Results for 'De Sensibus'

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  1.  13
    De Sensibus.Serafín Bodelón García - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 117:407-425.
    Este artículo trata de la teoría de la percepción en el De Sensibus de Teofrasto y en el De Rerum Natura de Lucrecio. Teofrasto realiza una exposición de las opiniones de Empédocles, Clidemo, Diógenes de Apolonia, Demócrito, Anaxágoras y Platón; pero también realiza una amplia crítica de las opiniones de dichos autores. Por otra parte, el poema de Lucrecio, en su libro cuarto, expone la teoría de los simulacra (D. R. N., TV, 50-360), donde se ocupa de la percepción, (...)
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    Theophrastus’De sensibus in A-fragments of Diels-Kranz. Revisiting the Testimonia and their Value.Han Baltussen - 2020 - Rhizomata 7 (2):120-145.
    As a crucial source for Presocratic theories of sense perception, Theophrastus’ De sensibus deserves a closer scrutiny than the placement among A-fragments, as often suggested or instigated. This paper proposes to refine our terminology for labelling the varying quality of reporting within the A-fragments has. It supplements the existing criticism of Diels’ division by analysing neglected features. A reassessment of the assumptions underlying the terms ‘fragment’ and ‘paraphrase’ can contribute to dissolving the sharp distinction between A- and B-fragments in (...)
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    Theophrastus, De Sensibus 66: Democritus' Explanation of Salinity.J. B. McDiarmid - 1959 - American Journal of Philology 80 (1):56.
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  4. De Sensibus.Walter Burley - 1966 - München: Hueber. Edited by Herman Shapiro & Frederick Scott.
  5.  50
    Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato: peripatetic dialectic in the De sensibus.Han Baltussen - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    This study offers a new and stimulating interpretation of Theophrastus' "De sensibus, a treatise unique in content and method, as it reports and criticizes the ...
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  6. Theophrastean echoes? The De sensibus in the Platonic and Aristotelian tradition.Han Baltussen - 2002 - In William W. Fortenbaugh & Georg Wöhrle (eds.), On the Opuscula of Theophrastus: Akten der 3. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 19.-23. Juli 1999 in Trier. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    The Principle that ‘Like Perceives Like’ in Theophrastus’De sensibus.Thomas Kjeller Johansen - 2020 - Rhizomata 7 (2):226-248.
    This paper considers Theophrastus’ use in the De sensibus of the principles that like perceives like and that unlike perceives unlike to criticise his predecessors. It is argued that the aporiai that arise from either position serve to motivate the view of perception articulated by Aristotle in the De anima.
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  8.  27
    The manuscripts of theophrastus' de sensibus.J. B. Mcdlarmid - 1962 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 44 (1):1-32.
  9.  8
    The Lever, or How to Act at a Distance: A Backdrop to Theophrastus’ De sensibus.André Laks - 2020 - Rhizomata 7 (2):168-187.
    It is well known that when it comes to perception in the De anima, Aristotle uses affection-related vocabulary with extreme caution. This has given rise to a debate between interpreters who hold that in Aristotle’s account, the act of sense-perception nevertheless involves the physiological alteration of the sense organ (Richard Sorabji), and those think, with Myles Burnyeat, that for Aristotle, perception does not involve any material process, so that an Aristotelian physics of sense-perception is a “physics of forms alone”. The (...)
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    Exégesis de Parm. 28B16DK en Aristóteles.Nazyheli Aguirre De la Luz - 2022 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32:e03218.
    El presente trabajo toma como punto de partida el contexto de la Metafísica en el que Aristóteles cita el fr. 28B 16 DK de Parménides, el cual es analizado a la luz de otros pasajes paralelos dentro del Corpus Aristotelicum, así como de la confrontación con el comentario que Teofrasto hace de ese mismo fragmento parmenídeo en el De Sensibus, con la finalidad de presentar, con base en un exhaustivo examen léxico y semántico, una reconstrucción de la interpretación que (...)
