Results for 'Dino Del Bo'

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    La volontà dello stato.Dino del Bo - 1956 - Milano]: Garzanti.
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    Altri libertari: per una teoria egualitaria del titolo valido.Corrado Del Bò - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (3):457-472.
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    Le questioni di giustizia di fronte alla rivoluzione genetica.Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia 95 (1):141-150.
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    Three Concepts of Neutrality.Corrado Del Bò - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia 100 (2):185-208.
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  5. Matt Matravers: Justice and punishment: the rationality of coercion.C. Del Bo - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):216-217.
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    Simone Weil, dall'anarchismo alla cristianità.Rinaldo Del Bo - 1976 - Milano: All'insegna del pesce d'oro.
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    Teorie liberali dello sfruttamento.Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia 95 (3):465-484.
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  8. Massimo Reichlin: l'etica e la buona morte.Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):170-175.
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    La neutralità necessaria: liberalismo e religione nell'età del pluralismo.Corrado Del Bò - 2014 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Conscientious Objection and the Morning‐After Pill.Corrado Del Bò - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (2):133-145.
    abstract The so‐called ‘morning‐after pill’ is a drug that prevents pregnancy if taken no later than 72 hours after presumably fertile sexual intercourse. This article argues against a right of conscientious objection for pharmacists with regard to dispensing this drug. Some arguments that might be advanced in support of this right will be considered and rejected. Section 2 argues that from a philosophical point of view, the most relevant question is not whether the morning‐after pill prevents implantation nor is it (...)
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    Persona e società nella filosofia di N. Berdiaeff.Rinaldo Del Bo - 1944 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    L’etica e la buona morte. [REVIEW]Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):169-175.
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  13. Text and Commentary.”.Dino del Garbo - 1940 - Mediaeval Studies 2:150-203.
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  14. Tesi della propietà di sè.Corrado del Bò - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (3):127.
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    Central command and reflex regulation: Cardiovascular patterns during behavior.Alberto Del Bo & Alberto Zanchetti - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):297-298.
  16.  28
    (1 other version)Protection from the lie and protection of truth between philosophy and law.Corrado Del Bò - 2019 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies:93.
    In the era of fake news, truth has become a different and more urgent political problem than the traditional issues of the arcana imperii and the lies of the rulers. Starting from this observation, and deepening some considerations contained in the essay by Hannah Arendt _Thruth and Politics_, the article offers a worried report on the possibility of truth (scientific and factual) not to be reduced to mere opinion among others, and concludes that only a loyal collaboration between epistemic authorities (...)
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    Dino del Garbo et le pouvoir de l’imagination sur le corps.Aurélien Robert - 2015 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 1 (1):139-195.
    Dino del Garbo, médecin actif dans les premières décennies du xiv e siècle, est surtout connu pour son commentaire au poème de Guido Cavalcanti Donna me prega. La présente étude propose l’édition d’une question quodlibétique sur la capacité de l’imagination à altérer le corps, disputée à Bologne ou Sienne dans les années 1320. Nous examinons le contexte médical et philosophique dans lequel s’inscrit cette question, en montrant notamment comment le débat s’est progressivement cristallisé autour de l’opposition entre un modèle (...)
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  18. Proprietà.Corrado Del Bò - 2015 - In Mario Ricciardi, Andrea Rossetti & Vito Velluzzi (eds.), Filosofia del diritto. Roma: Carocci editore.
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    (1 other version)Evidence of weak conscious experiences in the exclusion task.Kristian Sandberg, Simon H. Del Pin, Bo M. Bibby & Morten Overgaard - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    La teoria della quantificazione del predicato di William Hamilton e la rinascita della logica.Dino Buzzetti - 1973 - Rivista di Filosofia 64 (4):295-337.
    Sir William Hamilton's theory of the quantification of the predicate is presented and discussed with reference to the contemporary debate on logic.
