Results for 'D. Brunt'

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  1.  50
    Victor Ehrenberg: Von den Grund-formen griechischer Staatsordnung. (Sitz. d. Heidelberger Akad. d. Wiss., Phil.-Hist. Kl., 1961. 3.) Pp. 46. Heidelberg: Winter, 1961. Paper, DM. 7.20. [REVIEW]P. A. Brunt - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (01):123-.
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    The Fall of Perennis: Dio-Xiphilinus 72. 9. 2.P. A. Brunt - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (1):172-177.
    Dio-Xiphilinus, Herodian, and the Historia Augusta give three apparently contradictory accounts of the circumstances in which Commodus' all-powerful praetorian prefect, Sex. Tigidius Perennis, was overthrown in A.D. 185. My purpose here is not to try to decide between them, but primarily to correct what I think a patent misinterpretation, now current, of a crucial statement in that given by Xiphilinus in his epitome of Dio.
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    Ancient History - Michael Grant : Ancient History. (Home Study Books.) Pp. viii+247; 5 maps. London: Methuen, 1952. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]P. A. Brunt - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):37-39.
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    Dialogue with the Other: The Inter-religious Dialogue by David Tracy.Gavin D'costa - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):530-532.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:530 BOOK REVIEWS I think none of these books contains a wholly satisfactory treatment of the particular issues it takes up. Taken together, however, they do show that evil presents not just one but many problems to reflective religious minds. In addition, they make it perfectly evident that not just one but many academic disciplines continue to have helpful things to say in response to these gripping perplexities. University (...)
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    Multiculturalism and Welfare Reform.John D. Jones - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (2):11-18.
    Multiculturalism has not yet systematically addressed, much less challenged, dominant approaches to poverty and welfare reform. This lacuna must be rectified since the widespread poverty experienced by people of color poses a substantive threat to the development of a truly inclusive and multicultural society. Present approaches to poverty, defined in the context of welfare reform, are defective for three reasons: First, welfare reform basically aims to reduce welfare “dependency” by moving so-called able-bodied welfare recipients off welfare and into the labor (...)
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    Italian Manpower P. A. Brunt: Italian Manpower, 225 B.C.–A.D. 14. Pp. xxi+750; 16 tables. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. Cloth, £9. [REVIEW]David Stockton - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (02):255-258.
  7. Res Gestae - P. A. Brunt and J. M. Moore: Res Gestae Divi Augusti. With an introduction and commentary. Pp. vi+90. London: Oxford University Press, 1967. Paper, 9 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]John Crook - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (01):59-60.
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    Protein engineering: In breadth but not in depth. Advances in Gene Technology: Protein Engineering and Production. Proceedings of the Miami Bio/Technology Winter Symposium, February 8–12 (1988). Editors: K. Brew, F. Ahmad, H. Bialy, S. Black, R. Fenna, D. Puett, W. Scott, J. Van Brunt, R. Voellmy, W. Whelan & J. Woessner (1988). IRL Press, Oxford, Washington DC. Pp. 239, £26. [REVIEW]Udo Eilert - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (2):101-102.
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    Medicine as a corporate enterprise, patient welfare centered profession, or patient welfare centered professional enterprise?Ajai Singh & Shakuntala Singh - 2005 - Mens Sana Monographs 3 (2):19.
    There is an alarming trend in the field of medicine, whose portents are ominous but do not seem to shake the complacency and merry making doing the rounds. The wants of the medical man have multiplied beyond imagination. The cost of organizing conferences is no longer possible on delegate fees. The bottom-line is: Crores for a Conference, Millions for a Mid-Term. However, the problem is that sponsors keep a discreet but careful tab on docs. All in all, costs of medicines (...)
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    Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Butch-Femme Fashion and Queer Legibility in New York City, 1945–1969.Alix Genter - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):604.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:604 Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Alix Genter Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Butch-Femme Fashion and Queer Legibility in New York City, 1945–1969 The 1956 image of Sunny and Doris (figure 1) is a typical one when conjuring images of butch-femme lesbianism in the post-World War II era: a femme looking glamorous in a dress, makeup, and heels, and a dapper butch sporting a (...)
