Results for 'Continental aesthetics'

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  1.  96
    Continental Aesthetics.Richard Kearney & David M. Rasmussen (eds.) - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley.
    This comprehensive anthology provides a collection of classic and contemporary readings in continental aesthetics. Spanning Romanticism through Modernism to Postmodernism, the volume includes landmark texts that have sparked renewed interest in aesthetics, including works by Schiller, Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, Heidegger, Sartre, Luk?cs, Habermas, Foucault, Kristeva, and Derrida.
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  2. (1 other version)The Continental Aesthetics Reader.Clive Cazeaux (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Continental Aesthetics Reader_ brings together classic and contemporary writings on art and aesthetics from the major figures in continental thought. The second edition is clearly divided into seven sections: Nineteenth-Century German Aesthetics Phenomenology and Hermeneutics Marxism and Critical Theory Excess and Affect Embodiment and Technology Poststructuralism and Postmodernism Aesthetic Ontologies. Each section is clearly placed in its historical and philosophical context, and each philosopher has an introduction by Clive Cazeaux. An updated list of readings (...)
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  3. The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):47-61.
    The paper focuses on the complex relations between aesthetics and phenomenology as they show themselves within the core locus of their interplay—the realm of the visible and the invisible. To do so, the paper examines a specific case study, a Rembrandt painting—A Woman Bathing in a Stream (1654)—through which the discussion illuminates the interconnected and inseparable relationship between aesthetics and phenomenology in relation to Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the visible and the invisible. The reading addresses both dimensions of the (...)
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    (1 other version)4. Continental aesthetics: phenomenology and antiphenomenology.Galen A. Johnson - 2010 - In Alan D. Schrift (ed.), The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 1237-1260.
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    The Continental Aesthetics Reader. [REVIEW]Elaine Miller - 2002 - Teaching Philosophy 25 (3):273-276.
  6.  28
    Aesthetics in Continental Philosophy.Ashley Woodward - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Aesthetics in Continental Philosophy Although aesthetics is a significant area of research in its own right in the analytic philosophical tradition, aesthetics frequently seems to be accorded less value than philosophy of language, logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and other areas of value theory such as ethics and political philosophy. Many of the most prominent analytic philosophers … Continue reading Aesthetics in Continental Philosophy →.
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    John Sallis's Recent Contributions to Continental Aesthetics.Bernard Freydberg - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (1):135-141.
    In a sustained and protracted meditation on imagination and art, John Sallis has more than challenged the traditional metaphysical distinction between sensible and intelligible that has governed much of aesthetic discourse. In his Sense of Imagination , he excised that philosophical marker altogether in favor of a language of sense in which intelligibility occurs as a secondary function—if at all. Praising Hegel’s celebration of color, he disputes the latter’s declaration that “art is dead” in favor of the Nietzschean hearkening to (...)
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  8. Editor’s Introduction: The Question of the Relation Between Aesthetics and Phenomenology.Philosophy U. K. He Writes on the Relation Between Art, Artistic Research Especially the Way in Which It is Informed by Ideas From Kant to Phenomenologyareas of Interest Within This Include the Philosophies of the Senses, A. Focus on Metaphor’S. Role in the Way We Carve Up the World Metaphor, Research Think He is the Author of Art, Philosophy, Continental Philosophy: From Kant to Derrida & 2Nd Edition) - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):1-9.
    Volume 11, Issue 1-2, January–December 2024.
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  9. Aesthetics (Continental).Alison Ross - unknown
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  10.  3
    The aesthetic subject in contemporary continental philosophy and literature: thinking the body-thought.Robert Hughes - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    Art makes its mark upon our flesh. It ravishes our eyes, invades our ears, and stirs our viscera; it commandeers our powers of attention and unsettles our body with its strangenesses. The event of art is thus an encounter both with a sensuous object and with ourselves, exposing us as subjects strangely susceptible to being moved. The 21st-century European thinkers elucidated here describe a theory of the aesthetic subject: Irigaray articulates the basic outlines of a subject ill at ease with (...)
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  11.  6
    Solar sacrifice: Bataille and Poplavsky on friendship.Culture Isabel Jacobs Comparative Literature, Culture UKIsabel Jacobs is A. PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature, Aesthetics An Interest in Socialist Ecologies, the History of Science Her Dissertation on Alexandre Kojève is Funded by the London Arts Political Theology, E. -Flux Humanities Partnershipher Writings Appeared in Radical Philosophy, Studies in East European Thought Aeon & Others She Co-Founded the Soviet Temporalities Study Group - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-16.
