Results for 'Dionysian'

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  1. Press, 2007, xi+ 301 pp., numerous color+ b&w illus., $95.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Dionysian Faith - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (4).
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    On Dionysian lysis.Agatha Pitombo Bacelar - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03003-03003.
    This paper is a study of Dionysian _lysis_, “liberation”_._ We begin with the suggestion that in the description of the _mania telestike _in Plato’s _Phaedrus_ 244d-245a, the best candidate among Dionysian ritual practices abstracted by Socrates’ rhetoric is maenadic trance. The maenadic references also accompany the testimonies on Dionysos _Lysios_ in Corinth, Sicyon and Thebes, but here the evidence invites us to widen the scope of Dionysian cult practices and look at the god’s Mystery cults, notably at (...)
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    Dionysian Spirit as “The Social Self”: Alfred Schutz’s Insightful (Mis)use of Nietzsche.Alexander Jakobidze-Gitman - 2020 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 51 (3):215-230.
    Recent publications on Alfred Schutz suggest the importance of his musical thought for understanding his general viewpoint on intersubjectivity. Developing this proposition further, my article focuses on one aspect of Schutz’s writings on music: his attempts to amalgamate the aesthetic oppositions of the Dionysian/Apollonian by Friedrich Nietzsche and inner duration/spatialized time by Henri Bergson. Despite the seeming distortion of the initial meaning of the Dionysian impulse, I suggest that Schutz’s employment remains faithful to the aesthetic and cognitive theory (...)
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    Dionysian Religion and Socratic Philosophy in Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy.William Wood - 2024 - The Monist 107 (4):393-409.
    In The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche contrasts the rationalism and optimism of Socrates with the tragic outlook of the “Dionysian Greeks.” Most scholars read him as taking the side of the Dionysian Greeks against Socrates. I argue that Nietzsche presents the Dionysian as an essentially religious perspective, characterized by a proto-Christian need for redemption or “metaphysical solace” he implicitly disavows. Nietzsche himself occupies a perspective which incorporates elements of the Dionysian and the Socratic and gestures towards (...)
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    The Dionysian Vision of the World.Friedrich Nietzsche & Friedrich Ulfers - 2013 - Minneapolis, MN: Univocal Publishing. Edited by Ira J. Allen & Friedrich Ulfers.
    Before the world knew of the thinker who "philosophizes with a hammer," there was a young, passionate thinker who was captivated by the two forces found within Greek art: Dionysus and Apollo. In this essay, which was the forerunner to his groundbreaking book The Birth of Tragedy, The Dionysian Vision of the World provides an unparalleled look into the philosophical mind of one of Europe's greatest and provocative intellects at the beginning of his philosophical interrogation on the subject of (...)
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    Dionysians and Apollonians.Michel Cabanac - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):263-264.
    There are two sorts of scientists: Dionysians, who rely on intuition, and Apollonians, who are more systematic. Self-experimentation is a Dionysian approach that is likely to open new lines of research. Unfortunately, the Dionysian approach does not allow one to predict the results of experiments. That is one reason why self-experimentation is not popular among granting agencies.
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    A Dionysian songbook: The mysterious singing.Elliott M. Levine - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):719-732.
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    Nietzsche and the Dionysian: A Compulsion to Ethics.Peter Durno Murray - 2018 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _Nietzsche and the Dionysian_ argues that the Dionysian affect in Nietzsche’s early work can be linked to an originary interruption of self-consciousness articulated by the philosophical companion, who compels us to respond to the plurality of life they express by being ‘true to the earth’ and ‘becoming who we are’. Such an ethics, compelled by the Dionysian affect, grounds any future for humanity in the affirmation of the earth and life.
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    Dionysian Aesthetics: The Role of Destruction in Creation as Reflected in the Life and Works of Friedrich Nietzsche.Adrian Del Caro - 1981 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Under the symbol of Dionysus, god of annihilation, metamorphosis, tragedy, Nietzsche succeeded in fusing elements of the mythological with a new philosophical world view culminating in an anti-ethic «beyond good and evil». «Dionysian Aesthetics» delves into the three periods of Nietzsche's productivity, systematically analyzing the relationships between major works and adhering closely to Nietzsche's «Werdegang». The focus for an understanding of the aesthetic is shifted from «Die Geburt der Tragödie» to the late works of the philo- sophical-Dionysus period.