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    The Purpose of Theophrastus' "de Sensibus" Reconsidered.H. Baltussen - 1998 - Apeiron 31 (2):167 - 199.
    Re-examines the relationship between the fragments on Theophrastus' theory of perception and his critique in the On the Senses.
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  12. Arabic evidence about Theophrastus' De sensibus.Pamela M. Huby - 2002 - In William W. Fortenbaugh & Georg Wöhrle (eds.), On the Opuscula of Theophrastus: Akten der 3. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 19.-23. Juli 1999 in Trier. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Two notes on theophrastus de sensibus.James Longrigg - 1975 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 119 (1-2):163-169.
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    Plato in Theophrastus' De Sensibus.J. B. Mcdiarmid - 1959 - Phronesis 4 (1):59 - 70.
  15. Theophrastus and the authority of the De sensibus.Kelli Rudolph - 2018 - In Jenny Bryan, Robert Wardy & James Warren (eds.), Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  16. Aristote et la structure du De sensibus de Théophraste.Jaap Mansfeld - 1996 - Phronesis 41 (2):158-188.
  17.  2
    Alexandri Aphrodisiensis peripatetici doctissimi, In Aristotelis opusculum de sensibus atque de his quae cadunt in sensum, vel de sensuum instrumentis, commentarium de Graeco accuratissimè conuersum.Lucillo Alexander, Konrad Michael, Aristotle, Filalteo & Gesner - 1573 - Apud Haeredem Hieronymi Scoti.
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  18. 'The More'and 'the Full'. On the Reconstruction of Parmenides' Theory of Sensation in Theophrastus, De sensibus, 3–4.Andre Laks - 1990 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 8:1-18.
  19. De la datación e importancia del "Tractatus de sensibus Sacrae Escripturae" de fray Luis de León.Angel Alcalá Galve - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (99):859-882.
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  20. De la datación e importancia del «Tractatus de sensibus Sacrae Scripturae» de fray Luis de León.Á Alcalá - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (99):859-882.
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    Fray Luis de León y D. Gaspar de Grajal:¿ duplicidad del" Tractatus de sensibus Sacrae Scripturae?José Rodríguez Díez - 2009 - Ciudad de Dios 222 (2):543-572.
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    Peripatetic Dialectic H. Baltussen: Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato. Peripatetic Dialectic in the De sensibus. Pp. xiv + 285. Leiden, etc.: Brill, 2000. Cased, $90. ISBN: 90-04-11720-. [REVIEW]G. E. R. Lloyd - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):291-.
  23.  18
    "Accende lumen sensibus"- Una aproximación filosófico-teológica a la doctrina de los sentidos espirituales en la teología monástica medieval-.Pedro Gómez - 2008 - Teología y Vida 49 (4).
    A partir de dos hechos: las reiteradas referencias a la doctrina de los sentidos espirituales en los teólogos monásticos medievales y el olvido de la misma por parte de los autores posteriores, nos aproximamos a este "conocimiento experimental", desde la filosofía y la teología, partiendo de algunos testimonios de los siglos XI al XIII, especialmente los referidos a la lectio divina y al opus Dei, implorando también con ellos "Accende lumen sensíbus".
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  24.  15
    Echoes of Theophrastus’De sensibusin Books 4 and 1 of the AëtianPlacita.Jaap Mansfeld - 2020 - Rhizomata 7 (2):146-167.
    The hypothesis formulated by Usener and Diels that Theophrastus’ De sensibus is a crucial source of relevant sections of the Placita is insufficiently supported by the evidence. Of the fifteen Placita chapters dealing with sense perception and cognition, only a few are related to the treatise.
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    Theophrastus on Plato’s Theory of Vision.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2019 - Rhizomata 7 (2):249-268.
    In paragraphs 5 and 86 of the De sensibus Theophrastus gives a brief report of Plato’s views on the sense of vision and its object, i. e. colour, based on the Timaeus. Interestingly enough, he presents the Platonic doctrine as a third alternative to the extramission and intromission theories put forward by other ancient philosophers. In this article I examine whether or not Theophrastus’ account is impartial. I argue that at least some of his distortive departures from the Platonic (...)
