Results for 'Christoph Küper'

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  1. A Theory of Philosophical Arguments.Christoph Lumer - 2020 - Evidence, Persuasion and Diversity. Proceedings of Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 12 (2020).
    In this article, a new, idealizing-hermeneutic methodological approach to developing a theory of philosophical arguments is presented and carried out. The basis for this is a theory of ideal philosophical theory types developed from the analysis of historical examples. According to this theory, the following ideal types of theory exist in philosophy: 1. descriptive-nomological, 2. idealizing-hermeneutic, 3. technical-constructive, 4. ontic-practical. These types of theories are characterized in particular by what their basic types of theses are. The main task of this (...)
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  2. Automated Argument Analysis – Comment on: Mizrahi & Dickinson: "Argumentation in Philosophical Practice: An Empirical Study".Christoph Lumer - 2020 - Evidence, Persuasion and Diversity. Proceedings of Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 12 (2020).
    The paper critically discusses an empirical study by Mizrahi & Dickinson 2020, which analyzes in a huge data base (JSTORE) the incidence of three types of philosophical arguments. Their results are: 1. Deductive arguments were the most commeon type of argument in philosophy until the end of the 20th century. 2. Around 2008 a shift in methodology occurred, such that the indcutive arguments outweigh other types of argument. The paper, first, criticizes the empirical study as grossly false and considers the (...)
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  3. Empirical Vitalism – Observing an Organism’s Formative Power within an Active and Co-Constitutive Relation between Subject and Object.Christoph J. Hueck - 2025 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 47 (9):1-19.
    This article proposes an empirical approach to understanding the life of an organism that overcomes reductionist and dualist approaches. The approach is based on Immanuel Kant’s analysis of the cognitive conditions required for the recognition of an organism: the concept of teleology and the assumption of a formative power of self-generation. It is analyzed how these two criteria are applied in the cognition of a developing organism. Using the example of a developmental series of a plant leaf, an active and (...)
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche, Naturalism, and Interpretation.Christoph Cox - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (3):3-18.
    _Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation_ offers a resolution of one of the most vexing problems in Nietzsche scholarship. As perhaps the most significant predecessor of more recent attempts to formulate a postmetaphysical epistemology and ontology, Nietzsche is considered by many critics to share this problem with his successors: How can an antifoundationalist philosophy avoid vicious relativism and legitimate its claim to provide a platform for the critique of arguments, practices, and institutions? Christoph Cox argues that Nietzsche successfully navigates between relativism (...)
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  5. The Greenhouse: A Welfare Assessment and Some Morals.Christoph Lumer - 2002 - Lanham, MD; New York; Oxford: University Press of America.
    In this book some options concerning the greenhouse effect are assessed from a welfarist point of view: business as usual, stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions and reduction by 25% and by 60%. Up to today only economic analyses of such options are available, which monetize welfare losses. Because this is found to be wanting from a moral point of view, the present study welfarizes (among others) monetary losses on the basis of a hedonistic utilitarianism and other, justice incorporating, welfare ethics. (...)
  6. Do we (seem to) perceive passage?Christoph Hoerl - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (2):188-202.
    I examine some recent claims put forward by L. A. Paul, Barry Dainton and Simon Prosser, to the effect that perceptual experiences of movement and change involve an (apparent) experience of ‘passage’, in the sense at issue in debates about the metaphysics of time. Paul, Dainton and Prosser all argue that this supposed feature of perceptual experience – call it a phenomenology of passage – is illusory, thereby defending the view that there is no such a thing as passage, conceived (...)
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  7. Time and tense in perceptual experience.Christoph Hoerl - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9:1-18.
    We can not just see, hear or feel how things are at a time, but we also have perceptual experiences as of things moving or changing. I argue that such temporal experiences have a content that is tenseless, i.e. best characterized in terms of notions such as 'before' and 'after' (rather than, say, 'past', 'present' and 'future'), and that such experiences are essentially of the nature of a process that takes up time, viz., the same time as the process that (...)
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  8. The phenomenology of episodic recall.Christoph Hoerl - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack, Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 315--38.
