Results for 'Cheating (Education) '

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  1.  22
    International Predictors of Contract Cheating in Higher Education.R. Awdry & B. Ives - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):193-212.
    Prevalence of contract cheating and outsourcing through organised methods has received interest in research studies aiming to determine the most suitable strategies to reduce the problem. Few studies have presented an international approach or tested which variables could be correlated with contract cheating. As a result, strategies to reduce contract cheating may be founded on data from other countries, or demographics/situations which may not align to variables most strongly connected to engagement in outsourcing. This paper presents the (...)
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    On Cheating and Education: The Mistaken Identity of the Easily Discernible.Luise Prior McCarty - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:24-27.
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    Exploring contract cheating in further education: student engagement and academic integrity challenges.Roya Rahimi, Jenni Jones & Carol Bailey - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (1):38-58.
    Contract cheating is a challenging problem facing higher and further education providers (HE and FE) worldwide. In the UK, contract cheating has been identified as a growing problem by the HEA and, more recently, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and the Department for Education. The high rate of contact cheating among students suggests that 8–9% of degrees awarded in the UK are unsafe. To address this issue, the current study with a new (...)
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    Academic Dishonesty Within Higher Education in Nepal: An Examination of Students’ Exam Cheating.Som Nath Ghimire, Upaj Bhattarai & Raj K. Baral - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (2):303-322.
    The problem of academic dishonesty in general and exam cheating in particular, has been ubiquitous in schools, colleges, and universities around the world. This paper reports on the findings from teachers’ and students’ experiences and perceptions of exam cheating at Nepali schools, colleges, and universities. In so doing, the paper highlights the challenges of maintaining academic integrity in Nepali education systems. Based on qualitative research design, the study data were collected by employing semi-structured interviews with the teachers (...)
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    Does the Type of Cheating Influence Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Cheating?Kathleen K. Molnar & Marilyn G. Kletke - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (3):201-212.
    There has been a plethora of studies outlying the various factors which may affect undergraduate student cheating, generally focusing on individual, situational and deterrent factors. But beyond these factors, does the type of cheating affect students’ perceptions of cheating? We found that there were differences in regards to gradable cheating such as cheating on homework, tests and papers versus non-gradable cheating such as illegally downloading software/music from the Internet or photocopying materials which violate the (...)
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    Understanding the Interplay Among Regulatory Self-Efficacy, Moral Disengagement, and Academic Cheating Behaviour During Vocational Education: A Three-Wave Study.Roberta Fida, Carlo Tramontano, Marinella Paciello, Valerio Ghezzi & Claudio Barbaranelli - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):725-740.
    The literature has suggested that to understand the diffusion of unethical conduct in the workplace, it is important to investigate the underlying processes sustaining engagement in misbehaviour and to study what occurs during vocational education. Drawing on social-cognitive theory, in this study, we longitudinally examined the role of two opposite dimensions of the self-regulatory moral system, regulatory self-efficacy and moral disengagement, in influencing academic cheating behaviour. In addition, in line with the theories highlighting the bidirectional relationship between cognitive (...)
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  7.  68
    Cheating During the College Years: How do Business School Students Compare?Helen A. Klein, Nancy M. Levenburg, Marie McKendall & William Mothersell - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (2):197-206.
    When it comes to cheating in higher education, business school students have often been accused of being the worst offenders; if true, this may be a contributing factor in the kinds of fraud that have plagued the business community in recent years. We examined the issue of cheating in the business school by surveying 268 students in business and other professional schools on their attitudes about, and experiences with, cheating. We found that while business school students (...)
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  8. Classroom cheating among natural science and engineering Majors.Donald L. McCabe - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (4):433-445.
    The topic of cheating among college students has received considerable attention in the education and psychology literatures. But most of this research has been conducted with relatively small samples and individual projects have generally focused on students from a single campus. These studies have improved our understanding of cheating in college, but it is difficult to generalize their findings and it is also difficult to develop a good understanding of the differences that exist among different academic majors. (...)
