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Demetrios J. Constantelos [6]Demetrios Constantelos [5]
  1. The Moslem conquests of the near east as revealed in the Greek sources of the seventh and eighth centuries.Demetrios J. Constantelos - 1972 - Byzantion 42 (2):325-57.
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  2. A. Karpozilos, Βυζαντινоì ίστоρικоì καì χραναγράϕоι [Byzantine historians and chroniclers], 1: (4oς,-7oς αì.) [Fourth–seventh centuries]. In Greek. Athens: Kanake, 1997. Paper. Pp. 642. [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 1998 - Speculum 73 (3):862-863.
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  3.  18
    Apostolos Karpozilos, Bυζαντινoì іστoρινκoì καì χρoνoγράφoι, 2: [Byzantine historians and chronographers, 2: ]. Athens: Kanake, 2002. Paper. Pp. 653; 1 black-and-white figure. [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 2005 - Speculum 80 (1):244-246.
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  4. Eleonora Kountoura-Galake, Byzantine Clergy and Society in the Dark Centuries. In Greek. (Monographs, 3.) Athens: Institute for Byzantine Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 1996. Paper. Pp. 247. Distributed by HESTIA, Solonos 60, 106 72 Athens. [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 1998 - Speculum 73 (2):551-553.
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  5. Ignatios the Deacon, The Life of the Patriarch Tarasios by Ignatios the Deacon (BHG 1698), ed. and trans. Stephanos Efthymiadis.(Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs, 4.) Aldershot, Eng., and Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate/Variorum, 1998. Pp. xix, 309 plus 3 black-and-white figures; 1 diagram. $76.95. [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 2001 - Speculum 76 (1):177-179.
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  6.  33
    John Travis, In Defense of the Faith: The Theology of Patriarch Nikephoros of Constantinople. Brookline, Mass.: Hellenic College Press, 1984. Pp. xviii, 182. $19.95 (cloth); $12.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):1037-1038.
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