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  9. Skepticism, Information, and Closure: Dretske’s Theory of Knowledge.Christoph Jäger - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):187 - 201.
    According to Fred Dretske's externalist theory of knowledge a subject knows that p if and only if she believes that p and this belief is caused or causally sustained by the information that p. Another famous feature of Dretske's epistemology is his denial that knowledge is closed under known entailment. I argue that, given Dretske's construal of information, he is in fact committed to the view that both information and knowledge are closed under known entailment. Hence, if it is true (...)
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    Johannes des Sacrobosco and the Sphere Tradition in Early Modern Catholic Censorship.Christoph Sander - 2018 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 26 (4):437-474.
    Johannes de Sacroboscos (c. 1195–c. 1256) De sphaera, eine Einführung in die Kosmologie aus dem 13. Jahrhundert, war mit über 320 Drucken das am häufigsten edierte, kommentierte oder adaptierte astronomisch-kosmologische Handbuch der Frühen Neuzeit. Während die Rezeption und Verbreitung dieses Werkes im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert bereits vielfach untersucht wurden ist bisher übersehen worden, dass diese vermeintlich unproblematischen Sphaera-Textbücher auch vielfach Gegenstand der katholischen Zensur wurden, obwohl sie gerade eine Kosmologie enthielten, die Katholiken als Bollwerk gegen den aufkommenden Kopernikanismus betrachteten. (...)
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  11. Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Time and Memory throws new light on fundamental aspects of human cognition and consciousness by bringing together, for the first time, psychological and philosophical approaches dealing with the connection between the capacity to represent and think about time, and the capacity to recollect the past. Fifteen specially written essays offer insights into current theories of memory processes and of the mechanisms and cognitive abilities underlying temporal judgements, and draw out key issues concerning the phenomenology and epistemology of memory and its (...)
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    Schwerpunkt: Corona – eine Zwischenbilanz.Christoph Demmerling - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (1):25-28.
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  13. Episodic memory, autobiographical memory, narrative: On three key notions in current approaches to memory development.Christoph Hoerl - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (5):621-640.
    According to recent social interactionist accounts in developmental psychology, a child's learning to talk about the past with others plays a key role in memory development. Most accounts of this kind are centered on the theoretical notion of autobiographical memory and assume that socio-communicative interaction with others is important, in particular, in explaining the emergence of memories that have a particular type of connection to the self. Most of these accounts also construe autobiographical memory as a species of episodic memory, (...)
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  14. Meta-emotions.Christoph Jäger & Anne Bartsch - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73 (1):179-204.
    This paper explores the phenomenon of meta-emotions. Meta-emotions are emotions people have about their own emotions. We analyze the intentional structure of meta-emotions and show how psychological findings support our account. Acknowledgement of meta-emotions can elucidate a number of important issues in the philosophy of mind and, more specifically, the philosophy and psychology of emotions. Among them are (allegedly) ambivalent or paradoxical emotions, emotional communication, emotional self-regulation, privileged access failure for repressed emotions, and survivor guilt.
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    Memory, Authenticity, and Optogenethics.Jan Christoph Bublitz & Dimitris Repantis - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):30-32.
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    The Sovereignty of Art: Aesthetic Negativity in Adorno and Derrida.Christoph Menke - 1998 - MIT Press.
    Art is not only autonomous, following its own law, different from nonaesthetic reason, but sovereign: it subverts the rule of reason.In this book Christoph Menke attempts to explain art's sovereign power to subvert reason without falling ...
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  17. ”A succession of feelings, in and of itself, is not a feeling of succession’.Christoph Hoerl - 2013 - Mind 122 (486):373-417.
    Variants of the slogan that a succession of experiences does not amount to an experience of succession are commonplace in the philosophical literature on temporal experience. I distinguish three quite different arguments that might be captured using this slogan: the individuation argument, the unity argument, and the causal argument. Versions of the unity and the causal argument are often invoked in support of a particular view of the nature of temporal experience sometimes called intentionalism, and against a rival view sometimes (...)
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  18. On thought insertion.Christoph Hoerl - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (2-3):189-200.
