Results for 'Divine Agency'

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  1. Divine agency and the principle of the conservation of energy.Robert Larmer - 2009 - Zygon 44 (3):543-557.
    Many contemporary thinkers seeking to integrate theistic belief and scientific thought reject what they regard as two extremes. They disavow deism in which God is understood simply to uphold the existence of the physical universe, and they exclude any view of divine influence that suggests the performance of physical work through an immaterial cause. Deism is viewed as theologically inadequate, and acceptance of direct immaterial causation of physical events is viewed as scientifically illegitimate. This desire to avoid both deism (...)
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  2. Divine agency and divine action.William James Abraham - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Volume 1: Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume I lays the groundwork for a constructive contribution to the contemporary debate regarding divine action. Noted scholar William J. Abraham argues that the concept of divine action is not a closed concept--like knowledge--but an open concept with a variety of context-dependent meanings. This volume charts the history of debate about divine action among key Anglophone philosophers of religion, and observes that they were largely committed to this (...)
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    Divine agency and providence.Christoph Schwöbel - 1987 - Modern Theology 3 (3):225-244.
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    Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume I: Exploring and Evaluating the Debate.William J. Abraham - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This study lays the groundwork for a constructive contribution to the contemporary debate regarding divine action. It charts the history of debate about divine action among key Anglophone philosophers of religion, and observes that they were largely committed to this erroneous understanding of divine action as a closed concept.
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    Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume Ii: Soundings in the Christian Tradition.William J. Abraham - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume argues that in order to understand divine action, one must begin with the array of specific actions predicated of God in the Christian tradition.
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  6. Divine agency and the hermeneutics of faith.Vincent Brümmer - 2018 - In Christopher R. Brewer & David Brown, Christian theology and the transformation of natural religion: from incarnation to sacramentality: essays in honour of David Brown. Leuven: Peeters.
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    Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume Iii: Systematic Theology.William J. Abraham - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Volume III of a tetralogy devoted to Divine Agency and Divine Action articulates a comprehensive vision of systematic theology focused on divine action from creation to eschatology.
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    Divine Agency and Politics in Plato’s Myth of Atlantis.George Harvey - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (3):555-576.
    This paper approaches the Critias straightforwardly as a work of political philosophy but gives greater attention to Athens’ opponent, Atlantis, whose founding, political organization, and eventual decline each offer important lessons about the aims of legislation and political life. I begin by comparing the foundation of the two cities as presented in Critias’ myth, with a special focus on the role of divine persuasion (I). I then describe the political organization of Athens and Atlantis, showing how they reflect the (...)
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    Causation and Divine Agency.Gregory E. Ganssle - 2023 - Philosophia Christi 25 (2):239-248.
    God’s regular causal activity is traditionally held to include his creation of the world, his conserving all created things in being and his concurrence with the causal activities of finite causes. Divine causation requires that God is an agent. In this paper, I apply E. J. Lowe’s view of human agency to God. This application requires certain adjustments. Lowe takes it that when a person acts for reasons, these reasons are lacks of some kind. I argue that his (...)
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  10. Divine agency, contemporary physics, and the autonomy of nature.William E. Carroll - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (4):582-602.
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    Timelessness and divine agency.Delmas Lewis - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 21 (3):143 - 159.
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    Augustine, Divine Agency, and Therapeutic Change.Warren Kinghorn - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (3):257-260.
    Suggesting that underlying some violent behavior is an unhealthy identification of one's self with one's behavior, such that there is no reflective space between the acting self and unwanted or violent action, Alexandra Pârvan echoes many contemporary psychotherapeutic models in suggesting that a central goal of psychotherapy for perpetrators and recipients of violence should be to encourage clients to distance the acting self from the self's experience and behavior. Pârvan observes that this is already a feature of "attachment-informed psychotherapy," but (...)
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    Divine Agency and Divine Action, by William J. Abraham. [REVIEW]David Efird - 2021 - Religious Studies 57:179-192.
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    William J. Abraham. Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume III: Systematic Theology.Joanna Leidenhag - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):738-741.
