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Christine Firer Hinze [11]Christine Hinze [1]
  1.  19
    Reconsidering Little Rock.Christine Firer Hinze - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (1):25-50.
    TO ADDRESS THE ROLE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IN STRUGGLES FOR justice, we must bear in mind not "family" in the abstract but particular families in particular times and places. The decisions and actions of particular families—certain African American and white families with children of high school age in Little Rock, Arkansas, during the academic years 1957 and 1958—prompted the controversy I reconsider here, between the German-born political philosopher Hannah Arendt and African American participants and leaders in the southern civil (...)
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  2.  17
    Comprehending Power in Christian Social Ethics.Christine Firer Hinze - 1995 - Oup Usa.
    Christine Firer Hinze examines how socio-political power has been modeled in recent social theory and Christian ethics, and considers its theological and sociological underpinnings. The interaction of two models of power, "power over" and "power to" is traced in the works of selected religious and social theorists of the past century. Hinze advances a constructive argument in favor of a theory that systematically integrates power's superordinating and collaborative features, and does so in a manner that coheres with the ethicist's underlying (...)
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    Families and the Social Order: Introduction.Christine Firer Hinze & Todd David Whitmore - 1995 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 15:249-250.
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    The Drama of Social Sin and the (Im)Possibility of Solidarity: Reinhold Niebuhr and Modern Catholic Social Teaching.Christine Firer Hinze - 2009 - Studies in Christian Ethics 22 (4):442-460.
    Recent Catholic social teaching’s treatments of social sin and its proposed remedy, neighbor-love conceived as solidarity, represent genuine advances in this modern Christian tradition. This essay asks what Niebuhr’s ethical analysis might add to, or question about, these Catholic interpretations. After briefly describing how these themes are enunciated in post-Vatican II documents, and Niebuhr’s approach to like issues, I identify several challenges, cautions and additions that Niebuhr might offer to Catholic leaders seeking to understand social sin and to promote solidary (...)
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  5.  56
    Women, Families, and the Legacy of Laborem Exercens: An Unfinished Agenda.Christine Firer Hinze - 2009 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 6 (1):63-92.
  6.  14
    James Luther Adams and U.s. Liberationists: Mutual pedagogy for transformative social ethics.Christine Firer Hinze - 1996 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 17 (1):71 - 91.
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