Results for 'Concha Magnet Benito'

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  1. En torno a la crítica cinematográfica.Concha Magnet Benito - 1995 - El Basilisco 19:33-36.
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    Critical Realist Action Research and Humanistic Management Education.Benito Teehankee - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (1):71-90.
    In line with its institutional commitments and in order to strengthen the relevance of its business education program in addressing the persistent social challenges facing the Philippines, Mission University revised its Master of Business Administration curriculum in 2012. A core change in the curriculum was the incorporation of action research training and the requirement for graduation of implementing and defending an action research project. The introduction of action research, which is based on critical realist philosophy of science, was intended to (...)
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  3. Epistemic Indefinites.Paula Menéndez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that overtly mark a speaker’s lack of knowledge: they signal that the speaker is unable to give any further information about who or what satisfies her existential claim (Becker, 1999; Haspelmath, 1997). From now on, we will refer to the marking of the speaker’s lack of knowledge as an epistemic effect and to the indefinites that induce epistemic effects as epistemic indefinites.
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    Lo sviluppo di Properzio verso la concezione di una nuova poesia politica ed etiologica.Benito Bomnesi - 1941 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 94 (1-4):175-196.
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  5. Filipino Male Cyborg Sexualities and Chatroom Masculinities: Methodological Issues.Alvin Concha - 2008 - In Panchanan Mohanty, Ramesh C. Malik & Eswarappa Kasi (eds.), Ethnographic Discourse of the Other: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 142.
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  6. Das Vollkommenheitsprinzip bei Leibniz als Grund der Kontingenz.Concha Roldán Panadero - 1989 - Studia Leibnitiana 21:189-195.
    Chez Leibniz tout veut être determiné par certains principes. L'ordre logique, l'ontologie, la métaphysique, la morale, même la volonté divine, dependent entièrement d'eux. Le principe de contradiction décide ce qui est ou non logiquement possible. D'autre part, le principe de raison suffisante est consideré par notre auteur comme principe des existences, mais il n'arrive pas à expliquer la realité. C'est pour cela qu'on fait appel au principe de perfection, une sorte de corollaire du principe de raison qui vient le concretiser. (...)
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    (1 other version)Introducción.Concha Martínez Vidal - 2004 - Theoria 19 (2):129-135.
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  8. Lógica, filosofía de la.Concha Martinez Vidal - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Transforming a conservative clinical setting: ICU nurses' strategies to improve care for patients' relatives through a participatory action research.Concha Zaforteza, Denise Gastaldo, Cristina Moreno, Andreu Bover, Rosa Miró & Margalida Miró - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (4):336-347.
    This study focuses on change strategies generated through a dialogical–reflexive–participatory process designed to improve the care of families of critically ill patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) using a participatory action research in a tertiary hospital in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Eleven professionals (representatives) participated in 11 discussion groups and five in‐depth interviews. They represented the opinions of 49 colleagues (participants). Four main change strategies were created: (i) Institutionally supported practices were confronted to make a shift from professional‐centered work (...)
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  10. La contrarreforma en el servicio audiovisual público estatal.Santos M. Ruesga Benito - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 94:9-11.
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    Presentación: hacia una Estética Técnico Política.José Pablo Concha Lagos - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:307-311.
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  12. Los textos médicos árabes fuente de los medievales castellanos.María de la Concepción Vázquez de Benito - 1981 - Al-Qantara 2 (1):345-364.
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  13. Nuevos étimos para "Albeasan y Nusatra".María de la Concepción Vázquez de Benito - 1989 - Al-Qantara 10 (2):571-576.
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    El genio maligno en Descartes y la reiteración moderna de la metafísica.Benito Arbaizar Gil - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 27 (1):223-248.
    This work is devoted to clear how the foundation of modern thought takes place as a reinforced reiteration of metaphysics which is provoked by a defensive fold of reason against the assault of transrational. We begin showing the way this asault is experimented by Descartes in a decisive moment of his life and how reagently replies to him. The article continues showing how physics and metaphysics are being moved in Descartes on the wake of a try to build seawalls against (...)
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  15. Filosofía de la historia y hermenéutica.Concha Roldán & María G. Navarro - 2007 - Revista Anthropos 217:104-114.
  16. El doble rasero.Concha Pert - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 43:130-131.
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    Introduction.Benito Müller - 1997 - Dialectica 51 (1):5–15.
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    The influence of cooperative relations of small businesses on environmental protection intensity.Sonia Benito-Hernández, Manuel Platero-Jaime & Pablo Esteban-Sánchez - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):416-439.
    This study examines the relationship between cooperative business relations in small businesses and environmental protection, one of the most important policies of social responsibility in manufacturing. We reviewed the literature and carried out an empirical study of 930 small manufacturing firms in Spain. Results indicate that small businesses that maintain and improve their cooperative relations through business networking with universities, competitors, suppliers and customers spend more on environmental protection. The managerial, practical, research and policy implications of the obtained research findings (...)