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  15. Agency Incompatibilism and Divine Agency.Helen Steward - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (3):67--78.
    In this paper, I consider whether an argument for compatibilism about free will and determinism might be developed from the thought that God’s agency seems consistent with the rational determination of at least some divine actions by the True and the Good. I attempt to develop such an argument and then consider how to respond to it from the point of view of my own position, which I call Agency Incompatibilism. I argue that a crucial premise in (...)
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    Renovating bhairav: Fierce gods, divine agency, and local power in kathmandu. [REVIEW]Michael C. Baltutis - 2009 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 13 (1):25-49.
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  17. The ontology of action and divine agency (do not cite without permission).Andrei Buckareff - manuscript
    The concept of divine agency is central to the narrative traditions inherited by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The scriptures of the Abrahamic religions include repeated references to the intentional actions and intentional outcomes of the actions of God. For instance, in the “Song of Moses” (Exodus 15:1-18), Moses celebrates the freedom of the Hebrews from bondage, declaring that Yahweh is “awesome in splendor, doing wonders” (5:11 NRSV). Alongside the picture of God as an agent who performs actions is (...)
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  18. Natural laws and divine agency in the later seventeenth century.Dennis des Chene - unknown
    It is a commonplace that one of the primary tasks of natural science is to discover the laws of nature. Those who don’t think that nature has laws will of course disagree; but of those who do, most will be in accord with Armstrong when he writes that natural science, having discovered the kinds and properties of things, should “state the laws” which those things “obey” (Armstrong What is a law 3). No Scholastic philosopher would have included the discovery of (...)
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    William J. Abraham. Divine Agency and Divine Action, Vols. 1 & 2.Joanna Leidenhag - 2019 - Journal of Analytic Theology 7 (1):700-705.
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    Human and Divine Agency: Anglican, Catholic and Lutheran Perspectives.Paul Helm - 2000 - Philosophia Christi 2 (1):120-121.
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    Eschatology as a manifestation of human uniqueness: Human vision, biblical revelation and divine agency.Klaus B. Nürnberger - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
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    God's Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency and the Argument From Evil.Mark C. Murphy - 2017 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Mark C. Murphy addresses the question of how God's ethics differs from human ethics. Murphy suggests that God is not subject to the moral norms to which we humans are subject. This has immediate implications for the argument from evil: we cannot assume that an absolutely perfect being is in any way bound to prevent the evils of this world.
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    God revealed through human agencyDivine agency and embodied practices of faith, hope, and love.Jan-Olav Henriksen - 2016 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 58 (4):453-472.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 58 Heft: 4 Seiten: 453-472.
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    Divine and Human Agency in the Work of Social Justice.Donald J. Musacchio - 2005 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 79:279-288.
    Radical Orthodoxy (RO) accepts the post-structuralist critiques of autonomous human agency while liberation theologians embrace Enlightenment ideals ofsubjectivity and the secular political space where agency is exercised. RO theologians think that by accepting these premises, liberation theology fails to resist violence and nihilism that are the inevitable fruit of secular autonomy. I want to formulate a liberationist response to these objections. Liberationists do not see human and divine agency as fundamentally opposed, but rather the deepest strivings (...)
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    Divine Providence and Human Agency: Trinity, Creation and Freedom.Alexander S. Jensen - 2014 - Routledge.
    Divine Providence and Human Agency develops an understanding of God and God's relation to creation that perceives God as sovereign over creation while, at the same time, allowing for a meaningful notion of human freedom. This book provides a bridge between contemporary approaches that emphasise human freedom, such as process theology and those influenced by it, and traditional theologies that stress divine omnipotence. This volume offers an important contribution to the debate of the doctrine of God in (...)
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  26. "... in God only one infinite act can be thought...": The Ambiguity of Divine Agency and the Diversity of Evil.Ingolf U. Dalferth - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (3):167-186.
    The paper argues that God does not act but is creative activity, which helps to overcome evil by the possibilities of the good that it opens up for creatures in the face of evil.
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    Mark Murphy. God’s Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency & the Argument from Evil.Christian B. Miller - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):726-729.
