory, this article will develop Latour’s theory of agency and then compare it to those new materialists who uphold a ‘flat ontology’ that includes technological tools (Jane Bennett) and those who uphold an animate/inanimate distinction (Tim Ingold and Eduardo Kohn). In light of the ecological crisis called the Anthropocene, the dissolution of the animate/inanimate distinction will be defended in order to address both polar (...)
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    Le ragioni degli altri: scritti in onore di Domenico Antonino Conci.Domenico Antonio Conci, Isabella Lucchese & Rita Melillo (eds.) - 2008 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Look, no hands!Conty Arianne - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (2):151-176.
    Philosopher of science Bruno Latour defines the image as “any sign, work of art, inscription or painting serving as a mediation to reach something else.” According to this definition, mediation could very well be a synonym for image. In this article, I would like to use Latour’s work to argue for the crucial role that images play in overcoming a certain modern worldview that has divided the world into ontological essences that separate subject and object, nature and culture. It is (...)
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    Johannes Sharpe's ontology and semantics: Oxford realism revisited.Alessandro Conti - 2005 - Vivarium 43 (1):156-186.
    The German Johannes Sharpe is the most important and original author of the so called "Oxford Realists": his semantic and metaphysical theories are the end product of the two main medieval philosophical traditions, realism and nominalism, for he contributed to the new form of realism inaugurated by Wyclif, but was receptive to many nominalist criticisms. Starting from the main thesis of Wyclif's metaphysics, that the universal and individual are really identical but formally distinct, Oxford Realists introduced a new type of (...)
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  7. Le polemiche matematiche di PM Doria (con alcune lettere sconosciute).Vittorio Conti - 1981 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 11:185-198.
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    Vida e poder – reflexões acerca da pandemia atual.Davi Maranhão De Conti - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e44.
    Este artigo se divide em quatro partes. Inicialmente apresentamos a noção de biopolítica de modo introdutório, considerando a relação entre poder soberano e biopoder. Voltamo-nos para a elaboração foucaultiana do termo de modo a esclarecer, em linhas gerais, seu sentido. Essa breve análise da noção de biopolítica encaminha-nos para o conceito de tanatopolítica, que aparece, na segunda parte do texto, como epíteto da derivação funesta da biopolítica. Na terceira parte, a partir de uma perspectiva biopolítica, lançamos luz sobre a crise (...)
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  9.  48
    Panpsychism: A Response to the Anthropocene Age.Arianne Conty - 2021 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 35 (1):27-49.
    Panpsychism, the view that the material elements of the universe have mental properties, has until quite recently remained in the periphery of the philosophical mainstream due to its blatant contradiction of normative Cartesian dualities, which divided the world into mental properties and material properties, that are devoid of value and sentience. The recent geological shift to the Anthropocene Age, in which human culture can be found in pesticide resistant mosquitoes and the ozone heavens, has undermined the foundations of Cartesian dualism, (...)
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  10.  36
    Paul of venice.Alessandro Conti - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    End extensions of models of linearly bounded arithmetic.Domenico Zambella - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 88 (2-3):263-277.
    We show that every model of IΔ0 has an end extension to a model of a theory where log-space computable function are formalizable. We also show the existence of an isomorphism between models of IΔ0 and models of linear arithmetic LA.
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  12. Notes on polynomially bounded arithmetic.Domenico Zambella - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):942-966.
    We characterize the collapse of Buss' bounded arithmetic in terms of the provable collapse of the polynomial time hierarchy. We include also some general model-theoretical investigations on fragments of bounded arithmetic.
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  13.  78
    Ockham and Burley on Categories and Universals: A Comparison.Alessandro Conti - 2008 - Modern Schoolman 86 (1-2):181-210.
  14.  24
    Well-Come Back! Professional Basketball Players Perceptions of Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors Influencing a Return to Pre-injury Levels.Cristiana Conti, Selenia di Fronso, Monica Pivetti, Claudio Robazza, Leslie Podlog & Maurizio Bertollo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436536.
    The psychological factors influencing a return to sport has gained increased research attention. In the current investigation, we explored professional basketball players’ perceptions of the psychological factors facilitating a return to performance equal to or exceeding previous performance standards. We also sought to describe athletes’ experiences – both positive and negative – of returning to sport following injury recovery. Ten Italian professional male basketball players (age range 22-36 years), were retrospectively interviewed in relation to three time-periods: (1) from the commencement (...)