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    Dionysian Classicism, or Nietzsche’s Appropriation of an Aesthetic Norm.Adrian Del Caro - 1989 - Journal of the History of Ideas 50 (4):589.
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    The Dionysian Vision of the World.Ira J. Allen (ed.) - 2013 - Minneapolis, MN: Univocal Publishing.
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    (1 other version)The Dionysian worldview.Friedrich Nietzsche & Claudia Crawford - 1997 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 13:81-97.
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    Dionysian enlightenment”: Walter Kaufmann's Nietzsche in historical perspective.Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen - 2006 - Modern Intellectual History 3 (2):239-269.
    Walter Kaufmann's monumental study of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy, Nietzsche:Philosopher,Psychologist,Antichrist (1950) dramatically transformed Nietzsche interpretations in the postwar United States and rendered Kaufmann himself a dominant figure in transatlantic Nietzsche studies from 1950 until his death in 1980. While the longevity of Kaufmann's hegemony over postwar American Nietzsche interpretations in particular is remarkable, even more so is the fact that he revitalized the career of such a radical thinker in the conservative intellectual climate of the 1950s. Philosophers and historians typically credit (...)
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    Dionysian economics: making economics a scientific social science.Benjamin Ward - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Nietzsche distinguished between two forces in art: Apollonian, which represents order and reason, and Dionysian, which represents chaos and energy. Economists, Ward argues, have operated for too long under the assumption that their work reflects the scientific, Apollonian principals that inform physics when they simply do not apply to economics: 'constants' in economics stand in for variables, and the core scientific principles of prediction and replication are all but ignored by economists. Ward encourages economists to reintegrate the standard rigor (...)
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  15. Nietzsche's Ubermensch: A Dionysian Telos.David W. Goldberg - 1987 - Dissertation, Duquesne University
    This dissertation examines Nietzsche's enigmatic concept of the Ubermensch. Many endeavors have been made to elucidate this term and all have confronted certain problematic areas concerning the Ubermensch. First, there are very few direct references to the term, and this applies not only to the published works but also Nietzsche's notes. Secondly, and more importantly, whenever Nietzsche does comment on the Ubermensch he does so with a vagueness that always leaves one puzzled concerning the concept. What results is a questioning (...)
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    Dionysian biopolitics: Karl kerényi’s concept of indestructible life.Kristóf Fenyvesi - 2014 - Comparative Philosophy 5 (2).
    Scholar of religion Karl Kerényi’s last book, Dionysos, is a grand attempt at reinterpreting ζωη ( zoe ), the Greek concept of indestructible life, which he distinguishes from βίος (bios), finite life. In Kerényi’s view, the meaning and sensual experience of zoe was expressed in its richest form in the Cretan beginnings of the cult of Dionysos. The major characteristics of this cult, as Kerényi describes, were beyond the cultural, political, and sexual limits of the Christian interpretations of life and (...)
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    The Dionysian Free Jazz of John W. Coltrane.Dharmender S. Dhillon - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (190):136-156.
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    The Dionysian sources in philosophy.Michael Gelven - 1977 - Man and World 10 (2):173-193.
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    Dionysian thought in sixteenth‐century spanish mystical theology.Luis M. Girón-negrón - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (4):693-706.
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    The Birth of Dionysian Education (out of the Spirit of Music)? Part Two.Sean Steel - 2015 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 23 (1):67.
    Although much has been written about Nietzsche’s views on education over the years, and much has also been written about Dionysus, the god of wine and ecstasy, very little attention has been given to the meaning of, and need for, a Dionysian education. This two-part article is an attempt to begin that project. In Part One, drawing Nietzsche’s articulation of the Dionysian, Apollonian, and anti-Dionysian into the orbit of broader scholarship on Dionysus, the author invited readers to (...)
