Results for 'David G. Mayes'

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  1.  41
    A Comparison of Menstrual Bleeding Patterns Associated with Three Iud Models: An Example of Reference Period Analysis.David G. Mayes - 1977 - Journal of Biosocial Science 9 (1):121-135.
  2.  22
    The Ethical Challenge of Decolonisation and the Future of New Testament Studies.David G. Horrell - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (1):36-57.
    The challenge to decolonise academic disciplines has been pertinent for many decades, but it has recently come to a new level of prominence, with vigorous discussion of what responding to this challenge might entail. This article explores what it might mean as an ethical challenge in the discipline of New Testament studies, using examples to illustrate two key (and related) tasks: the ‘parochialisation’ of European approaches to the discipline, and the paying of attention to perspectives from elsewhere in the world. (...)
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    Dignity, Being and Becoming in Research Ethics.David G. Kirchhoffer - 2019 - In David G. Kirchhoffer & Bernadette Richards (eds.), Beyond Autonomy: Limits and Alternatives to Informed Consent in Research Ethics and Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Since the end of World War II, most guidelines governing human research seem to have relied on the principle of respect for autonomy as a key, though not sole, criterion in assessing the moral validity of research involving human participants.1 One explanation for this apparent reliance on respect for autonomy may be that respect for autonomy, made effective through the practice of obtaining informed consent, functions as a useful proxy when dealing with competent adults for the more complex principle of (...)
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    Appeals to the Bible in Ecotheology and Environmental Ethics: a Typology of Hermeneutical Stances.David G. Horrell, Cherryl Hunt & Christopher Southgate - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (2):219-238.
    This article surveys and classifies the kinds of appeal to the Bible made in recent theological discussions of ecology and environmental ethics. These are, first, readings of `recovery', followed by two types of readings of `resistance'. The first of these modes of resistance entails the exercise of suspicion against the text, a willingness to resist it given a commitment to a particular (ethical) reading perspective. The second, by contrast, entails a resistance to the contemporary ethical agenda, given a perceived commitment (...)
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  5.  46
    Dignity, Autonomy, and Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources During COVID-19.David G. Kirchhoffer - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):691-696.
    Ruth Macklin argued that dignity is nothing more than respect for persons or their autonomy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, difficult decisions are being made about the allocation of scarce resources. Respect for autonomy cannot justify rationing decisions. Justice can be invoked to justify rationing. However, this leaves an uncomfortable tension between the principles. Dignity is not a useless concept because it is able to account for why we respect autonomy and for why it can be legitimate to override autonomy in (...)
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    HyLighter and Interactive Annotation.David G. Lebow, Dale W. Liek & Hope J. Hartman - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 23 (1-2):69-79.
    The ability to gain knowledge from text in widely different subject matter areas is key to academic success and lifelong leaming. The process of attaining critical understanding of ideas in text requires a robust repertoire of leaming or study strategies, metacognitive knowledge for regulating their use, and willingness to apply them. Although much is known about the basic design of leaming environments to develop higher-order thinking skills and motivation to learn, educators have, in general, not changed their practices to reflect (...)
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    A sketch is not enough: Dynamic external support increases creative insight on a guided synthesis task.David G. Pearson & Robert H. Logie - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (1):97-112.
    Although external representations, such as sketches, are regarded as facilitating insight during creative synthesis and design tasks, previous empirical studies have provided conflicting evidence in support of this role. Here, we argue sketches are static representations that fail to fully externalise mental imagery processes involved during creative synthesis tasks. An experiment is reported in which participants manipulate simple alpha-numeric and geometric shapes into patterns depicting familiar objects or symbols. Trials were performed using either mental imagery alone, drawing manipulations in the (...)
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  8. Transformable Goods and the Limits of What Money Can Buy.David G. Dick - 2017 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 4 (1):121-140.
    There are some things money literally cannot buy. Invariably transformable goods are such things because when they are exchanged for money, they become something else. These goods are destroyed rather than transferred in monetary exchanges. They mark out an impassable limit beyond which money and the market cannot reach. They cannot be for sale, in the strongest and most literal sense. Variably transformable goods are similar. They can be destroyed when offered or exchanged for money, but they differ in their (...)
