Results for 'Christoph Stamm'

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  1.  15
    Zur Vorgeschichte des Ausgangs -Ena des Instr. Sing. der A-Stämme des AltindischenZur Vorgeschichte des Ausgangs -Ena des Instr. Sing. der A-Stamme des Altindischen. [REVIEW]Manfred Mayrhofer & Christoph Hauri - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (3):283.
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  2. Theory of inquiry.Christoph Kelp - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):359-384.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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    Kritik der Rechte.Christoph Menke - 2015 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche, Naturalism, and Interpretation.Christoph Cox - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (3):3-18.
    _Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation_ offers a resolution of one of the most vexing problems in Nietzsche scholarship. As perhaps the most significant predecessor of more recent attempts to formulate a postmetaphysical epistemology and ontology, Nietzsche is considered by many critics to share this problem with his successors: How can an antifoundationalist philosophy avoid vicious relativism and legitimate its claim to provide a platform for the critique of arguments, practices, and institutions? Christoph Cox argues that Nietzsche successfully navigates between relativism (...)
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    Estética y negatividad.Christoph Menke - 2011 - México: División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Edited by Gustavo Leyva.
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  6. Husserl, the absolute flow, and temporal experience.Christoph Hoerl - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86 (2):376-411.
    The notion of the absolute time-constituting flow plays a central role in Edmund Husserl’s analysis of our consciousness of time. I offer a novel reading of Husserl’s remarks on the absolute flow, on which Husserl can be seen to be grappling with two key intuitions that are still at the centre of current debates about temporal experience. One of them is encapsulated by what is sometimes referred to as an intentionalist (as opposed to an extensionalist) approach to temporal experience. The (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Assertion: A Function First Account.Christoph Kelp - 2018 - Noûs 52 (2):411-442.
    This paper aims to develop a novel account of the normativity of assertion. Its core thesis is that assertion has an etiological epistemic function, viz. to generate knowledge in hearers. In conjunction with a general account of etiological functions and their normative import, it is argued that an assertion is epistemically good if and only if it has the disposition to generate knowledge in hearers. In addition, reason is provided to believe that it makes sense to regulate the practice of (...)
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  8. Le projet apologétique de Maurice Blondel hier et aujourd'hui.Christoph Theobald - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (4):559-573.
    Pour l'auteur, la Lettre représente un seuil décisif dans l'évolution de la théologie fondamentale moderne. Partant des trois acquis majeurs du projet blondélien , l'auteur propose une voie de réinterprétation dans une perspective culturelle nouvelle de ces acquis, notamment en raison du pluralisme qui semble d'abord s'opposer à la structure fondamentalement chrétienne du discours de Blondel, ce qui contraint à infléchir la définition blondélienne du surnaturel. Enfin, l'esquisse d'un argument apologétique valorise l'ensemble du processus circulaire de l'argument apologétique dans la (...)
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    Misconceptions About Colour Categories.Christoph Witzel - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (3):499-540.
    The origin of colour categories and their relationship to colour perception have been the prime example for testing the influence of language on perception and thought and more generally for investigating the biological, ecological and cultural determination of human cognition. These themes are central to a broad range of disciplines, including vision research, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, developmental science, cultural anthropology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy. Unfortunately, though, it has been tacitly taken for granted that the conceptual assumptions and methodological practices (...)
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  10. God with Us: A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament.Christoph Barth & Geoffrey W. Bromiley - 1991
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    Natur und Gender: Kritik eines Machbarkeitswahns.Christoph Türcke - 2020 - München: C.H.Beck.
  12. Remembering past experiences: episodic memory, semantic memory and the epistemic asymmetry.Christoph Hoerl - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin (eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 313-328.
    There seems to be a distinctive way in which we can remember events we have experienced ourselves, which differs from the capacity to retain information about events that we can also have when we have not experienced those events ourselves but just learned about them in some other way. Psychologists and increasingly also philosophers have tried to capture this difference in terms of the idea of two different types of memory: episodic memory and semantic memory. Yet, the demarcation between episodic (...)