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  15. Some remarks on the notions of general covariance and background independence.Domenico Giulini - 2007 - Lecture Notes in Physics 721:105--20.
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    The Role of Numerical Tables in Galileo and Mersenne.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 2004 - Perspectives on Science 12 (2):164-190.
    Numerical tables are important objects of study in a range of fields, yet they have been largely ignored by historians of science. This paper contrasts and compares ways in which numerical tables were used by Galileo and Mersenne, especially in the Dialogo and Harmonie Universelle. I argue that Galileo and Mersenne used tables in radically different ways, though rarely to present experimental data. Galileo relied on tables in his work on error theory in day three of the Dialogo and also (...)
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  17. What is (not) wrong with scalar gravity?Domenico Giulini - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (1):154-180.
    On his way to General Relativity (GR) Einstein gave several arguments as to why a special relativistic theory of gravity based on a massless scalar field could be ruled out merely on grounds of theoretical considerations. We re-investigate his two main arguments, which relate to energy conservation and some form of the principle of the universality of free fall. We find that such a theory-based a priori abandonment not to be justified. Rather, the theory seems formally perfectly viable, though in (...)
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    The contested role of AI ethics boards in smart societies: a step towards improvement based on board composition by sortition.Ludovico Giacomo Conti & Peter Seele - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (4):1-15.
    The recent proliferation of AI scandals led private and public organisations to implement new ethics guidelines, introduce AI ethics boards, and list ethical principles. Nevertheless, some of these efforts remained a façade not backed by any substantive action. Such behaviour made the public question the legitimacy of the AI industry and prompted scholars to accuse the sector of ethicswashing, machinewashing, and ethics trivialisation—criticisms that spilt over to institutional AI ethics boards. To counter this widespread issue, contributions in the literature have (...)
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  19.  11
    Nietzsche, the aristocratic rebel: intellectual biography and critical balance-sheet.Domenico Losurdo - 2019 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Harrison Fluss & Gregor Benton.
    Perhaps no philosopher is more of a conundrum than Nietzsche, the solitary rebel, poet, wayfarer, anti-revolutionary Aufklärer and theorist of aristocratic radicalism. His accusers identify in his 'superman' the origins of Nazism, and thus issue an irrevocable condemnation; his defenders pursue a hermeneutics of innocence founded ultimately in allegory. In a work that constitutes the most important contribution to Nietzschean studies in recent decades, Domenico Losurdo instead pursues a less reductive strategy. Taking literally the ruthless implications of Nietzsche's anti-democratic (...)
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  20.  47
    The lost history of political liberalism.Gregory Conti & William Selinger - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (3):341-354.
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  21.  57
    Animism in the Anthropocene.Arianne Conty - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (5):127-153.
    Following upon Bruno Latour’s famous injunction that ‘we have never been modern’, Graham Harvey has recently added that perhaps ‘we have always been animists.’ With the massive ecosystem destruction that is underway in the Anthropocene, this realization could represent a necessary paradigm shift to address anthropogenic climate change. If the expropriation and destruction intrinsic to the modern division between a world of cultural values attributed exclusively to humans and a world of inanimate matter devoid of value has become untenable, then (...)
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    Paul of Venice on Individuation.A. D. Conti - 1998 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 65 (1):107-132.
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    The Agnostic Structure of Data Science Methods.Domenico Napoletani, Marco Panza & Daniele Struppa - 2021 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 8 (2):44-57.
    In this paper we argue that data science is a coherent and novel approach to empirical problems that, in its most general form, does not build understanding about phenomena. Within the new type of mathematization at work in data science, mathematical methods are not selected because of any relevance for a problem at hand; mathematical methods are applied to a specific problem only by `forcing’, i.e. on the basis of their ability to reorganize the data for further analysis and the (...)
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  24.  44
    Democracy Confronts Diversity: Descriptive Representation in Victorian Britain.Gregory Conti - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (2):230-257.
    Today political theorists and the public generally often associate descriptive representation with democracy. However, in Victorian Britain supporters of descriptive representation tended to be arrayed against democracy. The impression that democracy was incompatible with descriptive representation and a set of related values, primary among which was deliberation, formed one of the great obstacles which democratic theory faced in this period. These values belonged to a traditional theory of representation which held that Parliament ought to be a mirror of the nation (...)
