Results for 'Dani Blasco'

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  1. God and Dispositional Essentialism: An Account of the Laws of Nature.Dani Adams - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (2):293-316.
    It is common to appeal to governing laws of nature in order to explain the existence of natural regularities. Classical theism, however, maintains the sovereignty thesis: everything distinct from God is created by him and is under his guidance and control. It follows from this that God must somehow be responsible for natural laws and regularities. Therefore, theists need an account of the relation between regularities, laws, and God. I examine competing accounts of laws of nature and conclude that dispositional (...)
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    La Economía Social: su función económica y las políticas públicas de fomento.Aurelio Herrero-Blasco - 2014 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 15:77-91.
    El propósito u objeto de este artículo es resaltar la importancia que la Economía Social tiene y su papel fundamental a nivel de motor económico porque : distribuye de forma más igualitaria la renta y la riqueza, contribuye al desarrollo económico endógeno, incrementa la autonomía de los territorios, corrige los desequilibrios del mercado de trabajo, oferta más servicios de bienestar social, ayuda a la estabilidad económica y hace que el desarrollo económico sea sostenible. Así mismo, una vez justificada la importancia (...)
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    Logic and colour.Dany Jaspers - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (1-2):227-248.
    In this paper evidence will be provided that Wittgenstein’s intuition about the logic of colour relations is to be taken near-literally. Starting from the Aristotelian oppositions between propositions as represented in the logical square of oppositions on the one hand and oppositions between primary and secondary colors as represented in an octahedron on the other, it will be shown algebraically how definitions for the former carry over to the realm of colour categories and describe very precisely the relations obtaining between (...)
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  4. El sentimiento de vergüenza: una aproximación desde la Ética Nicomáquea y la Retórica de Aristóteles.Marta Gil Blasco - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:2.
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    Introduction à la pensée et à l’oeuvre d’Emmanuel Lasker.Dany Sénéchaud - 2006 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (1):91-108.
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    Economics Rules: Why Economics Works, When It Fails, and How to Tell the Difference.Dani Rodrik - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The economics profession has become a favourite punching bag in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Economists are widely reviled and their influence derided by the general public. Yet their services have never been in greater demand. To unravel the paradox, we need to understand both the strengths and weaknesses of economics. This book offers both a defence and critique of economics. Economists' way of thinking about social phenomena has great advantages. But the flexible, contextual nature of economics is (...)
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    Group (epistemic) competence.Dani Pino - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11377-11396.
    In this paper, I present an account of group competence that is explicitly framed for cases of epistemic performances. According to it, we must consider group epistemic competence as the group agents’ capacity to produce knowledge, and not the result of the summation of its individual members’ competences to produce knowledge. Additionally, I contend that group competence must be understood in terms of group normative status. To introduce my view, I present Jesper Kallestrup’s denial that group competence involves anything over (...)
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    Palestinian Prisoners' Hunger-Strikes in Israeli Prisons: Beyond the Dual-Loyalty Dilemma in Medical Practice and Patient Care.Dani Filc, Hadas Ziv, Mithal Nassar & Nadav Davidovitch - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (3):229-238.
    The present article focuses on the case of the 2012 hunger-strike of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. We analyze the ethical dilemma involved in the way the Israeli medical community reacted to these hunger-strikes and the question of force feeding within the context of the fundamental dual-loyalty structure inherent in the Israeli Prison Services—system. We argue that the liberal perspective that focuses the discussion on the dilemma between the principle of individual autonomy and the sanctity of life tends to be (...)
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  9. Trust the Process: A New Scientific Outlook on Psychodramatic Spontaneity Training.Dani Yaniv - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  10. Speech production.Dani Byrd & Elliot Saltzman - 2002 - In Michael A. Arbib, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second Edition. MIT Press. pp. 1072--1076.
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    La poignée de main.Dany Laferrière - 2012 - Labyrinthe 39:129-133.
    C’est un vieux court-métrage en noir et blanc qui ne cesse de tressauter dans ma tête depuis mon adolescence. Cela débute généralement à l’aube, entre deux sommeils. Le film se termine par une scène en apparence banale : quelques secondes où l’on voit deux hommes se serrer la main. L’image est un peu floue du fait que la scène est filmée par une mémoire émue. * Quelques rapides traits pour situer l’événement. Les deux hommes vivent sur des continents séparés. L’un (...)
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    Conatus E duração na ética de espinosa.Dani Barki Minkovicius - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 38:245-262.
