Results for 'Divine right of kings. '

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  1. Richard Hooker, Hadrian Saravia, and the Advent of the Divine Right of Kings.Johann Peter Sommerville - 1983 - History of Political Thought 4 (2):229-45.
  2.  36
    Book Review:The Theory of the Divine Right of Kings. J. N. Figgis. [REVIEW]C. Vaughan - 1897 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (3):395-.
  3.  20
    Between Divine Right Monarchy and Natural Freedom of Mankind.Victor Olusola Olanipekun - 2022 - Studia Philosophica 69 (2):27-44.
    The paper examines Robert Filmer’s arguments in defence of the divine right of kings in Patriarcha, or The Natural Power of Kings. Filmer argues that human beings are not born free by nature and, as a result, are expected to obey the kings/monarchs absolutely with­out questioning, due to the arbitrary power and the divine right bestowed upon the kings. This position defended by Filmer is antithetical to the notion of natural freedom of mankind defended by John (...)
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    Divine Right and Democracy: An Anthology of Political Writing in Stuart England.David Wootton - 2003 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The seventeenth century was England’s century of revolution, an era in which the nation witnessed protracted civil wars, the execution of a king, and the declaration of a short-lived republic. During this period of revolutionary crisis, political writers of all persuasions hoped to shape the outcome of events by the force of their arguments. To read the major political theorists of Stuart England is to be plunged into a world in which many of our modern conceptions of political rights and (...)
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    The King and the Crowd: Divine Right and Popular Sovereignty in the French Revolution.Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):67-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The King and the Crowd: Divine Right and Popular Sovereignty in the French Revolution Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly Stanford University We French cannot really think about politics or philosophy or literature without remembering that all this— politics, philosophy, literature—began, in the modem world, under the sign of a crime. A crime was committed in France in 1793. They killed a good and entirely likable king who was the (...)
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    Gottesgnadentum und Widerstandsrecht im früheren Mittelalter.Fritz Kern - 1914 - Leipzig: Koehler.
    The Divine Right of Kings and the Right of Resistance in the Early Middle Ages. Kern demonstrates that the medieval ruler was dependent on God and on the people. Both are under God and under the law. Laws are not made but discovered. In order to be valid, a law does not have to be made by the state, but it has to be old and good. (Kern shows this also in his article 'Recht und Verfassung im (...)
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    The Perpetual Struggle: How the Coevolution of Hierarchy and Resistance Drives the Evolution of Morality and Institutions.Allen Buchanan - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (2):232-260.
    Since the earliest human societies, there has been an ongoing struggle between hierarchy and resistance to hierarchy, and this struggle is a major driver of the evolution of moralities and of institutions. Attempts to initiate or sustain hierarchies are often met with resistance; hierarchs then adopt new strategies, which in turn prompt new strategies of resistance; and so on. The key point is that the struggle is typically conducted using moral concepts in justifications for or against unequal power and involves (...)
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    Kritik und Krise: Ein Beitrag z. Pathogenese d. bürgerl. Welt.Reinhart Koselleck - 1969 - K. Alber.
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  9. Critique and crisis: enlightenment and the pathogenesis of modern society.Reinhart Koselleck - 1988 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    In this way progressive bourgeois philosophy, which seemed to offer the promise of a unified and peaceful world, in fact produced just the opposite.The book ...
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    The Present Outlook in Social Philosophy.John S. Mackenzie - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (1):55-68.
    There has been a great deal of valuable work done in the department of Social Philosophy in recent years; and, though much of it has been of a controversial character, it seems possible to indicate some leading conceptions about which there is not now very much difference of opinion, and which may be taken as furnishing a firm basis for future work. Many of the older conceptions—such as the Divine Right of Kings, the Social Contract, and the unqualified (...)
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    El pensamiento político de Suárez en el De opere sex dierum y sus nexos con Filmer y Locke.Leopoldo José Prieto López - 2020 - Isegoría 63:583-602.
    The article presents the political thinking of Suárez’s De opere sex dierum, a literary work which as yet does not count on a translation into Spanish. The article is divided into two parts. The first one describes and analyses the political thinking of this work, reaching the conclusion that the central theme is that of the distinction between economic and political power, carried out in order to save –faced with the theory of the divine right of kings– the (...)
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  12.  75
    The Divine Right of Emperors.S. R. F. Price - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (02):277-.
