Results for 'Daniel Mackay'

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  1. (2 other versions)Issues in the Philosophy of Language.Alfred F. Mackay & Daniel D. Merrill - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (2):135-138.
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    Issues in the philosophy of language: proceedings of the 1972 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy.Alfred F. Mackay & Daniel Davy Merrill (eds.) - 1976 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
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    Breastfeeding Duration and the Social Learning of Infant Feeding Knowledge in Two Maya Communities.Luseadra J. McKerracher, Pablo Nepomnaschy, Rachel MacKay Altman, Daniel Sellen & Mark Collard - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (1):43-67.
    Variation in the durations of exclusive breastfeeding (exBF) and any breastfeeding (anyBF) is associated with socioecological factors. This plasticity in breastfeeding behavior appears adaptive, but the mechanisms involved are unclear. With this concept in mind, we investigated whether durations of exBF and anyBF in a rural Maya population covary with markers of a form of socioecological change—market integration—and whether individual factors (individual learning, physiological plasticity) and/or learning from others in the community (social learning, norm adherence) mediate these changes. Using data (...)
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    Issues in the philosophy of language edited by Alfred M. MacKay and Daniel D. Merrill: Truth and meaning: Essays in semantics, edited by Gareth Evans and John McDowell.Samuel Guttenplan - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (2):90-93.
    ISSUES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE edited by Alfred M. MacKay and Daniel D. Merrill. (Oberlin Colloquium, 1972.) Yale U.P., 1976. xiv+161 pp. £7.50.TRUTH AND MEANING: Essays in Semantics, edited by Gareth Evans and John McDowell. Clarendon Press: O.U.P., 1976. xxiii+420 pp. £11.50.
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  5. Paternalism, Respect and the Will.Daniel Groll - 2012 - Ethics 122 (4):692-720.
    In general, we think that when it comes to the good of another, we respect that person’s will by acting in accordance with what he wills because he wills it. I argue that this is not necessarily true. When it comes to the good of another person, it is possible to disrespect that person’s will while acting in accordance with what he wills because he wills it. Seeing how this is so, I argue, enables us to clarify the distinct roles (...)
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    Kant's Theory Of Moral Motivation.Daniel Guevara - 2019 - Routledge.
    This book offers an account of Kant's theory of moral motivation that comprehends the most challenging and controversial aspects of Kant's theory of the will and human moral motivational psychology. It argues for a new approach to the question about the purity of the Kantian moral motive.
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    Schelling's Theory of Symbolic Language: Forming the System of Identity.Daniel Whistler - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    A reconstruction of F.W.J. Schelling's philosophy of language based on a detailed reading of §73 of Schelling's lectures on the Philosophy of Art.
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  8. Stick to the Facts: On the Norms of Assertion.Daniel Whiting - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (4):847-867.
    The view that truth is the norm of assertion has fallen out of fashion. The recent trend has been to think that knowledge is the norm of assertion. Objections to the knowledge view proceed almost exclusively by appeal to alleged counterexamples. While it no doubt has a role to play, such a strategy relies on intuitions concerning hypothetical cases, intuitions which might not be shared and which might shift depending on how the relevant cases are fleshed out. In this paper, (...)
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    18 Chimpanzee theory of mind? the long road to strong inference.Daniel Povinelli - 1996 - In Peter Carruthers & Peter K. Smith (eds.), Theories of Theories of Mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293.
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    World Without Weight: Perspectives on an Alien Mind.Daniel Povinelli - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    In every domain of reasoning humans deploy an wide range of intuitive 'theories' about how the world works. So are we alone in trying to make sense of the world by postulating theoretical entities to explain how the world works, or do we share this ability with other species. This is the focus of this new book from Daniel Povinelli.
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    Justification as ignorance and logical omniscience.Daniel Waxman - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):1-8.
    I argue that there is a tension between two of the most distinctive theses of Sven Rosenkranz’s Justification as Ignorance: the central thesis concerning justification, according to which an agent has propositional justification to believe p iff they are in no position to know that they are in no position to know p and the desire to avoid logical omniscience by imposing only “realistic” idealizations on epistemic agents.
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  12. Darwin without Malthus: The Struggle for Existence in Russian Evolutionary Thought.Daniel P. Todes & Alexander Vucinich - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (3):523-527.