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  9. Contract cheating: a new challenge for academic honesty?Mary Walker & Cynthia Townley - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (1):27-44.
    ‘Contract cheating’ has recently emerged as a form of academic dishonesty. It involves students contracting out their coursework to writers in order to submit the purchased assignments as their own work, usually via the internet. This form of cheating involves epistemic and ethical problems that are continuous with older forms of cheating, but which it also casts in a new form. It is a concern to educators because it is very difficult to detect, because it is arguably (...)
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  10.  61
    Undergraduate Student Perceptions Regarding Cheating: Tier 1 Versus Tier 2 AACSB Accredited Business Schools.S. R. Premeaux - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (4):407-418.
    Cheating is fairly commonplace at both Tiers 1 and 2 AACSB accredited business schools. Distinct differences exist between Tiers 1 and 2 students with regard to cheating. Tier 1 students are more likely to cheat on written assignments, they believe sanctions impact cheating, and that a stigma is attached to cheating. Tier 2 students are more likely to cheat on exams, and nearly as likely to cheat on written assignments. Tier 2 students accept the notion that (...)
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  11.  19
    Cheating: ethics in everyday life.Deborah L. Rhode - 2018 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cheating is deeply embedded in everyday life. The costs of the most common forms of cheating total close to a trillion dollars annually. Part of the problem is that many individuals fail to see such behavior as a serious problem. "Everyone does it" is a common rationalization, and one that comes uncomfortably close to the truth. That perception is also self-perpetuating. The more that individuals believe that cheating is widespread, the easier it becomes to justify. Yet what (...)
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  12. Think more before you cheat: The influences of attitudes toward cheating and cognitive reflection on cheating behavior.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cheating is widely considered a condemnable behavior in society and a big problem in the educational system. In this study, we employ the information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework to explore deeper the subjective cost-benefit evaluation involving the perceived value of cheating. Conducting Bayesian analysis on 493 university students from Germany, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan, we found that students who have more positive attitudes toward cheating are more likely to cheat. However, a higher capability of cognitive reflection acts (...)
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    “The White Version of Cheating?” Ethical and Social Equity Concerns of Cognitive Enhancing Drug Users in Higher Education.Ross Aikins - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (2):111-130.
    So-called cognitive enhancing drugs are relatively common in higher education, especially among students who are white, male, and attend highly selective institutions. Using qualitative data from a diverse sample of 32 students at an elite university, the present study aims to examine whether students perceive CED use to be advantageous, equitable, and fair. Participants were either medical or nonmedical users of CEDs—primarily ADHD stimulant medications such as Adderall. Data were first coded openly, then axially into themes, and finally arranged (...)
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    Addressing cheating in e-assessment using student authentication and authorship checking systems: teachers’ perspectives.Blagovesna Yovkova, Abdulkadir Karadeniz, Serpil Kocdar, Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth & Harvey Mellar - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    Student authentication and authorship checking systems are intended to help teachers address cheating and plagiarism. This study set out to investigate higher education teachers’ perceptions of the prevalence and types of cheating in their courses with a focus on the possible changes that might come about as a result of an increased use of e-assessment, ways of addressing cheating, and how the use of student authentication and authorship checking systems might impact on assessment practice. This study (...)
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  15. Attitudes and Behaviors of Academic Dishonesty and Cheating—Do Ethics Education and Ethics Training Affect Either Attitudes or Behaviors?Aditya Simha, Josh P. Armstrong & Joseph F. Albert - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:129-144.
    Academic dishonesty and cheating by students has become endemic in higher education. In this article, we conducted a study on undergraduate business students (n = 162) to examine the impact of business ethics education and ethics training on student attitudes towards academic dishonesty as well as their cheating behaviors. We found that business ethics education in conjunction with business ethics training had a positive impact on students’ attitudes towardsacademic dishonesty and cheating; however there was (...)