    This article reconstructs the forgotten friendship between Georges Bataille and the Russian émigré poet and philosopher Boris Poplavsky. Comparing their solar metaphysics, I focus on conceptions of friendship, sacrifice and depersonalisation. First, I retrace Bataille’s relationship to early Surrealis and Russian circles in interwar Paris, with a focus on his friendship with Irina Odoevtseva. I then offer a novel reading of Poplavsky’s poetry through the lens of Bataille’s philosophy, analysing a recurring motif that I call ‘dark solarity’. Uncovering a hidden (...)
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  12.  39
    Aesthetics and the Continental Tradition.Kit Barton, Havi Carel, Stephen Drage, Christopher Ellis & Christian Skirke - 2000 - Women’s Philosophy Review 25:27-29.
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  13.  7
    Aesthetics of Appearing.John Farrell (ed.) - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book proposes that aesthetics begin not with concepts of being or semblance, but with a concept of _appearing_. _Appearing_ bespeaks of the reality that all aesthetic objects share, however different they may otherwise be. For Martin Seel, _appearing_ plays its part everywhere in the aesthetic realm, in all aesthetic activity. In his book, Seel examines the existential and cultural meaning of aesthetic experience. In doing so, he brings aesthetics and philosophy of art together again, which in (...) as well as analytical thinking have been more and more separated in the recent decades. Within Seel's framework, to apprehend things and events with respect to how they appear momentarily and simultaneously to our senses represents a genuine way for human beings to encounter the world. The consciousness that emerges here is an anthropologically central faculty. In perceiving the unfathomable particularity of a sensuously given we gain insight into the indeterminable of our lives. Attentiveness to what is _appearing_ is therefore at the same time attentiveness to ourselves. This is also the case when works of art imagine past or future, probable or improbable presences. Artworks develop their transgressive energy from their presence as sense-catching forms. They bring about a special presence in which a presentation of close or distant presences comes about. (shrink)
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    20Th Century Aesthetics: Towards a Theory of Feeling.Mario Perniola - 2012 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Massimo Verdicchio & Hugh J. Silverman.
    Written by one of Italy's leading contemporary thinkers and available in English for the first time, this book surveys the key themes in Continental aesthetics.
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    Contextualizing Aesthetics: From Plato to Lyotard.H. Gene Blocker & Jennifer M. Jeffers - 1999 - Wadsworth Publishing.
    This book brings philosophical aesthetics into a broader cultural interest in the fine arts and draws together the classics of the history of aesthetics, the mid-twentieth century or "Analytic" aesthetics, and late-twentieth century or "Continental" post-structuralist "theory.".
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  16.  54
    The dialectics of aesthetic agency: revaluating German aesthetics from Kant to Adorno.Ayon Maharaj - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This study examines how key figures in the German aesthetic tradition—Kant, Schelling, Friedrich Schlegel, Hegel, and Adorno—attempted to think through the powers and limits of art in post-Enlightenment modernity. The aesthetic speculations of these thinkers, Maharaj argues, provide the conceptual resources for a timely dialectical defense of “aesthetic agency”— art’s capacity to make available uniquely valuable modes of experience that escape the purview of Enlightenment scientific rationality. The book has two interrelated aims. First, it provides new interpretations of the aesthetic (...)
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  17.  10
    The Bloomsbury handbook of continental philosophy of education.John Baldacchino & Herner Saeverot (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This is the first reference work to explore and define what continental philosophy of education is and what its boundaries are. The book includes 28 chapters written by leading scholars based in Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Taiwan, The UK and the USA. It is subdivided into three sections covering the metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics of education and the chapters focus on philosophical concepts such (...)
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  18.  6
    Continental Philosophy and the Arts: Current Continental Research.Laurence E. Winters, Eugene Kelly & August Viglione - 1983 - Upa.
    Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, this book is a collection of 10 original translations of articles written by philosophers on the topics of art and aesthetics in the 20th century. It is a significant contribution to the subject of aesthetics in making available previously untranslated texts by European philosophers. Suitable for courses in the philosophy of art, aesthetics and art history.
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  19.  2
    (1 other version)Aesthetics and subjectivity from Kant to Nietzsche.Andrew Bowie - 1990 - Manchester [England] ;: Manchester University Press ;.