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    Properties and interrelationships of skeptical, weakly skeptical, and credulous inference induced by classes of minimal models.Christoph Beierle, Christian Eichhorn, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Steven Kutsch - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103489.
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    Die Logoi der platonischen Sonnenanalogie.Christoph Poetsch - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 75 (2):235-273.
    In Plato's Republic, the Analogy of the Sun famously points out that as the Idea of the Good relates to the knowable Forms so does the Sun to the visible things. Yet, no one has ever questioned whether the consequences claimed to be caused by the sun – among them especially the vital genesis of all physical things – can, based on Plato's philosophy, actually be caused by the material body of the sun. Taking this as a point of departure, (...)
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  15. Contextualism and the knowledge norm of assertion.Christoph Jäger - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):491-498.
    Keith DeRose has argued that ‘the knowledge account of assertion – according to which what one is in a position to assert is what one knows – ... provides a ... powerful positive argument in favor of contextualism’ (2009: 80). The truth is that it yields a powerful argument against contextualism, at least against its most popular, anti-sceptical versions. The following argument shows that, if we conjoin (such versions of) epistemic contextualism with an appropriate meta-linguistic formulation of the knowledge account (...)
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  16. Handlungstheoretisch erklärende Interpretationen als Mittel der semantischen Bedeutungsanalyse.Christoph Lumer - 1992 - In Lutz Danneberg & Friedrich Vollhardt (eds.), Vom Umgang mit Literatur und Literaturgeschichte. Metzler. pp. 75-113.
    ACTION-THEORETICALLY EXPLANATORY INTERPRETATIONS AS A MEANS OF SEMANTIC MEANING ANALYSIS The article first develops a general procedure for semantic meaning analysis in difficult cases where the meaning is very uncertain. The procedure consists of searching for one or more possible hypothetical causal explanations of the text, these explanations containing, among other things, the semantic intention of the author, his subjective reasons for this meaning and for the writing down of the text, but also the path of transmission of the text (...)
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    Forms and Concepts: Concept Formation in the Platonic Tradition.Christoph Helmig - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Forms and Concepts is the first comprehensive study of the central role of concepts and concept acquisition in the Platonic tradition. It sets up a stimulating dialogue between Plato s innatist approach and Aristotle s much more empirical response. The primary aim is to analyze and assess the strategies with which Platonists responded to Aristotle s (and Alexander of Aphrodisias ) rival theory. The monograph culminates in a careful reconstruction of the elaborate attempt undertaken by the Neoplatonist Proclus (6th century (...)
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  18. Forgiveness and forbearance in ancient china.Christoph Harbsmeier - 2011 - In Christel Fricke (ed.), The Ethics of Forgiveness: A Collection of Essays. New York: Routledge.
  19. Autorität der Ersten Person und emotionale Verdrängung.Christoph Jäger & Anne Bartsch - 2006 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 4.
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    Wissenschaftstheoretische Differenzierungen zur Logik bei Johannes Buridan.Christoph Kann - 1994 - In Andreas Speer & Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg (eds.), Scientia und Ars im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter. de Gruyter. pp. 329--340.
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    Die Religion als Form und Inhalt in Hegels absolutem Geist.Christoph Halbig - 2021 - In Michael Kühnlein & Henning Ottmann (eds.), Religionsphilosophie Nach Hegel: Über Glauben Und Wissen Nach Dem Tod Gottes. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. pp. 27-41.
    Auch wenn die Unterscheidung von Form und InhaltForm-Inhalt-Beziehung in fast allen Teilen von Hegels System eine Rolle spielt, kommt ihr gerade in seiner Theorie des absoluten Geistes eine zentrale argumentative Funktion zu. Mit ihrer Hilfe nämlich vertritt Hegel die These, dass die einzelnen Gestalten des absoluten GeistesGeistabsoluter, KunstKunst, ReligionReligion und PhilosophiePhilosophie, sich eben nur der Form nach unterscheiden, aber ein und denselben Inhalt teilen.