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    The WHO Definition of 'Health'.Daniel Callahan - 1973 - The Hastings Center Studies 1 (3):77.
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    Making Time Stand Still: A Response to Sober’s Counter-Example to the Principle of the Common Cause.Daniel Steel - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (2):309-317.
    In a recent article, Elliot Sober responds to challenges to a counter-example that he posed some years earlier to the Principle of the Common Cause (PCC). I agree that Sober has indeed produced a genuine counter-example to the PCC, but argue against the methodological moral that Sober wishes to draw from it. Contrary to Sober, I argue that the possibility of exceptions to the PCC does not undermine its status as a central assumption for methods that endeavor to draw causal (...)
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    On Origins and Species: Hegel on the Genus-Process.Daniel Lindquist - 2020 - Hegel Bulletin 41 (3):426-445.
    There is a broad consensus in the literature that in the section on ‘The Genus’ in theScience of Logic, Hegel argues that any living being must exist among other instances of its kind, with which it reproduces to create future generations, and out of which it was itself produced. This view is not only hard to motivate philosophically, it also seems to contradict many things Hegel says elsewhere in his system about the details of living nature, especially concerning the reality (...)
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  16. The reformation as 'tragic necessity' revisited.William W. Emilsen - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (4):415.
    Emilsen, William W On the cusp of the Second Vatican Council the distinguished American Lutheran historical theologian, Jaroslav Pelikan, then at the University of Chicago, published a groundbreaking volume titled The Riddle of Roman Catholicism. In this book Pelikan gave a sympathetic yet critical examination of the evolution of Roman Catholicism, its distinctive beliefs and, most importantly, he offered a discussion of the theological issues Protestants face in their conversations with Roman Catholics on Christian unity. The Riddle of Roman Catholicism (...)
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  17. Self is Magic.Daniel M. Wegner - 2008 - In John Baer, James C. Kaufman & Roy F. Baumeister (eds.), Are we free?: psychology and free will. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  18. Upper-directed systems: a new approach to teleology in biology.Daniel W. McShea - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (5):663-684.
    How shall we understand apparently teleological systems? What explains their persistence and their plasticity? Here I argue that all seemingly goal-directed systems—e.g., a food-seeking organism, human-made devices like thermostats and torpedoes, biological development, human goal seeking, and the evolutionary process itself—share a common organization. Specifically, they consist of an entity that moves within a larger containing structure, one that directs its behavior in a general way without precisely determining it. If so, then teleology lies within the domain of the theory (...)
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  19. Unprincipled engagement: Emotional experience, expression and response.Daniel D. Hutto - 2006 - In Richard Menary (ed.), Radical Enactivism: Intentionality, Phenomenology, and Narrative : Focus on the Philosophy of Daniel D. Hutto. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  20. Agency and authenticity: Which value grounds patient choice?Daniel Brudney & John Lantos - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (4):217-227.
    In current American medical practice, autonomy is assumed to be more valuable than human life: if a patient autonomously refuses lifesaving treatment, the doctors are supposed to let him die. In this paper we discuss two values that might be at stake in such clinical contexts. Usually, we hear only of autonomy and best interests. However, here, autonomy is ambiguous between two concepts—concepts that are tied to different values and to different philosophical traditions. In some cases, the two values (that (...)
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  21. Meta-Externalism vs Meta-Internalism in the Study of Reference.Daniel Cohnitz & Jussi Haukioja - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (3):475-500.
    We distinguish and discuss two different accounts of the subject matter of theories of reference, meta-externalism and meta-internalism. We argue that a form of the meta- internalist view, “moderate meta-internalism”, is the most plausible account of the subject matter of theories of reference. In the second part of the paper we explain how this account also helps to answer the questions of what kind of concept reference is, and what role intuitions have in the study of the reference relation.
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    Medicine and the market: equity v. choice.Daniel Callahan - 2006 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Angela A. Wasunna.
    Much has been written about medicine and the market in recent years. This book is the first to include an assessment of market influence in both developed and developing countries, and among the very few that have tried to evaluate the actual health and economic impact of market theory and practices in a wide range of national settings. Tracing the path that market practices have taken from Adam Smith in the eighteenth century into twenty-first-century health care, Daniel Callahan and (...)