    O artigo visa desenvolver a noção de duração na _Ética_ de Espinosa, mostrando que seu entendimento passa pela discussão de uma outra noção, central na filosofia de Espinosa, qual seja, a noção de conatus. A partir, então, da análise aqui pretendida – análise essa que passará por um estudo sobre a existência, a essência, a substância e o modo, além da noção de definição – será possível uma compreensão positiva da indefinição, e um esclarecimento, enfim, do que Espinosa entende por (...)
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    Do escoamento à presença.Dani Barki Minkovicius - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:279-306.
    The article aims to, from the study of several writings of Pascal,return to what the seventeenth century thinker would have consideredabout time and eternity: what they would be, if and how they wouldrelate. For this, it will be firstly outlined a course that will go through thestudy of the human condition, describing its situation of disproportion and misery, and the condition of the things of worldly life, in addition to man, until the understanding of the existence of another order is (...)
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    The DNA Test Results That Uncovered a Family Secret.Dani Shapiro - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):6-7.
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  15. Revealing the Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education.Maribel Blasco & José Víctor Orón Semper - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (5):481-498.
    The so-called ‘hidden curriculum’ is often presented as a counterproductive element in education, and many scholars argue that it should be eliminated, by being made explicit, in education in general and specifically in higher education. The problem of the HC has not been solved by the transition from a teacher-centered education to a student-centered educational model that takes the student’s experience as the starting point of learning. In this article we turn to several philosophers of education to propose that HC (...)
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    Sócrates político. Un comentario a Gorgias 521d.Miquel Solans Blasco - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):1-17.
    El presente artículo defiende que en _ Gorgias _ 521d Sócrates se atribuye a sí mismo una forma genuina de saber político. Para ello, se abordan los problemas planteados por la crítica reciente en lo que respecta a la aparente incompatibilidad de dicha atribución con (1) el reconocimiento explícito en _ Gorgias _ de no poseer un saber referido a lo justo, y (2) la aparente invalidez de la actividad desarrollada por Sócrates para contar, bajo los criterios que él mismo (...)
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  17. Logic and Colour in Cognition, Logic and Philosophy.Dany Jaspers - 2017 - In Marcos Silva, How Colours Matter to Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
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    Leadership in Economy of Communion Companies. Contribution to the Common Good through Innovation.Ma Asunción Esteso-Blasco, María Gil-Marqués & Juan Sapena - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):77-101.
    Innovation is strongly associated with survival and growth of all kind of organizations in a global competitive economy. Moreover, nowadays companies are increasingly questioned on how they deliver innovative solutions to deep-seated problems, such as poverty. Our research aims to understand how Economy of Communion companies respond to this challenge by applying the logic of gratuitousness and giving. This paper examines the altruistic behaviour of EoC leaders and the connection with organizational innovation, necessary for firm’s survival in the long-term. We (...)
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    Щодо ієрархії у інтегральному традиціоналізмі та православній філософсько-богословській думці.Daniеl Bohatyrov & Ivan Chornomordenko - 2022 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):194-211.
    Статтю присвячено аналізу розуміння ієрархії у православній філософській та богословській думці, та визначенню того, як це розуміння впливає на православний світогляд. Мета статті досягається за допомогою застосування авторами методології, розробленої представниками філософської школи інтегрального традиціоналізму, оскільки остання являє собою продукт глибокого вивчення та зіставлення досвіду різних релігійних традицій, а також виявляє критерії традиціоналістського світогляду як такого, спільні для різних традицій. Зокрема, автори використовують висновки французького філософа-традиціоналіста Рене Генона про сакральну та ініціатичну природу ієрархії у традиційних суспільствах для пошуку відповідників у (...)
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  20. Republican bioethics.Dani Filc - 2018 - In Hagai Boas, Shai Joshua Lavi, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Dani Filc & Nadav Davidovitch, Bioethics and biopolitics in Israel: socio-legal, political and empirical analysis. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    Stabilization of Two Electricity Generators.Dany Ivan Martinez, José de Jesús Rubio, Arturo Aguilar, Jaime Pacheco, Guadalupe Juliana Gutierrez, Victor Garcia, Tomas Miguel Vargas, Genaro Ochoa, David Ricardo Cruz & Cesar Felipe Juarez - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    In this research, a sliding mode regulator with sine mapping is suggested for the stabilization of electricity generators being affected by magnet interaction nonlinearities and generator nonlinearities. To reach this goal, our suggested regulator has the following contributions: it starts from the sliding mode regulator with the modifications that the saturation mapping is used to reach a smoother performance instead of the signum mapping, and the sine mapping is applied to reach an upper bound in the proportional gain error, it (...)
