Results for 'Claire Patterson'

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  1. (1 other version)On the possibility and reality of introspection.Michel Bitbol & Claire Petitmengin - 2013 - Kairos. Revista de Filosofia and Ciência 6:173-198.
  2. Deleuze and the Meaning of Life.Claire Colebrook - 2010 - Continuum.
    Introduction: The problem of vitalism : active/passive -- Brain, system, model : the affective turn -- Vitalism and theoria -- Inorganic art -- Inorganic vitalism -- The vital order after theory -- On becoming -- Living systems, extended minds, gaia -- Conclusion.
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    Husserl Or Frege?: Meaning, Objectivity, and Mathematics.Claire Ortiz Hill & Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock - 2000 - LaSalle IL: Open Court.
    Most areas of philosopher Edmund Husserl’s thought have been explored, but his views on logic, mathematics, and semantics have been largely ignored. These essays offer an alternative to discussions of the philosophy of contemporary mathematics. The book covers areas of disagreement between Husserl and Gottlob Frege, the father of analytical philosophy, and explores new perspectives seen in their work.
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    Levinas, Judaism, and the Feminine: The Silent Footsteps of Rebecca.Claire Elise Katz - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    Challenging previous interpretations of Levinas that gloss over his use of the feminine or show how he overlooks questions raised by feminists, Claire Elise Katz explores the powerful and productive links between the feminine and religion in Levinas’s work. Rather than viewing the feminine as a metaphor with no significance for women or as a means to reinforce traditional stereotypes, Katz goes beyond questions of sexual difference to reach a more profound understanding of the role of the feminine in (...)
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    Feminist Consequences: Theory for the New Century.Elisabeth Bronfen & Misha Kavka (eds.) - 2001 - Columbia University Press.
    Exploring the status of feminism in this "postfeminist" age, this sophisticated meditation on feminist thinking over the past three decades moves away from the all too common dependence on French theorists and male thinkers and instead builds on a wide-ranging body of feminist theory written by women. These writings address the question "Where are we going?" as well as "Where have we come from?" As evidenced in the essays compiled here, the multiplicity of directions available to this new feminism ranges (...)
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  6. Tyranny and tyrannicide in mid-seventeenth century England: A woman's perspective?Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille - 2009 - Études Épistémè 15:585-86.
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    Drucilla Cornell., Transformations: Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference.Norma Claire Moruzzi - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):120-121.
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    Farming futures: Perspectives of Irish agricultural stakeholders on data sharing and data governance.Claire Brown, Áine Regan & Simone van der Burg - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):565-580.
    The current research examines the emergent literature of Critical Data Studies, and particularly aligns with Michael and Lupton’s (2016) manifesto calling for researchers to study the Public Understanding of Big Data. The aim of this paper is to explore Irish stakeholders’ narratives on data sharing in agriculture, and the ways in which their attitudes towards different data sharing governance models reflect their understandings of data, the impact that data hold in their lives and in the farming sector, as well as (...)
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  9. The expressive role of truth in truth-conditional semantics.Claire Horisk - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (229):535–557.
    I define 'skim semantics' to be a Davidson-style truth-conditional semantics combined with a variety of deflationism about truth. The expressive role of truth in truth-conditional semantics precludes at least some kinds of skim semantics; thus I reject the idea that the challenge to skim semantics derives solely from Davidson's explanatory ambitions, and in particular from the 'truth doctrine', the view that the concept of truth plays a central explanatory role in Davidsonian theories of meaning for a language. The fate of (...)
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    Rules and reasoning: essays in honour of Fred Schauer.Frederick F. Schauer & Linda Meyer (eds.) - 1999 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    The essays in this volume are all concerned with the arguments about law as a system of rule-based decision-making,particularly the ideas advanced by legal philosopher Frederick Schauer. Schauer's work has not only helped revive interest in legal formalism but has also helped relocate arguments about the relationship between posited rules and morality. The contributors to this volume, themselves distinguished theorists, have concentrated on three aspects of Schauer's work: the nature of jurisprudential description; his theory of presumptive positivism; and the application (...)