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  19. Two Types of Weak Determiners: Evidence from Spanish.Paula MenÉNdez-Benito - unknown
    Weak determiners have both a presuppositional and a non presuppositional reading. Two ways of accounting for this fact have been proposed. The Ambiguity Approach (Partee 1989, Diesing 1992, de Hoop 1992) posits that weak determiners are ambiguous. The Pragmatic Approach (Büring 1996) claims that we do not need to postulate an ambiguity in the semantics: the presuppositional reading arises as a result of presuppositions triggered by topic/focus marking. In this paper we explore the possibility that both theories are needed. We (...)
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  20. (2 other versions)Normativity and its vindication: The case of logic.Concha Martínez Vidal - 2004 - Theoria 19 (2):191-206.
    Physical laws are irresistible. Logical rules are not. That is why logic is said to be normative. Given a system of logic we have a Norma, a standard of correctness. The problem is that we need another Norma to establish when the standard of correctness is to be applied. Subsequently we start by clarifying the senses in which the term ‘Iogic’ and the term ‘normativity’ are being used. Then we explore two different epistemologies for logic to see the sort of (...)
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  21. Consumo y sociedad líquida en la obra de Zygmunt Bauman: una recapitulación crítica.Luis Enrique Alonso Benito & Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (167):9-29.
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  22. El nuevo papel del alumno bajo la perspectiva de Bolonia.Agueda Benito & Ana Cruz - 2006 - Critica 56 (934):32-33.
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  23. Sobredeterminación causal mente-cuerpo.Agustín Vicente Benito - 1999 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 14 (3):511-524.
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    Environment and citizenship.Benito Cao - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Introduction -- Concepts and theories -- Environment and citizenship : the basics -- Introducing citizenship theories -- Theorizing environmental citizenship -- Actions and practices -- Environmental citizenship in action -- Governing environmental citizenship -- Environmental citizenship incorporated -- Pedagogies and representations -- Learning environmental citizenship -- Conclusion : into the future.
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  25. La búsqueda sapiencial de la verdad como punto de reconciliación entre filosofía y teología en el contexto de la reciente reforma de los estudios eclesiásticos.Benito Méndez Fernández - 2012 - Salmanticensis 59 (3):461-498.
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    Current topics in logic and analytic philosophy =.Concha Martínez, José L. Falguera & José M. Sagüillo (eds.) - 2007 - Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
    Temas actuales de Lógica y Filosofía Analítica 143 John Corcoran Notes on the Founding of Logics and Metalogic: Aristotle, Boole, and Tarski 177 Ignacio ...
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    Crusius: un jalón olvidado en la ruta hacia el criticismo.Concha Roldán - 1990 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 3:123-140.
  28. El desván de la razón, cultivo de las pasiones, identidades éticas y sociedades digitales.Concha Roldán, María G. Navarro & Xandra Garzón Costumero - forthcoming - Madrid, España: Plaza y Valdés.
    El desván de la razón, cultivo de las pasiones, identidades éticas y sociedades digitales.
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  29. Los mitos griegos en los medios audiovisuales: una propuesta didáctica para la educación de la Ciudadanía a través de Dédalo e Ícaro.H. Benito - 2015 - In L. Villagómez Peñaloza (ed.), Arrebatos de la Realidad (Psic. y Violencia).
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  30. Expressing Indifference: Spanish Un NP Cualquiera.Paula Menéndez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. Some of these indefinites, like Spanish un NP cualquiera or the Korean -na indeterminates (Choi 2007) convey indifference on the part of an agent. In this paper, we assess whether a number of proposals on the market can be extended to account for the indifference component of un NP cualquiera.
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  31. Fitch's problem and the knowability paradox: Logical and philosophical remarks'.Concha Martinez, Jose-Miguel SAGüILLO & Javier Vilanova - 1997 - Logica Trianguli 1:73-91.
    Fitch´s problem and the "knowability paradox" involve a couple of argumentations that are to each other in the same relation as Cantor´s uncollected multitudes theorem and Russell´s paradox. The authors exhibit the logical nature of the theorem and of the paradox and show their philosophical import, both from an anti-realist and from a realist perspective. In particular, the authors discuss an anti-realist solution to Fitch´s problem and provide an anti-realist interpretation of the problematic statement "It is knowable that r is (...)
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    On universal Free Choice items.Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):33-64.
    This paper deals with the interpretation and distribution of universal Free Choice (FC) items, such as English FC any or Spanish cualquiera. Crosslinguistically, universal FC items can be characterized as follows. First, they have a restricted distribution. Second, they express freedom of choice: the sentence You can take any card conveys the information that the addressee is free to pick whichever card she chooses. Under standard assumptions, the truth conditions of sentences like You can take any card are taken to (...)
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    Europa, ¿dónde estás? Meditando la crisis de identidad del viejo continente con Joseph Ratzinger.Benito Enrique García Guerrero - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (2):237-272.