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  11. The Quantum Self.D. Zohar & I. N. Marshall - 1990 - Morrow.
    In The Quantum Self, Danah Zohar argues that the insights of modem physics can illuminate our understanding of everyday life -- our relationships to ourselves, to others, and to the world at large. Guiding us through the strange and fascinating workings of the subatomic realm to create a new model of human consciousness, the author addresses enduring philosophical questions. Does the new physics provide a basis by which our consciousness might continue beyond death? How does the material world (for instance, (...)
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  12. A learning algorithm for boltzmann machines.D. H. Ackley - 1985 - Cognitive Science 9 (1):147-169.
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    The autonomy of syntax.D. Adger - 2018 - In Norbert Hornstein, Howard Lasnik, Pritty Patel-Grosz & Charles Yang (eds.), Syntactic structures after 60 years. The impact of the chomskyan revolution in linguistics. De Gruyter Mouton.
  14. (3 other versions)Probability and Hume's Inductive Scepticism.D. C. Stove - 1973 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 35 (3):646-647.
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  15. min al-Waḥy ilá al-ʻaṣr fī al-rushd, al-ʻaḍūḍ, al-ʻalmānīyah.Muḥsin ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd - 2022 - Irbīl: Maktab al-Tafsīr lil-Ṭabʻ wa-al-Nashr.
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    Addendum to “Einstein’s “Zur Electrodynamik...” Revisited, with some Consequences” by S. D. Agashe.S. D. Agashe - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (2):306-309.
  17. Fī al-difāʻ ʻan al-ijtihād wa-al-taḥdīth fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-Islāmī: abḥāth muhdāh lil-Ustādh Saʻīd Binsaʻīd al-ʻUlwī.Saʻīd Binsaʻīd ʻAlawī & Kamāl ʻAbd al-Laṭīf (eds.) - 2013 - al-Rabāṭ: Jāmiʻat Muḥammad al-Khāmis Akadāl, Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
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    The Problem of Cratylus.D. J. Allan - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (3):271.
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    Analogy of Disjunction.Domenic D’Ettore - 2020 - Studia Neoaristotelica 17 (1):7-33.
    At the beginning of his influential De Nominum Analogia, Thomas de Vio Cajetan mentions three mistaken positions on analogy. He does not attach names to these positions, but each one was held by distinguished Thomists of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Furthermore, their proponents were responding to the same set of challenges from John Duns Scotus that set the agenda for the De Nominum Analogia. In this paper, I would like to do something that Cajetan did not do, and that (...)
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    Probabilistic theories: What is special about quantum mechanics?Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano - 2010 - In Alisa Bokulich & Gregg Jaeger (eds.), Philosophy of quantum information and entanglement. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  21. .D. Graham J. Shipley - unknown
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  22. A Welfarist Version of Harsanyi's Theorem.Claude D'Aspremont & Philippe Mongin - 2008 - In M. Fleurbaey M. Salles and J. Weymark (ed.), Justice, Political Liberalism, and Utilitarianism. Cambridge University Press. pp. Ch. 11.
    This is a chapter of a collective volume of Rawls's and Harsanyi's theories of distributive justice. It focuses on Harsanyi's important Social Aggregation Theorem and technically reconstructs it as a theorem in welfarist social choice.
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    The Situational Logic of Disciplinary Scholarship.Fred D’Agostino - 2018 - In Raphael Sassower & Nathaniel Laor (eds.), The Impact of Critical Rationalism: Expanding the Popperian Legacy Through the Works of Ian C. Jarvie. Springer Verlag. pp. 45-57.
    Ian C. Jarvie developed the idea of situational logic in a subtle and effective way. He was also interested in, as well as a contributor to, the institution of academic publication. This chapter provides a situational analysis of an important recurrent pattern in academic publishing, namely, the concentration of work around particular topics, despite the fact that most such work will be unrewarded in the economy of esteem that is meant to be in play.