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  16.  26
    Contract cheating by STEM students through a file sharing website: a Covid-19 pandemic perspective.Codrin Cotarlan & Thomas Lancaster - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    Students are using file sharing sites to breach academic integrity in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper analyses the use of one such site, Chegg, which offers “homework help” and other academic services to students. Chegg is often presented as a file sharing site in the academic literature, but that is just one of many ways in which it can be used. As this paper demonstrates, Chegg can and is used for contract cheating This is despite the apparent (...)
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  17.  73
    Plagiarism, Cheating and Research Integrity: Case Studies from a Masters Program in Peru.Andres M. Carnero, Percy Mayta-Tristan, Kelika A. Konda, Edward Mezones-Holguin, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, German F. Alvarado, Carlos Canelo-Aybar, Jorge L. Maguiña, Eddy R. Segura, Antonio M. Quispe, Edward S. Smith, Angela M. Bayer & Andres G. Lescano - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1183-1197.
    Plagiarism is a serious, yet widespread type of research misconduct, and is often neglected in developing countries. Despite its far-reaching implications, plagiarism is poorly acknowledged and discussed in the academic setting, and insufficient evidence exists in Latin America and developing countries to inform the development of preventive strategies. In this context, we present a longitudinal case study of seven instances of plagiarism and cheating arising in four consecutive classes of an Epidemiology Masters program in Lima, Peru, and describes the (...)
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  18.  85
    The Detection of Cheating on E-Exams in Higher Education—The Performance of Several Old and Some New Indicators.Jochen Ranger, Nico Schmidt & Anett Wolgast - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  19.  9
    The devil’s in the detail – counting unique and organic contract cheating sites targeting higher education students in the UAE as a call to delegitimize them.Zeenath Reza Khan - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    When considering a paradigm shift in higher education, it is imperative to focus on removing obstacles against maintaining integrity in academia. One such obstacle is contract cheating sites that have mushroomed disproportionately during the 18 months of emergency distance learning threatening graduate quality and university reputations. It was sharply brought to focus in 2015 due to a mass-scale scandal involving 16 universities and more than 1000 students leading to a subsequent law making such services illegal in Australia. Contract (...)
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  20.  23
    Goal contents as predictors of academic cheating in college students.Soowon Park - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (8):628-639.
    The current study examined the longitudinal relationships between goal contents and academic cheating (serious versus minor cheating) among representative college students. Based on the framework of goal contents theory within self-determination theory, wealth, fame, affiliation, self-growth, social-concern, and leisure goals were tested as predictive factors of two types of academic cheating. Participants were 2,360 representative college students from the Korean Education Longitudinal Study majoring in business, humanities, social sciences, engineering, education, arts, and medicine. They answered (...)
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  21.  45
    What are the Perspectives of Day and Evening Nursing Education Students About Cheating?Fatma Başalan İz, Rahime Aslankoç & Günferah Şahi̇n - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (2):345-357.
    Cheating in higher education is a significant problem. The study aims to determine nursing students’ attitudes and opinions toward cheating in exams. The type of research is descriptive. The research data were collected in the classroom environment of 716 students in day and evening education programs. The research data were collected using socio-demographic characteristics form, and the Copying Attitude Scale. Descriptive statistics, t-tests, and variance analysis were used for data analyses. The most common method of (...) was receiving answers by talking to the friend sitting next to the student. The rate of cheating was high in both the day and evening education students. The students reported that most of the cheating occurred in final exams and high-credit major courses. Learning type (day/evening education programs) is not effective in cheating. High-credit major courses have increased the fear of failing the course. The most important reason for cheating in exams was the fear of failing a course. (shrink)
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  22. Cheating.Stuart P. Green - 2004 - Law and Philosophy 23 (2):137-185.
    The concept of cheating is ubiquitous in ourmoral lives: It occurs in contexts as varied asbusiness, sports, taxpaying, education,marriage, politics, and the practice of law. Yet despite its seeming importance, it is aconcept that has been almost completely ignoredby moral theorists, usually regarded either asa morally neutral synonym for non-cooperativebehavior, or as a generalized, unreflectiveterm of moral disapprobation. This articleoffers a ``normative reconstruction'''' of theconcept of cheating by showing both whatvarious cases of cheating have in common, (...)