  13.  50
    In Dialogue: Response to Elvira Panaiotidi,?The Nature of Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts in Music Education?Wenyi W. Kurkul - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):114-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Elvira Panaiotidi, “The Nature of Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts in Music Education”Wenyi W. KurkulAt the beginning, I would like to congratulate Elvira Panaiotidi on her interesting paper and on her proposal to move beyond the long-running debates that began in the mid-1990s between Bennett Reimer and David Elliott and their respective supporters. I also applaud her affirmation that, beyond the numerous debates within the music-education philosophy community, (...)
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    Marxism-Leninism and its Strategic Implications for the United States.Paul Seabury - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (1):192.
    My central concern in this paper is with the implications of Marxist-Leninist ideology for Western defense policy and for United States strategic policy in particular. However, this is an extremely complex issue, and consideration of it will lead me to examine the ways in which ideas are related to interests, interests to strategy, and strategy to actions. I I begin with an important observation: Americans in general, and for various reasons, have not taken Marxism-Leninism seriously for a long time. This (...)
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    Market anarchism as constitutionalism.Roderick T. Long - 2008 - In Roderick T. Long & Tibor R. Machan (eds.), Anarchism/Minarchism: Is a Government Part of a Free Country? Ashgate. pp. 133-154.
    A legal system is any institution or set of institutions in a given society that provides dispute resolution in a systematic and reasonably predictable way. it does so through the exercise of three functions: the judicial, the legislative, and the executive. The judicial function, the adjudication of disputes, is the core of any legal system; the other two are ancillary to this. The legislative function is to determine the rules that will govern the process of adjudication (this function may be (...)
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  16. Some Preliminary Observations on Truth and Argumentation in the Jewish Legal Tradition.Bernard S. Jackson - 2012 - In Melkevek Bjarne (ed.), Standing Tall: Hommages à Csaba Varga. Pázmány Press. pp. 199-207.
    After a section of Methodological Preliminaries, I consider Truth and Argumentation in the Jewish Legal Tradition, under the following subheadings: Truth in Judaism, Truth and Norms, Truth and Language, Truth and Logic, Truth and Argumentation. I thus use an external framework in order to pose questions to the Jewish legal tradition, and identify internal resources which may provide partial answers to these questions. But are these partial answers so peculiar, theological, culturally contingent as to lack any value in terms of (...)
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  17.  23
    Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages: Studies.Fritz Kern - 1948 - Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
    This is a translation of the German book 'Gottesgnadentum und Widerstandsrecht im frühen Mittelalter. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Monarchie' (1914) (The Divine Right of Kings and the Right of Resistance in the early Middle Ages) and the article 'Recht und Verfassung im Mittelalter' (1919) (Law and Constitution in the Middle Ages). [Kern describes the idea that laws are not made but discovered. In order to be valid, a law does not have to be made by the state, but (...)
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    Mencius, Mozi, Hanfeizi’s Theory of the State and the S​overeign. 손영식 - 2020 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 90:79-110.
    중국은 춘추 시대에 들어서면서 정복 전쟁이 일상화된다. 이에 따라 무사들이 지배를 하게 된다. 공자는 이를 비판하고, 군자(君子)라는 지식인 관료의 지배를 주장한다. 무사의 지배 대신 지식인의 지배는 역사의 발전에 해당된다. 공자와 맹자는 이와 더불어서 통치와 피치, 지배와 피지배를 엄격하게 나누는 2원론을 주장한다. 지배는 군자들이 하고, 백성은 그 지배의 대상일 뿐이다. 지배자가 “백성을 위하는, 백성이 근본인”(爲民·民本) 정치가 바로 그런 것이다. 이런 2원론의 결과, 맹자는 군주 천명론을 주장한다. 누군가 군주가 되는 이유는 그에게 군주가 되라고 ‘하늘이 명령’(天命)했기 때문이다. 그는 물론 “백성의 마음(民心)이 하늘의 마음”(天心)이라 (...)
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    The moral arc: how science and reason lead humanity toward truth, justice, and freedom.Michael Shermer - 2015 - New York: Henry Holt and Co..