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    On the Need for Dionysian Education in Schools Today.Sean Steel - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (2):123-141.
    Although much has been written about Friedrich Nietzsche's views on education over the years, and much has also been written about Dionysus, god of wine and ecstasy, very little attention has been given to the meaning of, and need for, Dionysian education. In this article, Sean Steel attempts to begin that project. Drawing Nietzsche's articulation of the Dionysian, Apollonian, and anti-Dionysian into the orbit of broader scholarship on Dionysus, Steel invites readers to think about what a (...) education might look like in a modern-day school setting, as well as to consider what challenges exist for the implementation of such a vision of education. (shrink)
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    Dionysian Redemption, Ariadne's Death, Asses' Ears—and Nietzsche's Debts.Babette Babich - 2021 - New Nietzsche Studies 11 (3):99-130.
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    ‘Why are Dionysian artists mostly worthless people?’ Aristotle's Προβληματα Εγκυκλια in context.Michiel Meeusen - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):781-785.
    ὥστε καθάπερ τοὺς ὑποκρινομένους,οὕτως ὑποληπτέον λέγειν καὶ τοὺς ἀκρατευομένους.Arist. Eth. Nic. 7.3.1147a22-4In Attic Nights 20.4, Aulus Gellius reports how his Athenian teacher, the Platonist L. Calvenus Taurus, advised one of his pupils to temper his devotion to stage actors and to turn his attention to the study of philosophy. Wishing to divert his student from associating with theatre people, Taurus assigned the daily reading of a specific chapter from Aristotle's Προβλήματα Ἐγκύκλια. He sent his student an extract from the book, (...)
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    The Birth of Dionysian Education (out of the Spirit of Music)? Part One.Sean Steel - 2014 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 22 (1):38.
    Although much has been written about Nietzsche’s views on education over the years and much has also been written about Dionysus the god of wine and ecstasy, very little attention has been given to the meaning of, and need for, a Dionysian education. This article is an attempt to begin that project. Drawing Nietzsche’s articulation of the Dionysian, Apollonian, and anti-Dionysian into the orbit of broader scholarship on Dionysus, the author invites readers to think about what a (...)
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    The Dionysian Narrative of Diodorus 15.Lionel Sanders - 1988 - Hermes 116 (1):54-63.
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  26. Plato’s Dionysian Music?Jacob Howland - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):17-47.
    Like Aristophanes’ Frogs, Plato’s Symposium stages a contest between literary genres. The quarrel between Socrates and Aristophanes constitutes the primary axis of this contest, and the speech of Alcibiades echoes and extends that of Aristophanes. Alcibiades’ comparison of Socrates with a satyr, however, contains the key to understanding Socrates’ implication, at the very end of the dialogue, that philosophy alone understands the inner connectedness, and hence the proper nature, of both tragedy and comedy. I argue that Plato reflects in the (...)
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  27. Dionysian elements in Thomas Aquinas's christology: A case of the authority and ambiguity of pseudo-Dionysius.Andrew Hofer - 2008 - The Thomist 72 (3):409-442.
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    The Dionysian Finitude of the Question.John M. Rose - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (Supplement):173-181.
  29. The Dionysian and Apollonian Pathos of Distance in World History.Dh Brown - 1989 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 18 (4):347-359.
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    Whither Dionysian Music.John Carvalho - 2023 - New Nietzsche Studies 12 (1):77-93.
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    Pious Nietzsche: Decadence and Dionysian Faith.Bruce Ellis Benson - 2007 - Indiana University Press.
    Bruce Ellis Benson puts forward the surprising idea that Nietzsche was never a godless nihilist, but was instead deeply religious. But how does Nietzsche affirm life and faith in the midst of decadence and decay? Benson looks carefully at Nietzsche's life history and views of three decadents, Socrates, Wagner, and Paul, to come to grips with his pietistic turn. Key to this understanding is Benson's interpretation of the powerful effect that Nietzsche thinks music has on the human spirit. Benson claims (...)