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  9.  13
    Wittgenstein on Ethical Concepts: A Reading of Philosophical Investigations §77 and Moore’s Lecture Notes, May 1933.David G. Stern - 2013 - In Martin G. Weiss & Hajo Greif (eds.), Ethics, society, politics: proceedings of the 35th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2012. Boston: De Gruyter Ontos. pp. 55-68.
  10.  22
    (1 other version)Dignity, conscience and religious pluralism in healthcare: An argument for a presumption in favour of respect for religious belief.David G. Kirchhoffer - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (1):88-97.
    Religious pluralism in healthcare means that conflicts regarding appropriate treatment can occur because of convictions of patients and healthcare workers alike. This contribution argues for a presumption in favour of respect for religious belief on the basis that such convictions are judgements of conscience, and respect for conscience is core to what it means to respect human dignity. The human person is a subject in relation to all that is. Human dignity refers to the worth of human persons as members (...)
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  11.  24
    Homeobox genes and development of the vertebrate CNS.David G. Wilkinson - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (2-3):82-85.
    The discovery of homeobox genes in vertebrates may allow analysis of a basic problem in developmental neurobiology: how regional differences in CNS organization are specified during development. This view is based on the roles defined for homologous genes in Drosophila development, and is supported by studies of the patterns of homeobox gene expression in vertebrate embryos. Homeobox genes comprise a multigene family, members of which are expressed in different spatially restricted domains along the anterior‐posterior axis of the CNS. These observations (...)
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  12.  58
    Psychic ID: A blueprint for a modern national identity scheme.David G. W. Birch - 2008 - Identity in the Information Society 1 (1):189-201.
    The issue of identity cards is hotly debated in many countries, but it often seems to be an oddly backward-looking debate that presumes outdated “Orwellian” architectures. In the modern world, surely we should be debating the requirements for national identity management schemes, in which identity cards may or may not be a useful implementation, before we move on to architecture. If so, then, what should a U.K. national identity management scheme for the 21st century look like? Can we assemble a (...)
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  13.  50
    Become what you are: on the value of the concept of human dignity as an ethical criterion in light of contemporary critiques.David G. Kirchhoffer - 2009 - Bijdragen 70 (1):45-66.
    It has been said that human dignity is a vacuous concept that should, therefore, be dismissed as an ethical category. This article seeks to defend the concept of human dignity by suggesting, first, that the flaw in the logic of those who claim that human dignity is a vacuous concept lies in an unjustifiable reductionism that results from the hermeneutic of suspicion that such authors apply to the concept. Second, that human dignity is not an either/or concept, as these authors (...)
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  14.  18
    Acceptance and Commitment Coaching for Music Performance Anxiety: Piloting a 6-Week Group Course With Undergraduate Dance and Musical Theatre Students.Sarah E. Mahony, David G. Juncos & Debbie Winter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Treatments for students with problematic levels of music performance anxiety commonly rely on approaches in which students are referred to psychotherapists or other clinical professionals for individual care that falls outside of their music training experience. However, a more transdisciplinary approach in which MPA treatment is effectively integrated into students’ training in music/performing arts colleges by teachers who work in consultation with clinical psychologists may prove more beneficial, given the resistance students often experience toward psychotherapy. Training singing teachers, and perhaps (...)
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  15. Moral uncertainty and distress about voluntary assisted dying prior to legalisation and the implications for post-legalisation practice: a qualitative study of palliative and hospice care providers in Queensland, Australia.David G. Kirchhoffer, C. - W. Lui & A. Ho - 2023 - BMJ Open 13.
    ABSTRACT Objectives There is little research on moral uncertainties and distress of palliative and hospice care providers (PHCPs) working in jurisdictions anticipating legalising voluntary assisted dying (VAD). This study examines the perception and anticipated concerns of PHCPs in providing VAD in the State of Queensland, Australia prior to legalisation of the practice in 2021. The findings help inform strategies to facilitate training and support the health and well-being of healthcare workers involved in VAD. Design The study used a qualitative approach (...)
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  16. Hunger, Need, and the Boundaries of Lockean Property.David G. Dick - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (3):527-552.