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  11. Image or Time? The Thought of the Outside in The Time Image (Deleuze and Blanchot).Marie-Claire Ropare-Wuilleumier - 2009 - In David Norman Rodowick (ed.), Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's Film Philosophy. University of Minnesota Press.
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    Les trois temps des migrants.Claire Lobet-Maris - 2021 - Temporalités 33.
    Based on a sociological survey carried out in a camp for asylum seekers in Belgium, the article questions the modes of existence in this “out of place” and “out of time” that is the camp. Behind the apparent emptiness of waiting in a decelerated present, the investigation highlights three temporalities that together shape the breathing of the camp and the living conditions of asylum seekers: the rhythm of the framework that holds together daily life, the cycle and the passage that (...)
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  13. Rich ontologies for tense and aspect.Patrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent & Maarten De Rijke - 1996 - In Jerry Seligman & Dag Westerstahl (eds.), Logic, Language and Computation. Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    In this paper back-and-forth structures are applied to the semantics of natural language. Back-and-forth structures consist of an event structure and an interval structure communicating via a relational link; transitions in the one structure correspond to transitions in the other. Such entities enable us to view temporal constructions (such as tense, aspect, and temporal connectives) as methods of moving systematically between information sources. We illustrate this with a treatment of the English present perfect, and progressive aspect, that draws on ideas (...)
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    Deleuze and law: forensic futures.Rosi Braidotti, Claire Colebrook & Patrick Hanafin (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This collection shows how Deleuze's ideas have influenced current thinking in legal philosophy. In particular, it explores the relations between law and life, addressing topics that are contested and controversial -- war, the right to life, genetic science, and security.
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    Does Economic Theory Matter in Shaping Banking Regulation? A Case-study of Italy (1861-1936).Alfredo Gigliobianco & Claire Giordano - 2012 - Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium 2 (1):5.
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    Grown-upness or living philosophically?Claire Cassidy - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
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    The Detrimental Side Effects of Minimum Wage Laws.Claire Hovenga, Devaja Naik & Walter E. Block - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (4):463-487.
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    Nurses, doctors and the body of the patient: medical dominance revisited.Claire Brown & Jennifer Seddon - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (1):30-35.
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    Parental decision-making following a prenatal diagnosis that is lethal, life-limiting, or has long term implications for the future child and family: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature.Claire Blakeley, Debbie M. Smith, Edward D. Johnstone & Anja Wittkowski - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-19.
    Information on the factors influencing parents’ decision-making process following a lethal, life-limiting or severely debilitating prenatal diagnosis remains deficient. A comprehensive systematic review and meta-synthesis was conducted to explore the influencing factors for parents considering termination or continuation of pregnancy following identification of lethal, life-limiting or severely debilitating fetal abnormalities. Electronic searches of 13 databases were conducted. These searches were supplemented by hand-searching Google Scholar and bibliographies and citation tracing. Thomas and Harden’s thematic synthesis method was used to synthesise data (...)
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  20.  43
    Foucault’s and Arendt’s ‘insider view’ of biopolitics: a critique of Agamben.Claire Blencowe - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (5):113-130.
    This article revisits Arendt’s and Foucault’s converging accounts of modern (bio)politics and the entry of biological life into politics. Agamben’s influential account of these ideas is rejected as a misrepresentation both because it de-historicizes biological/organic life and because it occludes the positivity of that life and thus the discursive appeal and performative force of biopolitics. Through attention to the genealogy of Arendt’s and Foucault’s own ideas we will see that the major point of convergence in their thinking is their insistence (...)
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    “Do you know what I want?” Preschoolers’ talk about desires, thoughts and feelings in their conversations with sibs and friends.Claire Hughes, Serena Lecce & Charlotte Wilson - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (2):330-350.