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    The Dionysian Self: C.G. Jung's Reception of Friedrich Nietzsche.Paul Bishop - 1995 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Friedrich Nietzsche has emerged as one of the most important and influential modern philosophers. For several decades, the book series Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung (MTNF) has set the agenda in a rapidly growing and changing field of Nietzsche scholarship. The scope of the series is interdisciplinary and international in orientation reflects the entire spectrum of research on Nietzsche, from philosophy to literary studies and political theory. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that undergo a strict peer-review process. The (...)
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    Dionysian and the Apollonian Attributes Presented in Korean Shamanistic Dance - A Study on the Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, The Birth of Tragedy. 정선희 - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 73 (73):111-136.
    한국 무속의 성격에 대한 계통학적 분석은 기존 종교학적 성격의 분석 이외에 새로운 연구 범위를 제시하고 이에 따른 새로운 시각으로 접근해 들어갈 필요성이 제기된다. 특히 원시종교가 가지고 있던 원초적인 주술성은 고대종교로 사회가 분화 확대됨에 따라 점차 제의로 양식화되는 과정을 거친다. 더욱이 한국의 자연종교적인 무속에서 이루어지는 굿이라는 제의적인 양식과 더불어 무당에 의해 거행되는 춤과 극적인 양식은 오랜 시간 동안 특정한 입무과정과 교육을 통해 계승되는 특징을 가진다. 이것은 곧 한국 무속의 성격 분석이 문화와 예술의 영역에 이르는 보다 광범위한 분야에서 진행되어져야 한다는 것을 의미한다. (...)
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    Dionysian Uplifting (Anagogy) in Bonaventure's Reductio.Paul Rorem - 2012 - Franciscan Studies 70:183-188.
    Although many aspects of Bonaventure’s little classic De Reductione Artium ad Theologiam have been addressed in recent literature,1 the translation of the title remains problematic, not only from Latin into English but also from a Greek precedent into Latin. Calling it “On the Reduction of the Arts to Theology” always requires an explanation of the word “reduction.”2 How all the arts, indeed all of human learning, relate to theology and thus to God can hardly be considered a reduction in the (...)
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    'The Dionysian worldview': Nietzsche's symbolic languages and music.Claudia Crawford - 1997 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 13:72-80.
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    The Dionysian World-view and the Possibility of Community ― In the Case of Nietzsche and Maffesoli. 서광열 - 2016 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 74:43-73.
    본 논문은 독일의 철학자 프리드리히 니체와 프랑스의 사회학자 미셸 마페졸리의 사유에 공통적으로 내재된 “디오니소스적인 것”을 중심으로 공동체적 삶의 가능성을 해석한다. 두 사람은 근대성에 대한 대안으로 비도덕적인 삶의 방식에 주목하였는데, 니체가 고대 그리스의 디오니소스축제와 비극 공연에서 디오니소스적인 요소를 발견했다면, 마페졸리는 “지금 여기”에서 전개되는 일상의 삶에서 디오니소스적인 것을 찾고자 하였다. 니체가 비극 무대 위에서 살아 움직이는 디오니소스를 보았다면, 마페졸리는 무대 위에서 시선을 돌려 ‘목전의’ 삶에서 디오니소스를 발견하고자 했던 것이다. 본 논문의 2장에서는 니체와 마페졸리의 사유에 내재된 “디오니소스적인 것”의 특성에 대해 살펴볼 것이다. 3장에서는 (...)
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    Nietzsche on the dionysian and the human-nature connection.Matheus Becari Dias - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):138-149.
    This article explores the interrelation between the Dionysian artistic impulse, human nature, and Greek culture in the early works of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). With a focus on the significance of the human-nature connection, it highlights the anthropological conception of ancient tragic thought and the recognition of the role of instincts in the production of tragic art. The Dionysian artistic impulse, linked by Nietzsche to the vital drive of creation and destruction, presents, in its celebration of the reconciliation between (...)