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  25. Electron spin or “classically non-describable two-valuedness”.Domenico Giulini - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (3):557-578.
    In December 1924 Wolfgang Pauli proposed the idea of an inner degree of freedom of the electron, which he insisted should be thought of as genuinely quantum mechanical in nature. Shortly thereafter Ralph Kronig and, independently, Samuel Goudsmit and George Uhlenbeck took up a less radical stance by suggesting that this degree of freedom somehow corresponded to an inner rotational motion, though it was unclear from the very beginning how literal one was actually supposed to take this picture, since it (...)
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    Will to evil instead of will to power: Georges Bataille’s reading of Nietzsche.Arianne Conty - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-11.
    Bataille’s book On Nietzsche is a critique of all goal-oriented activity, since for Bataille, useful activities transform the human being into a ‘soldier’ or ‘savant’, a part rather than a whole. In his rejection of goal-oriented morality, Bataille thus espouses what he calls ‘evil’ as a strategy to escape from the public good and its reduction of the human being to use-function. Such an escape involves the sacrifice of the will, and in particular of Nietzsche’s Will to Power. Indeed, Bataille (...)
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  27. HIV-positive status and preservation of privacy: a recent decision from the Italian Data Protection Authority on the procedure of gathering personal patient data in the dental office.Adelaide Conti, Paola Delbon, Laura Laffranchi, Corrado Paganelli & Francesco De Ferrari - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):386-388.
    The processing of sensitive information in the health field is subject to rigorous standards that guarantee the protection of information confidentiality. Recently, the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) stated their formal opinion on a standard procedure in dental offices involving the submission of a questionnaire that includes the patient's health status. HIV infection status is included on the form. The Authority has stated that all health data collection must be in accordance with the current (...)
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    A Companion to Walter Burley: Late Medieval Logician and Metaphysician.Alessandro D. Conti (ed.) - 2013 - Leiden: Brill.
    Walter Burley was one of the most prominent logicians and metaphysicians of the Middle Ages. This volume, which contain thirteen substantial articles on his philosophy, is aimed to reconstruct the internal evolution of his doctrines and the role they played in the development of Late Medieval philosophy.
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    Consent in dentistry: ethical and deontological issues.Adelaide Conti, Paola Delbon, Laura Laffranchi & Corrado Paganelli - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (1):59-61.
    In Italy, consent for health treatment, aside from being an ethical and deontological obligation, constitutes an essential requirement for any medical treatment according to articles 13 and 32 of the National Constitution and also in accordance with the Council of Europe's ‘Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine’. An essential requirement for the validity of consent is that clear, exhaustive and adequate information be provided to the patient himself: the practice of informed consent is a communicative relationship in which the patient (...)
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  30. Dinastia Giulio-Claudia a Roselle. Una serie di dediche imperiali in Etruria.Stefano Conti - 1997 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 18:101-128.
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    Ellipses and ovals: two curves so close and so far.Giuseppe Conti, Raffaella Paoletti & Alberto Trotta - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (1):133-159.
    In this work we will deal with ellipses and ovals, comparing them both from the geometric point of view and from the one of applications. There is a notable similarity between these curves so often it’s not possible to recognize which of the two figures is, unless we consider other elements to distinguish them. We will show the presence of both curves in architectural works and in treatises, motivating their use, when it’s possible, with geometric and technological considerations.
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  32. Fonti classiche e medievali di un testo teatrale rinascimentale.Stefano Conti - 2009 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 30:125-142.
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  33. L'opera d'arte e il filosofo: sguardo cieco - parola veggente.Viana Conti - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    L’usurpazione di Silvano tra costrizione e brama di potere.Stefano Conti - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):228-240.
    Riassunto Un’attenta analisi comparata della testimonianza di Ammiano Marcellino con le altre fonti letterarie, e le probabili epigrafiche, mette in nuova luce l’usurpazione di Silvano (355 d. C.). Prima di dare il via alla rivolta, il generale valutò con attenzione l’esistenza di gruppi sociali ostili a Constanzo II: innanzitutto la popolazione delle Gallie, vessata dall’ingordigia degli emissari imperiali, ma c’erano eminenti figure pro Silvano anche alla corte di Milano e tra i senatori di Roma. Le manovre ordite contro di lui (...)
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  35. Le posizioni programmatiche dei partiti italiani in occasione delle elezioni europee.Nicolò Conti & Vincenzo Memoli - 2010 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 24 (3):389-417.