    This new, completely revised and re-written edition of aesthetics and subjectivity brings up to date the original book's account of the path of German philosophy from Kant, via Fichte and Holderlin, the early Romantis, Schelling, Hegel, Schleimacher, to Nietzsche, in view of recent historical research and contemporary arguments in philosophy and theory in the humanities. The original book helped make subjectivity, aesthetics, music and language a significant part of debate in the humanity. Bowie develops the approaches to these (...)
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  20.  51
    Hermeneutics in Post-War Continental European Philosophy.David Liakos & Theodore George - 2019 - In Kelly Becker & Iain D. Thomson (eds.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945–2015. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 399-415.
    Taken in general terms, “hermeneutics” refers to the study of understanding and interpretation, and, traditionally, this study focuses on considerations of the art, method, and foundations of research in the arts and humanities. The study of hermeneutics has been developed and applied in a number of areas of scholarly inquiry, such as biblical exegesis, literary studies, legal studies, and the medical humanities. In the context of post-war Continental European thought, however, hermeneutics is brought into a novel philosophical context and, (...)
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  21.  9
    Blackpentecostal breath: the aesthetics of possibility.Ashon T. Crawley - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Blackpentecostal Breath: The Aesthetics of Possibility investigates the relationship of aesthetic productions to modes of collective, social intellectual practice. Engaging black studies, queer theory, sound studies, literary theory, theological studies, continental philosophy and visual studies, Black Pentecostal Breath analyzes the ways otherwise modes of existence are disruptions of marginalization and violence.
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  22. Ethics, aesthetics and the historical dimension of language.Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Arun Iyer & Pol Vandevelde.
    Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language collects together Gadamer's most important untranslated writings on ethics, aesthetics and language. With a substantial introduction by the editors exploring Gadamer's ethical project and providing an overview of his aesthetic work, this book collects Gadamer's writings on ancient ethics, including the moral philosophy of Aristotle, and on practical philosophy. In the final section, Gadamer's writings on art and language are collected, including his examination of poetry, opera and painting among other (...)
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  23.  7
    Shusterman’s somaesthetics as meta-aesthetics.Nicola Ramazzotto - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 28.
    In this article I will explore three contributions that Shusterman’s somaesthetics can make to meta-aesthetics: Shusterman’s interpretation of the analytic-continental aesthetic debate; the redefinition of the aesthetic through the notion of experience, resulting in the aesthetics of popular art and somaesthetics, and finally, the opening of aesthetics to extra-philosophical practices, such as body exercises and performances.
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  24.  10
    Aesthetic and artistic autonomy.Owen Hulatt (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Whether art can be wholly autonomous has been repeatedly challenged in the modern history of aesthetics. In this collection of specially-commissioned chapters, a team of experts discuss the extent to which art can be explained purely in terms of aesthetic categories. Covering examples from Philosophy, Music and Art History and drawing on continental and analytic sources, this volume clarifies the relationship between artworks and extra-aesthetic considerations, including historic, cultural or economic factors. It presents a comprehensive overview of the (...)
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  25.  56
    Aesthetics.Colin Lyas - 1993 - Bristol, Pa.: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The book includes engaging discussions of all of the areas central to aesthetics: aesthetic experience, representation, expression, the definition and ontology of art, evaluation, interpretation, truth, and morality. As well as providing a solid grounding in the seminal theories of Plato, Immanuel Kant, and Benedetto Croce, it presents the ideas of contemporary analytic thinkers, such as Ludwig Wittgenstein and Nelson Goodman, and the iconoclastic views of continental theorists, such as Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida. Concerned throughout with enhancing (...)