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    Sisyphe: ou, L'illusion d'optique: réflexions sur l'absurde.Danièle Masson - 1974 - Chiré-en-Montreuil: Diffusion de La Pensée française.
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    Il était une fois le dernier homme.Dany-Robert Dufour - 2012 - [Paris]: Denoël.
    Evoquant au passage l'axolotl, ce poisson mexicain qui nous ressemble, comme le jaguar de la brousse brésilienne ou le loup des contes enfantins, discutant avec Platon, Albert Einstein ou... Michael Jackson, se prenant à l'occasion pour Sherlock Holmes, le narrateur écrit dix lettres à sa " belle amie". Qui correspondent à autant de moments clés du " voyage" à travers le temps accompli par cette étrange espèce animale qu'on appelle les hommes. Contrairement à l'idée reçue, notre espèce se caractérise non (...)
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    L'artiste, le vrai et le juste: sur l'esthétique des Lumières.Danièle Cohn - 2014 - Paris: Musée du quai Branly.
    Ce livre prend position sur les enjeux et les visées des oeuvres d'art en matière de vérité et de morale : il répond, par un retour sur l'époque des Lumières, aux questions contemporaines sur l'idée d'un perfectionnement moral de l'individu (S. Cavell, M. Nussbaum, S. Laugier). Car les Lumières ont remis au coeur de la création artistique les émotions, les affects et les sentiments, mues par la conviction de l'efficacité d'une éducation esthétique de l'homme, d'une éducation sensible par le sensible, (...)
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  25. The liberal grounding of the right to health care: An egalitarian critique.Dani Filc - 2007 - Theoria 54 (112):51-72.
    The language of rights is increasingly used to regulate access to health care and allocation of resources in the health care field. The right to health has been grounded on different theories of justice. Scholars within the liberal tradition have grounded the right to health care on Rawls's two principles of justice. Thus, the right to health care has been justified as being one of the basic liberties, as enabling equality of opportunity, or as being justified by the maximin principle. (...)
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    Considerações acerca dos capítulos sobre a eternidade, a unidade, a imensidão e a imutabilidade de Deus na segunda parte dos Pensamentos Metafísicos de Espinosa.Dani Barki Minkovicius - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 47:145-178.
    Pretendemos comentar os primeiros quatro capítulos da segunda parte dos _Pensamentos Metafísicos_ de Espinosa, dedicados, respectivamente, à eternidade, à unidade, à imensidão e à imutabilidade de Deus; sugerindo, ademais, uma leitura geral para a obra em questão como um todo. Procuramos, desse modo, investigar o sentido das demonstrações espinosanas nesses capítulos, propondo hipóteses para a estruturação delas bem como a, por vezes, insuficiência – justificada – de algumas delas, enfatizando, nisso tudo e dentre outros aspectos, o caráter _polêmico_ da obra.
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    Sobre contingência E liberdade em Leibniz.Dani Barki Minkovicius - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:317-332.
    O percurso argumentativo do Discurso de Metafísica encontra um momento de tensão quando se atinge o artigo 13, pois, após abordar Deus e a substância individual com caracterizações que induzem ao fatalismo, Leibniz procura afirmar a contingência e a liberdade tanto divina quanto humana. O exame que se segue tem como objetivo a descrição dessa dificuldade, bem como a apresentação de tentativas de solucioná-la – articulando as noções e respostas dadas no Discurso de Metafísica e outros textos de Leibniz, e (...)
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  28. 'We, The Knower'. The Constitution of Group Epistemic Agency.Dani Pino - 2023 - Dissertation, Universidad de Sevilla
    Virtue Epistemology, as developed over the last 43 years by Ernest Sosa (1980, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2021), known as virtue reliabilism, has proven to be a highly explanatory account. This model posits that knowledge should be understood as, not mere true belief, but apt belief, to the extent that it is attained through the manifestation of epistemic virtues or competencies of the agent. However, it faces challenges when applied to the analysis of irreducibly collective knowledge, that is, the type of (...)
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    Platón en Alemania. Reflexiones en torno a la recepción de la doctrina platónica de las ideas en Kant y Wieland.Miquel Solans Blasco - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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    Saber, principios y deliberación. Una interpretación del saber moral en el «Critón» de Platón.Miquel Solans Blasco - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (288):5-29.