    Locke’s property rights are now usually understood to be both fundamental and strictly negative. Fundamental because they are thought to be basic constraints on what we may do, unconstrained by anything deeper. Negative because they are thought to only protect a property holder against the claims of others. Here, I argue that this widespread interpretation is mistaken. For Locke, property rights are constrained by the deeper ‘fundamental law of nature,’ which involves positive obligations to those in need and confines the (...)
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  17.  17
    Wild, Native, or Pure: Trout as Genetic Bodies.Christine Biermann & David G. Havlick - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1201-1229.
    Advances in genetics and genomics have raised new questions in trout restoration and management, specifically about species identity and purity, which fish to value, and where these fish belong. This paper examines how this molecular turn in fisheries management is influencing wild and native trout policy in Colorado. Examples from two small Colorado watersheds, Bear Creek and Sand Creek, illustrate how framing trout as genetic bodies can guide managers to care for or kill trout populations in the interest of rectifying (...)
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  18.  28
    Molecular mechanisms of segmental patterning in the vertebrate hindbrain and neural crest.David G. Wilkinson - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (8):499-505.
    Recent work has shown that segmentation underlies the patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain and its neural crest derivatives. Several genes have been identified with segment‐restricted expression, and evidence is now emerging regarding their function and regulatory relationships. The expression patterns of Hox genes and the phenotype of null mutants indicate roles in specifying segment identity. A zinc finger gene Krox‐20 is a segment‐specific regulator of Hox expression, and it seems probable that retinoic acid receptors also regulate Hox genes in the (...)
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  19.  24
    Theory and applications of satisfiability testing: 7th international conference, SAT 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 10-13, 2004: revised selected papers.Holger H. Hoos & David G. Mitchell (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Springer.
    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, SAT 2004, held in Vancouver, BC, Canada in May 2004. The 24 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully selected from 72 submissions. In addition there are 2 reports on the 2004 SAT Solver Competition and the 2004 QBF Solver Evaluation. The whole spectrum of research in propositional and quantified Boolean formula satisfiability testing is covered; bringing together the (...)
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  20.  61
    Ecological Restoration in Context: Ethics and the Naturalization of Former Military Lands.Marion Hourdequin & David G. Havlick - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (1):69-89.
    The philosophy of ecological restoration has focused primarily on three issues: the question of what to restore, whether and why restoration “fakes” nature, and how restoration shapes human-nature relationships. Using “M2W conversion sites” – former military lands recently redesignated as U.S. national wildlife refuges – as a case study, we examine how the restoration of these lands challenges existing philosophical frameworks for restoration. We argue that a contextual, case-based analysis best reveals the key ethical and philosophical questions related to restoration (...)
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  21.  30
    Emotion may predict susceptibility to fake news but emotion regulation does not seem to help.Bence Bago, Leah R. Rosenzweig, Adam J. Berinsky & David G. Rand - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1166-1180.
    Misinformation is a serious concern for societies across the globe. To design effective interventions to combat the belief in and spread of misinformation, we must understand which psychological processes influence susceptibility to misinformation. This paper tests the widely assumed – but largely untested – claim that emotionally provocative headlines are associated with worse ability to identify true versus false headlines. Consistent with this proposal, we found correlational evidence that overall emotional response at the headline level is associated with diminished truth (...)
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  22.  28
    Studies in Biblical and Semitic Symbolism.David Lieber, Maurice H. Farbridge & Herbert G. May - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):530.
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  23. A holistic approach to language.Brian D. Josephson & David G. Blair - 1982 - International Philsophical Preprint Exchange (IPPE).
    The following progress report views language acquisition as primarily the attempt to create processes that connect together in a fruitful way linguistic input and other activity. The representations made of linguistic input are thus those that are optimally effective in mediating such interconnections. An effective Language Acquisition Device should contain mechanisms specific to the task of creating the desired interconnection processes in the linguistic environment in which the language learner finds himself or herself. Analysis of this requirement gives clear indications (...)
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  24.  29
    Individual difference in acts of self-sacrifice.Michael N. Stagnaro, Rebecca Littman & David G. Rand - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e217.
    Whitehouse's model explains when people engage in self-sacrifice, but not who is most likely to do so. We propose incorporating individual differences, such as cognitive style (one's inclination toward intuition versus deliberation), and argue that individuals who rely on intuition may be more likely to (1) develop group identity fusion after an emotional experience and (2) engage in pro-social self-sacrifice.