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    The Cambridge companion to virtue ethics.Daniel C. Russell (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume of newly commissioned essays, leading moral philosophers offer a comprehensive overview of virtue ethics.
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    Ethical issues associated with solid organ transplantation and substance use: a scoping review.Daniel Z. Buchman, Ani Orchanian-Cheff, Denitsa Vasileva & Lauren Notini - 2019 - Monash Bioethics Review 37 (3-4):111-135.
    While solid organ transplantation for patients with substance use issues has attracted ethical discussion, a typology of the ethics themes has not been articulated in the literature. We conducted a scoping review of peer-reviewed literature on solid organ transplantation and substance use published between January 1997 and April 2016. We aimed to identify and develop a typology of the main ethical themes discussed in this literature and to identify gaps worthy of future research. Seventy articles met inclusion criteria and underwent (...)
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  25. The Impossibility of Skepticism.Daniel Greco - 2012 - Philosophical Review 121 (3):317-358.
    Epistemologists and philosophers of mind both ask questions about belief. Epistemologists ask normative questions about belief—which beliefs ought we to have? Philosophers of mind ask metaphysical questions about belief—what are beliefs, and what does it take to have them? While these issues might seem independent of one another, there is potential for an interesting sort of conflict: the epistemologist might think we ought to have beliefs that, according to the philosopher of mind, it is impossible to have. This essay argues (...)
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    Technological Answerability and the Severance Problem: Staying Connected by Demanding Answers.Daniel W. Tigard - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-20.
    Artificial intelligence and robotic technologies have become nearly ubiquitous. In some ways, the developments have likely helped us, but in other ways sophisticated technologies set back our interests. Among the latter sort is what has been dubbed the ‘severance problem’—the idea that technologies sever our connection to the world, a connection which is necessary for us to flourish and live meaningful lives. I grant that the severance problem is a threat we should mitigate and I ask: how can we stave (...)
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  27. Brain writing and mind reading.Daniel C. Dennett - 1975 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7:403-15.
  28. Effects of subliminal priming of self and God on self-attribution of authorship for events.Daniel Wegner, Dijksterhuis, A., Preston, J. & H. Aarts - manuscript
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    Toward a cognitive neuropsychology of awareness: Implicit knowledge and anosognosia.Daniel L. Schacter - 1990 - Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 12:155-78.
  30. Free Agents as Cause.Daniel von Wachter - 2003 - In Klaus Petrus (ed.), On Human Persons. Heusenstamm Nr Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 183-194.
    The dilemma of free will is that if actions are caused deterministically, then they are not free, and if they are not caused deterministically then they are not free either because then they happen by chance and are not up to the agent. I propose a conception of free will that solves this dilemma. It can be called agent causation but it differs from what Chisholm and others have called so.
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  31. Marx’s Attempt to Leave Philosophy.Daniel Brudney - 1998 - Science and Society 66 (2):282-287.
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  32. Intention, awareness, and implicit memory: The retrieval intentionality criterion.Daniel L. Schacter, J. Bowers & J. Booker - 1989 - In S. Lewandowsky, J. M. Dunn & K. Kirsner (eds.), Implicit Memory: Theoretical Issues. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    You are what you do: and six other lies about work, life, & love.Daniel Im - 2020 - Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing.
    In You Are What You Do, Daniel Im examines seven everyday lies that Christians believe in the twenty-first century and the gospel truths that reshape everything.
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    The first modern Jew: Spinoza and the history of an image.Daniel B. Schwartz - 2012 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    Pioneering biblical critic, theorist of democracy, and legendary conflater of God and nature, Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was excommunicated by the Sephardic Jews of Amsterdam in 1656 for his "horrible heresies" and "monstrous deeds." Yet, over the past three centuries, Spinoza's rupture with traditional Jewish beliefs and practices has elevated him to a prominent place in genealogies of Jewish modernity. The First Modern Jew provides a riveting look at how Spinoza went from being one of Judaism's most notorious outcasts (...)
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    Divinity and Maximal Greatness.Daniel Hill - 2004 - Routledge.