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    Corrado del Bò, La giustizia. Un’introduzione filosófica.Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:281-289.
    Este artículo reseña: Corrado DEL BÒ, La giustizia. Un’introduzione filosófica, Carocci editore, Roma, 2022, 143 pp.
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    Vita e forma nella realtà del diritto.Dino Pasini - 1964 - Milano: Giuffrè.
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    Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren.Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort (eds.) - 2019 - Lund: Arkiv förlag.
    I väntan på den engelska Festschriften, den definitiva biografin eller de självförhärligande memoarerna kommer här för första gången en samling porträtt av den internationellt mest uppmärksammade svenska statsvetaren, den kontroversielle samhällsdebattören Bo Rothstein. Få samhällsforskare har med sådan intensitet tagit universitetens tredje uppgift till intäkt för att ifrågasätta gängse uppfattningar om sakernas tillstånd i riket. Många är de läsare, tittare eller åhörare som knappast kunnat undgå att beröras av hans synpunkter på allt från metoo till tiggeri, något färre är nog (...)
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  24. Teocrazia e storia sacra in Kircher e Vico.Dino Pastine - 1980 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 10:150-166.
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  25. Paura'reciproca'e paura'comune'in Hobbes.Dino Pasini & Giurisprudenza di Napoli - forthcoming - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto.
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  26. Diritto e potere nella filosofia giuridica, politica e civile di Enrico Opocher.Dino Fiorot - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 2:189-214.
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  27. Enrico Opocher (1914-2004).Dino Fiorot - 2004 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 2:181-184.
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  28. La legge e il volto di Dio: la rivelazione sul Sinai nella letteratura ebraica e cristiana.Federico Dal Bo - 2004 - Firenze: Giuntina.
    L'antigiudaismo cristiano è essenzialmente la credenza che il popolo ebraico debba rinunciare alla propria fede e convertirsi al cristianesimo. In questo testo viene studiata la prima forma sistematica di antigiudaismo sviluppata in termini filosofici e teologici da Agostino d'Ippona. Alla luce dell'analisi filosofica sembra che l'avversione di Agostino per la fede ebraica si fondi su un'autentica rimozione della specificità del popolo eletto, della Legge e della Rivelazione sul Sinai.
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    Etnología y fenomenología: ideas acerca de una hermenéutica del extrañamiento.Marcelo Bórmida - 1976 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones Cervantes.
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    The Canzone d'Amore of Cavalcanti According to the Commentary of Dino del Garbo.Otto Bird - 1941 - Mediaeval Studies 3 (1):117-160.
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    Studi sul pensiero estetico del Settecento: Crousaz, Du Bos, André, Batteux, Diderot.Ermanno Migliorini - 1966 - [Firenze]: Il Fiorino.
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    Tacitus' Dialogus Domenico Bo: Le principali problematiche del Dialogus de Oratoribus. (Spudasmata, 51.) Panorarnica storico-critica dal 1426 al 1990, con in appendice: restituzione critica del testo alla luce di nuova classificazione dei codici. Pp. 462. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York: Georg olms Verlag, 1993. Paper, DM 88. [REVIEW]Michael Winterbottom - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):57-58.
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    La fotografía y la muerte del arte.Carlos Jiménez Moreno - 1996 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:43-55.
    El artículo establece, principalmente, las consecuencias que el descubrimiento de la fotografía ocasionó en el sistema de las artes y en el ámbito de la reflexión teórica acerca de las manifestaciones artísticas. De este modo, el autor relaciona la expansión de la fotografía con la "muerte del arte", una expansión que patentizó la idea de la "muerte del arte" presente en la tradición romántica, desde Hegel hasta Schiller. Tomando como punto de partida el análisis que de este problema hace (...) Fonnaggio en su texto La muerte del arte y la estética, el autor reflexiona acerca del cuestionamiento que la fotografia hace del concepto de arte, de los límites del sistema de las artes y del establecimiento de las diferencias entre el artista, la obra y el espectador. (shrink)
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    El despertar del sueño dogmático. Un análisis histórico y sistemático.Fernando Moledo - 2014 - Studia Kantiana 16:105-123.