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    Commentary on "Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology".David Lukoff, Francis G. Lu & Robert P. Turner - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (1):75-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology”Francis G. Lu (bio), David Lukoff (bio), and Robert P. Turner (bio)Jackson and Fulford have written an impor-tant paper which addresses an area of increasing interest in the United States—the relationship between religious/spiritual experiences and psychopathology. Using primarily the Present State Examination as the diagnostic framework, the authors describe in rich clinical detail three patients where certain phenomena lead to a possible diagnosis (...)
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  26.  78
    The Effects of Person–Organization Ethical Fit on Employee Attraction and Retention: Towards a Testable Explanatory Model.David A. Coldwell, Jon Billsberry, Nathalie van Meurs & Philip J. G. Marsh - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (4):611-622.
    An exploratory model is presented as a heuristic to indicate how individual perceptions of corporate reputation (before joining) and corporate ethical values (after joining) generate specific individual organizational senses of fit. The paper suggests that an ethical dimension of person-organization fit may go some way in explaining superior acquisition and retention of staff by those who are attracted to specific organizations by levels of corporate social performance consonant with their ethical expectations, or who remain with them by virtue of better (...)
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  27. Mammalian chromodomain proteins: their role in genome organisation and expression.David O. Jones, Ian G. Cowell & Prim B. Singh - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (2):124-137.
    The chromodomain is a highly conserved sequence motif that has been identified in a variety of animal and plant species. In mammals, chromodomain proteins appear to be either structural components of large macromolecular chromatin complexes or proteins involved in remodelling chromatin structure. Recent work has suggested that apart from a role in regulating gene activity, chromodomain proteins may also play roles in genome organisation. This article reviews progress made in characterising mammalian chromodomain proteins and emphasises their emerging role in the (...)
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  28.  20
    Pharmaceutical Pollution from Human Use and the Polluter Pays Principle.Erik Malmqvist, Davide Fumagalli, Christian Munthe & D. G. Joakim Larsson - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):152-164.
    Human consumption of pharmaceuticals often leads to environmental release of residues via urine and faeces, creating environmental and public health risks. Policy responses must consider the normative question how responsibilities for managing such risks, and costs and burdens associated with that management, should be distributed between actors. Recently, the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) has been advanced as rationale for such distribution. While recognizing some advantages of PPP, we highlight important ethical and practical limitations with applying it in this context: PPP (...)
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  29.  25
    Subjects and Simulations: Between Baudrillard and Lacoue-Labarthe.Gary E. Aylesworth, Bettina Bergo, Thomas P. Brockelman, Alina Clej, Damian Ward Hey, Drew A. Hyland, Basil O'Neill, Henk Oosterling, Stephen David Ross, Katherine Rudolph, Robin May Schott, Massimo Verdicchio, James R. Watson & Martin G. Weiss (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Subjects and Simulations presents essays focused on suffering and sublimity, representation and subjectivity, and the relation of truth and appearance through engagement with the legacies of Jean Baudrillard and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe.
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    Neurocognitive Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Study Protocol.David P. Cenkner, Anu Asnaani, Christina DiChiara, Gerlinde C. Harb, Kevin G. Lynch, Jennifer Greene & J. Cobb Scott - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Post-traumatic stress disorder is a prevalent, debilitating, and costly psychiatric disorder. Evidenced-based psychotherapies, including Cognitive Processing Therapy, are effective in treating PTSD, although a fair proportion of individuals show limited benefit from such treatments. CPT requires cognitive demands such as encoding, recalling, and implementing new information, resulting in behavioral change that may improve PTSD symptoms. Individuals with PTSD show worse cognitive functioning than those without PTSD, particularly in acquisition of verbal memory. Therefore, memory dysfunction may limit treatment gains in (...)
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  31.  12
    Visual attention for linguistic and non-linguistic body actions in non-signing and native signing children.Rain G. Bosworth, So One Hwang & David P. Corina - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:951057.