    Este trabajo quiere responder a la demanda de quienes buscan una introducción breve pero significativa a las reflexiones de Joseph Ratzinger sobre la identidad histórica de Europa. Se trata de un estudio que, desde la perspectiva del teólogo alemán, realiza un somero itinerario por la historia político-espiritual de Europa, subrayando la cesura que constituyó el siglo XX, y que finaliza con algunas propuestas para construir una Europa con futuro. Entre éstas no conviene olvidar la luz que proviene de los extraños (...)
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    hábito como forma de libertad a la luz de Ricoeur.Isabel Morales Benito - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (302):27-49.
    El hábito es una de las encrucijadas filosóficas en las que el dilema entre naturaleza y libertad se pone de manifiesto. El artículo expone la descripción que Paul Ricoeur ofrece sobre esta noción en Lo voluntario y lo involuntario (1950) y defiende que el hábito constituye una genuina y paradójica forma de libertad, pues ésta se realiza gracias y a través de la necesidad. Se tiene en consideración el difícil punto de partida de Ricoeur, quien, por una parte, rechaza lo (...)
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  35. Algunos destellos de la luz de Spinoza: de una metáfora de Dilthey al relámpago en Romain Rolland.Benito Olalla & María Pilar - 2012 - Endoxa 29:133-164.
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    Local Applications of Logics via Model-Theoretic Interpretations.Carlos Benito-Monsalvo - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-22.
    This paper analyses the notion of ‘interpretation’, which is often tied to the semantic approach to logic, where it is used when referring to truth-value assignments, for instance. There are, however, other uses of the notion that raise interesting problems. These are the cases in which interpreting a logic is closely related to its justification for a given application. The paper aims to present an understanding of interpretations that supports the model-theoretic characterization of validity to the detriment of the proof-theoretic (...)
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    Derechos individuales y emancipación política: sentido y vigencia de la crítica de Marx = Individual rights and political emancipation: meaning and strength of Marx’s critique.Pablo Scotto Benito - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política:2-36.
    Resumen: Marx lleva a cabo dos críticas a los derechos. Por un lado, muestra las limitaciones emancipatorias de los derechos de ciudadanía, resultado de la (no reconocida) subordinación del Estado con respecto a la sociedad civil. Por otro, desvela el egoísmo que se esconde detrás de los llamados derechos humanos (libertad, propiedad, igualdad y seguridad), los cuales son en realidad una forma de naturalizar la forma de vida de la sociedad burguesa. Termina por relacionar una crítica con otra, señalando que (...)
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  38. Entre Europa y América II: Estudio sobre el pensamiento hispanoamericano en José Gaos.H. Benito - 2015 - Ecuador: UTPL.
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  39. Adela Martínez García: Cultura y traducción.Benito Arias & Obras de Maurice Merlcaii-I'ontv - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1:388.
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    El principio del cierre causal del mundo físico.Agustín Vicente Benito - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):3-17.
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  41. El rechazo de la guerra en el origen de la Unión Europea.Fernando Benito Martín - 2011 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:323-381.
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  42. La transformación de la mente.Agustín Vicente Benito & Asier Lafarga - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):173-185.
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    Una rehabilitación gadameriana de la metafísica: la ontología hermenéutica y la recuperación del problema del ser.Jorge Benito Torres - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (2):201-218.
    El movimiento hermenéutico ha sido uno de los más determinantes y prolíficos en la historia del pensamiento contemporáneo. Como una filosofía de la comprensión, la hermenéutica de Gadamer ha sido capaz de desenvolverse en torno a grandes problemas de la metafísica haciendo manifiesta una conexión medular entre la hermenéutica, la metafísica y la fenomenología. La máxima gadameriana que reza «el ser que puede ser comprendido es lenguaje» ilumina esta relación abordando el problema del ser estrictamente desde la dimensión lingüística de (...)
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  44. Hacia una teoría de la violencia.Percy Calderón Concha - 2016 - In Gina Paola Rodríguez, Franco Caviglia & Alberto Guillermo Ferrazzano (eds.), La medusa en el espejo: ensayos sobre la violencia contemporánea. CABA: Ediciones Ciccus.
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  45. Lógica.Bernardo de la Concha - 1942 - Barcelona,: Editorial "Tip. cat. Casals".
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    La referencialidad americana.José Pablo Concha - 2018 - Aisthesis 64:251-258.
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    Pensamiento Ecológico.Martin Ignacio Borquez Concha - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:275-279.
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  48. Tensiones entre la religion del pueblo y las CEBs en México con sectores de la jerarquia: implicaciones eclesiologicas.M. Concha Malo - 1987 - Ciencia Tomista 114 (2):287-310.
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  49. Verfassungsreform und systemtheorie: aktuelle wandlungen des spanischen rechtssystems.Benito Aláez Corral - 2005 - Rechtstheorie 36 (1):68-90.
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  50. Angel.“El nominalismo arriano y la filosofia cristiana; Eunomio y san Basilio.”.Benito Duran - 1960 - Augustinus 5 (207):26.
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