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    Human Agency and Divine Will: The Book of Genesis.Charlotte Katzoff - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book explores the conjuncture of human agency and divine volition in the biblical narrative - sometimes referred to as "double causality." A commonly held view has it that the biblical narrative shows human action to be determined by divine will. Yet, when reading the biblical narrative we are inclined to hold the actors accountable for their deeds. The book, then, challenges the common assumptions about the sweeping nature of divine causality in the biblical narrative and (...)
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  29. Mark C. Murphy, God’s Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency and the Argument from Evil. [REVIEW]Nevin Climenhaga - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (5):587-590.
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    The mystery and agency of God: divine being and action in the world.Frank G. Kirkpatrick - 2014 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    There are two philosophical commitments requisite to Christian belief: that God is the ultimate mystery and that God is present and active in the world. Attempting to avoid the trappings of a radical distantiation and the immanent collapse of God and world, Frank Kirkpatrick argues for a theory of agency and action that preserves the mystery of God while providing a philosophically robust account of divine action in created time and space. Kirkpatrick proposes a way around the stalemates (...)
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    Divine causal agency in classical Greek philosophy.Donald J. Zyl - 2021 - In Gregory E. Ganssle, Philosophical Essays on Divine Causation. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Donald J. Zeyl begins the historical section of the book by tracing divine causation throughout classical Greek philosophy. Some of the Pre-Socratics held to a single god as the source of rational order or change. These views suggested that the cosmos may be explained teleologically. Plato takes up that suggested promise in his Phaedo and finds it wanting. Instead, he looks to Forms as (formal) causes of natural processes. This direction of inquiry leads him to postulate, in the Republic, (...)
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    Physical Agencies and the Divine Persuasion.Maud Bodkin - 1945 - Philosophy 20 (76):148 - 161.
    The intention of this article is to examine the concept of the Divine persuasion as presented within the system of Dr. A. N. Whitehead. An attempt will be made to indicate the distinctive value of the concept in relation to certain relevant aspects of the religious thought of our time.
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    Divine and human agency in Second Temple Judaism and Paul: a comparative study.Jason Maston - 2010 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Obedience and the law of life in Sirach -- God's gracious acts of deliverance in the Hodayot -- Sin, the Spirit, and human obedience in Romans 7-8.
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  34. Berkeley, human agency and divine concurrentism.Jeffrey K. McDonough - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):pp. 567-590.
    This paper aims to offer a sympathetic reading of Berkeley’s often maligned account of human agency. The first section briefly revisits three options concerning the relationship between human and divine agency available to theistically minded philosophers in the medieval and early modern eras. The second argues that, of those three views, only the position of concurrentism is consistent with Berkeley’s texts. The third section explores Berkeley’s reasons for adopting concurrentism by highlighting three motivating considerations drawn from his (...)
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    Mark C. Murphy, God's Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency and the Argument from Evil. Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Mark Satta - 2018 - Philosophy in Review 38 (2):73-75.
  36. Divine and Human Agency from the Standpoint of Historicalism, Scientism, and Phenomenological Realism.Charles Taliaferro - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (3):3--25.
    Phenomenological realism, in the tradition of Dietrich von Hildebrand, is advanced as a promising methodology for a theistic philosophy of divine and human agency. Phenomenological realism is defended in contrast to the practice of historicalism -- the view that a philosophy of mind and God should always be done as part of a thoroughgoing history of philosophy, e.g. the use of examples in analytic theology should be subordinated to engaging the work of Kant and other great philosophers. The (...)
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    God’s Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency and the Argument from Evil, by Mark C. Murphy. [REVIEW]Kyla Ebels-Duggan - 2019 - Faith and Philosophy 36 (1):144-150.
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  38. Divine Grace and Human Agency: A Study of the Semi-Pelagian Controversy.Rebecca Harden Weaver - 1995
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    Divine Commands and Human Moral Agency.John R. White - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (4):555-566.
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    Chance or Agency? A Response to “Divine Providence and Chance in the World”.Peter Forrest - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (3):111-125.