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  23.  19
    Interinstitutional perspectives on contract cheating: a qualitative narrative exploration from Canada.Silvia Rossi, Margaret A. Toye, Nancy Chibry & Sarah Elaine Eaton - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    This paper explores contract cheating from the perspectives of researchers at three post-secondary institutions in Alberta, Canada, describing their efforts to develop and advance awareness of, interventions against, and responses to contract cheating at their respective institutions. Contract cheating is when a third party produces or completes academic work for a student, and the student then presents the work as their own. The student might have personal connections to the third party, or the student might pay a (...)
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  24.  34
    A Systemic Analysis of Cheating in an Undergraduate Engineering Mechanics Course.Tricia Bertram Gallant, Lelli Van Den Einde, Scott Ouellette & Sam Lee - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):277-298.
    Cheating in the undergraduate classroom is not a new problem, and it is recognized as one that is endemic to the education system. This paper examines the highly normative behavior of using unauthorized assistance (e.g., a solutions manual or a friend) on an individual assignment within the context of an upper division undergraduate course in engineering mechanics. The findings indicate that there are varying levels of accepting responsibility among the students (from denial to tempered to full) and that (...)
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  25.  24
    The Causes and Prevention of Commercial Contract Cheating in the Era of Digital Education: A Systematic & Critical Review.Yujun Xu & Wenlong Li - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):303-321.
    This paper provides a systematic and critical review of the existing literature on the phenomenon of ‘commercial contract cheating’ (CCC). Unlike some existing systematic reviews _generally_ on CCC, this paper focuses on the potential causes and suggested preventative measures specifically, intending to develop effective interventions on the basis of empirical insights. We reviewed primary studies with empirical data and systematic reviews focusing on higher education published between 2012 and 2020. A logic model is developed to graphically indicate the (...)
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  26.  85
    Why do students cheat? Perceptions, evaluations, and motivations.Talia Waltzer & Audun Dahl - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (2):130-150.
    Academic cheating, a common and consequential form of dishonesty, has puzzled moral psychologists and educators for decades. The present research examined a new theoretical approach to the perceptions, evaluations, and motivations that shape students’ decisions to cheat. We tested key predictions of this approach by systematically examining students’ accounts of their own cheating. In two studies, we interviewed undergraduates in psychology (n = 68) and engineering (n = 123) classes about their past experiences with plagiarism or other (...). Interviews assessed students’ perceptions of whether they were cheating, their evaluations of whether their actions were okay, and their motivations for doing what they did. Most students did not initially recognize their acts as cheating. While students generally thought cheating was wrong, they often judged the exceptional cases in which they cheated to be acceptable, citing concerns such as assignment goals and task feasibility. The findings suggest that perceptions, evaluations, and competing motivations play a key role in students’ decisions to cheat. (shrink)
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  27.  43
    Social Predictors of Business Student Cheating Behaviour in Chinese Societies.H. Y. Ngo & Anna P. Y. Tsui - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (4):281-296.
    Cheating is a serious issue among business students worldwide. However, research investigating the social factors that may help prevent cheating in Chinese higher education is rare. The present study examined two key social relationship factors of perceived teacher-student relationships and peer relationships by the students. It attempted to build a model which addressed the effects of two variables on Chinese business students’ cheating behaviour: the teacher’s approachability and the relationship goal of the students. Two important social (...)
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  28.  27
    Understanding cheating behaviours: proactive and reactive intentions.Tânia Marques, Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Jorge F. S. Gomes - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):415-429.
    The understanding of a wide array of practices related to fraud, bribery, corruption, and more widely, illicit practices have been capturing the attention of practitioners and management researchers worldwide. A substantial portion of the extant research has used university students to measure their actual or intended cheating behaviours and often studies have tested for variations across countries and cultures. We highlight some major concerns in this stream of inquiry and discuss both the definition and some inconclusive results in prior (...)