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    "Every Perception Is Accompanied by Pain!": Theophrastus's Criticism of Anaxagoras.Wei Cheng - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4):559-583.
    abstract: Anaxagoras is notorious for his view that every perception is accompanied by pain but that not all concurrent pains are distinctly felt by the perceiving subject. This thesis is reported and criticized by Aristotle's heir Theophrastus in his De Sensibus. Traditionally, scholars believe that Theophrastus rejects Anaxagoras's thesis of the ubiquity of pain as counterintuitive, with the appeal to unfelt pain looking like a desperate category mistake given that pain is nothing but a feeling. Contra the traditional view, (...)
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  27.  9
    Theophrastus: Psychological, Doxographical and Scientific Writings.William W. Fortenbaugh & Dimitri Gutas (eds.) - 1984 - Transaction.
    Theophrastus of Eresus was Aristotle's pupil and successor as head of the Peripatetic School. He is best known as the author of the amusing Characters and two ground-breaking works in botany, but his writings extend over the entire range of Hellenistic philosophic studies. Volume 5 of Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities focuses on his scientific work. The volume contains new editions of two brief scientific essays-On Fish and Afeteoro/o^y-accompanied by translations and commentary. Among the contributions are: "Peripatetic Dialectic in (...)
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  28.  28
    L’equilibrio dopo il movimento: percezione e conoscenza fra Democrito e i medici ippocratici.Maria Michela Sassi - 2018 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (2):187-204.
    This paper analyses chapter 58 of Theophrastus’ De sensibus, where Democritus’ account of phronein is famously presented. Democritus traces phronein to symmetria of the soul, that is conceived, in turn, as a state of thermic equilibrium, depending on his consideration of psyche as an aggregate of spherical and thin atoms flowing throughout the body and giving it life, movement, and perception. As a consequence, according to him, psychic states go hand in hand with changes in the body. In the (...)
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  29.  30
    On the Opuscula of Theophrastus: Akten der 3. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 19.-23. Juli 1999 in Trier.William W. Fortenbaugh & Georg Wöhrle (eds.) - 2002 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Contents: Stephen White: Opuscula and Opera in the Catalogue of Theophrastus' Works Han Baltussen: Theophrastean Echoes? The De Sensibus in the Platonic and Aristotelian Tradition Pamela M. Huby: Arabic Evidence about Theophrastus' De Sensibus Todd Ganson: A Puzzle Concerning the Aristotelian Notion of a Medium of Sense-Perception Istvan M. Bodnar: Theophrastus' De igne: Orthodoxy, Reform and Readjustment in the Doctrine of Elements Georg Wohrle: Ps-Aristoteles De Coloribus -aA Theophrastean Opusculum? David Sider: On On Signs - R.A.H. King: Nutrition (...)
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  30.  36
    Democritus' Ophthalmology.Kelli Rudolph - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):496-501.
    The poiintt of Democritus' physiology of the eye is that vision occurs because the eye allows the image in, and its sponginess aids the transmission of the image to the reasoning faculty. Thus,, Democritus' ophthalmology plays an important, though neglected, part in his theory of vision.
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    La aplicación de la doctrina del Public Trust en Estados Unidos: de la protección de los bienes comunes a la conservación del medio ambiente.Marcos De Armenteras Cabot - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 81:129-141.
    En la protección de los bienes comunes en Estados Unidos desde el siglo xix hasta la actualidad, la doctrinal del public trust ha jugado un papel determinante. Esta doctrina, heredera de la tradición jurídica romana, basa su estructura conceptual en una relación fideicomisaria entre agente y principal y fue inicialmente invocada para la salvaguarda de los bienes comunes de su cercamiento y privatización. Con el paso de los años, se ha transformado en un instrumento jurídico clave para la protección ambiental. (...)