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  24. (2 other versions)Matters of Metaphysics.D. H. MELLOR - 1991 - Philosophy 67 (260):268-270.
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    Reason and Conduct: New Bearings in Moral Philosophy.D. Z. Phillips - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (59):189-190.
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    Chronic pain patients’ need for recognition and their current struggle.D. Koesling & C. Bozzaro - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):563-572.
    Chronic pain patients often miss receiving acknowledgement for the multidimensional struggles they face with their specific conditions. People suffering from chronic pain experience a type ofinvisibilitythat is also borne by other chronically ill people and their respective medical conditions. However, chronic pain patients face both passive and active exclusion from social participation in activities like family interactions or workplace inclusion. Although such aspects are discussed in the debates lead by the bio-psycho-social model of pain, there seems to be a lack (...)
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    No Purification Ontology, No Quantum Paradoxes.Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (12):1921-1933.
    It is almost universally believed that in quantum theory the two following statements hold: all transformations are achieved by a unitary interaction followed by a von-Neumann measurement; all mixed states are marginals of pure entangled states. I name this doctrine the dogma of purification ontology. The source of the dogma is the original von Neumann axiomatisation of the theory, which largely relies on the Schrődinger equation as a postulate, which holds in a nonrelativistic context, and whose operator version holds only (...)
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    Saints, Sovereigns, and Scholars: Studies in Honor of Frederick D. Wilhelmsen.Frederick D. Wilhelmsen - 1993 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    This "festschrift" brings together authors from various countries who are specialists in different disciplines within the humanities and who share a common vision of human life. These essays in philosophical speculation, political theory, literary criticism, and historical analysis are rooted in the western cultural heritage and Christian religious tradition. Major figures examined include Aristotle, Aquinas, Thomas More, John of the Cross, Donoso Cortes, and the Spanish Carlists. The interdisciplinary and cosmopolitan nature of this "festschrift" reflects the approach and style of (...)
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    Probabilistic reasoning about epistemic action narratives.Fabio Aurelio D'Asaro, Antonis Bikakis, Luke Dickens & Rob Miller - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103352.
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  30. Doctrines of the Mean and the Debate Concerning Skills in Fourth-Century Medicine, Rhetoric and Ethics.D. S. Hutchinson - 1988 - Apeiron 21 (2):17 - 52.
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    異なる例からの素性の組合せを用いたペアワイズ分類器の学習.マニング クリストファー D. 小山 聡 - 2005 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 20:105-116.
    We propose a kernel method for using combinations of features across example pairs in learning pairwise classifiers. Pairwise classifiers, which identify whether two examples belong to the same class or not, are important components in duplicate detection, entity matching, and other clustering applications. Existing methods for learning pairwise classifiers from labeled training data are based on string edit distance or common features between two examples. However, if two examples from the same class have few common features, these methods have difficulties (...)
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    (1 other version)A Book of Latin Verse. Collected by H. W. Garrod. Clarendon Press, 1915.D. G. A. - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (02):60-61.
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  33. al-Tarbiyah al-Islāmīyah wa-taḥaddiyāt al-ʻaṣr.ʻAbd al-Ghanī ʻAbbūd - 1990 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Fikr al-ʻArabī. Edited by Ḥasan ʻAbd al-ʻĀl.
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    The publication of La Fontaines Contes by the Fermiers generaux.D. J. Adams - 1994 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (1):139-152.
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    Mind association: Annual meeting and joint session with the aristotelian society.Esq A. D. Woosley - 1938 - Mind 47 (186):263-264.
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    Elastic moduli and internal friction of nanocrystalline Pd and PdSi as a function of temperature.D. S. Agosta, R. G. Leisure, K. Foster, J. Markmann & J. J. Adams - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (6):949-958.