    Evidence from adult studies of deaf signers supports the dissociation between neural systems involved in processing visual linguistic and non-linguistic body actions. The question of how and when this specialization arises is poorly understood. Visual attention to these forms is likely to change with age and be affected by prior language experience. The present study used eye-tracking methodology with infants and children as they freely viewed alternating video sequences of lexical American sign language (ASL) signs and non-linguistic body actions (self-directed (...)
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  32.  15
    The multiple indicator multiple cause model for cognitive neuroscience: An analytic tool which emphasizes the behavior in brain–behavior relationships.Adon F. G. Rosen, Emma Auger, Nicholas Woodruff, Alice Mado Proverbio, Hairong Song, Lauren E. Ethridge & David Bard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cognitive neuroscience has inspired a number of methodological advances to extract the highest signal-to-noise ratio from neuroimaging data. Popular techniques used to summarize behavioral data include sum-scores and item response theory. While these techniques can be useful when applied appropriately, item dimensionality and the quality of information are often left unexplored allowing poor performing items to be included in an itemset. The purpose of this study is to highlight how the application of two-stage approaches introduces parameter bias, differential item functioning (...)
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  33.  12
    The Association Between Emotion Regulation, Physiological Arousal, and Performance in Math Anxiety.Rachel G. Pizzie & David J. M. Kraemer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:639448.
    Emotion regulation (ER) strategies may reduce the negative relationship between math anxiety and mathematics accuracy, but different strategies may differ in their effectiveness. We recorded electrodermal activity (EDA) to examine the effect of physiological arousal on performance during different applied ER strategies. We explored how ER strategies might affect the decreases in accuracy attributed to physiological arousal in high math anxious (HMA) individuals. Participants were instructed to use cognitive reappraisal (CR), expressive suppression (ES), or a “business as usual” strategy. During (...)
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  34. Imitation, mirror neurons and autism.Justin H. G. Williams, Andrew Whiten, Thomas Suddendorf & David I. Perrett - unknown
    Various deficits in the cognitive functioning of people with autism have been documented in recent years but these provide only partial explanations for the condition. We focus instead on an imitative disturbance involving difficulties both in copying actions and in inhibiting more stereotyped mimicking, such as echolalia. A candidate for the neural basis of this disturbance may be found in a recently discovered class of neurons in frontal cortex, 'mirror neurons' (MNs). These neurons show activity in relation both to specific (...)
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  35.  60
    (1 other version)Rationality and the right to privacy.Mark Alfino & G. Randolph Mayes - 2001 - In Daniel A. Bonevac (ed.), Today's moral issues: classic and contemporary perspectives. Boston: McGraw Hill.
    When tennis fan Jane Bronstein attended the 1995 U.S. Open she probably knew there was a remote chance her image would end up on television screens around the world. But she surely did not know she was at risk of becoming the object of worldwide attention on the David Letterman Show. As it happened, Letterman spotted an unflattering clip from the U.S. Open showing a heavyset Bronstein with peach juice dripping down her chin. Not only did he show the (...)
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    Causal relations between asymmetries at the individual level?Rebecca G. Deason, David R. Andresen & Chad J. Marsolek - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):596-597.
    Studies with humans have failed to produce evidence that any direct causal relation exists between the asymmetry of one function in an individual and the asymmetry of a different function in that individual. Without such evidence, factors external to an individual's nervous system, such as social interactions, may play crucial roles in explaining the directions of all asymmetries at all levels.
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    Evidence that nonconscious processes are sufficient to produce false memories.Sivan C. Cotel, David A. Gallo & John G. Seamon - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):210-218.
    Are nonconscious processes sufficient to cause false memories of a nonstudied event? To investigate this issue, we controlled and measured conscious processing in the DRM task, in which studying associates causes false memories of nonstudied associates . During the study phase, subjects studied visually masked associates at extremely rapid rates, followed by immediate recall. After this initial phase, nonstudied test words were rapidly presented for perceptual identification, followed by recognition memory judgments. On the perceptual identification task, we found significant priming (...)
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  38. Novel sequence feature variant type analysis of the HLA genetic association in systemic sclerosis.R. Karp David, Marthandan Nishanth, G. E. Marsh Steven, Ahn Chul, C. Arnett Frank, S. DeLuca David, D. Diehl Alexander, Dunivin Raymond, Eilbeck Karen, Feolo Michael & Barry Smith - 2009 - Human Molecular Genetics 19 (4):707-719.