    Individual differences in children's talk about inner states are striking, but how should they be interpreted? This study used transcripts of preschoolers’ conversations with siblings and best friends to address this question in two ways. Our first aim was to elucidate the exact nature of individual differences by contrasting categories (emotion/desire vs. cognitive state) and referents (own vs. other/shared) of inner state talk. Our second aim was to compare performance vs. competence views of inner state talk by exploring (i) the (...)
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    Incorporeality: The ghostly body of metaphysics.Claire Colebrook - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (2):25--44.
    For the past two decades, the issue of the body and essentialism has dominated feminist theory. In general, it is assumed that the body has been devalued and repressed by the Western metaphysical tradition. In this article, I make two claims to the contrary. First, as poststructuralist theory has tirelessly demonstrated, Western thought has continually tried to ground thought in some foundational substance, such as the body. Second, the most provocative, fruitful and radical aspects of recent feminism and poststructuralism concern (...)
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    Le soi: nouvelles perspectives humiennes.Alexandre Charrier & Claire Etchegaray (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
    "L'usage substantivé du mot 'soi' est intriguant. Le pronom tonique 'soi' ne pose pas de problème particulier dans les expressions comme 'prendre soin de soi', 'compter sur soi' ou 'être hors de soi'. Mais parler d'un 'soi', c'est aller au-delà de la réalité grammaticale et supposer une identité personnelle à travers la diversité des expériences. Or, l'idée de soi et la croyance en l'identité personnelle ont été mises en question par David Hume, dont les arguments résonnent toujours dans la philosophie (...)
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    Who knows best? Awareness of divided attention difficulty in a neurological rehabilitation setting.Josephine Cock, Claire Fordham, Janet Cockburn & Patrick Haggard - 2003 - Brain Injury 17 (7):561-574.
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    Metagames 2023.Shantanu Tilak, Claire Audia, Issaga Bah, Kate Barta, Marina Bulazo, Brennan Colvard, Noah Dzierwa, Sam Ferretti, Braxton Fries, Christopher Gehrke, Lillia Gipson, Colleen Greve, Julia Guo, Sarah Hammill, Christopher Jaenke, Anna Jahn, Kavya Jayanthi, Megan Lencke, Lily Marsco, Paige Moonshower, Parker Picha, Robek Bridgette, Leigha Schumaker, Kiersten Souders, Charlotte Stefani, Avery Tenerowicz, Ayla Wachowski, Landon Ward, Anna Woods, Nevin Woods & Laura Zalewski (eds.) - 2023 - Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.
    This paper, co-authored by undergraduate students and their instructor part of an educational psychology seminar, describes a participatory curriculum design approach for preservice teacher education that focuses on the use of the principles of second-order cybernetics to teach about teaching and learning. Using elements of an Open Source Educational Processes framework, our Spring ESEPSY2309 section created project-based collective hive minds of preservice teachers, relying on a cybernetic approach at the crossroads of Gregory Bateson and Gordon Pask's theories. The classroom community (...)
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    A cut in relationality.Claire Colebrook - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (3):175-195.
    One of the ways in which one might chart the force of various forms of posthuman thought is to mark a reversal in the ways we think about relationality. Rather than distinct Cartesian subje...
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    La logique.Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Claire, François Girbal & Pierre Nicole - 1970 - [Paris]: Flammarion. Edited by Pierre Nicole.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  28. V As In Voyages.Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet - 1998 - Pli 7:3-6.
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  29. The ethics of medical research on humans.Claire Foster-Gilbert - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Theory of mind and the origins of divergent thinking.Thomas Suddendorf & Claire Fletcher-Flinn - 1997 - Journal of Creative Behavior 31:169-179.