    Este trabajo analiza los elementos centrales de la concepción platónica del saber moral en el diálogo Critón. En primer lugar, se examina la caracterización del saber moral que Sócrates se atribuye a sí mismo en la Apología, con el objetivo de ofrecer un marco conceptual de referencia en el que situar el saber moral socrático tal y como es presentado en el Critón. El siguiente epígrafe está dedicado al estudio de los principios prácticos introducidos por Sócrates en su respuesta a (...)
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    Second thoughts on economics rules.Dani Rodrik - 2018 - Journal of Economic Methodology 25 (3):276-281.
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    Floating All Boats: Promoting Solidarity to Advance Social Justice.Marion Danis - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (10):15-17.
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    Bioethicists Can and Should Contribute to Addressing Racism.Marion Danis, Yolonda Wilson & Amina White - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):3-12.
    The problems of racism and racially motivated violence in predominantly African American communities in the United States are complex, multifactorial, and historically rooted. While these problems are also deeply morally troubling, bioethicists have not contributed substantially to addressing them. Concern for justice has been one of the core commitments of bioethics. For this and other reasons, bioethicists should contribute to addressing these problems. We consider how bioethicists can offer meaningful contributions to the public discourse, research, teaching, training, policy development, and (...)
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  34. Understanding Wittgenstein's On certainty.Danièle Moyal-Sharrock - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This radical reading of Wittgenstein's third and last masterpiece, On Certainty, has major implications for philosophy. It elucidates Wittgenstein's ultimate thoughts on the nature of our basic beliefs and his demystification of scepticism. Our basic certainties are shown to be nonepistemic, nonpropositional attitudes that, as such, have no verbal occurrence but manifest themselves exclusively in our actions. This fundamental certainty is a belief-in, a primitive confidence or ur-trust whose practical nature bridges the hitherto unresolved categorial gap between belief and action.
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    Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis.Dany Nobus - 2000 - Routledge.
    _Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis_ paints a completely new picture of the man and his ideas. The book suceeds in showing how ideas can become more accessible, and re-evaluates his significance within the field of psychodynamic psychotherapy. The book is structured thematically around five key issues: diagnosis, the analyst's position during the treatment, the management of transference, the formulation of interpretations, and the organisation of analytic training. For each of these issues, Lacan's entire work both published and (...)
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    Acomodo de la diversidad, reconocimiento y justicia social.Marta Gil Blasco - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 19:113-136.
    En primer lugar, expondremos el trasfondo común que comparten las propuestas multiculturalistas y las intercultralistas, esto es, el particular énfasis que ponen en la necesidad de reconocimiento para la conformación de la personalidad y en las patologías que se derivan de la falta de reconocimiento. En segundo lugar, veremos algunos de los problemas que suscitan los planteamientos multiculturalistas: minorías dentro de las minorías, esencialismo y ausencia de cohesión social. En este punto también expondremos algunas de las propuestas del interculturalismo para (...)
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    La repugnancia: de reacción fisiológica a emoción política.Marta Gil Blasco - 2013 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 13 (13):137-152.
    La repugnancia es una emoción que pone de manifiesto la especificidad de los seres humanos como seres naturales y seres culturales. Es por ello que la repugnancia constituye un objeto de estudio privilegiado para la Neuroética. En el siguiente artículo trataremos de mostrar que la repugnancia no es una mera reacción fisiológica, sino que la evolución biológica y cultural ha hecho de ella una emoción enormemente compleja dotada de un gran contenido cognitivo. Veremos qué papel ha jugado el recurso retórico (...)
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    Reseña del libro: " Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation".Marta Gil Blasco - 2014 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 15:163-168.
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  39. Modernidad como desmitologización: Theodor W. Adorno y la verdad en arte como praxis artística y teoría estética.Jordi Maiso Blasco - 2005 - In Antonio Notario Ruiz, Contrapuntos estéticos. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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  40. Catharsis and the epistemology of repentance in the Talmud and Jewish law.Dani Rabinowitz - 2019 - In Samuel Lebens, Dani Rabinowitz & Aaron Segal, Jewish Philosophy in an Analytic Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Usa.
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    Normativity II–Towards an Integral Perspective.Danie Fm Strauss - 2011 - South African Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):360-383.
    This is a follow-up article of Strauss 2011. In order to transcend the shortcomings present in the dialectical legacy regarding normativity, this article further explores key elements within the dialectical tradition focused on the basic motive of nature and freedom and the effect it had on modern social contract theories which aimed at reconstructing human society from its “atoms,” the individuals. The transition to an alternative approach commences with a discussion of the distinction between conditions and what is conditioned. It (...)