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    Early Punk and the Dionysian Lion-Child.Casey Rentmeester - 2022 - In Joshua Heter & Richard Greene (eds.), Punk Rock and Philosophy: Research and Destroy. Carus Books. pp. 109-116.
    A book chapter in the volume Punk Rock and Philosophy: Research and Destroy on how punk rock can be interpreted through the lens of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy.
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    Apollinian Scientia Sexualis and Dionysian Ars Erotica?: On the Relation Between Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality and Friedrich Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy.Philipp Haueis - 2012 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 43 (2):260-282.
    This article explores how a nonreductionist account of Nietzsche's influence on Michel Foucault can enrich our understanding of key concepts in singular works of both philosophers. I assess this exegetical strategy by looking at the two dichotomies Apollinian/Dionysian and ars erotica/scientia sexualis in The Birth of Tragedy and volume 1 of The History of Sexuality, respectively. After exploring the relation between these two dichotomies, I link the science of sexuality to the Apollinian art instinct via the existence of Socratic (...)
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  40. Nietzsche: Art and Dionysian Truth.Peter Heckman - 1988 - Dissertation, Northwestern University
    It is often asserted that Nietzsche's proposal that "there is no truth" is indebted to his views on aesthetics. That is, it is argued both that Nietzsche perceived art as exclusive of truth, and that he viewed the whole of existence as artistic in this sense. In this paper I attempt to supplement this argument by excavating the sense of truth that is available in Nietzsche's thought concerning art. "Dionysian truth" is not a property of objects which represent the (...)
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    Nietzsche and the Dionysian Ideal.Nikolas Kompridis - 1997 - Symposium 1 (1):25-34.
    In this paper I trace and explain the changes in Nietzsche’s conception of the Dionysian ideal. I identify five attributes of the Dionysian ideal, and claim that they are constitutive of it. I also claim that Nietzsche’s early conception of the Dionysian ideal owes less to his speculations concerning the origin of Greek tragedy than to his encounter with the mature music of Richard Wagner. It was through his encounter with Wagner’s music that Nietzsche believed he first (...)
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    Nietzsche and Napoleon: The Dionysian Conspiracy.Don Dombowsky - 2014 - University of Wales Press.
    This book offers an analysis of Nietzsche as a political philosopher in the context of the political movements of his era. Don Dombowsky examines Nietzsche’s political thought, known as aristocratic radicalism, in light of the ideology associated with Napoleon I and Napoleon III known as Bonapartism. Dombowsky argues that Nietzsche’s aristocratic radicalism is indistinguishable from Bonapartism and that Nietzsche is a delegate of the Napoleonic cult of personality.
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    Dürer's "Männerbad": A Dionysian Mystery.Edgar Wind - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (3):269-271.
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    Zarathustra's Dionysian Modernism.Robert Gooding-Williams - 2007 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 34 (1):61-78.
  45. Dionysian and Apollonian Pathos of Distance: A new image of World History.David Brown - 1991 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 26 (57):77-88.
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    Apolionian/Dionysian-Master/Slave.Brian Wetstein - 2004 - Symposium 8 (1):103-116.
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    Recent Attempts to Define a Dionysian Political Theory.L. Michael Harrington - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (4):639-660.
    The Dionysian corpus makes virtually no statement about the authority of kings or the structure of nations, but it has nevertheless repeatedly been the subjectof political analysis. Several scholars have recently sketched out a Dionysian politics by drawing analogies between the Dionysian church and the city, and between the Dionysian bishop and the emperor. These analogies are of limited usefulness. They show that Dionysius does employ Platonic political language to describe the ecclesiastical hierarchy, but they risk (...)
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  48. "Dionysian Art and Populist Politics in Austria": William J. McGrath. [REVIEW]K. Mitchells - 1976 - British Journal of Aesthetics 16 (1):84.
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  49. Ethics--Apollonian and Dionysian.Mary L. Coolidge - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (17):449-465.
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    Dionysus Now: Dionysian Myth-History in the Sixties.John Carlevale - 2005 - Arion 13 (2).
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