    In this paper, I investigate in detail one theoretical approach to the symptom of thought insertion. This approach suggests that patients are lead to disown certain thoughts they are subjected to because they lack a sense of active participation in the occurrence of those thoughts. I examine one reading of this claim, according to which the patients’ anomalous experiences arise from a breakdown of cognitive mechanisms tracking the production of occurrent thoughts, before sketching an alternative reading, according to which their (...)
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    Agent functionalism.Christoph Kelp - forthcoming - In Mathias Steup, Blackwell Companion to Epistemology. Blackwell.
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  20. Joint reminiscing as joint attention to the past.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2005 - In Naomi Eilan, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Johannes Roessler, Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 260-286.
    We identify a particular type of causal reasoning ability that we believe is required for the possession of episodic memories, as it is needed to give substance to the distinction between the past and the present. We also argue that the same causal reasoning ability is required for grasping the point that another person's appeal to particular past events can have in conversation. We connect this to claims in developmental psychology that participation in joint reminiscing plays a key role in (...)
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    Value Alignment for Advanced Artificial Judicial Intelligence.Christoph Winter, Nicholas Hollman & David Manheim - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2):187-203.
    This paper considers challenges resulting from the use of advanced artificial judicial intelligence (AAJI). We argue that these challenges should be considered through the lens of value alignment. Instead of discussing why specific goals and values, such as fairness and nondiscrimination, ought to be implemented, we consider the question of how AAJI can be aligned with goals and values more generally, in order to be reliably integrated into legal and judicial systems. This value alignment framing draws on AI safety and (...)
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    Law and Violence: Chirstoph Menke in dialogue.Christoph Menke - 2018 - Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
    A interlocution containing a stimulating lead essay on the relationship between law and violence by one of the key third-generation Frankfurt School philosophers, Christoph Menke, and engaged responses by a variety of influential critics.
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    Wissen und Gewissheit. Fichte und die Wiederkehr der Religion.Christoph Binkelmann - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (3):226.
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    Monks, money, and morality: the balancing act of contemporary Buddhism.Christoph Brumann, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko & Beata Switek (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book dispels popular understandings of Buddhism as a religion that emphasizes the renunciation of worldly goods, by examining how Buddhist temples and the monastic community (the sangha) require tangible resources in order to sustain themselves. The first book to focus on the material and financial relations of contemporary Buddhist monks, nuns, temples, and laypeople, it shows that rather than being peripheral, economic exchanges are often central to the relations between Buddhist monastics and laity, and are a key topic of (...)
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    Drei Ringe und Ein Opal: Matthew Tindals Religionsphilosophie als ein Faktor für Lessings Nathan der Weise. Mit einem Nachdruck von Tindals Abhandlung Reasons against restraining the press von 1704.Christoph Bultmann - 2016 - In Gideon Stiening, Cornelia Rémi & Frieder von Ammon, Literatur Und Praktische Vernunft. De Gruyter. pp. 335-354.
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  26. Self-deception as pseudo-rational regulation of belief.Christoph Michel & Albert Newen - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):731-744.
    Self-deception is a special kind of motivational dominance in belief-formation. We develop criteria which set paradigmatic self-deception apart from related phenomena of automanipulation such as pretense and motivational bias. In self-deception rational subjects defend or develop beliefs of high subjective importance in response to strong counterevidence. Self-deceivers make or keep these beliefs tenable by putting prima-facie rational defense-strategies to work against their established standards of rational evaluation. In paradigmatic self-deception, target-beliefs are made tenable via reorganizations of those belief-sets that relate (...)
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  27. Law and violence.Christoph Menke - 2018 - In Law and Violence: Chirstoph Menke in dialogue. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
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  28. Memory, amnesia, and the past.Christoph Hoerl - 1999 - Mind and Language 14 (2):227-51.
    This paper defends the claim that, in order to have a concept of time, subjects must have memories of particular events they once witnessed. Some patients with severe amnesia arguably still have a concept of time. Two possible explanations of their grasp of this concept are discussed. They take as their respective starting points abilities preserved in the patients in question: (1) the ability to retain factual information over time despite being unable to recall the past event or situation that (...)