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    The Idea of a World Order.Danie Strauss - 2018 - Philosophia Reformata 83 (2):204-224.
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    Echo's van de toekomst.Daniël J. Wicherlink - 1976 - De Bilt: Fontein.
    Studie over het verschijnsel helderziendheid waarbij de verschillende in de loop der tijden ontwikkelde theorieën en verklaringen in een logisch verband behandeld worden.
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    Sugestão significativa, atitude filosófica e generosidade: o problema da expressão em Bergson a partir da obra Bergson: intuição e discurso filosófico de Franklin Leopoldo e Silva.Dani Barki Minkovicius - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):126-135.
    We intend to present a reading of Franklin Leopoldo e Silva’s Bergson: intuição e discurso filosófico from the perspective of the problem of expression, emphasizing how the methodological and discursive issue in philosophy is resolved by overcoming traditional problems related to the subject-object distinction, privileging now interiority, a genetic method, suggestion, and philosophical attitude, which we will finally try to qualify as generous. Thus, we aim not only to reveal Franklin Leopoldo e Silva’s Bergson, but also the Bergsonism present in (...)
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  45. L’herméneutique théologique de Hans-Georg Gadamer: une dérogation à son herméneutique philosophique?Dany Rodier - 2012 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 68 (3):639.
    RÉSUMÉ: Cet article propose une analyse détaillée des considérations de Hans-Georg Gadamer sur l’herméneutique théologique proprement dite. Pensée dans et pour la foi chrétienne, la conception de l’herméneutique théologique qu’il met en avant se veut essentiellement une herméneutique du texte biblique. Les réflexions de Gadamer sur ce thème nous conduisent cependant tout droit dans sa théorie de la littérature. La question directrice devient celle de la nature du texte religieux (entendons : du texte biblique, reçu en son unité canonique) en (...)
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    “We’re Just Geeks”: Disciplinary Identifications Among Business Students and Their Implications for Personal Responsibility.Maribel Blasco - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):279-302.
    This research shows how business students’ disciplinary specializations can affect their sense of personal responsibility by providing rationalizations for moral disengagement. It thereby conceptualizes business students’ disciplinary specializations as a key dimension of the business school responsibility learning environment. Students use four main rationalizations to displace responsibility variously away from their own disciplinary specializations, to claim responsibility as the prerogative of their specialization, and to shiftirresponsibility onto disciplinary out-groups. Yet despite their disciplinary identifications, students largely rationalized that their sense of (...)
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  47. Conceptual and ethical problems in screening for major depressive disorder.Dany Lamothe & Mona Gupta - 2019 - In Kelso Cratsley & Jennifer Radden, Mental Health as Public Health: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Ethics of Prevention. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
  48. Un lieu d’accueil pour l’élaboration de la souffrance du soignant : réflexion sur le cursus de formation en éthique au programme de psychiatrie de l’Université de Sherbrooke.Dany Lamothe, Benoit Bergeron, Joëlle Hassoun & Jessika Roy-Desruisseaux - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):72-79.
    The specificities of mental health care combined with the contemporary context of health care make ethical issues particularly salient in psychiatry. Thus, residents in training in this medical discipline may be particularly exposed to difficult situations involving an ethical dilemma, which can be a cause of distress and moral suffering. Future physicians are equipped with knowledge and skills that should enable them to address the ethical issues inherent to clinical practice, as teaching of this discipline is now a requirement for (...)
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    ‘And Sarah Heard It in the Tent Door’ (Genesis 18, 10): Uncovering Sarah’s Covenant.Dvora Lederman Daniely - 2018 - Feminist Theology 27 (1):26-42.
    The hypothesis of this article is that Sarah was the equal of Abraham in establishing the faith of the Hebrew nation, and therefore, she was also a party to a constitutive covenant that was most likely concealed and omitted from the canonical version of the Bible. First, this article introduces research claims regarding Sarah’s central role as a formative leading matriarch. The article then goes on to examine the significance of the tradition of the covenant with Abraham in terms of (...)
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    Revealing Miriam’s Prophecy.Dvora Lederman-Daniely - 2016 - Feminist Theology 25 (1):8-28.
    This article examines the character of Miriam the prophetess and raises questions regarding the contradictions and contrasts in the way she is portrayed in the biblical text. Contrary to some researchers, who argued that Miriam was not actually a prophetess and did not deliver the word of God, this essay argues that Miriam was indeed equal to her brother Moses, both as a prophetess and as a messenger, equal in both essence and spiritual role. This essay aims to reveal, using (...)
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