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  22. The Systematic Place of Morals in Markets [Letter].Christoph Luetge & Hannes Rusch - 2013 - Science 341 (6147):714.
    Comment on Armin Falk & Nora Szech "Morals and Markets", Science 340(6133), 707-711, 2013.
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    Priorità per chi sta peggio–Valori e norme morali nel prioritarismo etico.Christoph Lumer - 2008 - In Etica normativa: principi dell'agire morale. Roma: Carocci. pp. 93--116.
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  24. Kaltblütig. Philosophie von einem rationalen Standpunkt.Festschrift für Gerhard Vollmer.Christoph Lütge (ed.) - 2004 - Hirzel.
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    Global Image Properties Predict Ratings of Affective Pictures.Christoph Redies, Maria Grebenkina, Mahdi Mohseni, Ali Kaduhm & Christian Dobel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Law and Violence: Chirstoph Menke in dialogue.Christoph Menke - 2018 - Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
    A interlocution containing a stimulating lead essay on the relationship between law and violence by one of the key third-generation Frankfurt School philosophers, Christoph Menke, and engaged responses by a variety of influential critics.
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  27. Marx und die Folgen.Christoph Henning - 2018
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  28. Marginalien zu einer Wertproblematik in der Musikgeschichte.Christoph-Hellmut Mahling - 1982 - In Friedrich Hiller & August Langen (eds.), Normen und Werte. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag.
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  29. Beyond Rome : the polyvalent usage and levels of meaning of imperator and imperium in Medieval Europe.Christoph Mauntel - 2018 - In Wouter Bracke, Jan Nelis & Jan De Maeyer (eds.), Renovatio, inventio, absentia imperii: from the Roman Empire to contemporary imperialism. Bruxelles: Academia Belgica.
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  30. Performativity and dynamics of intangible cultural heritage.Christoph Wulf - 2015 - In Christiaan De Beukelaer, Miikka Pyykkönen & J. P. Singh (eds.), Globalization, culture and development: the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  31. Lotteries and justification.Christoph Kelp - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4):1233-1244.
    The lottery paradox shows that the following three individually highly plausible theses are jointly incompatible: highly probable propositions are justifiably believable, justified believability is closed under conjunction introduction, known contradictions are not justifiably believable. This paper argues that a satisfactory solution to the lottery paradox must reject as versions of the paradox can be generated without appeal to either or and proposes a new solution to the paradox in terms of a novel account of justified believability.
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    Zweckwidriges in der Erfahrung. Zur Genese des Mißlingens aller philosophischen Versuche in der Theodizee bei Kant.Christoph Schulte - 1991 - Kant Studien 82 (4):371-396.
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    Schwerpunkt: Corona – eine Zwischenbilanz.Christoph Demmerling - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (1):25-28.
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    (1 other version)A harmony of illusions: clinical and experimental testing of Robert Koch’s tuberculin 1890–1900.Christoph Gradmann - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (3):465-481.
    One of Ludwik Fleck’s ideas about the development of scientific knowledge is that—once a system of interpretation is in place—the process that follows can be characterised as one of inertia: any new evidence comes under a strong pressure to be incorporated into the established frame. This can result in what Fleck called a harmony of illusions when contradictory evidence becomes almost invisible or is incorporated into the established frame only by huge efforts.The paper analyses early explanations of the tuberculin reaction (...)
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    The didactic interpretation of music.Christoph Richter, Oliver Kraemer, Iris Yob & Monika Herzig - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Die Alltäglichkeit der Interpretation: Heideggers früher Weltbegriff als existenzial-anthropologische Perspektive des transzendentalen Interpretationismus von Hans Lenk.Christoph Ried - 2010 - Berlin: Lit.
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  37. Temporal binding, causation and agency: Developing a new theoretical framework.Christoph Hoerl, Sara Lorimer, Teresa McCormack, David A. Lagnado, Emma Blakey, Emma C. Tecwyn & Marc J. Buehner - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (5):e12843.