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  29. On being stuck in time.Christoph Hoerl - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (4):485-500.
    It is sometimes claimed that non-human animals (and perhaps also young children) live their lives entirely in the present and are cognitively ‘stuck in time’. Adult humans, by contrast, are said to be able to engage in ‘mental time travel’. One possible way of making sense of this distinction is in terms of the idea that animals and young children cannot engage in tensed thought, which might seem a preposterous idea in the light of certain findings in comparative and developmental (...)
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  30. Introduction: Understanding counterfactuals and causation.Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Sarah R. Beck - 2011 - In Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Sarah R. Beck, Understanding Counterfactuals, Understanding Causation: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford:: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-15.
    How are causal judgements such as 'The ice on the road caused the traffic accident' connected with counterfactual judgements such as 'If there had not been any ice on the road, the traffic accident would not have happened'? This volume throws new light on this question by uniting, for the first time, psychological and philosophical approaches to causation and counterfactuals. Traditionally, philosophers have primarily been interested in connections between causal and counterfactual claims on the level of meaning or truth-conditions. More (...)
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  31. A Pareto Principle for Possible People.Christoph Fehige - 1998 - In Christoph Fehige & Ulla Wessels, Preferences. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 508–543.
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  32. Time in cognitive development.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2011 - In Craig Callender, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 439-459.
    This is a comprehensive book on the philosophy of time. Leading philosophers discuss the metaphysics of time, our experience and representation of time, the role of time in ethics and action, and philosophical issues in the sciences of time, especially quantum mechanics and relativity theory.
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    Properties and interrelationships of skeptical, weakly skeptical, and credulous inference induced by classes of minimal models.Christoph Beierle, Christian Eichhorn, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Steven Kutsch - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103489.
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  34. Perspectives on time and memory: an introduction.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack, Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-33.
    What is the connection between the way we represent time and things in time, on the one hand, and our capacity to remember particular past events, on the other? This is the substantive question that has stood behind the project of putting together this volume. The methodological assumption that has informed this project is that any progress with the difficult and fascinating set of issues that are raised by this question must draw on the resources of various areas both in (...)
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    Ästhetischer Widerstand und die Kraft der Kunst.Christoph Menke & Hermann Pfütz - 2017 - In Aida Bosch & Hermann Pfütze, Ästhetischer Widerstand Gegen Zerstörung Und Selbstzerstörung. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 249-265.
    Hermann Pfütze und Christoph Menke stellen in dem Podiumsgespräch die Frage nach den widerständigen Potentialen der Kunst. Was ist das Spezifische der Kunst gegenüber anderen sozialen Feldern oder Praxisformen? Was lässt sich unter Ästhetischem Widerstand genau verstehen? Auch wenn die Kunst nicht über Gewaltmittel verfügt, so könnte es doch einen Wettstreit um die Idee der Kunst geben. Ästhetischer Widerstand ist dann der Widerstand einer Kunstform gegen eine andere. Oder ist die ästhetische Erfahrung gerade nicht antagonistisch organisiert? Dann könnte Kunst (...)
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    Syntactic priming of relative clause attachments: persistence of structural configuration in sentence production.Christoph Scheepers - 2003 - Cognition 89 (3):179-205.
  37. The perception of time and the notion of a point of view.Christoph Hoerl - 1997 - European Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):156-171.
    This paper aims to investigate the temporal content of perceptual experience. It argues that we must recognize the existence of temporal perceptions, i.e., perceptions the content of which cannot be spelled out simply by looking at what is the case at an isolated instant. Acts of apprehension can cover a succession of events. However, a subject who has such perceptions can fall short of having a concept of time. Similar arguments have been put forward to show that a subject who (...)
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  38. Instrumentalism.Christoph Fehige - 2001 - In Elijah Millgram, Varieties of Practical Reasoning. MIT Press. pp. 49--76.
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  39. (1 other version)Das Begreifen des Unbegreiflichen: Philosophie und Religion bei Johann Gottlieb Fichte 1800–1806. Spekulation und Erfahrung. Texte und Untersuchungen zum Deutschen Idealismus Abteilung II: Untersuchungen Band 41.Christoph Asmuth - 1999
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    Equity and resource allocation in health care: Dialogue between Islam and Christianity.Christoph Benn & Adnan A. Hyder - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):181-189.