    From Galileo and Newton to Thomas Hobbes and Martin Luther King, Jr., thinkers throughout history have consciously employed scientific techniques to better understand the non-physical world. The Age of Reason and the Enlightenment led theorists to apply scientific reasoning to the non-scientific disciplines of politics, economics, and moral philosophy. Instead of relying on the woodcuts of dissected bodies in old medical texts, physicians opened bodies themselves to see what was there; instead of divining truth through the authority of an ancient (...)
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  20.  16
    Political writings.John Milton - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Martin Dzelzainis, Claire Gruzelier & John Milton.
    John Milton was not only the greatest English Renaissance poet but also devoted twenty years to prose writing in the advancement of religious, civil and political liberties. The height of his public career was as chief propagandist to the Commonwealth regime which came into being following the execution of King Charles I in 1649. The first of the two complete texts in this volume, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, was easily the most radical justification of the regicide at the (...)
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  21. The English Works.Thomas Hobbes - 1839 - Bohn.
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  22.  47
    (1 other version)Hegel and the Consecrated States.Mark Tunick - 2012 - In Angelica Nuzzo (ed.), Hegel on Religion and Politics. State University of New York Press. pp. 19.
    Edmund Burke characterizes the state as consecrated, or sacred. There is a sense in which Hegel, too, consecrates the state: Hegel says the state is based on religion and that to preserve the state, religion “must be carried into it, in buckets and bushels.” This paper discusses the sense in which Hegel’s state is consecrated by juxtaposing his views with Burke’s. Both Burke and Hegel reject the theory of the divine right of kings, while recognizing religion’s ability to (...)
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    Philosophy’s Gaudy Dress.Linda M. G. Zerilli - 2005 - European Journal of Political Theory 4 (2):146-163.
    John Locke famously sets the arts of rhetoric at odds with the pursuit of knowledge. Drawing on the work of Ernesto Grassi, this article shows that Locke’s epistemological and political arguments are parasitic on the very tropes and figures he would exclude in any serious discourse. Accordingly, Locke’s attack on the divine right of kings and his famous argument for the social contract is read as exhibiting a rhetorical structure. This structure is crucial to Locke’s critique of heteronomy (...)
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  24.  11
    Mozi‘s Theory of Nation-building - On the basis of ‘same with the top’, ‘universal love’, ‘Will of Heaven’. 손영식 - 2016 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 76:192-222.
    묵자의 국가론은 "상동 겸애 천지"으로 이루어졌다. 상동 - 묵자는 국가가 형성되는 과정을 따진다. 국가가 없었던 태초의 상태에서 각 개인은 자신의 이익을 의로움이라 했다.(義=利) 모두의 '이익-의로움'이 달랐기 때문에 서로 싸웠다. 그 결과 모두가 손해를 보게 되었다. 이를 해결하기 위해서, 현명한 자를 뽑아서 '이익-의로움'의 충돌을 조정하고, 전체의 이익을 극대화하게 했다. 현자가 이익을 조정하기 위해서는 각 개인이 자기의 이익 주장(이익-의로움)을 포기하고, 자기의 이익을 실현시키는 자기 처분권을 현자에게 넘긴다. 자기 처분권은 자기의 행동을 결정하는 권력이다. 이를 현자에게 넘겼기 때문에 각 개인은 현자에게 절대 복종해야 한다. (...)
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    Kritik und Krise.Reinhart Koselleck - 1959 - Freiburg,: K. Alber.
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    Book Review:The Divine Right of Capital. Clarence Edwin Ayres. [REVIEW]Claude Stinneford - 1947 - Ethics 58 (4):309-.
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    Study on the Words Carved on Seongdeokdaewang-Shinjong(Divine Bell of King Seongdeok) with a New Viewpoint.Young-Sung Choi - 2018 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 56:9-46.
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    Labyrinthine Strategies of Sacrifice: The Cretans by Euripides.Giuseppe Fornari - 1997 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 4 (1):163-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LABYRINTHINE STRATEGIES OF SACRIFICE: THE CRETANS BY EURIPIDES Giuseppe Fornari The application of René Girard's mimetic hypothesis demands drastic re-interpretation of the history of our culture. The denunciation of sacrificial violence performed first by the Hebrew Bible and then by the Gospels figures as an objective watershed in the evaluation ofcivilizations and historical periods. This new methodological and theoretical situation brings Girard's ideas into conflict with current trends toward (...)
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    Obstacles to Divine Revelation: God and the Reorientation of Human Reason.Rolfe King - 2008 - London: Continuum.