    In temporal binding, the temporal interval between one event and another, occurring some time later, is subjectively compressed. We discuss two ways in which temporal binding has been conceptualized. In studies showing temporal binding between a voluntary action and its causal consequences, such binding is typically interpreted as providing a measure of an implicit or pre-reflective “sense of agency”. However, temporal binding has also been observed in contexts not involving voluntary action, but only the passive observation of a cause-effect sequence. (...)
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    A Pareto Principle for Possible People.Christoph Fehige - 1998 - In Christoph Fehige & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Preferences. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 508–543.
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    Darwinische Kulturtheorie–Evolutionistische und „evolutionistische “Theorien sozialen Wandels.Christoph Antweiler - 2010 - In Dittmar Graf (ed.), Evolutionstheorie-Akzeptanz und Vermittlung im europäischen Vergleich. Berlin: Springer. pp. 29--44.
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  40. Przełom transcendentalny w filozofii Kanta.Christoph Asmuth - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 52 (4):77-86.
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    Philosophie für die Welt: die Popularphilosphie der deutschen Spätaufklärung im Zeitalter Kants.Christoph Böhr - 2003 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Seit ihrer Verurteilung vor allem im Deutschen Idealismus hatte die Popularphilosophie, in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts eine der einflussreichsten Stromungen, einen faden Beigeschmack. Dabei verstand sich die Diskussion uber eine Philosophie, die mehr Nahe zum Leben der Menschen suchte, als Teil der umfassenden Selbstverstandnisdebatte von Aufklarung insgesamt. Vor allem die Auseinandersetzung mit der kritischen Philosophie Kants zwang dazu, Anspruch, Grenzen und Moglichkeiten popularer Philosophie zu uberdenken. So wurde Popularitat zu Programm und Problem von Philosophie, damals wie heute. - (...)
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  42. Tradition Und Translation Zum Problem der Interkulturellen Ubersetzbarkeit Religioser Phanomene; Festschrift Fur Carsten Colpe Zum 65. Geburtstag.Christoph Elsas & Carsten Colpe - 1994
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  43. Why two epochs of human history? On the myth of the Statesman.Christoph Horn - 2012 - In Catherine Collobert, Pierre Destrée & Francisco J. Gonzalez (eds.), Plato and myth: studies on the use and status of Platonic myths. Boston: Brill.
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    Komparative oder interkulturelle Philosophie?Christoph Staub - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2009 (2):112-121.
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  45. Reflective equilibrium and understanding.Christoph Baumberger & Georg Brun - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7923-7947.
    Elgin has presented an extensive defence of reflective equilibrium embedded in an epistemology which focuses on objectual understanding rather than ordinary propositional knowledge. This paper has two goals: to suggest an account of reflective equilibrium which is sympathetic to Elgin’s but includes a range of further developments, and to analyse its role in an account of understanding. We first address the structure of reflective equilibrium as a target state and argue that reflective equilibrium requires more than an equilibrium in the (...)
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    Formal models of source reliability.Christoph Merdes, Momme von Sydow & Ulrike Hahn - 2020 - Synthese 198 (S23):5773-5801.
    The paper introduces, compares and contrasts formal models of source reliability proposed in the epistemology literature, in particular the prominent models of Bovens and Hartmann and Olsson :127–143, 2011). All are Bayesian models seeking to provide normative guidance, yet they differ subtly in assumptions and resulting behavior. Models are evaluated both on conceptual grounds and through simulations, and the relationship between models is clarified. The simulations both show surprising similarities and highlight relevant differences between these models. Most importantly, however, our (...)
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    Enhancing disjunctive logic programming systems by SAT checkers.Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone & Gerald Pfeifer - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 151 (1-2):177-212.
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    Helmholtz'Apparatuses Telegraphy as Working Model of Nerve Physiology.Christoph Hoffmann - 2003 - Philosophia Scientiae 7 (1):129-149.
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    Dialektik und Wissenschaftslogik: e. sprachphilos.-handlungstheoret. Analyse.Christoph Hubig - 1978 - New York: de Gruyter.
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    Roots of Karl iaspers'general psychopathology.Christoph Mundt - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 68.
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