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  29. How reputation concerns and Confucian values influence cheating behavior.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Viet-Phuong La & Tam-Tri Le - manuscript
    Cheating is a major problem in society, especially in the educational system. From the viewpoint of subjective cost-benefit analysis, concerns about reputation damage as well as considerations of cultural values against unethical behavior can help increase the perceived costs of cheating. To explore deeper into the psychological processes in such assessments, we employ Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics – an information-processingbased method. Conducting Bayesian analysis on 493 university students from Germany, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan, we found that (...)
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  30.  59
    Assessing the Connection between Students’ Justice Experience and Attitudes Toward Academic Cheating in Higher Education New Learning Environments.Dorit Alt - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (2):113-127.
    The present study is aimed at comprehensively assess tendency to neutralize (justify) academic cheating as a function of individual experience of teachers’ just behavior and new learning environments (NLE), while considering the Belief in a Just World (BJW) as a personal resource that has the potential to enhance those experiences. Data were collected from a sample of 193 second-year undergraduate college students. Path analysis main results showed that students who evaluated their teachers’ behavior toward them personally as just, held (...)
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    To cheat or not to cheat: effects of moral perspective and situational variables on students' attitudes.Jacob Eisenberg - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (2):163-178.
    One hundred and ninety‐six Israeli middle‐school students participated in a study that explored the effects of moral orientation (moral versus conventional)and of three situational variables on attitudes toward two types of cheating in school exams—copying from others (‘active’)and letting others copy (‘passive’). Several vignettes that were comprised of different combinations of the three situational variables—exam importance, supervision level and peers' norms—were used as the main instrument. It was found that a‐morally oriented students approved significantly more of cheating than (...)
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  32.  62
    Do Online Exams Facilitate Cheating? An Experiment Designed to Separate Possible Cheating from the Effect of the Online Test Taking Environment.Alan Fask, Fred Englander & Zhaobo Wang - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (2):101-112.
    Despite recent growth in distance education, there has been relatively little research on whether online examinations facilitate student cheating. The present paper utilizes an experimental design to assess the difference in student performance between students taking a traditional, proctored exam and those taking an online, unproctored exam. This difference in performance is examined in a manner which considers both the effect of the different physical test environments and the possible effect of a difference in the opportunity for students (...)
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  33.  32
    Exam cheating among Quebec’s preservice teachers: the influencing factors.Marie-Hélène Hébert, Eric Frenette & Sylvie Fontaine - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    This article presents the results of a research that aimed to examine the phenomenon of student cheating on exams in faculties of education in Quebec universities. A total of 573 preservice teachers completed an online survey in 2018. The questionnaire consisted of 28 questions with a Likert scale related to individual and contextual factors associated with the propensity to cheat on exams as well as two yes/no items on the arguments for cheating. Descriptive and hierarchical linear regression (...)
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  34. Why is Cheating Wrong?Mathieu Bouville - 2009 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (1):67-76.
    Since cheating is obviously wrong, arguments against it need only be mentioned in passing. But the argument of unfair advantage absurdly takes education to be essentially a race of all against all; moreover, it ignores that many cases of unfair advantages are widely accepted. On the other hand, the fact that cheating can hamper learning does not mean that punishing cheating will necessarily favour learning, so that this argument does not obviously justify sanctioning cheaters.
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  35. Ghosting Inside the Machine: Student Cheating, Online Education and the Omertà of Institutional Liars.Shane J. Ralston - 2021 - In Alison MacKenzie, Jennifer Rose & Ibrar Bhatt, The Epistemology of Deceit in the Postdigital Era: Dupery by Design. Springer. pp. 251-264.
    'Ghosting' or the unethical practice of having someone other than the student registered in the course take the student's exams, complete their assignments and write their essays has become a common method of cheating in today's online higher education learning environment. Internet-based teaching technology and deceit go hand-in-hand because the technology establishes a set of perverse incentives for students to cheat and institutions to either tolerate or encourage this highly unethical form of behavior. For students, cheating becomes (...)
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  36. Is Classroom Cheating Related to Business Students' Propensity to Cheat in the "Real World"?Raef A. Lawson - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (2):189-199.