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    Acercamiento de la filosofía a Santa Teresa: apunte bibliográfico.Enrique Rivera de Ventosa - 1982 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 9:265-278.
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    Subsidiariteit in de EU en verder.Ferdi De Ville & Jan Loisen - 2012 - Res Publica 54 (1):27-37.
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  34.  58
    L’analogie est-elle un fait fonctionnel ou grammatical? Le cas de l’apophonie portugaise.Joaquim Brandăo de Carvalho - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    Il est couramment admis qu’il existe une corrélation, sinon un rapport de cause à effet, entre la fréquence lexicale d’une dérivation et sa productivité, mesurée à l’aune de sa force d’attraction analogique. Or cette thèse est démentie par l’examen détaillé des faits d’apophonie nominale en portugais. De deux alternances qui se partagent un sous-ensemble de nominaux, c’est la dérivation minoritaire, ainsi que le révèle l’analyse d’un corpus de 238 mots, qui, depuis le XIXème siècle, gagne lentement du terrain dans le (...)
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  35.  19
    O desafio do “outro” africano: formação da identidade e invenção da(s) África(s) a partir do romance “a geração da utopia” de Pepetela.João Matias De Oliveira Neto - 2016 - Odeere 1 (1).
    Neste artigo, tensiono a construção da África com base na própria construção do “outro” enquanto um desafio para as ciências sociais e humanas. A partir de uma reflexão sobre o próprio processo de formação da África, muitos termos e nacionalismos foram utilizados para a chegada a um denominador comum acerca daquilo que define o continente africano, bem como também daquilo que se esvai em diferenças de perspectiva, de regiões e de buscas por esta identidade. Assim, escolho como exemplo meu estudo (...)
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    Het oppositioneel gedrag van de Belgische staatsburger.Edith De Graeve-Lismont - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (4):517-543.
    Subject of this article is the Belgian citizen's oppositional behaviour taken in the largest sense and considered as an opportunity to express his preferences. Starting from the supposition that a policy decision is not perceived as being conform to the citizens' interests or beliefs, attention is focused on their propensity to engage in oppositional action and their preferences for different means of expression.Such propensity appears to be rather limited and therefore one has also examined their belief in the success of (...)
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  37.  26
    Héroes menores, en nombre de (un) Otro. El cuidado como asistencia y delegación en tiempos de precariedad.Alicia De Mingo - 2021 - Isegoría 64:04-04.
    In the present article it is proposed to think about the possibility of an ethics in times of precariousness; on the one hand, through the figure of the Other that appears as a Face in E. Lévinas’ ethics of responsibility, as it is received by Butler in Precarious Life. And, on the other hand, through a proposal to re-read, which we believe it is necessary, the passage known as the “Parable of the Good Samaritan”, key-text in our pre-understanding-hermeneutical background about (...)
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  38.  21
    Ordenação moral de mundo e justificação da existência na metafísica de Schopenhauer.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):255-282.
    Resumo: Arthur Schopenhauer ficou conhecido como o pensador do “pessimismo filosófico”. Tratase de uma doutrina que, em linhas gerais, apresenta uma determinada interpretação acerca do valor do mundo, mas que, em seu sentido ainda mais básico, questiona a possibilidade de atribuição de valor ao todo da existência: há “justificação” para a existência? A partir da resposta a essa pergunta, o filósofo alemão desenvolve sua “metafísica da vontade” e, como seu desdobramento, sua teoria da “redenção”, ou soteriologia. Entretanto, o “filósofo do (...)
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  39.  4
    Teilhard de Chardin: the man and his meaning.Henri de Lubac - 1965 - New York,: Hawthorn Books.
    Illuminating Teilhard's thought with excerpts from his unpublished notes and correspondence, the author relates Teilhard's ideas to his spiritual life, tracing the origin of his thought and its development. This spiritual journey describes Teilhard's early years and family background; his training as a Jesuit; the preparation of his scientific career; and his attainment of intellectual maturity during World War I.