    The development of a `theory of mind' may not only be important for understanding the minds of others but also for using one's own mind. To investigate this supposition, forty children between the ages of three and four were given false-belief and creativity tasks. The numbers of appropriate and of original responses in the creativity test were found to correlate positively with performance on false-belief tasks. This association was robust, as it continued to be strong and significant even when age (...)
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  31. When is a child not a child? Child soldiers in international law.Claire Breen - 2007 - Human Rights Review 8 (2):71-103.
    International humanitarian law and international human rights law both prohibit the use of child soldiers in armed conflict. The protection afforded to children is problematic because the age a child may become a soldier and what constitutes child “soldiering” fluctuates between States and cultures. Differing levels of children soldiers’ protection leave them vulnerable to particular abuses. This paper examines some different attitudes and approaches towards the use of child soldiers and concludes that international human rights law and international humanitarian law (...)
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    Archiviolithic: The Anthropocene and the Hetero-Archive.Claire Colebrook - 2014 - Derrida Today 7 (1):21-43.
    This essay explores three deconstructive concepts – archive, anthropocene, and auto-affection – across two registers. The first is the register of what counts as readability in general, beyond reading in its narrow and actualized sense.. The second register applies to Derrida today, and what it means to read the corpus of a philosopher and how that corpus is governed by proper names. I want to suggest that the way we approach proper names in philosophy and theory is part of a (...)
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    Biology, Contingency and the Problem of Racism in Feminist Discourse.Claire Peta Blencowe - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (3):3-27.
    In the 1970s and 1980s a strong opposition and anxiety towards biological and naturalizing knowledges was the norm in feminist discourse. In the past decades the certainties of that ‘anti-biologism’ have been challenged, in part because of a new recognition of the role of contingency in both biological determination and biological science. What seems to have survived the shift is a set of normative assumptions concerning the role of determinacy and contingency (or being-born and becoming) in the political implications of (...)
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  34. Le rythme musical: À la jointure de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur.Anne-Claire Desesquelles - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 21:171-192.
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    Maternal cyclin B levels “Chk” the onset of DNA replication checkpoint control in Drosophila.Dhananjay Yellajoshyula, Ethan S. Patterson & Kristen L. Kroll - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (10):949-952.
    In many animals, early development of the embryo is characterized by synchronous, biphasic cell divisions. These cell divisions are controlled by maternally inherited proteins and RNAs. A critical question in developmental biology is how the embryo transitions to a later pattern of asynchronous cell divisions and transfers the prior maternal control of development to the zygotic genome. The most‐common model regarding how this transition from maternal to zygotic control is regulated posits that this is a consequence of the limitation of (...)
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    South Asian Civilizations: A Bibliographic Synthesis.Robert Young, Maureen L. P. Patterson & William Alspaugh - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):815.
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    The present and future of doing Philosophy with Children: Practical philosophy and addressing children and young people’s status in a complex world.Claire Cassidy - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-18.
    This article considers children’s status in society and how this may be elevated with a view to imagining a possible future. Children’s status is such that the structures and systems under which they live diminish their agency. In so doing, their opportunity to contribute to the shaping of what appears to be an uncertain future is limited. The article proposes that looking towards children as saviours of our tomorrows is misguided and that a healthier view is to recognise the networked (...)
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  38. La correspondance de Jacques Maritain : réponse à l'injonction de thomistiser.Claire Bressolette - 2022 - In Hubert Borde & Bernard Hubert (eds.), Actualité de Jacques Maritain. Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
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  39. Philosophy with Children: Learning to live well.Claire Cassidy - 2012 - Childhood and Philosophy 8 (16):243-264.
    A filosofia com crianças, em todas as suas guisas, visa engendrar o pensamento filosófico e o raciocínio nas crianças. Muito é escrito sobre o que a participação na filosofia poderia fazer para a criança academicamente e emocionalmente. O que propomos aqui é que permitindo às crianças participar de diálogos filosóficos elas aprenderão uma abordagem que poderia dar suporte a sua participação na sociedade e que poderia envolvê-las na consideração e no arejamento de suas vistas, tomando decisões em suas interações e (...)