    Obstacles to Divine Revelation examines the notion that there are obstacles to God giving revelation, if God exists. Rolfe King argues that exploring these significantly refines ideas of evidence for God, including the claim that God must operate within a logically necessary structure of revelation. Examining obstacles to divine revelation clarifies this structure and paves the way to evaluating its significance.
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    Kritik und Krise: eine Studie z. Pathogenese d. bürgerl.Reinhart Koselleck - 1973 - [Frankfurt (Main)]: : Suhrkamp.
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  31. The Notion of Civil Disobedience According To Locke.Louis Arénilla & H. Kaal - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (35):109-135.
    The notion of resistance to the state has come to be bandied about a great deal, and a great many political movements place themselves under its sign. This intrusion of violence into the realm of the law seems to be spreading since the advocates of insurrection, who accuse the state of betraying its mission, are not those who consider revolt to be the necessary first step towards any kind of affranchisement. Where the partisans of revolution believe that violence is, in (...)
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  32. Ambivalentnostʹ vlasti: mifologii︠a︡, ontologii︠a︡, praksis.M. A. Koret︠s︡kai︠a︡ - 2019 - Cankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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    History-Writing as Protest: Kingship and the Beginning of Historical Narrative.James G. Williams - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):91-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:History-Writing as Protest: Kingship and the Beginning of Historical Narrative James G. Williams Syracuse University I. Introduction This paper is an attempt to apply René Girard's mimetic theory to the origins of historical writing, specifically the composing ofIsrael's story, vis- à-vis the origin of kingship. What I do not intend to deal with is the exact chronological beginning of historical narrative in ancient Israel. Whether or not this sort (...)
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  34. Divine self-testimony and the knowledge of God.Rolfe King - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (3):279-295.
    A proof is offered that aims to show that there can be no knowledge of God, excluding knowledge based on natural theology, without divine self-testimony. Both special and general revelation, if they occur, would be forms of divine self-testimony. It is argued that this indicates that the best way to model such knowledge of God is on the basis of an analogy with knowledge gained through testimony, rather than perceptual models of knowledge, such as the prominent model defended (...)
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    Summa Contra Gentiles III, Chapters 131–135: A Rare Glimpse into the Heart as Well as the Mind of Aquinas.Lawrence B. Porter - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):245-263.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES III, CHAPTERS 131-135: A RARE GLIMPSE INTO THE HEART AS WELL AS THE MIND OF AQUINAS LAWRENCE B. PORTER Setoii Hall University South Orange, New Jersey Introduction BERNARDO GUI, Saint Thomas's thirteenth-century biographer, relates in his Legenda S. Thomae the story of how once upon a time Saint Thomas was seated at the table of King Louis IX of France. Far removed from mere dinner conversation, (...)
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    Heretics!: The Wondrous (and Dangerous) Beginnings of Modern Philosophy.Ben Nadler & Steven Nadler (eds.) - 2017 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    An entertaining, enlightening, and humorous graphic narrative of the dangerous thinkers who laid the foundation of modern thought This entertaining and enlightening graphic narrative tells the exciting story of the seventeenth-century thinkers who challenged authority—sometimes risking excommunication, prison, and even death—to lay the foundations of modern philosophy and science and help usher in a new world. With masterful storytelling and color illustrations, Heretics! offers a unique introduction to the birth of modern thought in comics form—smart, charming, and often funny. These (...)
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    Supersapientia: Berthold of Moosburg and the Divine Science of the Platonists.Evan King - 2021 - Boston: BRILL.
    This is the first monograph devoted to the genesis, aims, and argument of Berthold of Moosburg’s 14th-century _Commentary_ on Proclus’ _Elements of Theology_, the most extensive commentary on Proclus’ text in any language. It includes an English translation of the _Commentary_’s three fundamental prefaces.
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    Rights and slavery, race and racism: Leo Strauss, the Straussians, and the american dilemma*: Richard H. King.Richard H. King - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (1):55-82.
    My interest here is in the way Leo Strauss and his followers, the Straussians, have dealt with race and rights, race and slavery in the history of the United States. I want, first, to assess Leo Strauss's rather ambivalent attitude toward America and explore the various ways that his followers have in turn analyzed the Lockean underpinnings of the American “regime,” sometimes in contradistinction to Strauss's views on the topic. With that established, I turn to the account, particularly that offered (...)