    En Prolegómenos Kant afirma que la advertencia de Hume lo despertó del sueño dogmático. Pero en la carta a Garve de 1798 afirma que aquello que lo despertó del sueño dogmático fue la Antinomia de la razón pura. El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una interpretación de estos dos testimonios autobiográficos, que permita conciliarlos de manera coherente. Voy a sostener al respecto que am- bos despertares aluden a un mismo proceso, que comienza con la advertencia de Hume sobre el (...)
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  35. Reinach and Armstrongian State of Affairs Ontology.Bo R. Meinertsen - 2020 - Axiomathes 32 (3):401-412.
    In this paper, I relate key features of Adolf Reinach’s abundant ontology of propositional states of affairs of his to Armstrong’s—or an Armstrongian—state of affairs ontology, with special regard to finding out how sparse or abundant the latter is with respect to negative states of affairs. After introducing the issue, I clarify the notion of a propositional state of affairs, paying special attention to the notion of abstract versus concrete. I show how Reinach’s states of affairs are propositional, and how (...)
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    Løgstrups mange ansigter.David Bugge, Pia Rose Böwadt & Peter Aaboe Sørensen (eds.) - 2006 - København: Forlaget ANIS.
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  37. On Digital Bildung: Raising a Critical Awareness of Digital Matters.Bo Allesøe Christensen - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (3):303-322.
    The aim of the article is to theoretically develop a notion of digital _Bildung_ that accepts the “world” of today as characterised by the entanglement of humans and technology. I draw on Adorno’s critical notion of _Bildung_, Luciano Floridi’s and Katherine Hayles’ respective understandings of the human-technology entanglement, and the social philosophy of the American philosopher Robert Brandom to understand _Bildung_ as a piecemeal process. Nevertheless, _Bildung_ is a rational process of making explicit the implicit connections to which we commit (...)
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    Pascal’s mystic hexagram, and a conjectural restoration of his lost treatise on conic sections.Andrea Del Centina - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (5):469-521.
    Through an in-depth analysis of the notes that Leibniz made while reading Pascal’s manuscript treatise on conic sections, we aim to show the real extension of what he called “hexagrammum mysticum”, and to highlight the main results he achieved in this field, as well as proposing plausible proofs of them according to the methods he seems to have developed.
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    Algunos matices ideológicos del siglo XVII en México: La controversia entre D. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora y el Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino sobre la naturaleza y efectos de los cometas.María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:289-304.
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    Compensatory Ethics.Chen-Bo Zhong, Gillian Ku, Robert B. Lount & J. Keith Murnighan - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (3):323-339.
    Several theories, both ancient and recent, suggest that having the time to contemplate a decision should increase moral awareness and the likelihood of ethical choices. Our findings indicated just the opposite: greater time for deliberation led to less ethical decisions. Post-hoc analyses and a followup experiment suggested that decision makers act as if their previous choices have created or lost moral credentials: after an ethical first choice, people acted significantly less ethically in their subsequent choice but after an unethical first (...)
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    The Visionary Academy of Ocular Mentality: Atlas of the Iconic Turn.Luca Del Baldo - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    Luca Del Baldo's Visionary Academy of Ocular Mentality is an extraordinary testament in the recent history of visual studies. It brings together a group of outstanding scholars who have devoted their lives to art history, philosophy, history, ethnology, focussing predominantly on questions of human perception and imagination. Working from photographs provided by the scholars, Luca del Baldo painted his series of 96 portraits reproduced in this book. The portraits are accompanied by texts written by the persons portrayed, in response to (...)
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    (1 other version)El modelo historicista inglés del XVIII como vía de análisis y acceso a propuestas actuales de modernidad en la educación de la mujer.María del Carmen Lara Nieto - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:181-190.