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  37. Vzgli︠a︡d na smysl i dostoinstvo gospodstvui︠u︡shchago napravlenīi︠a︡ v novoĭ kulʹturnoĭ istorīi chelovi︠e︡chestva.I. D.] Petropavlovskiĭ - 1898
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    Āyandah-i umīdʹbakhsh?: āzādī va istiqlāl dar jahān-i imrūz.Farhād Yazdī - 2012 - Hamburg, Germany: Nashr-i Bunyād-i Dāryūsh Humāyūn barā-yi Muṭālaʻāt-i Mashrūṭahʹkhvāhī.
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    The Last Generation of the Roman Republic.D. R. Shackleton Bailey & E. S. Gruen - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (4):436.
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  40. History and Idealism: Collingwood and Oakeshott.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2015 - In Malpass Jeff & Malpas Jeff (eds.), The Routledge Companion to hermenutics. Routledge. pp. 191-204.
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    (1 other version)Confucianism and Daoism: On the relationship between the Analects, Laozi, and Zhuangzi, Part II.Paul J. D'Ambrosio - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (9):1-11.
    This article is a continuation of Part I, which looked at the relationship between Confucianism and Daoism by first introducing general approaches, before moving on to (1) perspectives on names and actualities; (2) cultivation, learning, the natural; and (3) conceptions of the person. Continuing with the theme‐based comparison of Confucianism and Daoism by looking specifically at the Lunyu 論語 (Analects of Confucius), Daodejing 道德經 (Classic of the Way and Virtuosity) or Laozi 老子 (Book of Master Lao), and the Zhuangzi 莊子 (...)
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    Morality and Situation Ethics, by Dietrich von Hildebrand, and Graven Images, by Dietrich von Hildebrand.D. T. Sheffler - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (4):668-671.
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    The Art of the Greeks. By H. B. Walters. With 112 plates and 18 illustrations in the text. Methuen. 12 s. 6 d. net.H. D. R. W. - 1907 - The Classical Review 21 (06):186-.
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    Brain Intersections of Aesthetics and Morals: Perspectives from Biology, Neuroscience, and Evolution.D. W. Zaidel & M. Nadal - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (3):367-380.
    Human aesthetic experiences are pervasive; they are triggered by faces, art, natural scenery, foods, ideas, theories, and decision-making situations, among many sources, and seem to be a distinctive trait of our species. Our moral sense, understood as our capacity to judge events, actions, or people as good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate, also seems to be an exclusively human endowment (Ayala 2010). As part of the scientific efforts to characterize the biological foundations of our human uniqueness, recently there has been (...)
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    L'incubo degli ultimi uomini: etica e politica in Max Weber.Dimitri D'Andrea - 2005 - Roma: Carocci.
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  46. Wartości w strukturze społecznej.D. G. Podwojskij - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 77 (2):156-166.
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  47. Kreatologii︠a︡: metodologicheskie osnovanii︠a︡ i modeli, Bogopoznanie i nauchnoe znanie.D. N. Savchenko - 2010 - Moskva: Ret︠s︡ikling.
    T. 1. Metodologicheskie osnovanii︠a︡ i modeli, Bogopoznanie i nauchnoe znanie -- t. 2. Chislo. Garmonii︠a︡. Metafizika Sveta -- t. 3. Svet bogoslovskie osnovanii︠a︡ kreatologi.
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  48. Predictive utility.D. Kahneman & J. Snell - 1990 - In L. Pervin (ed.), Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research. Guilford Press. pp. 66--100.
  49. (2 other versions)Empiricism and Ethics.D. H. Monro - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (163):69-71.
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    Dual carving and minimal rationalism.D. Gene Witmer - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 62 (3):223-234.
    In his Consciousness and Fundamental Reality (2017) Philip Goff defends his anti-physicalist argument against what he calls the "Dual Carving" objection—the idea that two representations of the very same fact could both be conceptually independent and "transparent," that is, revealing of the essences of the entities in question. His defense invokes a thesis he calls "Minimal Rationalism." I explore exactly how Minimal Rationalism is supposed to turn aside the objection and argue that the formulation of Minimal Rationalism on offer is (...)
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