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  40.  7
    Le scénario cartésien: recherches sur la formation et la cohérence de l'intention philosophique de Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel de Saint-Aubert - 2005 - Paris: Vrin.
    Présente le parcours philosophique de Merleau-Ponty tant dans sa formation que dans ses objectifs. Ses références : Descartes, Leibniz, Gabriel Marcel. Ses concepts opératoires : le concret, l'incarnation, l'intentionnalité, les chiasmes.
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  41.  7
    Obra de arte e indústria cultural: um triálogo entre Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno e Max Horkheimer.Jan Clefferson Costa de Freitas - 2024 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 40 (2):1-16.
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  42.  35
    Vivências de uma atividade docente sobre violência no espaço escolar no Curso de Extensão em Gênero, Raça e Diversidade Sexual/ ODEERE - UESB/BA.Claudia Moreira Costa, Marcos Lopes De Souza & Rita de Cassia Santos Côrtes - 2016 - Odeere 1 (1).
    O relato de experiência a que este texto se refere provém do módulo intitulado Violência no Espaço Escolar, do Curso de Extensão em Gênero, Raça e Diversidade Sexual/ODEERE. A partir de temas que envolvem raça/etnia, gênero, e sexualidades, foram promovidos debates relacionados a preconceitos e discriminações que se manifestam no espaço escolar voltados para o racismo, sexismo e à homo-lesbo-bi-transfobia. O desenvolvimento da proposta didática pautou-se na abordagem qualitativa à luz da dialética, com o intuito de problematizar incômodos prescritos pelo (...)
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  43.  7
    Questions de droit naturel, et observations sur le traité du droit de la nature de M. le Baron de Wolf.Emer de Vattel - 1762 - New York: G. Olms.
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  44. Teoría de la Frontera y de la Bioética a la Biopolítica.Xavier Rubert de Ventós - 2006 - Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Artialpen Zerbitzu Nagusia = Servicio Central de Publicaciones Del Gobierno Vasco.
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    Histoire de la philosophie.Editors Revue de Synthèse - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (1):207-232.
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    Maine de Biran: Iuvres X-1 Derniere Philosophie: Morale Et Religion.Maine de Biran - 1987 - Vrin.
    On trouvera dans ce volume des textes qui refletent certains aspects de la dernieres philosophies de Maine de Biran, ainsi que de nombreux temoignages de ses lectures entre 1818 et 1823. Sa pensee se developpe selon trois perspectives: une redefinition de la philosophie a l'occasion d'une critique detaillee de Bonald (sur l'origine du langage et la definition de l'homme, notamment), une reflexion sur la morale (qui s'efforce de trouver une troisieme voie a partir de Condillac et Kant), et une reprise (...)
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  47. In de ban van de metafysica.Smart En Armstrong van de IdentiteitstheorieënPlace - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71:553-575.
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    Le principe de non-contradiction et la question de l'individualité du sujet.Thomas de Praetere - 1999 - Louvain: Editions Peeters.
    L'auteur montre que la demonstration aristotelicienne du principe de non-contradiction se joue sur le terrain de la psychologie. Le livre Gamma de la Metaphysique renvoie au traite De l'ame et c'est a une theorie de l'enonciation qu'aboutit Aristote: l'unite offerte par l'acte d'affirmer etant, selon lui, l'expression non seulement de l'unite, mais encore de l'individualite du sujet.
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    La notion de science chez Ernest Renan: commentaires sur la rigueur et la finesse = A tudomány fogalma Ernest Renan-nál.Levente Dévényi - 1999 - Budapest: Centre de Recherche Ethnorégional, ASH Institut de Science Politique de l'Academie des Sciences de Hongrie. Edited by Ernest Renan.
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    (1 other version)Macht en principe: over de rechtvaardiging van politieke macht.Bertrand Julian de Clercq - 1986 - Tielt: Lannoo.
    Overzicht van de ideeën omtrent politieke macht in verleden en heden.
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