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  26.  60
    Aesthetics of appearing.Martin Seel - 2005 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book proposes that aesthetics begin not with concepts of being or semblance, but with a concept of appearing. Appearing bespeaks of the reality that all aesthetic objects share, however different they may otherwise be. For Martin Seel, appearing plays its part everywhere in the aesthetic realm, in all aesthetic activity. In his book, Seel examines the existential and cultural meaning of aesthetic experience. In doing so, he brings aesthetics and philosophy of art together again, which in (...) as well as analytical thinking have been more and more separated in the recent decades. Within Seel’s framework, to apprehend things and events with respect to how they appear momentarily and simultaneously to our senses represents a genuine way for human beings to encounter the world. The consciousness that emerges here is an anthropologically central faculty. In perceiving the unfathomable particularity of a sensuously given we gain insight into the indeterminable of our lives. Attentiveness to what is appearing is therefore at the same time attentiveness to ourselves. This is also the case when works of art imagine past or future, probable or improbable presences. Artworks develop their transgressive energy from their presence as sense-catching forms. They bring about a special presence in which a presentation of close or distant presences comes about. (shrink)
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  27.  92
    Artistic Truth: Aesthetics, Discourse, and Imaginative Disclosure.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    It is unfashionable to talk about artistic truth. Yet the issues traditionally addressed under that term have not disappeared. Indeed, questions concerning the role of the artist in society, the relationship between art and knowledge and the validity of cultural interpretation have intensified. Lambert Zuidervaart challenges intellectual fashions. He proposes a new critical hermeneutics of artistic truth that engages with both analytic and continental philosophies and illuminates the contemporary cultural scene. People turn to the arts as a way of (...)
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  28. Aesthetics (analytic).David Macarthur - 2010 - In Graham Robert Oppy, Nick Trakakis, Lynda Burns, Steven Gardner & Fiona Leigh (eds.), A companion to philosophy in Australia & New Zealand. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing.
    If Western philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato, then aesthetics is a series of footnotes to Kant. This is as true of the analytic tradition as of the Continental. But there has been an important change of emphasis in the object of inquiry of analytic aesthetics, which predominantly concerns theorising about the experience and criticism of works of art. Kant’s idea of aesthetics as primarily concerned with beauty, or heightened or intensified perceptual experiences of (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Continental philosophy: a contemporary introduction.Andrew Cutrofello - 2005 - London: Routledge.
    Continental Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction surveys the main trends of European philosophy from Kant to the present. It is clearly written and accessible to students. In a novel approach, Andrew Cutrofello looks at continental philosophy through the lens of four questions that derive from Kant: -How is truth disclosed aesthetically? -To what does the feeling of respect attest? -Must we despair, or may we still hope? -What is the meaning of philosophical humanism? Cutrofello shows how these questions have (...)
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  30. Feminist Aesthetics.Gemma Arguello - 2019 - International Lexicon of Aesthetics 2 (Autumn).
    Feminist aesthetics can be characterized as a critical conceptual framework for analyzing the gender assumptions Western aesthetics, philosophy of the arts and the arts have had and their implications in the categories they have historically employed. It emerged as a result the influence feminism had in the study of gender bias in the artistic production and its reception. Works like Linda Nochlin’s Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (1971) and Laura Mulvey’s Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema (...)
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  31.  41
    African and diaspora aesthetics.Sarah Nuttall (ed.) - 2006 - The Hague: Prince Claus Fund Library.
    In Cameroon, a monumental "statue of liberty" is made from scrap metal. In Congo, a thriving popular music incorporates piercing screams and carnal dances. When these and other instantiations of the aesthetics of Africa and its diasporas are taken into account, how are ideas of beauty reconfigured? Scholars and artists take up that question in this invigorating, lavishly illustrated collection, which includes more than one hundred color images. Exploring sculpture, music, fiction, food, photography, fashion, and urban design, the contributors (...)
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  32.  25
    Pragmatist Aesthetics and Nietzsche.Ulf Schulenberg - 2023 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (2):167-189.
    Abstract:It is difficult to approach a phenomenon as complex as the renaissance of pragmatism without considering the contemporary significance of pragmatist aesthetics. At the same time, however, one ought to note that pragmatist aesthetics has not yet reached its full potential. This is primarily due to the legacy of John Dewey's aesthetics. In pragmatist studies, the problematic consequences of Dewey's idealism in aesthetics have been insufficiently criticized. In order to confront this desideratum, pragmatist aesthetics ought (...)
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  33.  63
    Sublime Understanding: Aesthetic Reflection in Kant and Hegel.Kirk Pillow - 2000 - MIT Press.
    The topic of the sublime is making a return to contemporary discourse on aesthetics and cognition. In Sublime Understanding, Kirk Pillow makes sublimity the center of an alternative conception of aesthetic response and interpretation. He draws an aesthetics of sublimity from Kant's Critique of Judgment, bolsters it with help from Hegel, and establishes its place in a broadened conception of human understanding. He argues that sublime reflection provides a model for an interpretive response to the uncanny Other outside (...)