    Inequities in health and health care are one of the greatest challenges facing the international community today. This problem raises serious questions for health care planners, politicians and ethicists alike. The major world religions can play an important role in this discussion. Therefore, interreligious dialogue on this topic between ethicists and health care professionals is of increasing relevance and urgency. This article gives an overview on the positions of Islam and Christianity on equity and the distribution of resources in health (...)
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    Liegt in Kants religionsphilosophischen anschauungen der keim zur weiterentwicklung nach dem Schleiermacherschen prinzip hin vom ursprung des religiösen bewusstseins?M. Christoph-Dressler - 1909 - Hamburg,: Gedruckt bei Lütcke & Wulff.
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    On the Anthropology of Play.Wulf Christoph - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (3).
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    Response.Christoph Benn & Adnan A. Hyder - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (1):73-73.
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    New evidence for a Polyandrion in the "Demosion Sema" of Athens.Christoph Clairmont - 1981 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 101:132-134.
  45. Chapter 24. Gerhard Ritter.Christoph Cornelissen - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf, History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    Nietzsche’s Anti-Realism.Christoph Cox - 2002 - International Studies in Philosophy 34 (3):29-34.
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    Reductionism in Fallacy Theory.Christoph Lumer - 2000 - Argumentation 14 (4):405-423.
    (1) The aim of the paper is to develop a reduction of fallacy theory, i.e. to 'deduce' fallacy theory from a positive theory of argumentation which provides exact criteria for valid and adequate argumentation. Such reductionism has several advantages compared to an unsystematic action, which is quite usual in current fallacy but which at least in part is due to the poor state of positive argumentation theory itself. (2) After defining 'fallacy' (3) some principle ideas and (4) the exact criteria (...)
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  48. Vom Buch der Natur zum Biotop : Texte und Tiere beim jungen Goethe.Christoph Perels - 2014 - In Peter Janich, Reinhard Brandt & Arbogast Schmitt, Der Mensch und seine Tiere: Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse im Spiegel der Wissenschaften. Stuttgart: in Kommission bei Franz Steiner.
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    Postheroische Perspektiven oder Die Signifikanz des Verkennens im Hildebrandslied Post-heroic perspectives or the significance of mistaking in the Hildebrandslied.Christoph Petersen - 2020 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 94 (4):417-443.
    ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag stellt zum einen die These auf, dass das Hildebrandslied den erzählten Vater-Sohn-Kampf aus Hildebrands heroischer Exorbitanz ableitet, die im Figurendialog analytisch vorgeführt wird. Die darin zum Ausdruck kommende Reflexionsdistanz des Liedes zu seinem Gegenstand kann als postheroische Perspektive stricto sensu bezeichnet werden. Da diese Perspektive somit bereits in einem frühesten Zeugnis europäischer Heldenepik konstitutiv für die narrative Sinngebung ist, schlägt der Beitrag zum anderen vor, die postheroische Perspektive als ein heuristisches Instrument zu gebrauchen, mit dem nicht nur Erscheinungsweisen (...)
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    Die Publizistik Karl Ludwig von Hallers in der Frühzeit, 1791-1815.Christoph Pfister - 1975 - Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
    Leben und Werk des Berner Staatstheoretikers und politischen Schriftstellers Karl Ludwig von Haller sind bisher nur ungenugend untersucht. Die fruhere wissenschaftliche Betrachtung beschrankte sich einseitig auf sein Restaurationswerk. Weiter fehlt bis heute eine Biographie Hallers. Eine erneute Betrachtung seiner Anschauungen und eine Biographie erfordern aber zuerst eine vollstandige Sichtung und Auswertung der vorhandenen Quellen. Die Untersuchung von Hallers publizistischem Wirken bis 1815 zeigt, wie viele unbekannte und unbeachtete Quellen der Forschung bisher verschlossen waren. Weiter weist die Darstellung nach, dass Haller (...)
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