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    William penbygull.Alessandro Conti - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Madras university lectures on the theory of restricted relativity.Domenico Ferroli - 1929 - Mangalore,: Basel mission press and book depot.
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    La politica tra pensiero e azione.Domenico Fisichella - 2024 - Roma: Pagine.
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    Moral Dilemmas and Broken Promises: A Historical-Philosophical Overview of the Nonviolent Movement.Domenico Losurdo - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (4):85-134.
    Great historical crises oblige us to choose not between violence and nonviolence, but between two different forms of violence. Nonviolent movements are no exception to this rule. In the US, with the outbreak of the War of Secession, the Christian-nonviolent movement was obliged to choose between the violence of the Union-army and the violence of slavery. With the outbreak of World-War One, Lenin chose revolution, while, in India, Gandhi became the ‘recruiting agent-in-chief’ for the British army. At that moment, he (...)
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  40. McLuhan: Social Media Between Faith and Culture.Domenico Pietropaolo & Robert K. Logan (eds.) - 2015
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    Presentazione.Domenico Spinosa - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 46:3-4.
    Il presente numero di “Rivista di estetica” raccoglie diversi contributi che intendono riflettere oggi sui limiti e sulle possibilità di un approccio estetico-filosofico alle nuove istanze (sia tecniche che narrative) che ci giungono da questo oggetto sempre da identificare chiamato film. Come si sa, il cinema, fin dalle sue origini, ha generato un complesso insieme di discorsi intorno a sé. Il cinema è stato cioè continuamente trattato, discusso, analizzato, fatto oggetto di studio, dalla st...
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    Tra logos e pathos: Roberto Racinaro testimone e interprete del tempo.Domenico Taranto (ed.) - 2020 - Napoli: Editoriale scientifica.
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    Commentary on developing work and quality improvement strategies III.Tito Conti - 2003 - AI and Society 17 (2):187-191.
  44.  45
    Aging and emotional expressions: is there a positivity bias during dynamic emotion recognition?Alberto Di Domenico, Rocco Palumbo, Nicola Mammarella & Beth Fairfield - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Sapienza antica: studi in onore di Domenico Pesce.Vittorio Enzo Alfieri & Domenico Pesce - 1985 - F. Angeli.
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    The objectivity of mathematics in Cassirer’s symbol-theoretical approach.Domenico Schneider - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):517-536.
    Cassirer’s concept of symbolic forms represents a cultural-philosophical approach in which specific modes of objectification, the symbolic forms themselves, establish an independent truth. This truth does not consist in a purely analytical truth, but in the fact that we live along these symbolic forms in a specific stubbornness. When we use language, we live and experience language in its specific autonomy. The same applies to the other symbolic forms developed by Cassirer. Both before the cultural-philosophical phase of creation and within (...)
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    Whole-Brain Network Connectivity Underlying the Human Speech Articulation as Emerged Integrating Direct Electric Stimulation, Resting State fMRI and Tractography.Domenico Zacà, Francesco Corsini, Umberto Rozzanigo, Monica Dallabona, Paolo Avesani, Luciano Annicchiarico, Luca Zigiotto, Giovanna Faraca, Franco Chioffi, Jorge Jovicich & Silvio Sarubbo - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  48.  25
    The first 1000 days of the autistic brain: a systematic review of diffusion imaging studies.Eugenia Conti, Sara Calderoni, Viviana Marchi, Filippo Muratori, Giovanni Cioni & Andrea Guzzetta - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  49.  45
    James Fitzjames Stephen, John Stuart Mill, and the Victorian Theory of Toleration.Greg Conti - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (3):364-398.
    SUMMARYDue to his famous conflict with John Stuart Mill, James Fitzjames Stephen is often assumed to have been an opponent of toleration and intellectual freedom and a defender of authoritarian or reactionary principles. These assumptions are misleading. Stephen was, and was known in his time to have been, a champion of toleration. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of his writing on these themes, drawing from a wider array of texts than is usually considered in the study of the Stephen-Mill (...)
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    Elementary classes of finite VC-dimension.Domenico Zambella - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (5-6):511-520.
    Let be a saturated model of inaccessible cardinality, and let be arbitrary. Let denote the expansion of with a new predicate for. Write for the collection of subsets such that ≡. We prove that if the VC-dimension of is finite then is externally definable.
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