    Partimos de unas reflexiones sobre el Racionalismo y el Historicismo como dos enfoques con perfiles epistemológicos claramente diferenciados, que llevan a quien en ellos se sitúe a muy diversos planteamientos respecto a cualquier cuestión de carácter social. Examinamos el alcance y potencial de ambos en su argumentación cuando pretenden dar cuenta del origen de la sociedad política y todo lo que ello representa, instituciones, valores… Esbozada esta cuestión se recala en el análisis jovellanista de la mujer. Jovellanos conoce bien ambos (...)
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  43. Panorama contemporáneo de la Lingüística y la Literatura en Chile. Entrevista a Victoria Espinosa Santos, miembro de la Academia Chilena de la Lengua.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Boletín GEC 30 (30):197-204.
    Victoria Espinosa Santos es miembro de la Academia Chilena de la Lengua desde 2017 y forma parte de la Comisión de Lexicografía. Esta entrevista, realizada de forma virtual el 6 de julio de 2021, se concentra en los siguientes temas: las variaciones del español de América, el rol de las lenguas indígenas en el español de Chile, el trabajo de las academias de la Lengua Española, el rol de las academias en relación con la lingüística y la literatura.
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    La revaloración de la práctica del boxeo y los óptimos resultados en la cultura peruana. Entrevista al campeón de boxeo Jonathan Maicelo.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2024 - Edu-Física.Com.Revista de Ciencias Aplicadas Del Deporte 16 (34):86-95.
    Esta entrevista se realizó al boxeador peruano Jonathan Maicelo el día 17 de julio de 2021. La finalidad de esta conversación es abordar las motivaciones y la preparación física del deportista. Asimismo, el aprendizaje que brinda para muchos de sus seguidores es la construcción de su propia vida cotidiana a partir de su formación profesional.
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    A European Identity: To the Historical Limits of a Concept.Bo Stråth - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (4):387-401.
    The history of a European identity is the history of a concept and a discourse. A European identity is an abstraction and a fiction without essential proportions. Identity as a fiction does not undermine but rather helps to explain the power that the concept exercises. The concept since its introduction on the political agenda in 1973 has been highly ideologically loaded and in that capacity has been contested. There has been a high degree of agreement on the concept as such, (...)
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  46. La transfiguración como preludio del «Exodo» de Jesus en Lc 9, 28-36: estudio derásico y teológico.A. Del Agua - 1993 - Salmanticensis 40 (1):5-19.
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  47. Ujamaa and ubuntu: conceptual histories for a planetary perspective.Bo Stråth - 2024 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    For over a decade, the world has experienced an accelerating erosion of a language that took hundreds of years to emerge. It is a language ordering time and space with words, such as enlightenment, reason, rationality, modernization, and the most recent by-word, globalization. However, it is a language that has been accompanied by colonialism, imperialism, racism, the exploitation of people and nature, an unequal distribution of the world's resources, pogroms, genocides, and world wars. There has been a gap between assumptions (...)
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  48. The debate on the Yan-yi relation in chinese philosophy: Reconstruction and comments.Bo Chen - 2006 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (4):539-560.
    The debate on the yan-yi relation was carried out by Chinese philosophers collectively, and the principles and methods in the debate still belong to a living tradition of Chinese philosophy. From Yijing (Book of Changes), Lunyu (Analects), Laozi and Zhuangzi to Wang Bi, "yi" which cannot be expressed fully by yan (language), is not only "idea" or "meaning" in the human mind, but is also some kind of ontological existence, which is beyond yan and emblematic symbols, and unspeakable. Thus, the (...)
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  49. Diritto e personalità umana nella storia del pensiero.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1904 - Bologna,: Stab. tip. Zamorani e Albertazzi.
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    Sull'idea di una scienza del diritto universale comparato.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1909 - Torino [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca.
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