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    Questioning Children.Claire Cassidy - 2012 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (1-2):62-68.
    This paper considers one key aspect of doing Philosophy with Children; the use of children’s questions. In particular, the paper reflects upon the place and importance of children’s questions in McCall’s Community of Philosophical Inquiry (CoPI). Generally children are allowed, within Philosophy with Children practices to ask their own questions. In some approaches questions are set for the children to inquire into. These questions often come from teachers’ manuals. What is different about McCall’s CoPI is that the facilitator selects the (...)
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    Dance Studies, genre et enjeux de l’histoire.Elizabeth Claire - 2017 - Clio 46:161-188.
    Dans son introduction à la collection Moving Words. Writing Dance consacrée à une analyse des évolutions de la recherche anglophone des années 1990 sur la danse, Gay Morris souligne l’héritage d’une historiographie « anecdotique, sans théorisation, et avec un appareil critique très rudimentaire ». Carol Brown confirme que l’histoire de la danse est fondée essentiellement sur l’écriture des « balletomanes » qui ont idéalisé le corps de la danseuse comme une entité anhistorique. Rattachée à un...
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    Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy (review).Claire Elise Katz - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):124-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German PhilosophyClaire Elise KatzPeter Eli Gordon. Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. Pp. xxix + 328. Cloth, $65.00.Peter Gordon's recent book brings together two seemingly disparate authors—Franz Rosenzweig and Martin Heidegger. Gordon intends to demonstrate that although Franz Rosenzweig is most frequently viewed as a Jewish thinker, this perspective obfuscates his German background, which (...)
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    Raconter sa migration.Claire Clouet - 2022 - Multitudes 87 (2):75-81.
    Du printemps 2020 à l’été 2021, j’ai accompagné Baba Fotso Toukam Junior dans l’écriture de son récit de migration depuis le Cameroun jusqu’au Pays basque ( Sur le chemin de ses rêves, éditions Dacres, 2021). Dans cet article, je reviens sur notre collaboration. J’y soutiens que sa parole invite à être traitée autrement que comme une narration informant sur son expérience migratoire. Elle est également une parole performative qui agit sur les représentations, notamment de la catégorie « migrant·e·s ».
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    Cinemas and Worlds.Claire Colebrook - 2017 - Diacritics 45 (1):25-48.
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    Difference and Repetition in the Age of #MeToo and the Trumpocene.Claire Colebrook - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (1):31-33.
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    Ethics and Representation: From Kant to Post-structuralism.Claire Colebrook - 1999
    Ethics and Representationprovides a critique and overview of contemporary post-structuralist theory. Exploring the Kantian and phenomenological background of Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, and Irigaray, this book raises some key questions and issues in critical theory. These questions are looked at from a number of angles including the notion of point of view and perspective, the critique of anthropologism from Kant to Deleuze, and the relation between representation and modernity. This is an original contribution to ethical and critical theory which situates poststructuralism (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction Part I.Claire Colebrook - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (Suppl):1-19.
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    On the uses and abuses of repetition.Claire Colebrook - 2009 - Angelaki 14 (1):41 – 49.
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    The becoming-photographic of cinema.Claire Colebrook - 2015 - Philosophy of Photography 6 (1):5-24.
    Both Gilles Deleuze and Bernard Stiegler have sought a renewal of life, perception and philosophy by way of the radical temporality of cinema. In doing so they have, in part, contributed to a long-standing moralism in philosophy that defines itself against the still or photographic image. Rather than see photography as a fragment of a flow of time, and therefore as on its way to becoming cinematic, I argue that the photograph that is cut off from the flow of time (...)
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    The Trope of Economy and Representational Thinking: Heidegger, Derrida and Irigaray.Claire Colebrook - 1997 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 28 (2):178-191.
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