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  34.  29
    Aesthetic Education and the Aesthetic State.Andrew G. Fiala - 2000 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 14:171-185.
    A discussion of Hegel's aesthetics in light of Schiller's theory of aesthetic education--and which links aesthetics to politics, ethics, and the project of enlightenment.
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    Aesthetics.Nicolai Hartmann - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Eugene Kelly.
    The book is the first English translation of Nicolai Hartmann's seminal book which addresses all philosophical questions of the arts. It will be of value to graduate students in philosophy, scholars concerned with 20th century Continental philosophy, students of aesthetics and art history and criticism, and persons in and out of academic philosophy who wish to develop their aesthetic understanding and responsiveness to art and music.
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  36.  11
    Aesthetics, metaphysics, language: essays on Heidegger and Gadamer.Stefano Marino - 2015 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer undoubtedly belong among the most important representatives of twentieth-century phenomenological hermeneutics, which represents, in turn, one of the major traditions within so-called continental philosophy. Respectively teacher and pupil, during their long and philosophically intense lives and careers Heidegger and Gadamer greatly contributed to the development of philosophical thought in our age, providing significant and often decisive contributions in various fields of philosophical inquiry. Their main works, Being and Time (1927) and Truth and Method (1960), (...)
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  37.  70
    Environmental Aesthetics. Crossing Divides and Breaking Ground.Martin Drenthen & Jozef Keulartz (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Environmental aesthetics crosses several commonly recognized divides: between analytic and continental philosophy, Eastern and Western traditions, universalizing and historicizing approaches, and theoretical and practical concerns. This volume sets out to show how these,perspectives can be brought into conversation with one another. The first part surveys the development of the field and discusses some important future directions. The second part explains how widening the scope of environmental aesthetics demands a continual rethinking of the relationship between aesthetics and (...)
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  38. From receptivity to transformation: on the intersection of race, gender, and the aesthetic in contemporary continental philosophy.Robin James - 2010 - In Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines & Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds.), Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy. SUNY Press.
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    Space, geometry and aesthetics: through Kant and towards Deleuze.Peg Rawes - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Peg Rawes examines a "minor tradition" of aesthetic geometries in ontological philosophy. Developed through Kant’s aesthetic subject she explores a trajectory of geometric thinking and geometric figurations--reflective subjects, folds, passages, plenums, envelopes and horizons--in ancient Greek, post-Cartesian and twentieth-century Continental philosophies, through which productive understandings of space and embodies subjectivities are constructed. Six chapters, explore the construction of these aesthetic geometric methods and figures in a series of "geometric" texts by Kant, Plato, Proclus, Spinoza, Leibniz, Bergson, Husserl and Deleuze. (...)
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  40. Aesthetics, scientism, and ordinary language: A comparison between Wittgenstein and Heidegger.Andreas Vrahimis - 2018 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 10:659-684.
    Wittgenstein and Heidegger’s objections against the possibility of an aesthetic science were influential on different sides of the analytic/continental divide. Heidegger’s anti-scientism is tied up with a critique of the reduction of the work of art to an object of aesthetic experience. This leads him to an aletheic view of artworks which precedes and exceeds any possible aesthetic reduction. Wittgenstein too rejects the relevance of causal explanations, psychological or physiological, to aesthetic questions. His appeal to ordinary language provides the (...)
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    (1 other version)Music and Aesthetic Reality: Formalism and the Limits of Description.Nick Zangwill - 2014 - London: Routledge.
    In this volume, Zangwill develops a view of the nature of music and our experience of music that foregrounds the aesthetic properties of music. He focuses on metaphysical issues about aesthetic properties of music, psychological issues about the nature of musical experience, and philosophy of language issues about the metaphorical nature of aesthetic descriptions of music. Among the innovations of this book, Zangwill addresses the limits of literal description, generally, and in the aesthetic case. He also explores the social and (...)
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  42.  47
    Dewey, Adorno, and Pragmatist Aesthetics.Ulf Schulenberg - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):77-99.
    Pragmatist aesthetics has not yet reached its full potential. This is primarily due to the legacy of John Dewey’s aesthetics. In order to confront the shortcomings and insufficiencies of his aesthetics, pragmatist aestheticians ought to establish a dialogue with continental aesthetics. The attempt to clarify what pragmatist aesthetics can learn from Theodor W. Adorno’s materialist aesthetics is still a desideratum. This essay focuses on two aspects. First, it shows that pragmatist aestheticians can use (...)