    Significant associations have been found between specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and organ transplant rejection, autoimmune disease development, and the response to infection. Traditional searches for disease associations have conventionally measured risk associated with the presence of individual HLA alleles. However, given the high level of HLA polymorphism, the pattern of amino acid variability, and the fact that most of the HLA variation occurs at functionally important sites, it may be that a combination of variable amino acid sites shared (...)
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    Frequentist statistics as a theory of inductive inference.Deborah G. Mayo & David Cox - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos (eds.), Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    After some general remarks about the interrelation between philosophical and statistical thinking, the discussion centres largely on significance tests. These are defined as the calculation of p-values rather than as formal procedures for ‘acceptance‘ and ‘rejection‘. A number of types of null hypothesis are described and a principle for evidential interpretation set out governing the implications of p- values in the specific circumstances of each application, as contrasted with a long-run interpretation. A number of more complicated situ- ations are discussed (...)
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  40. Biofuels: Efficiency, Ethics, and Limits to Human Appropriation of Ecosystem Services. [REVIEW]Tiziano Gomiero, Maurizio G. Paoletti & David Pimentel - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (5):403-434.
    Biofuels have lately been indicated as a promising source of cheap and sustainable energy. In this paper we argue that some important ethical and environmental issues have also to be addressed: (1) the conflict between biofuels production and global food security, particularly in developing countries, and (2) the limits of the Human Appropriation of ecosystem services and Net Primary Productivity. We warn that large scale conversion of crops, grasslands, natural and semi-natural ecosystem, (such as the conversion of grasslands to cellulosic (...)
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  41.  20
    Intraoperative Characterization of Subthalamic Nucleus-to-Cortex Evoked Potentials in Parkinson’s Disease Deep Brain Stimulation.Lila H. Levinson, David J. Caldwell, Jeneva A. Cronin, Brady Houston, Steve I. Perlmutter, Kurt E. Weaver, Jeffrey A. Herron, Jeffrey G. Ojemann & Andrew L. Ko - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus is a clinically effective tool for treating medically refractory Parkinson’s disease, but its neural mechanisms remain debated. Previous work has demonstrated that STN DBS results in evoked potentials in the primary motor cortex, suggesting that modulation of cortical physiology may be involved in its therapeutic effects. Due to technical challenges presented by high-amplitude DBS artifacts, these EPs are often measured in response to low-frequency stimulation, which is generally ineffective at PD symptom management. This (...)
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    Matchmaking, metrics and money: a pathway to progress in translational research.Theodore G. Krontiris & David Rubenson - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (10):1025-1029.
    In the 24 years since the founding of BioEssays, the level of translational research, as well as the expectations for its success, have burgeoned. Based on our analysis of current and projected US efforts to establish effective centers of translational research, our own institutional experience and discussions with academic research center leaders and institutional research executives, we have arrived at several critical conclusions about how best to foster disease‐based research on the institutional, national and international level, what summary statistics may (...)
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    How do environmental factors influence life cycles and development? An experimental framework for early‐diverging metazoans.Thomas C. G. Bosch, Maja Adamska, René Augustin, Tomislav Domazet-Loso, Sylvain Foret, Sebastian Fraune, Noriko Funayama, Juris Grasis, Mayuko Hamada, Masayuki Hatta, Bert Hobmayer, Kotoe Kawai, Alexander Klimovich, Michael Manuel, Chuya Shinzato, Uli Technau, Seungshic Yum & David J. Miller - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (12):1185-1194.
    Ecological developmental biology (eco‐devo) explores the mechanistic relationships between the processes of individual development and environmental factors. Recent studies imply that some of these relationships have deep evolutionary origins, and may even pre‐date the divergences of the simplest extant animals, including cnidarians and sponges. Development of these early diverging metazoans is often sensitive to environmental factors, and these interactions occur in the context of conserved signaling pathways and mechanisms of tissue homeostasis whose detailed molecular logic remain elusive. Efficient methods for (...)
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    Leibniz on Bodies and Infinities: Rerum Natura and Mathematical Fictions.Mikhail G. Katz, Karl Kuhlemann, David Sherry & Monica Ugaglia - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):36-66.