    This book examines the divine nature in terms of maximal greatness. It investigates each attribute associated with maximal greatness - omnipotence, omniscience, perfect goodness, eternity, and beauty, arguing that maximal greatness is necessary and sufficient for divinity.
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    Synthetische Notwendigkeit.Daniel von Wachter - 2000 - Metaphysica Sonderheft 1:155-177.
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  37. The active role of partial knowledge in cross-situational word learning.Daniel Yurovsky, Damian Fricker, Chen Yu & Linda B. Smith - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  38. Berkeley's Rejection of Divine Analogy.Stephen H. Daniel - 2011 - Science Et Esprit 63 (2):149-161.
    Berkeley argues that claims about divine predication (e.g., God is wise or exists) should be understood literally rather than analogically, because like all spirits (i.e., causes), God is intelligible only in terms of the extent of his effects. By focusing on the harmony and order of nature, Berkeley thus unites his view of God with his doctrines of mind, force, grace, and power, and avoids challenges to religious claims that are raised by appeals to analogy. The essay concludes by showing (...)
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    The moral choice.Daniel C. Maguire - 1978 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
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    Re-affirming experience, presence, and the world: setting the RECord straight in reply to Noë.Daniel D. Hutto & Erik Myin - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (5):971-989.
    This paper responds to Alva Noë’s general critique of Radical Enactivism. In particular, it responds to his claim that Radical Enactivism denies experience, presence and the world. We clarify Radical Enactivism’s actual arguments and positive commitments in this regard. Finally, we assess how Radical Enactvism stands up in comparison with Noë’s own version of Sensorimotor Knowledge Enactivism.
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  41. The great scope inversion conspiracy.Daniel Büring - 1997 - Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (2):175-194.
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    “Vegetative Epistemology”: Francis Glisson on the Self-Referential Nature of Life.Dániel Schmal - 2021 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Andreas Blank (eds.), Vegetative Powers: The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 347-363.
    The aim of this paper is to examine Francis Glisson’s theory of perception insofar as it concerns the lowest class of living beings: plants. Plants have a special status, they are located between inanimate objects and animals in the hierarchy of being. Unlike the former, they are organic, but unlike the latter they are unconscious. Peculiar to Glisson is the claim that vegetative organization requires self-referential perception. In light of traditional epistemology, this claim may sound puzzling, because we tend to (...)
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    The Roots of Bioethics: Health, Progress, Technology, Death.Daniel Callahan - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Daniel Callahan's life time work in bioethics has again and again returned to the root problems of health, progress, technology, and death. How we think about each of them individually and in relation to each other will shape the way we approach and deal with the most common dilemmas of modern medicine. They are at the roots of the field.
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    Everything is connected: the power of music.Daniel Barenboim - 2008 - London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Edited by Elena Cheah.
    A memoir by the great pianist, conductor and internationalist Daniel Barenboim.
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    The skill of attention control: Acquisition and execution of attention strategies.Daniel Gopher - 1993 - In David E. Meyer & Sylvan Kornblum (eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 299--322.
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  46. A philosophical approach to satire and humour in social context.Daniel Abrahams - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    The topic of my dissertation is satire. This seems to excite many people, and over the past four years I have heard many variations of a similar refrain: “Oh, wow. You’re studying satire? That’s very topical. You must have a lot of material to work with.” There is a way in which this is true, though I suspect in a way that diverges from the way that most of my interlocutors believed. I suspect that the material they imagined me to (...)
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  47. Courage and Wisdom in Plato's Laches.Daniel Devereux - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (2):129-141.
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    Neither pictures nor propositions: What can we learn from a mental image?Daniel Reisberg & D. Chambers - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Psychology 45:336-52.
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  49. (1 other version)Variation in Natural Kind Concepts.Daniel Cohnitz & Jussi Haukioja - 2020 - In Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss (eds.), Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 128-146.
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    The Status of Irrationality: Karl Jaspers' Response to Davidson and Searle.Daniel Adsett - unknown
    In this dissertation I advance a Jaspersian account of the formation and possession of irrational attitudes. This account stands in opposition to two competing views – externalism and internalism with respect to rational and irrational attitudes. According to externalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they fail to satisfy standards or criteria independent of the subject, such as laws of logic, methods for evidence acquisition, and rules of decision theory. According to internalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they are (...)
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