    Przypadek czy sprawczość? Odpowiedź na „Divine Providence and Chance in the World” Dariusz Łukasiewicz wyróżnia sześć pojęć przypadku, spośród których jedne są spójne z ludzką wolnością rozumianą po libertariańsku, a inne nie. W tym eseju argumentuję na dwa sposoby, że teiści powinni odrzucić przypadek ontologiczny i odwołać się zamiast tego do nieredukowalnej sprawczości w odniesieniu do zdarzeń, które nie są opatrznościowo wyznaczone przez Boga. Moje argumenty zależą od jednoznacznego rozumienia twierdzeń, że Bóg jest kochającym sprawcą oraz że istoty ludzkie, (...)
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  41. Agency and omniscience.Tomis Kapitan - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (1):105-120.
    It is said that faith in a divine agent is partly an attitude of trust; believers typically find assurance in the conception of a divine being's will, and cherish confidence in its capacity to implement its intentions and plans. Yet, there would be little point in trusting in the will of any being without assuming its ability to both act and know, and perhaps it is only by assuming divine omniscience that one can retain the confidence in (...)
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  42. Berkeley on divine and human agency : a teleological reconstrual.James S. Spiegel - 2021 - In Gregory E. Ganssle, Philosophical Essays on Divine Causation. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Genuine Agency, Somehow Shared? The Holy Spirit and Other Gifts.Marilyn McCord Adams - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 1 (1):23-60.
    Medieval philosophical theologians thought that they had solved the problem of how God and creatures can be alike genuine agents in producing the world as we know it. But could God and creatures share genuine agency, when it comes to counting creatures and their actions worthy of eternal life? All agreed: God’s contribution was to elevate created agents by making them holy. Thinkers from Lombard to Ockham saw God as doing that in two ways: through a distinctive kind of (...)
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    Categorial differences between religious and scientific language: The agency of God.Luco J. van den Brom - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):6.
    In the dialogue of scientists and theologians, participants experienced differences in linguistic usage of the various disciplines, for example different concepts, grammatical rules, characteristic terminology, specific phrases, and expressions. A fascinating subject of this dialogue concerned God’s agency in human history within space-time, where the concepts of ‘God’ and ‘divine agency’ were unusual. In the church tradition, believers learned to use these concepts using biblical training with narratives such as the Exodus or Babylon stories. But to handle (...)
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    Kierkegaard on Divine Grace, Human Agency, and Love.Lee C. Barrett - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (4):684-707.
    Kierkegaard's writings contain seemingly divergent pictures of the relation of God's grace and human works. The differences are evident in the ways that he portrays the connection of human beings’ natural loving capacities to God's gracious enabling of love. What is the relation of human affiliative dispositions, such as attachment to family and friends, to the more extraordinary forms of Christian love, such as loving strangers, enemies, and God? Kierkegaard sometimes stressed the continuity of natural loves and God's grace and (...)
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    German Idealism’s Long Shadow: The Fall and Divine-Human Agency in Tillich’s Systematic Theology.Samuel Loncar - 2012 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 54 (1):95-118.
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    When Gods Don’t Appear: Divine Absence and Human Agency in Aristophanes.John Given - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (2):107-127.
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    Witchcraft and Calvinism in Elizabethan England: Divine Power and Human Agency.John L. Teall - 1962 - Journal of the History of Ideas 23 (1):21.
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    Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutic: Mapping Divine and Human Agency. By Mark Alan Bowald.Richard S. Briggs - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):178-179.
  50. Divine foreknowledge and providence in the commentaries of Boethius and Aquinas on the De interpretatione 9 by Aristotle.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2020 - Biblica Et Patristica Thoruniensia 13:151-173.
    Boethius represents one of the most important milestones in Christian reflection about fate and providence, especially considering that he takes into account Proclus’ contributions to these questions. For this reason, The Consolation of philosophy is considered a crucial work for the development of this topic. However, Boethius also exposes his ideas in his commentary on the book that constitutes one of the oldest and most relevant texts on the problem of future contingents, namely Aristotle’s De interpretatione. Although St. Thomas refers (...)
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