    The way Leibniz applied his philosophy to mathematics has been the subject of longstanding debates. A key piece of evidence is his letter to Masson on bodies. We offer an interpretation of this often misunderstood text, dealing with the status of infinite divisibility innature, rather than inmathematics. In line with this distinction, we offer a reading of the fictionality of infinitesimals. The letter has been claimed to support a reading of infinitesimals according to which they are logical fictions, contradictory in (...)
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  45. Environmental risks of pesticides versus genetic engineering for agricultural pest control.Maurizio G. Paoletti & David Pimentel - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (3):279-303.
    Despite the application of 2.5 million tons ofpesticides worldwide, more than 40% of all potentialfood production is lost to insect, weed, and plantpathogen pests prior to harvest. After harvest, anadditional 20% of food is lost to another group ofpests. The use of pesticides for pest control resultsin an estimated 26 million human poisonings, with220,000 fatalities, annually worldwide. In the UnitedStates, the environmental and public health costs forthe recommended use of pesticides total approximately$9 billion/yr. Thus, there is a need for alternativenon-chemical (...)
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  46.  11
    Executive functioning and spoken language skills in young children with hearing aids and cochlear implants: Longitudinal findings.Izabela A. Jamsek, William G. Kronenberger, David B. Pisoni & Rachael Frush Holt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Deaf or hard-of-hearing children who use auditory-oral communication display considerable variability in spoken language and executive functioning outcomes. Furthermore, language and executive functioning skills are strongly associated with each other in DHH children, which may be relevant for explaining this variability in outcomes. However, longitudinal investigations of language and executive functioning during the important preschool period of development in DHH children are rare. This study examined the predictive, reciprocal associations between executive functioning and spoken language over a 1-year period in (...)
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    Long-Term Influence of Incidental Emotions on the Emotional Judgment of Neutral Faces.Marta F. Nudelman, Liana C. L. Portugal, Izabela Mocaiber, Isabel A. David, Beatriz S. Rodolpho, Mirtes G. Pereira & Leticia de Oliveira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:772916.
    Background:Evidence indicates that the processing of facial stimuli may be influenced by incidental factors, and these influences are particularly powerful when facial expressions are ambiguous, such as neutral faces. However, limited research investigated whether emotional contextual information presented in a preceding and unrelated experiment could be pervasively carried over to another experiment to modulate neutral face processing.Objective:The present study aims to investigate whether an emotional text presented in a first experiment could generate negative emotion toward neutral faces in a second (...)
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    Toward a History of Mathematics Focused on Procedures.Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):763-783.
    Abraham Robinson’s framework for modern infinitesimals was developed half a century ago. It enables a re-evaluation of the procedures of the pioneers of mathematical analysis. Their procedures have been often viewed through the lens of the success of the Weierstrassian foundations. We propose a view without passing through the lens, by means of proxies for such procedures in the modern theory of infinitesimals. The real accomplishments of calculus and analysis had been based primarily on the elaboration of novel techniques for (...)
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    Hepatitis B virus infected physicians and disclosure of transmission risks to patients: A critical analysis. [REVIEW]Diana L. Barrigar, David C. Flagel & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2001 - BMC Medical Ethics 2 (1):1-10.
    Background The potential for transmission of blood-borne pathogens such as hepatitis B virus from infected healthcare workers to patients is an important and difficult issue facing healthcare policymakers internationally. Law and policy on the subject is still in its infancy, and subject to a great degree of uncertainty and controversy. Policymakers have made few recommendations regarding the specifics of practice restriction for health care workers who are hepatitis B seropositive. Generally, they have deferred this work to vaguely defined "expert panels" (...)
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    “All Existing is the Action of God”: The Philosophical Theology of David Braine.David Bradshaw - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):379-416.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"ALL EXISTING IS THE ACTION OF GOD": THE PHILOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY OF DAVID BRAINE DAVID BRADSHAW University ofTexas at Austin Austin, Texas Thou lovest all the things that are, and abhorrest nothing which thou hast made: for never wouldest thou have made any thing, if thou hadst hated il And how could any thing have endured, if it had not been thy will? or been preserved, if not (...)
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