    Previous studies have reportedstudents' widely held belief that they are moreethical than businessmen. On the other hand,widespread cheating among college students hasbeen reported. This paper examines thisinconsistency between the beliefs of collegestudent regarding the need for ethical behaviorin a business setting and their actions in anacademic setting.The results of this study indicate that whilestudents are generally upset with cheating intheir class, a large proportion of themnonetheless engage in such behavior. It wasfurther found that students have a goodunderstanding of (...)
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    Mindset Matters More than You Think: Investigating Psychological Reasons Behind Online Exam Cheating Behaviors among EFL Learners in Higher Education.Alireza Maleki - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-18.
    Although existing research has explored various aspects of online exam cheating, there is a scarcity of studies with in-depth qualitative phases focusing specifically on psychological reasons for online exam cheating in higher education context. Therefore, the aim of this mixed-methods research is to investigate the psychological reasons behind online exam cheating among Iranian EFL learners in the context of higher education. Qualitative data collection involved focus group discussions, written narrative accounts, and an open-ended questionnaire. A (...)
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    Contract cheating advertisements: what they tell us about international students’ attitudes to academic integrity.Louise Kaktiņš - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (2):268-284.
    At a time when contract cheating advertisements are proliferating both online and offline, an analysis of their format, wording and approach furnishes critical information for educational providers about the attitudes of international students towards academic honesty. This analysis, in company with the available research literature, points to particular concerns regarding international students, especially those who are undertaking business-related degrees. There is much disquiet on the part of universities generally about the failure of such students to engage in the academic (...)
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    Ethical antecedents of cheating intentions: Evidence of mediation.Jeremy J. Sierra & Michael R. Hyman - 2008 - Journal of Academic Ethics 6 (1):51--66.
    Although the pedagogy literature indicates significant relationships between cheating intentions and both personal and situational factors, no published research has examined the joint effect of personal moral philosophy and perceived moral intensity components on students’ cheating intentions. Hence, a structural equation model that relates magnitude of consequences, relativism, and idealism to willingness to cheat, is developed and tested. Using data from undergraduate business students, the empirical results provide insight into these relationships and evidence of mediation for magnitude of (...)
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  40.  21
    Detecting contract cheating in essay and report submissions: process, patterns, clues and conversations.Ann M. Rogerson - 2017 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 13 (1).
    Detecting contract cheating in written submissions can be difficult beyond direct plagiarism detectable via technology. Successfully identifying potential cases of contract cheating in written work such as essays and reports is largely dependent on the experience of assessors and knowledge of student. It is further dependent on their familiarity with the patterns and clues evident in sections of body text and reference materials to identify irregularities. Consequently, some knowledge of what the patterns and clues look like is required. (...)
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    Assessing the Connection between Self-Efficacy for Learning and Justifying Academic Cheating in Higher Education Learning Environments.Dorit Alt - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (1):77-90.
    This study was aimed at formulating a model to examine the potential value of perceived constructivist pedagogical practices in decreasing tendency to neutralize academic cheating through a psychological outcome of academic self-efficacy, in three academic learning settings: new learning environments, traditional face-to-face learning environments and distance learning environments. Data were collected from a sample of 289 undergraduate college students. Path analysis main results showed positive connections between the extent to which constructivist practices are present in the learning settings, as (...)
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    Detecting and prosecuting contract cheating with evidence – a “Doping Test” approach.Pauli Alin - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    Contract cheating – outsourcing student assignments for a fee – presents a growing threat to the integrity of higher education. As contract cheating is based on students purchasing assignments that are original, traditional plagiarism detection tools remain insufficient to detect contract cheating. Part of the problem is that proving contract cheating is difficult. As a result, instructors may find it hard to prosecute students. To help address the problem, this conceptual paper builds upon extant scholarship (...)
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    To Cheat or Not to Cheat?: The Role of Personality in Academic and Business Ethics.Virginia K. Bratton & Connie Strittmatter - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (6):427-444.