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    An Aesthetic Theory in Four Dimensions.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):53-64.
    The purpose of this article is to synthesize four major elements of aesthetic experience that have previously appeared isolated whenever an attempt at conceptualization is made. These four elements are: Immanuel Kant’s disinterested pleasure, Robin G. Collingwood’s emotional expressionism, the present writer’s redemptive emotional experience, and, lastly, Plato’s concept of Beauty. By taking these four abstracted elements as the bedrock for genuine aesthetic experience, this article aims to clarify the proper role of art as distinct from philosophy and intellectualization. Rather (...)
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    Everyday Aesthetics in the Dialogue of Chinese and Western Aesthetic Sensibilities.Loreta Poškaitė - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (3):225-244.
    The paper examines the intercultural dimension of everyday aesthetics which was promoted by one of its most important Chinese proponents Liu Yuedi as a search for dialogue between various aesthetic traditions, in particular, those from the East and West. The aim of the paper is to explore some parallels between the traditional Chinese and contemporary Western aesthetic sensibilities, by looking for their common values and concepts which are gaining prominence in the discourse of everyday aesthetics. It begins with (...)
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  45.  33
    Aesthetics and its Future. Problems and Perspectives.Morten Kyndrup - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 21 (39).
    This presentation argues that the question about “future” presupposes an analysis of the current state of the discipline, which again in turn must be seen in the light of its history. The presentation then unfolds a rough reconstruction of that history from Baumgarten and Kant, over Romanticism’s establishing of the partnership with Art and Truth in the continental tradition and up to 20th century’s settling with especially that tradition, led by endeavours both within art itself, in the art sciences, (...)
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    Metaphysical Elements in the Aesthetics of Benjamin, Adorno, and Horkheimer.Joshua Rayman - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (146):42-72.
    Many well-known works in twentieth-century continental aesthetics, such as Martin Heidegger's “Origin of the Work of Art,” Jacques Derrida's The Truth in Painting, Michel Foucault's “Las Meninas,” and the two most influential Frankfurt School texts on aesthetics, Walter Benjamin's optimistic “The Work of Art in the Age of its Technical Reproducibility”1 and Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer's pessimistic “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception,”2 treat aesthetics as an occasion for a critique of metaphysics. Hence, (...)
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    Rehabilitating the Aesthetics of Nature.Marta Tafalla - 2011 - Environmental Ethics 33 (1):45-56.
    At the end of the 1960s, two philosophers who did not know each other, and who came from different traditions and wrote in different languages, published two texts at almost the same time that called for the reinstatement of a philosophical discipline that had been largely abandoned by academia: the aesthetics of nature. One of the philosophers was Ronald Hepburn. His text, entitled “Contemporary Aesthetics and the Neglect of Natural Beauty,” appeared in 1966. The other was Theodor W. (...)
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  48.  28
    Aesthetics as Mass Culture in Indian Antiquity.A. C. Sukla - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (3):91-99.
    Aesthetics originated in ancient India as a descriptive account of the drama which was meant for both entertainment and education of the mass. If the drama was a mass medium, aesthetics — its account — represented the mass culture. Philosophical thinking, rigorous ethical practices and the dramatic art had a common aim — experience of the Reality as a whole. The difference was that while the first two were accessible to only a few elite or intellectuals, the third (...)
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    Aesthetic movements of embodied minds: between Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze.Kasper Levin - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (2):181-202.
    Animating Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological idea of the body as a pre-reflective organizing principle in perception, consciousness and language has become a productive and popular endeavor within philosophy of mind during the last two decades. In this context Merleau-Ponty’s descriptions of an embodied mind has played a central role in the attempts to naturalize phenomenological insights in relation to cognitive science and neuropsychological research. In this dialogue the central role of art and aesthetics in phenomenology has been neglected or at (...)
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  50.  19
    Chance, phenomenology and aesthetics: Heidegger, Derrida and contingency in twentieth century art.Ian Andrews - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In drawing upon the work of Jacques Derrida, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger and aligning it with a new trend in interdisciplinary phenomenology, Ian Andrews provides a unique and refreshing book. His account of how the composer John Cage and other avant-garde creatives such as Marcel Duchamp, Tristan Tzara, Sol LeWitt and Ed Ruscha used chance in their work to question the structures of experience and prompt a new engagement with these phenomena makes a truly important contribution to Continental (...)
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