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  39.  15
    Review of Clarence Edwin Ayres: The Divine Right of Capital[REVIEW]Clarence Edwin Ayres - 1948 - Ethics 58 (4):309-311.
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    The Divinity of Kings.E. Washburn Hopkins - 1931 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 51 (4):309-316.
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  41. Shinkensetsu to min'yakusetsu.Nobushige Hozumi - 1928 - Tōkyō-shi: Iwanami Shoten.
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    5. The Politics of Deference: Old Regal Sacrality and New Divine Right of Kingship.Francis Oakley - 2015 - In The Watershed of Modern Politics: Law, Virtue, Kingship, and Consent. Yale University Press. pp. 128-171.
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    The History of Political Thought Above All.Cesare Cuttica - 2022 - Hobbes Studies 35 (1):7-22.
    Well-known for his work on absolutism, divine right theory, and his contextual reading of Hobbes’ ideas, Sommerville also published successful critical editions of Sir Robert Filmer and King James vi and I’s political writing. Sommerville’s engagement in key historiographical debates on early- modern British history, involving “opposing camps” of revisionists and post-revisionists, is less explored. Here, I focus on the question whether pre-Civil War England was immune to ideological conflict or, instead, featured a confrontation between King and Parliament (...)
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    The Gospel of Divine Mercy in King Lear.Małgorzata Grzegorzewska - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:321-333.
    The paper discusses Shakespeare’s preoccupation with the Christian notions of divine love, forgiveness and justice in The Tragedy of King Lear. In my reading I employ Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenological reflection on the givenness of love and Hans-Urs von Balthasar’s theology of Paschal mystery. I take issue with the Marxist and existentialist interpretations of Shakespeare’s tragedy which prevailed in the second half of the 20th century. My aim is not a simple recuperation of the “redemptionism” of the play, but an (...)
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  45. De natura legis naturae.John Fortescue - 1869 - New York: Garland.
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    Theory in history: foundations of resistance and nonviolence in the American South.Preston King - 2004 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 7 (4):1-50.
    This essay supplies an historical review of black thought (from the Civil War forward) in the American South. Its emphasis is upon the biography of figures born in the region, whether resident or exile, concentrating on three foundational actors: Booker Washington, Frederick Douglass and Ida Wells. Significant strands of later thought are seen as largely derived from the latter two. The thematic anchor of this review is ‘resistance and nonviolence’, involving (1) a primary focus on equal rights, (2) a derivative (...)
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  47. The Method of In-between in the Grotesque and the Works of Leif Lage.Henrik Lübker - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):170-181.
    “Artworks are not being but a process of becoming” —Theodor W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory In the everyday use of the concept, saying that something is grotesque rarely implies anything other than saying that something is a bit outside of the normal structure of language or meaning – that something is a peculiarity. But in its historical use the concept has often had more far reaching connotations. In different phases of history the grotesque has manifested its forms as a means of (...)
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    Enlightenment Thought: An Anthology of Sources.Margaret L. King - 2019 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Margaret L. King has put together a highly representative selection of readings from most of the more significant—but by no means the most obvious—texts by the authors who made up the movement we have come to call the 'Enlightenment.' They range across much of Europe and the Americas, and from the early seventeenth century until the end of the eighteenth. In the originality of the choice of texts, in its range and depth, this collection offers both wide coverage and striking (...)
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  49. The of the Earth Goddess Among the Magar of Nepal.Marie Lecomte-Tilouine - 1996 - Diogenes 44 (174):27-44.
    The military conquest of the Magarant, the Magar land, took place during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when the Thakuri petty kings and their dependents (priests, artisans, soldiers) fled India to settle there. The Magar resistance appears to have been weak, due to their lack of unity and the alliances the conquerors formed with some of them. The Magar people quickly opted for assimilation into the royal caste of the Thakuri, adopting most of their cultural traits, notably their language and (...)
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  50. Divine Revelation.Rolfe King - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (7):495-505.
    Divine revelation is a topical subject, given the many claims to revelation in the modern world. This article looks at recent discussion within the analytic tradition of philosophy which particularly relates to how to evaluate claims about divine revelation. The subjects covered are: defining divine revelation; direct cognition of God; evidence‐based approaches; divine testimony; conversion and faith; competing claims about divine revelation. Brief comments are then made on some related areas.
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