    Past research (Lawson, 2004; Nonis & Swift, 2001) has revealed a correlation between academic and business ethics. Using a sample survey, this study extends this inquiry by examining the role of dispositional variables (neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness) and academic honesty on business ethics perceptions. Results indicate that (1) neuroticism and conscientiousness were positively related to more ethical perceptions in a work context, and (2) academic honesty partially mediated the relationship between conscientiousness and business ethics. Implications to business practitioners and educators (...)
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    Contract Cheating in Iran: An Overview of Key Issues and a Call to Action.Azimeh Takrimi, Reza Khojasteh Mehr & Sarah Elaine Eaton - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):323-341.
    In our descriptive exploratory qualitative study, we investigated the issue of contract cheating in Iranian higher education contexts. Through our analysis, we provide insights into measures taken in Iran to prevent contract cheating and mitigate its effects. Our study analyses secondary data including scholarly articles, published media, and the country’s current policies. Results showed that more empirical primary data from which to draw definitive conclusions is needed, and as such, developing an evidence-based body of knowledge about the (...)
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    Academic Cheating in Disliked Classes.Eric M. Anderman & Sungjun Won - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (1):1-22.
    Academic dishonesty occurs at alarming rates in higher education. In the present study, we examined predictors of academic cheating behaviors, and beliefs in the acceptability of cheating, in disliked courses at two large universities, using structural equation modeling. Perceived mastery and extrinsic goal structures were related to beliefs about cheating but not cheating behaviors. Beliefs in the acceptability of cheating were more likely to be endorsed in math and science courses. College students were more (...)
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  46.  49
    Cheating in Exams with Technology.Kevin Curran, Gary Middleton & Ciaran Doherty - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (2):54-62.
    Traditional methods of detection may no longer be wholly successful in fully preventing cheating in examinations. New strategies need to be considered and employed to better manage the advancement of technology use for illegitimate purposes. This paper investigates technology used to cheat in examinations, how such cheats are carried out, and how to prevent such methods of cheating. To show the full extent of the progression of cheating over the years, this report also documents some of the (...)
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    Students at Risk for Being Reported for Cheating.Tricia Bertram Gallant, Nancy Binkin & Michael Donohue - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (3):217-228.
    Student cheating has always been a problem in higher education, but detection of cheating has become easier with technology. As a result, more students are being caught and reported for cheating. While reporting cheating is not a negative, the rippling effects of reported cheating may be felt by some populations more than others. Thus, preventing cheating would be a preferable option for all involved.Identifying those at risk for being reported for cheating is (...)
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    Analysis of the contract cheating market in Czechia.Veronika Králíková & Tomáš Foltýnek - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    Contract cheating is currently one of the most serious academic integrity issues around the globe. Numerous studies have been conducted, mostly in English speaking countries. So far, no such research has been conducted in Czechia, and consequently there have been no specific data available on Czech students’ fraudulent behaviour. For this study, we created a questionnaire to obtain primary data on student usage of essay mills and their self-reported exposure to contract cheating. The questionnaire focused on students and (...)
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    short note on e-cheating and online plagiarism. And possible solutions.Monica Anna Giovanniello - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-7.
    Recent events, by making necessary online classes and exams, are raising plagiarism and cheating practices among students. I offer strategies to deal with both issues at the stake. I argue that institutions and educators should not only focus on how to detect bad practices and punishments, but rather on preventing despicable behaviours through the construction of a more sophisticated educational system.
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    Academic integrity and contract cheating policy analysis of colleges in Ontario, Canada.Emma J. Thacker, Jennifer Miron, Sarah Elaine Eaton & Brenda M. Stoesz - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    In this study, we analyzed the academic integrity policies of colleges in Ontario, Canada, casting a specific lens on contract cheating. We extracted data from 28 individual documents from 22-publicly-funded colleges including policies and procedures (n = 27) and code of conduct (n = 1). We analyzed the characteristics of the documents from three perspectives: (a) document type and titles; (b) policy language; and (c) policy principles. Then we examined five core elements of the documentation including (a) access; (b) (...)
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